A hawfinch head.


A hawfinch head.

The body is somewhat flattened, and the sides of the abdomen are strongly recurved. The head long, narrow, and cylindrical, and thickened behind the eyes.

Blood Sucking Conenose

The body is somewhat flattened, and the sides of the abdomen are strongly recurved. The head long, narrow,…

The back of a roman coin.

Roman Coin

The back of a roman coin.

A woman spinning.


A woman spinning.

"Bring the two ends of the wire into contact, and thus close the circuit. The needle instantly flies around as though it was trying to place itself at right angles to the wire. Break the circuit, and the needle swings back to its north and south position. Twist the wires together, and bend the conductor into a loop so that the current passes above the needle in one direction and beneath the needle in the other direction. The deflection of the needle will be greater than before." — Avery, 1895

Needle, compass

"Bring the two ends of the wire into contact, and thus close the circuit. The needle instantly flies…

"Just as a head of water supplies a hydraulic pressure that causes the liquid to flow through a pipe in spite of friction, so there is an electrical pressure that forces a current through a conductor in spite of its resistance. The unit of electrical pressure is called the volt." — Avery, 1895

Voltaic cell

"Just as a head of water supplies a hydraulic pressure that causes the liquid to flow through a pipe…

"The transmitter is a microphone adapted for the transmission of telephone messages and, in general practice, is so used, better results being thus secured than is possible when the transmitter and receiver are identical. In the Blake transmitter, a diagram is supported back of a mouthpiece, as in the Bell telephone."

Blake transmitter

"The transmitter is a microphone adapted for the transmission of telephone messages and, in general…

An Egyptian King's Head.

King's Head

An Egyptian King's Head.

Egyptian head of Isis.

Head of Isis

Egyptian head of Isis.

Ditcar the Monk Recognizing the Head of Morvan.


Ditcar the Monk Recognizing the Head of Morvan.

A fisherman with a coracle boat on his back.


A fisherman with a coracle boat on his back.

"The carrioles are little carts not unlike our American sulkies, save that each carriole has a seat behind for the boy or girl whom the owner sends along to bring it back home." —Carpenter, 1902

Carriole and Pony

"The carrioles are little carts not unlike our American sulkies, save that each carriole has a seat…

"Is that a man's cub?" said Mother wolf. "Bring it here," Father wolf's jaws closed on the child's back. Not a tooth, even, scratched the skin. Father wolf could mouth an egg without breaking it.

Mowgli's Brothers

"Is that a man's cub?" said Mother wolf. "Bring it here," Father wolf's jaws closed on the child's back.…

"They carry everything on their heads." —Carpenter, 1902

Natives of Paraguay

"They carry everything on their heads." —Carpenter, 1902

"He is a kingfisher, with a head as big as his body but a voice that is many times bigger than both body and head." —Carpenter, 1902


"He is a kingfisher, with a head as big as his body but a voice that is many times bigger than both…

"Now Argus had a hundred eyes in his head, and never went to sleep with more than two at a time, so he kept watch of Io constantly." —Bulfinch, 1897


"Now Argus had a hundred eyes in his head, and never went to sleep with more than two at a time, so…

"Mercury made haste, put his winged slippers on his feet, and cap on his head, took his sleep-producing want, and leaped down from the heavenly towers to the earth." —Bulfinch, 1897

Mercury (Hermes)

"Mercury made haste, put his winged slippers on his feet, and cap on his head, took his sleep-producing…

There was an old person of Dover, who rushed through a field of blue clover; But some very large bees stung his nose and his knees, so he very soon went back to Dover.

Edward Lear's Rhymes

There was an old person of Dover, who rushed through a field of blue clover; But some very large bees…

A rodent of South America. Its head is large and depressed, its neck short and stout, its limbs short, its tail long and round. Swims with great ease. Grows up to two and a half feet in length.


A rodent of South America. Its head is large and depressed, its neck short and stout, its limbs short,…

A human skull viewed from the top.


A human skull viewed from the top.

A scene from the nursery rhyme, <em>The Nonsense of Edward Lear</em>. There was a young lady of Dorking, who bought a large bonnet for walking; But its colour and size so bedazzled her eyes, that she very soon went back to Dorking.

Edward Lear

A scene from the nursery rhyme, The Nonsense of Edward Lear. There was a young lady of Dorking,…

A kind of surf fish. Usually silver&mdashgray on the back and sides.


A kind of surf fish. Usually silver&mdashgray on the back and sides.

