Semi-diagrammatic section through the right ear. Labels: M, concha; G, the external auditory canal; T, tympanic, or drum-membrane (ear drum); P, tympanum, or middle ear; o, oval window; r, round window. Extending from T to o is seen the chain of the tympanic bones; R, Eustachian tube; V, B, S, bony labyrinth; V, vestibule; B, semicircular canal; S, cochlea; b, l, v, membranous labyrinth in semi-circular canal and in vestibule. A, auditory nerve dividing into branches for vestibule, semicircular canal, cochlea.

Ear and Auditory Canal

Semi-diagrammatic section through the right ear. Labels: M, concha; G, the external auditory canal;…

Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the body. Labels: a, the neural tube, with its upper enlargement in the skull cavity at a'; N, the spinal cord; N', the brain; ee, vertebrae forming the solid partition between the dorsal and ventral cavities; b, the pleural, and c, the abdominal division of the ventral cavity, separated from one another by the diaphragm, d; i, the nasal, and o, the mouth chamber, opening behind into the pharynx, from which one tube leads to the lungs, l, and another to the stomach, f; h, the heart; k, a kidney; s, the sympathetic nervous chain. From the stomach, f, the intestinal tube leads through the abdominal cavity to the posterior opening of the alimentary canal.

Longitudinal Section of Body

Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the body. Labels: a, the neural tube, with its upper enlargement…

"It consists of a number of square pieces of board, or of thin iron, connected together through their centres by iron rods, so that they can have no lateral motion..The ascending side of this chain passes through a square box, to which these pieces or buckets are closely fitted..." -Comstock 1850

Chain Pump

"It consists of a number of square pieces of board, or of thin iron, connected together through their…

"A key is used to turn the cone, B. By doing so it wraps the chain around the cone and tightly coils the spring inside the barrel, A. The spring draws the chain off of the cone turning the barrel." —Quackenbos 1859

The Fusee

"A key is used to turn the cone, B. By doing so it wraps the chain around the cone and tightly coils…

"Used to raise water with a continuous chain with evenly spaced circular plates. The plates exactly fit a hollow tube, G and H. When the wheels I, J are turned, they move the chain which carries water up the pipe into the collection reservoir." —Quackenbos 1859

Chain Pump

"Used to raise water with a continuous chain with evenly spaced circular plates. The plates exactly…

Diagrammatic view from before of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata, including the roots of the spinal and some of the cranial nerves, and on one side of the gangliated chain of the sympathetic. The spinal nerves are enumerated in order on the right side of the figure. Labels: Br, brachial plexus; Cr, anterior crural, O, obturator, and Ss, great sciatic nerves, coming off from lumbo-sacral plexus; x, x, filum terminale; a,b,c, superior, middle, and inferior cervical ganglia of the sympathetic, the last united with the first thoracic, d; d', the eleventh thoracic ganglion; l, the twelfth thoracic (or first lumbar); below ss, the chain of sacral ganglia.

Spinal Cord

Diagrammatic view from before of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata, including the roots of the spinal…

Semi-diagrammatic section through the right ear. Labels: M, concha; G, external auditory meatus; T, tympanic or drum membrane; P, middle ear; o, oval foramen; r, round foramen. Extending from T to o is seen the chain of tympanic bones. R, Eustachian tube. V,B,S, bony labyrinth: V, vestibule; B, semicircular canal; S, cochlea. b,l,l', membranous semicircular canal and vestibule. A, auditory nerve dividing into branches for vestibule, semicircular canal, and cochlea.

Section Through the Right Ear

Semi-diagrammatic section through the right ear. Labels: M, concha; G, external auditory meatus; T,…

The tympanic ossicles, which are 3 small bones that form a chain across the tympanic cavity, connecting the membrane with the fenestra vestibuli. The 3 bones are known s the Malleus, the Incus, and the Stapes.

