The relation of anterior abdominal digestive organs- left antero-lateral view. Labels: 1, liver; 2, stomach; 3, spleen; 4, colon; a, gastro-hepatic omentum; b, gastro-splenic omentum; c, great omentum; c', its free portion.

Digestive Organs of a Horse

The relation of anterior abdominal digestive organs- left antero-lateral view. Labels: 1, liver; 2,…

From <em>Pinkey Perkins: Just a Boy</em>. "'Thank you, Mr. Gordon,' replied Pinkey for the whole party, 'we'll come down often."

Mr. Gordon

From Pinkey Perkins: Just a Boy. "'Thank you, Mr. Gordon,' replied Pinkey for the whole party,…

"Horseshoes. A, shoe for fore foot; ... a, toe-calks; b, heel-calks." -Whitney, 1911


"Horseshoes. A, shoe for fore foot; ... a, toe-calks; b, heel-calks." -Whitney, 1911

"Horseshoes. ... B, shoe for hind foot; a, toe-calks; b, heel-calks." -Whitney, 1911


"Horseshoes. ... B, shoe for hind foot; a, toe-calks; b, heel-calks." -Whitney, 1911

Boys and girls enjoying a hayride in the back of a horse drawn carriage.


Boys and girls enjoying a hayride in the back of a horse drawn carriage.

A boy riding a coach being lead by goats instead of horses.

Goat Drawn Coach

A boy riding a coach being lead by goats instead of horses.

"Side-delivery rake, a horse-rake in which the rake is suspended between the axle of the pair of wheels and a third or caster-wheel trailing at the end of the rake, and placed in a position diagonal to the direction in which the machine moves. By means of suitable mechanism, operated through gearing on the axle, the hay, as fast as it is gathered, is delivered at the side of the rake and deposited on the ground in the form of a windrow." -Whitney, 1911

Side Delivery Rake

"Side-delivery rake, a horse-rake in which the rake is suspended between the axle of the pair of wheels…

Cartilaginous framework of the nostril-seen from above. Labels: a, right alar cartilage; a', left alar cartilage' b, terminal portion of the septum nasi.

Nostriils of a Horse

Cartilaginous framework of the nostril-seen from above. Labels: a, right alar cartilage; a', left alar…

Longitudinal section of the head, showing the pharynx and nasal chamber-the septum nasi being removed. Labels: a, superior turbinal; b, inferior turbinal; c, superior, d, middle, and e, inferior nasal meatus; f, cavity of the pharynx; g, opening of eustachian tube; h, isthmus faucium; i, posterior naris; k, opening of the larynx; l, opening of the esophagus.

Head of a Horse

Longitudinal section of the head, showing the pharynx and nasal chamber-the septum nasi being removed.…

Muscles of the larynx-left lateral view. Labels: a, hyoepiglottideus; b, hyothyroideus; c, cricothyroideus.

Larynx Muscles of a Horse

Muscles of the larynx-left lateral view. Labels: a, hyoepiglottideus; b, hyothyroideus; c, cricothyroideus.

Muscles of the larynx-left lateral view-the thyroid wing being removed. Labels: a, arytenoideus; b, cricoarytenoideus posticus; c, cricoarytenoideus lateralis; d, thyroarytenoideus.

Larynx Muscles of a Horse

Muscles of the larynx-left lateral view-the thyroid wing being removed. Labels: a, arytenoideus; b,…

Cavity of the larynx- opened posteriorly. Labels: a, lateral ventricles of the larynx; b, middle ventricle; c, true vocal cords.

Larynx Cavity of a Horse

Cavity of the larynx- opened posteriorly. Labels: a, lateral ventricles of the larynx; b, middle ventricle;…

General view of the respiratory organs. Labels: a, septum nasi; b, posterior naris; c, larynx; d, trachea; e, thyroid gland; f, anterior mediastinum; g, posterior mediastinum; h, left lung; h', its apex; h&quot;, its base; h&quot;', its superior,and h&quot;&quot;, its inferior borders.

Respiratory Organs of a Horse

General view of the respiratory organs. Labels: a, septum nasi; b, posterior naris; c, larynx; d, trachea;…

Horizontal section of the right kidney. Labels: a, fibrous capsule detached; b, cortical layer; c, medullary layer; d, cut ends of large blood vessels; e, pelvis of the kidney; f, ureter.

