General view of the human skeleton.


General view of the human skeleton.

The short-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus hippocampus) is a species of fish of the Syngnathidae family.

Short-Snouted Seahorse

The short-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus hippocampus) is a species of fish of the Syngnathidae family.

An adult male riding away from soldiers on a horse.

Man Riding a Horse

An adult male riding away from soldiers on a horse.

"The <em>Porpitae</em> consist of colonies of floating animals furnished with a cartilaginous, horizontal and rounded skeleton, but they are destitute of crest or veil."

Porpita Pacifica

"The Porpitae consist of colonies of floating animals furnished with a cartilaginous, horizontal…

A sled, sleigh, sledge is a vehicle used for transportation on surfaces with low friction, usually snow or ice.

Winter Sleigh

A sled, sleigh, sledge is a vehicle used for transportation on surfaces with low friction, usually snow…

A group of men resting against a fence watching the Greenville horse races.

Men Watching Horse Races

A group of men resting against a fence watching the Greenville horse races.

An illustration of an adult male sitting upon a mule.

Man on Horse

An illustration of an adult male sitting upon a mule.

An illustration of Horse Shoe and Birmingham Falls.


An illustration of Horse Shoe and Birmingham Falls.

This firemen's ambulance was used during 1861-1865.

Philadelphia's Firemen's Ambulance

This firemen's ambulance was used during 1861-1865.

A group of Roman soldiers heading into battle.

Roman Soldiers

A group of Roman soldiers heading into battle.

This image depicts Spanish gypsies walking in a field with a horse and a bear.


This image depicts Spanish gypsies walking in a field with a horse and a bear.

An illustration of a stagecoach going through a town.


An illustration of a stagecoach going through a town.

An illustration of a young boy driving a horse drawn buggy with two other children riding.

Boy and Buggy

An illustration of a young boy driving a horse drawn buggy with two other children riding.

An illustration of a barn filled with animals, including: cows, a rooster, a horse, lambs, and birds.

Barn Full of Animals

An illustration of a barn filled with animals, including: cows, a rooster, a horse, lambs, and birds.

An illustration of a horse.


An illustration of a horse.

An illustration of a double buggy. Referred to as a double buggy because the buggy has two separate seats.

Double Buggy

An illustration of a double buggy. Referred to as a double buggy because the buggy has two separate…

The Battle of Agincourt was an English victory against a larger French army in the Hundred Years' War. The battle occurred on Friday 25 October 1415 (Saint Crispin's Day), in northern France. Henry V's victory started a new period in the war, in which he came very close to capturing the throne of France for himself and his heirs.

Battle of Azincourt

The Battle of Agincourt was an English victory against a larger French army in the Hundred Years' War.…

An illustration of a covered buggy pulled by a single horse.

Horse and Buggy

An illustration of a covered buggy pulled by a single horse.

An elephant chasing and attacking a horse-drawn carriage.

Elephant and Carriage

An elephant chasing and attacking a horse-drawn carriage.

The Irish form of the sprung cart, called a jaunting car or jaunty car, was a light, horse-drawn, two-wheeled open vehicle with seats placed lengthwise, either face to face or back to back. It was a popular mode of transportation in 19th Century Dublin popularized by Valentine Vousden in a song by that name. Also called an outside car or sidecar, it was peculiar in that its seats ran longitudinally and the passengers' feet were placed on a footboard outboard of the wheels.

Jaunting Car

The Irish form of the sprung cart, called a jaunting car or jaunty car, was a light, horse-drawn, two-wheeled…

An illustration of the Punch and Judy Show, where Punch is riding his steed.

Punch on His Steed

An illustration of the Punch and Judy Show, where Punch is riding his steed.