The Tympanic Ossicles

The tympanic ossicles, which are 3 small bones that form a chain across the tympanic cavity, connecting…

Femoral iliac and aortic lymphatic vessels and glands. Labels: 1, saphena magna vein; 2, external iliac artery and vein; 3, primitive iliac artery and vein; 4, aorta; 9, superior set of inguinal lymphatic glands; 10, chain of lymphatics; 11, lymphatics which accompany the circumflex iliac vessels; 12, lumbar an aortic lymphatics; 13, origin of thoracic duct; 14, thoracic duct at its commencement.

Lymphatic Vessels and Glands

Femoral iliac and aortic lymphatic vessels and glands. Labels: 1, saphena magna vein; 2, external iliac…

Cross-section of the external and internal ear. <em>a, b, and c</em>: External ear. <em>d</em>: Entrance to the tube of the ear <em>(f)</em>. <em>g</em>: Drum of the ear. <em>h</em>: Cavity beyond the drum where the chain of bones is, the bones being left out that the arrangement of the apparatus may be more clear to you. <em>k</em>: Tube which comes from the back part of the throat to this cavity. If you shut your mouth and close the nostrils with your fingers, and then force the air strongly from your chest into the mouth, you can feel the air pass through this tube into the ear where the little bones are. <em>l</em>: is the vestibule of the labyrinth. <em>m</em>: Semi-circular canals. <em>n</em>: Cochlea. <em>o</em>: Trunk of the nerve of hearing as it goes to branch out in the labyrinth. <em>e</em>: Bone in which the labyrinth is enclosed.

A Cross-Section of the Ear

Cross-section of the external and internal ear. a, b, and c: External ear. d: Entrance…

Fugio (unknown) United States coin from 1787. Obverse has the image of a sundial with the inscription - FUGIO 1787 and MIND YOUR BUSINESS. Reverse shows a chain with thirteen links. In the center of the chain is inscribed WE ARE ONE surrounded by UNITED STATES.

Silver Fugio Coin, 1787

Fugio (unknown) United States coin from 1787. Obverse has the image of a sundial with the inscription…

Fugio (1 cent) United States coin from 1787. Obverse has the image of a sundial with the inscription - FUGIO 1787 and MIND YOUR BUSINESS. Reverse shows a chain with thirteen links. In the center of the chain is inscribed WE ARE ONE surrounded by UNITED STATES.

Copper Fugio Coin, 1787

Fugio (1 cent) United States coin from 1787. Obverse has the image of a sundial with the inscription…

Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the Body. Labels: a, the neural tube, with its upper enlargement in the skull cavity at a'; N, the spinal cord; N', the brain; ee, vertebrae forming the solid partition between the dorsal and ventral cavities; b, the pleural, and c, the abdominal division of the ventral cavity, separated from one another by the diaphragm, d; i, the nasal, and o, the mouth chamber, opening behind into the pharynx, from which one tube leads to the lungs, l, and the heart; k, a kidney; s, the sympathetic nervous chain. From the stomach, f, the intestinal tube leads through the abdominal cavity to the posterior opening of the alimentary canal.

Longitudinal Section of the Body

Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the Body. Labels: a, the neural tube, with its upper enlargement…

A, the malleus, or mallet, with its long handle running down, to touch with its delicate extremity the membrane of the drum. B, is the incus, or anvil, nicely fitted to the mallet, and showing C, the orbicular bone placed between its termination, and D, the stirrup. The line a,b, represents the center of motion of the malleus, and c,d, the center of motion of the incus. Now this chain of bones acts on the principle of a long level, as a small motion at one end of a long pole serve to move it through a wide space at the other.

Bones of the Ear

A, the malleus, or mallet, with its long handle running down, to touch with its delicate extremity the…

"The central nervous system in a leech. g, dorsal ganglia (brain); g', ventral chain of ganglia; o, mouth." -Galloway, 1915

Leech Nervous System

"The central nervous system in a leech. g, dorsal ganglia (brain); g', ventral chain of ganglia; o,…

"Diagrammatic sagittal section of Microstomum, showing a chain of four zooids produced by fission. b, brain of the original zooid (the exponents indicating corresponding structures of the more recently formed zooids); c, ciliated pit; d, dissepiments indicating different stages in the separation of the zooids; e, eye-spot; ent, entoderm; g, gut; gl., glandular cells about the mouth; m., mouth of the original worm." -Galloway, 1915