Kidney of a Horse

Horizontal section of the right kidney. Labels: a, fibrous capsule detached; b, cortical layer; c, medullary…

Right side of the heart-laid open. Labels: 1, right ventricle; a, its external wall; b, carneae columnae; c, great moderator band; d, origin of pulmonary artery; e, sigmoid valves; 2, right auricle; a, foramina Thebesii and musculi pectinati; b, opening of anterior, and c, of posterior vena cava.

Heart of a Horse

Right side of the heart-laid open. Labels: 1, right ventricle; a, its external wall; b, carneae columnae;…

Left side of the heart-laid open. Labels: 1, left ventricle; a, its external wall; b, carneae columnae; c, moderator band; d, mitral valve; d', chordae tendineae; 2, left auricle; a, musculi pectinati; b, opening of pulmonary veins.

Heart of a Horse

Left side of the heart-laid open. Labels: 1, left ventricle; a, its external wall; b, carneae columnae;…

Muscular fibers from the heart of a horse.

Muscular Fibers from the Heart of a Horse

Muscular fibers from the heart of a horse.

Internal view of left thigh-showing the arteries. Labels: 1, femoral; a, profunda femoris; b, superficialis femoris; c, saphenic; d, muscular branches; e, femora; nutrient vessels cut; (the femoral becomes the popliteal at about this point); f, femoro-popiteal; f', its muscular branches; f&quot;, its descending branch; g, recurrent tibial; h, united trunk of saphenic and femoro-popliteal; i, internal plantar.

Thigh of a Horse Showing Arteries

Internal view of left thigh-showing the arteries. Labels: 1, femoral; a, profunda femoris; b, superficialis…

Arteries of the right posterior limb- external view. Labels: 1, popiteal; 2, posterior tibial; 3, anterior tibial; a, peroneal; b, muscular branches; 4, perforating pedal; 5, great metatarsal.

Leg of a Horse Showing Arteries

Arteries of the right posterior limb- external view. Labels: 1, popiteal; 2, posterior tibial; 3, anterior…

Arteries of the neck exposed on the left side. Labels: a, anterior aorta; a', left brachial; a&quot;, right brachial, or bracio-cephalic; b, left dorsal; c, superior cervical; d, vertebral; e, inferior cervical; f, cephalic or common carotid; f&quot;, left , and f&quot;, right carotid; g, esophageal wigs; h, tracheal twigs; i, muscular twigs; k, thyroid; l, thyro-laryngeal; m, branch to parotid gland.

Neck of a Horse Showing Arteries

Arteries of the neck exposed on the left side. Labels: a, anterior aorta; a', left brachial; a",…

Arteries of the head- the left maxillary ramus being remove. Labels: 1, occipital; 2, internal carotid; 3, external carotid; a, branch to submaxillary gland; b, prevertebral; c, mastoid, c', muscular twigs; d, ramus anastomoticus; e, occipital gaining alar gutter; f, branch to submaxillary gland; l, sublingual; m, branch to lymphatic gland; B, continuation of external carotid-it becomes the internal maxillary at the bend; n, spheno-spinal; o, deep temporals; p, ophthalmic; q, buccal; r, orbital branch of dental; s, dental; t, spheno-spinal; o, deep temporals; p, ophthalmic; q, buccal; r, orbital branch f dental; s, dental; t, spheno-palatine; u, palatine; v, staphyline.

Head of a Horse Showing Arteries

Arteries of the head- the left maxillary ramus being remove. Labels: 1, occipital; 2, internal carotid;…

Facial arteries of the left side. Labels: a, maxillo-muscular; a', posterior masseter; b, c, posterior auricular; d, anterior branch of it; e, inferior auricular branch; f, superficial temporal; g, subzygomatic; g', transverse facial; g&quot;, masseter; h, anterior auricular; i, facial portion of glosso-facial; k, inferior coronary; l, superior coronary; m, lateral nasal; n, dorsal nasal; o, angular artery of the eye.

Head of a Horse Showing Arteries

Facial arteries of the left side. Labels: a, maxillo-muscular; a', posterior masseter; b, c, posterior…

Veins of the face and neck. Labels: 1, glosso-facial; A, its facial portion; 2, jugular; 3, occipial; 4, cervial portion of jugular; a, superior coronary; b, small labial branch; c, inferior coronary; a', common coronary trunk; d, angular vein of the eye; e, dorsal nasal; e', lateral nasal; f, alveolar; g, buccal; h, posterior auricular; i, superficial temporal; k, anterior auricular; l, subzygomatic; m, superior cerebral-cut; n, maxillo muscular; o, muscular, esophageal and tracheal twig.

