This human anatomy ClipArt gallery offers 240 illustrations of the human digestive system. This includes views of the gastrointestinal tract and organs involved in the breakdown and absorption of food. Included in this category are the oral cavity, salivary glands, stomach, esophagus, intestines, colon, and gallbladder.
"The inner coat of the stomach has its surface honeycombed with millions of little pits. We have all…
Deeper portion of gastric glands from fundus, showing two varieties of lining cells and secretion capillaries…
Gastric glands are often branched at the bottom end. Labels: a, the peptic cells; b, the inert cells.
A thin section through the gastric mucous membrane which lines the stomach, perpendicular to its surface,…
"Diagram to show the working parts of a gland. v and a are blood tubes with thin-walled branches around…
The glands or crypts of Lieberkuhn are simple tubular depressions of the intestinal mucous membrane,…
Forms of glands. Labels: A, a simple secreting surface; a, its epithelium; b, basement membrane; c,…
Forms of glands. Labels: A, a simple secreting surface; a, its epithelium; b, basement membrane; c,…
Diagram showing various forms of secreting glands. Labels: 1, general plan of a secreating membrane;…
Sagittal section through mouth, tongue, larynx, pharynx, and nasal cavity. The section was slightly…
The ileo-caecal valve, where the small intestine joins the large. Labels: a, ileum; b, ascending colon;…
Three forms of ileocaecal valve, from bodies hardened by intravascular injections of formalin.
Diagrammatic Section through the junction of the ileum with caecum, to show the formation of the ileocaecal…
The mucous membrane of the ileum. Labels: 1, cellular structure of the epithelium, or outer layer; 2,…
A, the natural position of the internal organs. B, when deformed by tight lacing. The liver and stomach…
"A, a fold of peritoneum; B, lacteals and lymphatic glands; C, veins of intestines;…
Two diagrams to illustrate the development of the intestinal canal. The figure to the right shows the…
An intestinal villus. They are little projections of the mucous membrane, covered with epithelium, and…
"A tiny block cut from the wall of the intestine showing villi and the mouths of glands at a; b, villus…
A portion of the intestine, with mesentery and vessels. The peritoneal coat has been removed from the…
Large intestine, A piece of transverse colon from a child two years old. The three chief characteristics…
A piece of transverse colon from a child two years old. The three chief characteristics of the large…
Segment of large intestine showing the characteristic feature of its structure.
Diagram to show the structure of the small and large intestine and duodenum.
Transverse section of small intestine (lower part of duodenum), showing general arrangement of coats.
Transverse section of the wall of the large intestine.
The Intestines. 1: Begining of Duodenum; 2: Small inestine; 3: Large intestine; 4: Rectum.
Showing the connection of the small intestine to the thoracic duct by the lacteals lying in the mesentery.…
The large dlangular organ situated in the upper abdominal cavity of vertebrates, whose function is to…
Section through the lymphoid tissue of a solitary gland. Labels: a, center of the gland, with the lymphoid…
Two diagrams to illustrate the development of the mesenteries. In the first figure the rotation of the…
"The mouth, nose and pharynx, with the commencement of the gullet and larynx, as exposed by a section,…
Horizontal section through mouth and pharynx at the level of the tonsils.
Section across anterior part of floor of mouth, showing relations of sublingual glands to mucous membrane…
Antero-inferior surface of the soft palate. The tongue has been removed, so that the pharyngeal isthmus…
Coronal section through the closed mouth. The slit liked character of the vestibule, the manner which…
Interior of the mouth. Labels: 1, soft palate; 2, its median ridge; 3, uvula; 4, anterior, 5, posterior…
Section of a mucous gland from the tongue. Labels: A, opening of the duct on the free surface; C, basement…
The mucous membrane from the jejunum. Labels: 1, Villi (folds of lining mucous membrane) in miniature.…