"Diagrammatic sagittal section of Microstomum, showing a chain of four zooids produced by fission. b,…

"Diagram showing some stages in the life history of the Tapeworm (taenia). A, Cysticercus or Bladderworm stage, before the "head" protrudes from the bladder; B, same, later stage; C, Strobila, or chain of proglottides, many being omitted; D, embro, such as fill the uterus of the mature proglottides. It is protected by a shell. b, bladder; ex., excretory canals; g, genital pore; h, head or scolex provided with hooks and suckers (s); u, uterus in a mature posterior proglottis; z, zone of budding or segment formation. The numerals show the approximate number of the segments, reckoning from the front." -Galloway, 1915


"Diagram showing some stages in the life history of the Tapeworm (taenia). A, Cysticercus or Bladderworm…

"Diagrams of stages in the metamorphosis of Polygordius, a primitive annelid. Ectoderm throughout is represented as nucleated without cell boundaries; the entoderm has the cell-boundaries shown, and the mesoderm is diagonally shaded. A, gastrula; B, same with blastopore closed; C and D represent formation of stomodaeum and proctodaeum from ectoderm; E, Trochosphere stage showing formation of segments in the posterior portion; F, adult (sagittal); G, adult (transverse). a, archenteron; bp., blostopore; br, brain; c, coelom; d, dorsal; di, dissepiments; m, mesenteron; pr., proctodaeum; s.c., segmentation cavity; st, stomodaeum; v.n., ventral nerve chain; z, zone of formation of nerve segments." -Galloway, 1915


"Diagrams of stages in the metamorphosis of Polygordius, a primitive annelid. Ectoderm throughout is…

Chain-coral (Halysites catenulatus).


Chain-coral (Halysites catenulatus).

The torture of a free mason. Caption below illustration: "They next set my back against a thick board, at each extremity of which was pulley; through which a rope ran, that was fastened at the end of the chain at my wrist. The tormentors then, stretching these ropes by means of a roller, pressed and bruised my stomach in proportion as the ropes were drawn tighter.

Torture of a Free Mason

The torture of a free mason. Caption below illustration: "They next set my back against a thick board,…

"The apron is supported and carried by flanged wheels, fixed at distances apart upon shafts, one of the shafts begin placed near the mill, and the other at the outer extremity of apron. A chain band, adapted to a chain wheel on the end of the feeling roll shaft, and leading from thence to a similar wheel upon the end of the flageshaft nearest the mill, communicates motion to the apron. It should travel somewhat slower that the surface of the rolls." -Commissioner, 1865


"The apron is supported and carried by flanged wheels, fixed at distances apart upon shafts, one of…

Chain of ossicles and their ligaments, seen from the front in a vertical transverse section of the tympanum.

Ossicles of the Tympanum

Chain of ossicles and their ligaments, seen from the front in a vertical transverse section of the tympanum.

Left membrana tympani and chain of tympanic ossicles.

Tympanic Ossicles

Left membrana tympani and chain of tympanic ossicles.

A suspension bridge is a type of bridge where the main load-bearing elements are hung from suspension cables. While modern suspension bridges with level decks date from the early 19th century, earlier types are reported from the 3rd century BC. Simple suspension bridges, for use by pedestrians and livestock, are still constructed, based upon the ancient Inca rope bridge.

Suspension Bridge

A suspension bridge is a type of bridge where the main load-bearing elements are hung from suspension…

Nervous system of the larva of a ladybug. Labels: Gfr, frontal ganglion; G, cerebral ganglia; Sg, subcesophageal ganglion; G'-G", ganglia of the ventral chain.

Nervous System of a Ladybug Larva

Nervous system of the larva of a ladybug. Labels: Gfr, frontal ganglion; G, cerebral ganglia; Sg, subcesophageal…

Originally the Jacquard machines were mechanical, and the fabric design was punched in pattern cards which were joined together to form a continuous chain. The Jacquards often were small and only independently controlled a relatively few warp ends. This required a number of repeats across the loom width. Larger capacity machines, or the use of multiple machines, allowed greater control, with fewer repeats, and hence larger designs to be woven across the loom width.