An illustration of a horse-drawn street car. The first passenger services in the world were started by the Oystermouth Railway in Wales, using specially designed carriages on an existing tram line built for horse-drawn freight dandies. Fare-paying passengers were carried on a line between Oystermouth, Mumbles and Swansea docks from 1807. Other forms of public transit developed out of the early omnibus that first ran on public streets in the 1820s. These were local versions of the stagecoach lines, and picked up and dropped off passengers on a regular route, without the need to be pre-hired. Horsecars on tram lines were an improvement over the omnibus as the low rolling resistance of metal wheels on iron or steel rails, (usually grooved from 1852 on), allowed the animals to haul a greater load for a given effort than the omnibus. The horse-drawn streetcar combined the low cost, flexibility, and safety of animal power with the efficiency, smoothness, and all-weather capability of a rail right-of-way.

Street Car

An illustration of a horse-drawn street car. The first passenger services in the world were started…

An illustration of a man riding a horse toward a windmill with a makeshift javelin, a play on Don Quixote.

Man and Horse

An illustration of a man riding a horse toward a windmill with a makeshift javelin, a play on Don Quixote.

An illustration of a man riding a horse.

Man on Horse

An illustration of a man riding a horse.

An illustration of a group of men and woman sleeping sitting on horses.

Group on Horseback

An illustration of a group of men and woman sleeping sitting on horses.

An illustration of a group of men and woman riding on horseback.

Group on Horseback

An illustration of a group of men and woman riding on horseback.

An illustration of a group of men riding on horses.

Men on Horseback

An illustration of a group of men riding on horses.

An illustration of a man sitting atop a horse.

Man on Horse

An illustration of a man sitting atop a horse.

An illustration of three men riding horses in the countryside.

Three Men Riding Horses

An illustration of three men riding horses in the countryside.

This pile driver is powered by a horse. The horse will pull a cord that raises the weight. When the weight reaches the top of the device, it is released. After being released it will fall a distance before striking an object below with great force causing it to pressed into the ground.

Pile Driver

This pile driver is powered by a horse. The horse will pull a cord that raises the weight. When the…

"Modes of travel in the West. An old stage-coach and prairie schooner." -Gordy, 1916

Stagecoach and Prairie Schooner

"Modes of travel in the West. An old stage-coach and prairie schooner." -Gordy, 1916

The inauguration of President William McKinley led by the Black Horse Cavalry down Pennsylvania Avenue.

Inauguration of William McKinley

The inauguration of President William McKinley led by the Black Horse Cavalry down Pennsylvania Avenue.

"Transportation in a large city, showing elevated road, surface line, and subway." -Gordy, 1916

City Transportation

"Transportation in a large city, showing elevated road, surface line, and subway." -Gordy, 1916

A portion of Thomas Jefferson's gig, a cart or chair pulled by a horse.

Part of Jefferson's Gig

A portion of Thomas Jefferson's gig, a cart or chair pulled by a horse.

An illustration of a woman sitting on a horse holding an umbrella.

Woman on Horse

An illustration of a woman sitting on a horse holding an umbrella.

An illustration of two men racing on horseback.

Horse Racing

An illustration of two men racing on horseback.

Henry Lee III (January 29, 1756–March 25, 1818) was an early American patriot who served as the Governor of Virginia and as the Virginia Representative to the United States Congress. During the American Revolution, Lee served as a cavalry officer in the Continental Army and earned the name Light Horse Harry.

Henry Lee

Henry Lee III (January 29, 1756–March 25, 1818) was an early American patriot who served as the Governor…

James Longstreet (January 8, 1821 &ndash; January 2, 1904) was one of the foremost Confederate generals of the American Civil War and the principal subordinate to General Robert E. Lee, who called him his "Old War Horse."

James Longstreet

James Longstreet (January 8, 1821 – January 2, 1904) was one of the foremost Confederate generals…

A wood-saw hanging on a sawhorse, which is a legged beam to support a piece of wood while sawing.


A wood-saw hanging on a sawhorse, which is a legged beam to support a piece of wood while sawing.

The Atlantic Horse Mackerel or Scad (Trachurus trachurus) is a species of mackerel in the Carangidae family.