Head and Neck of a Horse Showing Veins

Veins of the face and neck. Labels: 1, glosso-facial; A, its facial portion; 2, jugular; 3, occipial;…

Section of a lymphatic gland. Labels: a, capsule; b, trabeculae of cortical portion; c, trabeculae of medullary portion; d, e, lymphoid contents of loculi; f, afferent vessels; g, their confluence, leading to h, the efferent vessel.

Lymphatic Gland of a Horse

Section of a lymphatic gland. Labels: a, capsule; b, trabeculae of cortical portion; c, trabeculae of…

Right orbit opened to show the nerves of the eye. Labels: a, optic; b, motor oculi; c, pathetic; d, ophthalmic division of fifth pair; d', lachrymal; d&quot;, supraorbital; d&quot;', nasal; c, abducens; e', rectus externus muscle; f, orbital branch os superior maxillary nerve.

Eye Nerves of a Horse

Right orbit opened to show the nerves of the eye. Labels: a, optic; b, motor oculi; c, pathetic; d,…

Nerves of the right side of the head- the maxillary ramus and cheek being removed. Labels: a, superior maxillary branch of fifth; a', spheno-palatine; b, orbital; c, branch of spheno-palatine; d, palatine; e, superior dental; f, staphyline; g, superior maxillary trunk entering infraorbital foramen; g', superior; g&quot;, middle; g&quot;', inferior nasal nerves; h, inferior maxillary branch of fifth; u, masseter; k, anterior deep temporal; l, pterygoid; m, buccal; n, subzygomatic; o, inferior dental; o', mental ; p, lingual; p', its superficial; p&quot;, its deep branch.

Head of a Horse Showing Nerves

Nerves of the right side of the head- the maxillary ramus and cheek being removed. Labels: a, superior…

Left side of the face- showing the distribution of the facial portions of the fifth and the seventh nerves. Labels: a, infraorbital; b, masseter; c, superior; d, inferior branch of subzygomatic; e, anterior; f, middle; g, posterior auricular; h, posterior temporal; i, cervical branch; k, styloid; l, parotid branches; m, facial; n', its superior portion; o, its inferior portion.

Head of a Horse Showing Nerves

Left side of the face- showing the distribution of the facial portions of the fifth and the seventh…

Ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth cranial, first cervical, and part of the sympathetic nerves- the left maxillary ramus and parotid gland being removed. Labels: a, carotid artery; b, glosso-pharyngeal; b', its pharyngeal; b&quot;, its lingual branch; c, pneumogastric; c' pharyngeal; c&quot;, superior laryngeal; d, d', d&quot;, spinal accessory; e, hypo-glossal; f, great sympathetic; f&quot;, superior cervical ganglion; g&quot;, communication of sympathetic and pneumogastric; g, first cervical nerve.

Head of a Horse Showing Nerves

Ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth cranial, first cervical, and part of the sympathetic nerves- the…

The nervous system of the horse. Labels: 1, brain; 2, optic nerve; 3, superior maxillary nerve (5th); 4, inferior maxillary nerve (5th); 5, pneumogastric nerve; 6, medulla oblongata; 6', spinal cord; 7, right brachial plexus; 8, musculo-cutaneous nerve; 9, median nerve; 10, radial nerve; 11, cubital nerve; 12, pneumogastric nerve; 13, solar plexus; 14, semilunar ganglion; 15m lumbo-sacral plexus; 16, anterior crural nerve; 17, great sciatic nerve; 18, external popiteal nerve; 19, external saphenic nerve; 20, tibial nerve; 21, metatarsal nerve; 22, radial portion of median nerve; 23, metacarpal nerves; 24, digital branches; s, sympathetic chain; c, inferior cervical plexus; g, gutteral ganglion; Sp, great splanchnic nerve; pm; posterior mesenteric plexus; p, pelvic plexus.

Nervous System of the Horse

The nervous system of the horse. Labels: 1, brain; 2, optic nerve; 3, superior maxillary nerve (5th);…

Carpal and metacarpal nerves-internal aspect. q, external branch of median; r, internal branch of median, or internal metacarpal; s, internal branch of cubital; t, external branch of median, and internal branch of cubital uniting to form external metacarpal; u, communicating branch uniting metacarpal nerves; v, internal digital.