Jacquard Machine and Harness

Originally the Jacquard machines were mechanical, and the fabric design was punched in pattern cards…

An illustration of a gold chain, "formed of wires closely plaited and very flexible" (Britannica, 1910).

Gold Necklace

An illustration of a gold chain, "formed of wires closely plaited and very flexible" (Britannica, 1910).

"Slings -- This is simply the bight of a rope turned up over its own part; it is frequently made of chain, when a shackle (bow up) takes the place of the bight at s and another at y, connecting the two ends with the part which goes round the mast-head." -Britannica, 1910


"Slings -- This is simply the bight of a rope turned up over its own part; it is frequently made of…

"Sewing-horse. In saddlery, a sewing-clamp with its supports. a, seat; b, legs; c, c', clamping-jaws, c' hinged to c at d; e, strap fastened to c' passing through c, and attached by chain f to the foot-lever g, the latter pivoted at h; i, spring which opens the jaws when not pulled together by e; k, ratch which g engages to hold he jaws together." -Whitney, 1911

Sewing Horse

"Sewing-horse. In saddlery, a sewing-clamp with its supports. a, seat; b, legs; c, c', clamping-jaws,…

&quot;Repair-link for round-link chain. A, section by a meridian plane; B, perspective elevation showing the completed link with both halves in place; C, top view of one half-section; D, top view of the other half-section, showing the break of the joint. The interrupted side is open wide enough to pass the stock of the solid link adjacent to the repair-link on either side.&quot; -Whitney, 1911

Repair Link of Chain

"Repair-link for round-link chain. A, section by a meridian plane; B, perspective elevation showing…

The nervous system of the horse. Labels: 1, brain; 2, optic nerve; 3, superior maxillary nerve (5th); 4, inferior maxillary nerve (5th); 5, pneumogastric nerve; 6, medulla oblongata; 6', spinal cord; 7, right brachial plexus; 8, musculo-cutaneous nerve; 9, median nerve; 10, radial nerve; 11, cubital nerve; 12, pneumogastric nerve; 13, solar plexus; 14, semilunar ganglion; 15m lumbo-sacral plexus; 16, anterior crural nerve; 17, great sciatic nerve; 18, external popiteal nerve; 19, external saphenic nerve; 20, tibial nerve; 21, metatarsal nerve; 22, radial portion of median nerve; 23, metacarpal nerves; 24, digital branches; s, sympathetic chain; c, inferior cervical plexus; g, gutteral ganglion; Sp, great splanchnic nerve; pm; posterior mesenteric plexus; p, pelvic plexus.

Nervous System of the Horse

The nervous system of the horse. Labels: 1, brain; 2, optic nerve; 3, superior maxillary nerve (5th);…

"A pin-chain of the link-belt type having a loose roller on each pin that joins the links. ... Roller-chain. a, links; b, pins joining links; c, pin without roller or next links; d, rollers on pin; e, roller in position without pin; f, slot and key holding links." -Whitney, 1911

Roller Chain

"A pin-chain of the link-belt type having a loose roller on each pin that joins the links. ... Roller-chain.…

Used in sash windows, "a chain of peculiar make used to replace a sash-cord when the sash is very heavy." -Whitney, 1911

Sash Chain

Used in sash windows, "a chain of peculiar make used to replace a sash-cord when the sash is very heavy."…

The Assyrian link border is a painted bas-relief found in Khorsabad, Iraq. It is a scroll design of leaves connected like a chain.

Assyrian Link Border

The Assyrian link border is a painted bas-relief found in Khorsabad, Iraq. It is a scroll design of…

The modern link border is a scroll design of leaves connected like a chain.

Modern Link Border

The modern link border is a scroll design of leaves connected like a chain.

The external margin link border is found on the outside of a Greek kylix or wine-drinking cup. It is a scroll design of leaves connected like a chain.