Atlantic Horse Mackerel

The Atlantic Horse Mackerel or Scad (Trachurus trachurus) is a species of mackerel in the Carangidae…

The bat genus Nyctalus (Noctule bats) are Evening bats. They are distributed in the temperate and subtropical areas of Europe, Asia and North Africa.

Skeleton and Wing Membranes of the Noctule Bat

The bat genus Nyctalus (Noctule bats) are Evening bats. They are distributed in the temperate and subtropical…

"Palmar aspect of left fore foot of a black bear (Ursus americanus). scl, scapholunar; c, cuneiform; p, pisiform; tr, trapezium; t, trapezoid; m, magnum; u, unciform. The phalanges show a full series of sesamoid bones (unmarked)." -Whitney, 1911

Bear Foot

"Palmar aspect of left fore foot of a black bear (Ursus americanus). scl, scapholunar; c, cuneiform;…

"Right shoulder-girdle or scapular arch of fowl, showing hp, the hypoclidium; f, furculum; Co, coracoid; Sc, scapula; gl, glenoid." -Whitney, 1911

Bird Scapula

"Right shoulder-girdle or scapular arch of fowl, showing hp, the hypoclidium; f, furculum; Co, coracoid;…

"Pectoral arch and fore limb of the pike (Esox lucius), an osseous fish, showing scapulocoracoid, composed of Scp, scapula or hypercoracoid; c, posterior end of the outer margin of the scapulocoracoid; b, b, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, five fin-rays or radialia; a, actinosts or basalia." -Whitney, 1911

Pike Scapulocoracoid

"Pectoral arch and fore limb of the pike (Esox lucius), an osseous fish, showing scapulocoracoid, composed…

An illustration of part of a stock of precious coral (red coral). Precious coral or red coral is the common name given to Corallium rubrum and several related species of marine coral. The distinguishing characteristic of precious corals is their durable and intensely colored red or pink skeleton, which is used for making jewelry.

Precious Coral

An illustration of part of a stock of precious coral (red coral). Precious coral or red coral is the…

The coach that belonged to the first President of the United States, George Washington. A coach was originally a large, usually closed, four-wheeled carriage with two or more horses harnessed as a team, controlled by a coachman and/or one or more postilions. It had doors in the sides, with generally a front and a back seat inside and, for the driver, a small, usually elevated seat in front called a box, box seat or coach box.

Washington's Coach

The coach that belonged to the first President of the United States, George Washington. A coach was…

Section through the gill arch and plates of a bony fish. Labels: b, gill plates with capillaries; c, afferent vessels with venous blood; d, efferent vessel with arterial blood; a, skeleton of arch.

Gill Arch and Plates

Section through the gill arch and plates of a bony fish. Labels: b, gill plates with capillaries; c,…

The skeleton of a horse. Axial Skeleton. The Skull. Cranial Bones: a, occipital, 1; b, wormian, 1; c, parietal, 2; d, frontal, 2; e, temporal, 2; sphenoid, 1; ethmoid, 1; auditory ossicles, 8. Facial bones: h, nasal, 2; g, lachrymal, 2; f, malar, 2; i, superior maxilla, 2; k, premaxila, 2; palatine, 2; pterygoid, 2; vomer, 1; tubinals, 4; l, inferior maxilla; 1; hyoid (segments), 5. Teeth: m, incisors, 12; n, canines, 4; o, molars, 24. The trunk: p-v, cervical vertebrae, 7; w, dorsal vertebrae, 18; x, lumbar vertebrae, 6; y, sacrum, 1; z, coccygeal vertebrae (variable), 18, d, d, ribs, 36; sternum (6-7 sternebrae), 7; *,coastal cartilages. Appendicular Skeleton. Pectoral Limb: e', scapula, 2; f', humerus, 2; g', radius, 2; h', ulna, 2. Carpus-i', trapesium, 2; k', cuneiform, 2; l', lunar, 2; m', scaphoid, 2; n', unciform, 2; o', magnum, 2; p', trapezoid, 2; q', pisiform, 2. Metacarpus-r', large bone, 2; s', small bone, 4. Digits- u', proximal phalanges, 2; v, median phalanges; w', distil phalanges, 2; t', large sesamoids, 4; small sesamoids, 2. Pelvic Limbs: Pelvis- b', ilium, 2; d' ischium, 2; c', pubis, 2. The limb- y', femur, 2; z', patella, 2; a', tibia, 2; b', fibula, 2. Tarsus- c', calcaneum, 2; d', astragalus, 2; e'. cuboid, 2; f', cuneiforme magnum, 2; g', cuneiforme medium, 2; h", cuneiforme parvum, 2. Metatarsus: large bone, 2; small bone, 4. Digit: proximal phalanges, 2; median phalanges, 2; distal phalanges, 2; large sesamoids, 4; small sesamoids, 2.