Leg of a Horse Showing Nerves

Carpal and metacarpal nerves-internal aspect. q, external branch of median; r, internal branch of median,…

Detached hoof- supero-lateral view. Labels: a, crust or outer layer of the wall; b, horny laminae; c, superior border; d, cutigeral groove; e, inner surface of sole; f, inner surface of frog; f', frog-stay.

Hoof of a Horse

Detached hoof- supero-lateral view. Labels: a, crust or outer layer of the wall; b, horny laminae; c,…

Solar aspect of the hoof. Labels: a, bars; b, solar border of wall; c, line of union between wall and sole; d, inferior aspect of sole; d', d, posterior branches of sole; e, cleft of the frog; f, bulbs of the frog; g, point of the frog.

Hoof of a Horse

Solar aspect of the hoof. Labels: a, bars; b, solar border of wall; c, line of union between wall and…

Corals are marine organisms from the class Anthozoa and exist as small sea anemone-like polyps, typically in colonies of many identical individuals. The group includes the important reef builders that are found in tropical oceans, which secrete calcium carbonate to form a hard skeleton.


Corals are marine organisms from the class Anthozoa and exist as small sea anemone-like polyps, typically…

The Ripon cart is a horse-drawn village cart with two wheels and and a seat in the carriage.

Ripon Cart

The Ripon cart is a horse-drawn village cart with two wheels and and a seat in the carriage.

A hobby horse (or hobby-horse) is a child's toy horse, particularly popular during the days before cars. Just as children today imitate adults driving cars, so, in former times, children played at riding a wooden hobby-horse made of a straight stick with a small horse's head (of wood or stuffed fabric), and perhaps reins, attached to one end. The bottom end of the stick sometimes had a small wheel or wheels attached.

Hobby Horse

A hobby horse (or hobby-horse) is a child's toy horse, particularly popular during the days before cars.…

Self-acting horse rake.

Horse Rake

Self-acting horse rake.

Martin's one-row horse hoe used in agriculture.

Horse Hoe

Martin's one-row horse hoe used in agriculture.

This Horse Head is found at the Parthenon in Athens.

Horse Head

This Horse Head is found at the Parthenon in Athens.

This Horse Head is an Assyrian bas-relief.

Horse Head

This Horse Head is an Assyrian bas-relief.

Antique Horse head.

Antique Horse Head

Antique Horse head.

Antique Horse head.

Antique Horse Head

Antique Horse head.

This Horse Head has a modern German design.

Horse Head

This Horse Head has a modern German design.

The Centaurs and Bacchantes comes from mural paintings found in ancient Pompeii, Rome. It is imaginary wild monsters with the fore part of a man and the hinder of a horse.

Centuars and Bacchantes

The Centaurs and Bacchantes comes from mural paintings found in ancient Pompeii, Rome. It is imaginary…

The two Centaurs and Bacchantes comes from mural paintings found in ancient Pompeii, Rome. It is imaginary wild monsters with the fore part of a man and the hinder of a horse.

Multiple Centuars and Bacchantes

The two Centaurs and Bacchantes comes from mural paintings found in ancient Pompeii, Rome. It is imaginary…

Farriery Symbol (horse's hoof care).

Farriery Symbol

Farriery Symbol (horse's hoof care).

The bicycle, bike, or cycle is a pedal-driven, human-powered vehicle with two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other.


The bicycle, bike, or cycle is a pedal-driven, human-powered vehicle with two wheels attached to a frame,…

The Khulan or Dziggetai (Equus hemionus hemionus) is an onager, a horse species larger than a donkey.


The Khulan or Dziggetai (Equus hemionus hemionus) is an onager, a horse species larger than a donkey.

The skeleton of an elasmosaurus, a dinosaur in the order of plesiosaurs.

Elasmosaurus Skeleton

The skeleton of an elasmosaurus, a dinosaur in the order of plesiosaurs.

The Elecampane (Inula helenium) is a flowering plant in the Asteraceae family of daisies.


The Elecampane (Inula helenium) is a flowering plant in the Asteraceae family of daisies.

