188 illustrations of flowers and shrubs including: garlic, gaultheria, gentian, geranium, gerardia, ginger, gladiolus, goldenrod, gooseberry, grape, and groundsel
The common name of gomphrena is globe amaranth. The globosa variety blooms in july. The flowers are…
The flowers of gonocalyx pulcher are a deep bright red or white. The corolla is tube shaped. The leaves…
Of the goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae), the pigweed or lamb's-quarters (Chenopodium album).
Of the goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae), the wormseed or Chenopodium ambrosioides var. anthelminticum.
"Flower of Gordonia pubescens. GORDONIA. A ternstroemiaceous genus, of two species, very ornamental…
Gourd is the common name of curcurbita pepo ovifera. The gourd is small, hard, pear shaped, and inedible.
A flower belonging to the family Asteraceae. The petals are usually purple, lilac, or white, and the…
The barren fronds of this plant are very large and convex, whereas the fertile fronds range between…
A flowering plant belonging to the Stapelia; commonly called a carrion perennial.
A large-fronded fern with straw-colored leaves. It is commonly found in tropical America.
The flowers of grape hyacinth are pale blue and odorless. The flowering stem is six to nine inches long.
Vitis vinifera (Common Grape Vine) is a species of Vitis, native to the Mediterranean region, central…
"Acorus calamus. A, spadix; B, a single flower, enlarged; C, diagram of flower, enlarged." -Bergen,…
"Timothy Grass is a hard coarse grass with cylindrical spikes from 2 to 6 inches long. It is used mixed…
"Tussock Grass is a large grass, same genus with the cock's-foot grass of the United States; native…
Leaves small, mostly under 3cm long; usually with black dots visible with a lens covering them.
"Greasewood (Sarcobatus vermiculatus). 1, with female flowers; 2, branch with fruits; a, a female flower;…
The flowers of greigia sphacelata are rose colored and overlap each other. The flowers grow in dense…
The flowers of grevillea robusta are orange. The leaves are smooth on top and hoary beneath. The shrub…
The Spider-Net Grevillea is a small shrub in the Proteaceae. "Flowering Branch of Grevillea Thelemanniana."…
The flowers of griffinia blumenavia are white streaked with pale rose. The umbel has six to eight flowers.…
The flowers of griffinia hyacinthia have blue upper segments at the top and are white towards the base.…
Of the Nightshade family (Solanaceae), the leaf and flower of the Virginia ground cherry (Physalis virginiana).
Ground Ivy (Glecoma hederacea) is a common European labiate hedgerow plant, with trailing stems, kidney-shaped,…
Ground ivy, gill-over-the-ground, and field balm are all common names of nepeta hederacea. Pictured…