Skeleton of a Horse

The skeleton of a horse. Axial Skeleton. The Skull. Cranial Bones: a, occipital, 1; b, wormian, 1; c,…

The skeleton of a horse. Showing its relation to the contour of the animal, viewed laterally. Labels: A, temporal fossa; B, inferior maxilla; C, atlas; D, dentata; E, cervical vertebrae; F, dorsal vertebrae; G, lumbar vertebrae; H, sacral vertebrae; I, coccygeal vertebrae; J, scapula; K, humerus; L, radius; L, ulna; M, carpus; N, trapezium; O, metacarpus; P, b. os suffraginis; Q, c. sesamoids; R, d. os coronae; S, e. os pedis; T, ribs; U., ilum; V, femur; X, patella; Y, tibia; y., Fibula; Z, tarsus; a, metatarsus; f, ligamentum nuchae, funicular portion; f' lamellar portion; 1, zygoma; 2, orbital fossa; 3, nasal peak; 4, incisor teeth; 4', canine teeth; 5, molar teeth; 6, external humeral trochanter; 7, scapular fossae; 8, coracoid apophysis; 9, cartilage of prolongation; 10, deltoid ridge, and external tuberosity; 11, olecranon; 12, costal cartilage; 13, anterior iliac spine; 14, ischium; 15, trochanter major; 16, trochanter minor; 18, anterior tibial tuberosity; 19, calcaneum; 20, small metacarpal and metatarsal or splint bones.

Skeleton of a Horse

The skeleton of a horse. Showing its relation to the contour of the animal, viewed laterally. Labels:…

Diagrammatic transverse section from the skeleton of a mammalian thorax, showing the chief features of a perfect vertebral segment. 1, neural spine; 2, lamina (neurapophysis); 3, [edicle; 4, neural arch; 5, centrum; 6, inferior spine (hypapophysis); 7, haemal arch; 8, rib (pleurapophysis); 9, costal cartilage (haemapophysis); 10, sternebra; 11, haemal spine.

Diagram of Mammilian Thorax

Diagrammatic transverse section from the skeleton of a mammalian thorax, showing the chief features…

Right lateral view of the cervical portion of the vertebral column of a horse. 1 to 7, the seven segments; 1, the atlas-a, its wing-S, internal foramen of alar gutter-9, posterior foramen of wing; 2, the dentata-11, neural spine; 12, transverse process; 13, centrum; 14, foramen corresponding to intervertebral foramen; 10, atlo-axoid space; the odontoid process is seen below the figures; 15, zygapophyses, or olbique processes; 16, centra, or bodies, in situ- 17, hypapophyses, or inferior processes-b, transverse processes-c, trifid transverse process of sixth vertebra-d, transverse process of seventh.

Horse Vertebral Column

Right lateral view of the cervical portion of the vertebral column of a horse. 1 to 7, the seven segments;…

Right lateral view of a cervical vertebra of a horse. Labels: 1, neural spine; 2, anterior oblique processes; 3, posterior oblique processes; 5, convex anterior end, and 9, concave posterior end of the centrum; 6, anterior ends of transverse processes; and 7, posterior end of right one; 8, inferior process, or hypapophsis.