"The Umbrella Bird is a native of Peru. It is about the size of a crow, with deep black plumage; the head is adorned with a large spreading crest, which arises from a contractile skin, and capable of being erected at will; the shafts of the crest-feathers are white, and the plumes glossy blue, hair-like and curved outward at the tips. When the crest is laid back the shafts form a compact white mass, sloping up from the back of the head; when it is erected the shafts radiate on all sides from the top of the head, reaching in front beyond and below the beak, which is thus completely concealed from view. A long cylindrical plume hangs down from the middle of the neck; the feathers of the plume lap over each other like scales, and are bordered with metallic blue. Umbrella birds associate in small flocks, and live almost entirely upon fruits. Their cry, which resembles the lowing of a cow, is most frequently heard just before sunrise and after sunset."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"The Umbrella Bird is a native of Peru. It is about the size of a crow, with deep black plumage; the…

A scene from the nursery rhyme, <em>How A Baby Bear Rides "Piggy-Back"</em>.

Baby Bear

A scene from the nursery rhyme, How A Baby Bear Rides "Piggy-Back".

Gulls are in general medium to large birds, typically grey or white, often with black markings on the head or wings. They have stout, longish bills and webbed feet.


Gulls are in general medium to large birds, typically grey or white, often with black markings on the…

Petrels have a fossil record that extends back at least 60 million years, it is among the oldest bird groupings. They are characterised by a united nostrils with medium septum, and a long outer functional primary. It is dominant in the Southern Oceans, but not so in the Northern Hemisphere.


Petrels have a fossil record that extends back at least 60 million years, it is among the oldest bird…

The Frilled Lizard is so called because of the large ruff of skin which usually lies folded back against its head and neck. The frill is supported by long spines of cartilige, and when the lizard is frightened, it gapes its mouth showing a bright pink or yellow lining, and the frill flares out, displaying bright orange and red scales.

Frilled Lizard

The Frilled Lizard is so called because of the large ruff of skin which usually lies folded back against…

Two glands having the function of secreting urine from the system, situated at the back of the abdominal cavity, one on each side of the vertebral column.


Two glands having the function of secreting urine from the system, situated at the back of the abdominal…

A class of small insects or beetles found commonly on plants and trees. They are noted for their various colors, such as yellow, red, and black and white variegated. The body is spherical, flat at the lower surface, and legs and head are small.


A class of small insects or beetles found commonly on plants and trees. They are noted for their various…

"These monsters were represented as men from the head to the loins, while the remainder of the body was that of a horse." &mdash;Bulfinch, 1897


"These monsters were represented as men from the head to the loins, while the remainder of the body…

"The griffin is a monster with the body of a lion, the head and wings of an eagle, and back covered with feathers." &mdash;Bulfinch, 1897


"The griffin is a monster with the body of a lion, the head and wings of an eagle, and back covered…

"Hercules descended into Hades, accompanied by Mercury and Minerva. He obtained permission from Pluto to carry Cerberus to the upper air provided he could do it without the use of weapons; and in spite of the monster's struggling, he seized him, held him fast, and carried him to Eurystheus, and afterward brought him back again." &mdash;Bulfinch, 1897

Hercules and Cerberus

"Hercules descended into Hades, accompanied by Mercury and Minerva. He obtained permission from Pluto…

"The extensor muscles on the back of the forearm. Note the tendons at the wrist." &mdash;Davison, 1910

Muscles of the forearm

"The extensor muscles on the back of the forearm. Note the tendons at the wrist." —Davison, 1910

"Some nerves of the face." —Davison, 1910

Nerves of the Face

"Some nerves of the face." —Davison, 1910

A rodent quadruped found in the northern parts of America and Eurasia, particularly in Norway and Sweden. There are several species. They are allied to the rat and mouse, mostly bownish-black in color, body heavy-set, limbs short, and head large.


A rodent quadruped found in the northern parts of America and Eurasia, particularly in Norway and Sweden.…

Leopards range in size from 1 to almost 2 metres long, and weigh between 30 and 70 kg. Most leopards are light tan or fawn with black spots, but their coat color is highly variable. The spots tend to be smaller on the head, larger and have pale ventres on the body.


Leopards range in size from 1 to almost 2 metres long, and weigh between 30 and 70 kg. Most leopards…

A species of sea-fish found in the northern seas as far north as Iceland. It is allied to the cod family. The body measures from three to four feet in length, has grayish sides and back, and the head is flat. The ling is very valuable as an article of commerce.