External Margin Link Border

The external margin link border is found on the outside of a Greek kylix or wine-drinking cup. It is…

The Greek hydria link border is a design found on the outside of a Greek pottery used for carrying water. It is a scroll design of leaves connected like a chain.

Greek Hydria Link Border

The Greek hydria link border is a design found on the outside of a Greek pottery used for carrying water.…

The Greek Cyma Link Border is a design found between the ceiling and the wall. It is a scroll design of leaves connected like a chain.

Greek Cyma Link Border

The Greek Cyma Link Border is a design found between the ceiling and the wall. It is a scroll design…

The mosaic ornament link border was designed during the Byzantine time in San Marco, Venice, Italy. It is a scroll design of leaves connected like a chain.

Mosaic Ornament Link Border

The mosaic ornament link border was designed during the Byzantine time in San Marco, Venice, Italy.…

The painted link border is a design found in a Cathedral in Brandenburg, Germany. It is a scroll design of leaves connected like a chain.

Painted Link Border

The painted link border is a design found in a Cathedral in Brandenburg, Germany. It is a scroll design…

The illumination of a Koran link border is a scroll design of leaves connected like a chain. This design is found on the tomb of the Sultan El-Ghury in Egypt.

Illumination of a Koran Link Border

The illumination of a Koran link border is a scroll design of leaves connected like a chain. This design…

A single thread formed into a chain of crochet work

Crochet Work

A single thread formed into a chain of crochet work

Pennine chain from the Eden Valley to the River Tees, showing block structure.

Pennine Chain

Pennine chain from the Eden Valley to the River Tees, showing block structure.

The chain coral. This is an important index fossil of the Silurian, and an important limestone builder as well.

Chain Coral

The chain coral. This is an important index fossil of the Silurian, and an important limestone builder…

Pesth, also known as Pest, and Pesta is the eastern, mostly flat part of Budapest, comprising about two thirds of Budapest's territory. In 1838 it was flooded by the Danube. In 1849 the first suspension bridge, the Sz&eacute;chenyi Chain Bridge, was constructed across the Danube connecting Pest with Buda. Consequently, in 1873, the two cities were unified with &oacute;buda to become Budapest.

The bridge at Pesth

Pesth, also known as Pest, and Pesta is the eastern, mostly flat part of Budapest, comprising about…

The Walter A. Wood Mowing and Reaping Machine Co. manufactured this reaper. By 1860 he had an improved mower and a new combined mower - reaper. He soon decided the combination machine wasn’t as good a mower as his separate mower. The mower version of the combined machine was sold as a separate mowing attachment to the reaper. This increased its cost to near that of the separate mower while providing a "combined" machine for those who insisted in buying one. The reaper was improved and became the chain-rake reaper &ndash; an early machine that no longer needed a second operator to rake the grain from the platform. Wood had all the patents for this early one-man machine, and was able to sell a license for the reaper and the improved mower to Hart Massey for sale in Canada.

Wood Mower

The Walter A. Wood Mowing and Reaping Machine Co. manufactured this reaper. By 1860 he had an improved…

"Field-gun Carriage. A, stock. B, cheek. a, lunette; b, trail-plate; c, c, pointing-rings; d, handle; e, e, prolonge-hooks; f, wheel-guard plate; g, lock-chain bolt, nut, and washer; h, turn buckle, chain, and hasp for sponge and rammer; i, stop for rammer-head; k, ear-plate for worm; l, elevating-screw; m, under-strap; n, implement-hook; o, D-ring for hand-spike; q, trunnion-plate; r, cap-square; s, s, cap-square chains and keys; 1, prolonge; 2, sponge and rammer; 3, hand-spike." -Whitney, 1911

Field Gun Carriage

"Field-gun Carriage. A, stock. B, cheek. a, lunette; b, trail-plate; c, c, pointing-rings; d, handle;…

This silver vase has a chain attached and was used to sprinkle rose water over apartments. It is of Indian origin.

Silver Vase

This silver vase has a chain attached and was used to sprinkle rose water over apartments. It is of…

The chatelaine watch is designed to fit in a pocket. It is designed with decorative chains.