Cervical Vertebra of a Horse

Right lateral view of a cervical vertebra of a horse. Labels: 1, neural spine; 2, anterior oblique processes;…

"Schizognathous skull of common fowl. pmx, premaxilla; mxp, maxillopalatine; mx, maxilla; pl, palatine; pt, pterygoid; vo, vomer." -Whitney, 1911

Bird Skull

"Schizognathous skull of common fowl. pmx, premaxilla; mxp, maxillopalatine; mx, maxilla; pl, palatine;…

"Schizorhinal skull of curlew (top view), showing the long cleft, a, between upper and lower forks of each nasal bone." -Whitney, 1911

Curlew Skull

"Schizorhinal skull of curlew (top view), showing the long cleft, a, between upper and lower forks of…

An elegant horse-drawn carriage with its retinue of servants is an equipage.

The President's Equipage

An elegant horse-drawn carriage with its retinue of servants is an equipage.

The skull of a horse seen from above. Labels: I, occipital lobe; II, parietal bone; III, squamosal bone; IV, frontal bone; V, nasal bone; VI, lachrymal bone; VII, malarbone; VIII, superior maxilla; IX, premaxilla; a, occipital crest; b, parietal crest; c, orbital process; d, supraorbital foramen.

Horse Skull Seen from Above

The skull of a horse seen from above. Labels: I, occipital lobe; II, parietal bone; III, squamosal bone;…

Inferior aspect of horse's skull, the mandible being removed. Above the line A is the posterior region or base between A and B the middle, and below B the anterior or nasal region. Labels: a, occipital condyle; B, foramen magnum; c, styloid process; d, temporal articular surface; e, basioccipital bone; f, basispenoid bone; i, temporal articular surface; k, condyloid foramen; k', condyloid notch; l, foramen lacerum basis cranii; m, pterygoid foramen; n, palatine suture; o, palatine foramen; p, molar teeth; q, incisive opening; r, foramen incisivum.

Inferior Aspect of Horse Skull

Inferior aspect of horse's skull, the mandible being removed. Above the line A is the posterior region…

Lateral aspect of horse's skull. Labels: 1, occipital bone; 2, parietal bone; 3, frontal bone; 9, nasal bone; 11, nasal peak; 10, premaxilla; 8, superior maxilla; 6, lachrymal bone; 7, malar bone; 5, zygomatic process of the squamosal bone; 4, petrosal bone; e, its external meatus; 12, inferior maxilla; h, coronoid process f inferior maxilla occupying the temporal fossa; k, temporomaxillary articulation; l, molar teeth.

Lateral Aspect of Horse Skull

Lateral aspect of horse's skull. Labels: 1, occipital bone; 2, parietal bone; 3, frontal bone; 9, nasal…

Longitudinal section of a horse's skull. Labels: 1, supraoccipital bone and crest; 2, parietal bone; 3, frontal bone; 4, frontal sinus; 5, nasal bone; 6, superior turbinal; 12, inferior turbinal; 14, superior maxilla; 13 and its palatine plate; 15, premaxilla; 11, palatine bone; 7, ethmoid bone and volutes; 8, basi and presphenoid bones; 9, basioccipital bone; 10, petrosal bone. The cranium is the cavity under 1 and 2.

Longitudinal Section of Horse Skull

Longitudinal section of a horse's skull. Labels: 1, supraoccipital bone and crest; 2, parietal bone;…

Inferior maxilla of a horse-anterolateral view. Labels: a, body; b, b', rami; c, neck; d, mental foramen; e, buccinator; e', masseter surface; f, f', inner surface of ramus; g, molor alveoli; g', anterior border; g', bar, bounding diastema; h, h', h', posterior border. The angle lies between h' and h'; i, condyles; km coronoid processes; l, maxillary space; m, inferior dental foramen; n, sigmoid notch.

Inferior Maxilla of a Horse

Inferior maxilla of a horse-anterolateral view. Labels: a, body; b, b', rami; c, neck; d, mental foramen;…