Washington's head-quarters at Morristown. This view is from the forks of the road, directly in front…
Mrs. Mathews' house. This sketch was made from the left bank of the Rahway, at the site of the old bridge.…
Steuben's head-quarters. This view is from the field in front of the house, looking north. The dwelling…
The Yeoman House. This view is from the road, looking north. An attempt was made by a soldier to burn…
The Bennington battle-ground. This view is from the hill on the southwest bank of the Walloomscoick,…
Fitch's Point, the landing-place of the British. This view is from the west side of Gregory's Point,…
West Bridge and Milford Hill. This view is from the Milford Road, eastward of West Bridge. The high…
"Colonel Barrett's House. This sketch is from the road leading to the village of Concord by the way…
"Monument at Lexington. This view is from the Concord Road, looking eastward, and shows a portion of…
"Landing-place of Roger Williams. This view is on the left bank of the Seekonk, looking south. The point…
"Prescott's Headquarters. This house is on the east side of the west road, about a mile from the bay.…
"Head-quarters of Greene and Knox. This view is from the turnpike road, looking southeast. The water…
"Mrs. Falls'. This house, now (1850) owned by Mr. Samuel Moore, is a frame building, and stands on the…
"Smith's House. This view is from the slope in front of the house. The main building is of stone; the…
"View at Beverly Dock. This view is taken from the Hudson River rail-road, looking north. The dock,…
"View near Fort Montgomery. This view is from an eminence near the mountain road, about three quarters…
"Bridge over Sleepy Hollow Creek. Ichabod, according to Irving, in the Legend, returning from…
"Remains of intrenchments the Ramapo Pass. This view is from the road, looking north toward the village…
"The Hopper House. This view is from the road, looking northeast. The low part, on the left, is a portion…
"Bridge at Worth's Mill's. This substantial stone bridge, over Stony Brook, is upon the site of the…
"Washington's head-quarters. This view is from the Reading rail-road, looking east, and includes a portion…
"Battle of Shiloh, or Pittsburg Landing, left wing- the woods on fire during the engagement of Sunday,…
"Battle of Shiloh, or Pittsburg Landing, left wing- the woods on fire during the engagement of Sunday,…
"Advance of Federal troops on Corinth- the Carnival of Mud- scene at Lick Creek Bottom, between Pittsburg…
"Advance of Federal troops on Corinth- the Carnival of Mud- scene at Lick Creek Bottom, between Pittsburg…
"Advance of Federal troops on Corinth- the Carnival of Mud- scene at Lick Creek Bottom, between Pittsburg…
"Gallant attack by 150 of the Pennsylvania Bucktails, led by Colonel Kane, upon a portion of General…
"Gallant attack by 150 of the Pennsylvania Bucktails, led by Colonel Kane, upon a portion of General…
"Gallant attack by 150 of the Pennsylvania Bucktails, led by Colonel Kane, upon a portion of General…
"Federal baggage train on its way to the army at Falmouth, VA., December, 1862. Our illustration represents…
"Federal baggage train on its way to the army at Falmouth, VA., December, 1862. Our illustration represents…
"The Regulator battle-ground. This view is from the south side of the Salisbury Road, which is marked…
"Trading Ford. This view of the Trading Ford, where greene, with Morgan and his light troops, crossed…
"View of the battle-ground. This view is from the eminence southwest of the site of old Guilford Court…
"View at Rugeley's. This view is from the south side of the bridge. The counterfeit cannon was placed…
"View at Gravesend Bay. This view is from the road on the high shore, a little below Fort Hamilton,…
"Cortelyou's House. This house, built of stone, with a brick gable from eaves to peak, is yet (1852)…
"Washington's head-quarters. The house occupied by Washington while the army was at White Plains is…
"Chatterton's Hill, from the rail-way station. This is a view of the southeastern side of Chatterton's…
"Early Germans. These German ancestors of ours, for so we must consider them, since the chief element…
"The first passenger locomotive built in the United States. A year after the Enterprise sailed for India,…
"Among the anceient Romans, a functionary whose duty it was to observe and to interpret, according to…
"When grown up, Oedipus is told by the oracle that he would slay his father and marry his mother. On…
"A low column, sometimes round, but more frequently rectangular. Cippi were used for various purposes;…
"A. Pinacotheca, B. Temple of Nike Apteros, C. Pedestal of Agrippa, D. Road leading to the central entrace,…
"A bridge. As the rivers of Greece were small, and the use of the arch known to them only to a limited…
"A bridge. As the rivers of Greece were small, and the use of the arch known to them only to a limited…
"A bridge. As the rivers of Greece were small, and the use of the arch known to them only to a limited…
"A bridge. As the rivers of Greece were small, and the use of the arch known to them only to a limited…
Also called the ground cuckoo, road runner, or paisano. A large errestrial bird or the family Cuculidæ.
"Represents a Roman augur, with his litmus or divining staff, observing the signs in the heavens." —…
"Via, a public road. It was not until the period of the long protracted Samnite wars that the necessity…
"That prince escaped from the battle of Worcester as soon as he saw that the day was lost. With a small…
"The screw may be considered as a winding wedge; for it has the same relation to a straight wedge that…
This illustration shows a machine used to put oil on roads during its construction, in the nineteenth…
This illustration shows a machine used to put oil on roads during its construction, in the nineteenth…
This illustration shows a machine used to put oil on roads during its construction, in the nineteenth…