Châtelaine Watch

The chatelaine watch is designed to fit in a pocket. It is designed with decorative chains.

The chatelaine watch is designed to fit in a pocket. It is designed with decorative chains.

Chatelaine Watch

The chatelaine watch is designed to fit in a pocket. It is designed with decorative chains.

This pocket watch has a unique design on its back of leaves and circles. The circular handle at the top of the watch allows it to be attached to a waistcoat, lapel or belt loop using a chain.

Pocket Watch

This pocket watch has a unique design on its back of leaves and circles. The circular handle at the…

This pocket watch has a unique design of a figure head in the center and scrolls of leaves all around. The circular handle at the top of the watch allows it to be attached to a waistcoat, lapel or belt loop using a chain.

Pocket Watch

This pocket watch has a unique design of a figure head in the center and scrolls of leaves all around.…

This pocket watch has a simple floral design. The circular handle at the top of the watch allows it to be attached to a waistcoat, lapel or belt loop using a chain.

Pocket Watch

This pocket watch has a simple floral design. The circular handle at the top of the watch allows it…

This pocket watch has a simple floral design. The circular handle at the top of the watch allows it to be attached to a waistcoat, lapel or belt loop using a chain.

Pocket Watch

This pocket watch has a simple floral design. The circular handle at the top of the watch allows it…

This pocket watch has a circular handle at the top of the watch allowing it to be attached to a waistcoat, lapel or belt loop using a chain. The screw in the handle is used to wind the watch .

Pocket Watch

This pocket watch has a circular handle at the top of the watch allowing it to be attached to a waistcoat,…

"Longitudinal section of hopper dredger, employed on the River Clyde. The vessel steams to place of working and is moored by the Steam Winches A A at bow and stern to buoys, the Bucket Ladder B is then lowered by steam power, and thereafter Buckets set in motion by gearing C C. The depth of water at which the Bucket Ladder dredges is regulated by the Hoisting Shears and Chain Barrel D D, driven by shafting E E from the Engines. The Buckets discharge the material by the shoot F into the Hopper G. The dredged material is discharged by the doors of the Hopper being opened by the Lifting Chains H H. These doors are hinged on to the side of Vessel, and suspended at centre by the Lifting Chains, which are connected to geared Crab Winches I I." -Hill, 1921

Hopper Dredger

"Longitudinal section of hopper dredger, employed on the River Clyde. The vessel steams to place of…

"Sectional view of diving bell and barge, employed on the River Clyde. All the appliances are worked by steam, rendering manual labour unnecessary. A is the Bell, which is raised and lowered by means of the Chain and Steam Winch B. c c are Seats within the Bell; d d, Footboards. E, Air-pipe entering the Bell at f, the air being supplied by Air-pump G driven by the Engine H. J is a Steam Crane for raising or lowering material. K K, Steam Winches for working moorings and shifting position of the barge." -Hill, 1921

Barge with Diving Bell

"Sectional view of diving bell and barge, employed on the River Clyde. All the appliances are worked…

An illustration of a giraffe looking at a young bear cub attached to a chain.

Giraffe Looking at Bear Cub Near Carts

An illustration of a giraffe looking at a young bear cub attached to a chain.

An illustration a hauberk, shirt made of chain mail.

Chain Mail Shirt (Hauberk)

An illustration a hauberk, shirt made of chain mail.

"Meadow Pipit or Anthus pratensis. Upper parts greenish-brown distinctly marked with blackish-brown centres of the feathers; wing-quills and coverts clove-brown, edged with greenish-gray. Tail-feathers dark brown, edged with the greenish shade of the back, the outer one obliquely white for nearly half its length, and others with white at the end. Cheeks olivaceous, speckled with dusky. Under parts brownish-white with a tinge of green, marked on the breast and sides with brownish-black streaks running forward as a maxillary chain; chin, belly, and under tail-coverts unmarked. Bill dusky above and at end, the rest livid flesh-color; feet obscure flesh-color; iris blackish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Meadow Pipit

"Meadow Pipit or Anthus pratensis. Upper parts greenish-brown distinctly marked with blackish-brown…