A species of sea-fish found in the northern seas as far north as Iceland. It is allied to the cod family.…

Interior of the ear. There is external to the head a wide-mouthed tube, or ear-trumpet (a), for catching and concentrating the waves of sound. It is movable in many beings, so that they can direct it to the place from which the sound comes. The sound concentrated at the bottom of the ear-tube falls upon a membrane stretched across the channel, like the parchment of an ordinary drum, over the space called the <em>tympanum</em>, or <em>drum of the ear</em> (b), and causes the membrane to vibrate. That its motion may be free, the air contained within the drum has free communication with the external air by the open passage (f), called the <em>eustachian tube</em>, leading to the back of the mouth. A degree of deafness ensues when this tube is obstructed, as in a cold; and a crack, or sudden noise, with immediate return of natural hearing, is, generally experienced when, in the effort of sneezing or otherwise, the obstruction is removed. The vibrations of the membrane of the drum are conveyed further inwards, through the cavity of the drum, by a chain of four bones (not here represented on account of their minuteness), reaching from the centre of the membrane to the <em>oval door</em> or <em>window</em>, leading into the labyrinth (e). The labyrinth, or complex inner compartment of the ear, over which the nerve of hearing is spread as a lining, is full of watery fluid; and, therefore, by the law of fluid pressure, when the force of the moving membrane of the drum, acting through the chain of bones, is made to compress the water, the pressure is felt instantly over the whole cavity. The labyrinth consists of the <em>vestibule</em> (e), the three <em>semicircular canals</em> (c), imbedded in the hard bone, and a winding cavity, called the <em>cochlea</em> (d), like that of a snail-shell, in which fibres, stretched across like harp-strings, constitute the <em>lyra</em>.


Interior of the ear. There is external to the head a wide-mouthed tube, or ear-trumpet (a), for catching…

Skeleton of the cow. 1: Frontal bone of the head. 2: Upper jaw, superior maxillary. 3: Lower jaw, inferior maxillary. 4: Cervical vertebrae. 5: Dorsal vertebrae. 6: Lumbar vertebrae. 7: Sacral vertebrae. 8: Caudal vertebrae. 9: Scapula. 10: Humerus 11: Radius and ulna. 12: Carpus. 13: Metacarpus. 14: Phalanges (toes). 15: Femur. 16: Tibia. 17: Tarsus. 18: Metatarsus. 19: Phalanges.

Cow Skeleton

Skeleton of the cow. 1: Frontal bone of the head. 2: Upper jaw, superior maxillary. 3: Lower jaw, inferior…

Skeleton of a bird. 1: The head. 2: Cervical Vertebrae. 3: Dorsal and lumbar vertebrae. 4: Scapula. 5: Clavicle. 6: Coracoid bone. 7: Sternum. 8: Humerus. 9: Radius. 10: Ulna. 11: Carpus. 12: Metacarpus. 13: Phalanges (fingers). 14: Femur. 15: Tibia. 16: Fibula. 17: Tarsus. 18: Metatarsus. 19: Phalanges (toes).

Bird Skeleton

Skeleton of a bird. 1: The head. 2: Cervical Vertebrae. 3: Dorsal and lumbar vertebrae. 4: Scapula.…

Diagram of the external structure of an insect. 1: The head carrying the eyes and antennae. 2: First segment of the thorax with the first pair of legs. 3: The second segment of the thorax with the second pair of legs and the first pair of wings. 4: The third segment of the thorax with the third pair of legs and the second pair of wings. 5: Abdomen without legs.


Diagram of the external structure of an insect. 1: The head carrying the eyes and antennae. 2: First…

The head of a Robin.


The head of a Robin.

The head of a Thrush.


The head of a Thrush.

The head of a Wood Thrush.

Wood Thrush

The head of a Wood Thrush.

The head of a Cat-Bird.


The head of a Cat-Bird.

The head of a Thrasher.


The head of a Thrasher.

The head of a Bluebird.


The head of a Bluebird.

The head of a Tufted Titmouse.

Tufted Titmouse

The head of a Tufted Titmouse.

The head of a White-Bellied Nuthatch.

White-Bellied Nuthatch

The head of a White-Bellied Nuthatch.

The head of a Red-Bellied Nuthatch.

Red-Bellied Nuthatch

The head of a Red-Bellied Nuthatch.

The head of a Long-Billed Marsh Wren.


The head of a Long-Billed Marsh Wren.

The head of a Short-Billed Marsh Wren.


The head of a Short-Billed Marsh Wren.

The head of a Shore Lark.


The head of a Shore Lark.

The head of a Worm-Eating Warbler.


The head of a Worm-Eating Warbler.

The head of a Blue Golden-Winged Warbler.


The head of a Blue Golden-Winged Warbler.

The head of a Yellow-Rumped Warbler.


The head of a Yellow-Rumped Warbler.

The head of a Black-Poll Warbler.


The head of a Black-Poll Warbler.

The head of a Chestnut-Sided Warbler.


The head of a Chestnut-Sided Warbler.

The head of a Black and Yellow Warbler.

Black-and-Yellow Warbler

The head of a Black and Yellow Warbler.

The head of a Golden-Crowned Accentor


The head of a Golden-Crowned Accentor