"Skeleton and Outline of African Elephant (Elephas or Loxodon africanus). fr, frontal; ma, mandible; ma', malar; fi, "finger" at end of trunk; C, cervical vertebrae; D, dorsal vertebrae; D, dorsal vertebrae; pe, pelvis; sc, scapula; st, sternum; hu, humerus; ul, ulna; ra, radius; mc, metacarpus; fe, femur; pat, patella; tib, tibia; fib, fibula; met, metatarsus." -Whitney, 1911

African Elephant Skeleton

"Skeleton and Outline of African Elephant (Elephas or Loxodon africanus). fr, frontal; ma, mandible;…

"Anterior View, Distal End, of Right Humerus of a Man. H, humerus; epc, epicondyle, or external supracondyloid protuberance; ept, epitrochlea, or internal supracondyloid protuberance; cp, capitellum, or convex articular suface for head of radius; tr, trochlea, or transversely concave articular surface for the ulna; epc and cp are together the ectocondyle, and ept and tr are together the entocondyle." -Whitney, 1911


"Anterior View, Distal End, of Right Humerus of a Man. H, humerus; epc, epicondyle, or external supracondyloid…

"Right Femur of a Youth. E, E, epiphyses; gtr, ltr, greater and lesser trochanter; h, head; et, it, external and internal tuberosity; ec, ic, external and internal condyle; n, neck." -Whitney, 1911

Youth Femur

"Right Femur of a Youth. E, E, epiphyses; gtr, ltr, greater and lesser trochanter; h, head; et, it,…

"Epipleurae.-- Thorax, scapular arch, and part of pelvic arch of a bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus). ep, four epipleurae or uncinate processes of as many ribs; pl, pleurapophysial parts of seven ribs; hp, hemapopysial parts of six ribs; v, dorsolumbar vertebrae; st, sternum (the letters are on the carina or keel); m, manubrium sterni; cp, costal process of sternum, bearing f, furcula; ec, epiclidium of furcula; h, hypoclidium of fucula; gl, glenoid fossa, formed by coracoid and scapula; il, ilium; is, ischium; p, pubis; a, acetabulum." -Whitney, 1911

Bobolink Epipleurae

"Epipleurae.-- Thorax, scapular arch, and part of pelvic arch of a bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus).…

"Skeleton of Horse (Equus caballus). fr, frontal bone; C, cervical vertebrae; D, dorsal vertebrae; L, lumbar vertebrae; cd, caudal vertebrae; sc, scapula; pe, pelvis; ma, mandible; hu, humerus; ra, radius; cp, carpus; mc, metacarpus; fe, femur; tib, tibia; ca, calcaneum; tar, tarsus; mt, metatarsus; p, phalanges." -Whitney, 1911

Horse Skeleton

"Skeleton of Horse (Equus caballus). fr, frontal bone; C, cervical vertebrae; D, dorsal vertebrae; L,…

An illustration of Xiphacantha showing the siliceous skeleton.


An illustration of Xiphacantha showing the siliceous skeleton.

Portrait Sir Galahad detail from the painting by George Frederick Watts.

Sir Galahad

Portrait Sir Galahad detail from the painting by George Frederick Watts.

An illustration of the upper portion of a sponge: p, Pore; s, Subdermal cavity; c1, chief fiver of the skeleton; c2, connecting film. The sponges or poriferans (from Latin porus "pore" and ferre "to bear") are animals of the phylum Porifera. Their bodies consist of an outer thin layer of cells, the pinacoderm and an inner mass of cells and skeletal elements, the choanoderm. Sponges do not have nervous, digestive or circulatory systems. Instead most rely on maintaining a constant water flow through their bodies to obtain food and oxygen and to remove wastes, and the shapes of their bodies are adapted to maximize the efficiency of the water flow.

Upper Section of Sponge

An illustration of the upper portion of a sponge: p, Pore; s, Subdermal cavity; c1, chief fiver of the…

Corals are marine organisms from the class Anthozoa and exist as small sea anemone&ndash;like polyps, typically in colonies of many identical individuals. The group includes the important reef builders that are found in tropical oceans, which secrete calcium carbonate to form a hard skeleton.


Corals are marine organisms from the class Anthozoa and exist as small sea anemone–like polyps,…

A Cretaceous sponge with silicious skeleton retaining its form. (<em>Ventriculites simplex</em>).

A Cretaceous Sponge

A Cretaceous sponge with silicious skeleton retaining its form. (Ventriculites simplex).

Part of the skeletal structure of a lithisdid silicious sponge.

Jereiea Polystoma

Part of the skeletal structure of a lithisdid silicious sponge.