Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the body. Labels: a, the neural tube, with its upper enlargement…
Diagram showing the position of the thoracic and abdominal organs. labels: 1, lower border of right…
The muscular coat (lining) of the stomach, a type of involuntary muscle involved in the contraction…
The stomach. Labels: d, lower end of the gullet; a, position of the cardiac aperture; b, the fundus;…
A thin section through the gastric mucous membrane which lines the stomach, perpendicular to its surface,…
Diagram of the abdominal part of the alimentary canal (digestive system). Labels: C, the cardiac, and…
The stomach, pancreas, liver, and duodenum, with part of the rest of the small intestine and the mesentery;…
The portal vein and its branches. Labels: l, liver, under surface; gb, gall bladder; st, stomach; sp,…
"The stomach pump injects liquid into a poisoned person's stomach and then withdraws the liquid and…
The stomach, the principal organ of digestion. It is a dilated part of the alimentary canal, situated…
The pancreas, a compound racemose gland about 5.5 inches long and 1.5 inches wide, situated transversely…
The spleen, a soft, brittle, highly vascular organ, of dark purplish color, in size about 5 x 3 x 1.5…
Columnar epithelium lining a gland. It consists of conical cells laid side by side, their ends forming…
Diagram of the peritoneum, a serous membrane covering all the contents of the abdominal cavity. Labels:…
The inside of the stomach with the beginning of the intestines. At 3 is the left end and at 4 is the…
The four stomachs of the sheep, a grass-eating animal. The beginning of the intestines are also shown,…
The stomach of a grain-eating bird, which has a gizzard that functions to crush the seeds to pieces…
Views of the stomach. Labels: A. stomach (human). B. Same, anterior wall removed. C. Portion of stomach,…
Diagram of the Body opened from the front to show the contents of the ventral cavity. Labels: d, diaphragm;…
Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the Body. Labels: a, the neural tube, with its upper enlargement…
The stomach. Labels: d, lower end of the gullet; a, position of the cardiac aperture; b, the fundus;…
The stomach, pancreas, liver, and duodenum, with part of the rest of the small intestine and the mesentery;…
Diagram of the abdominal part of the alimentary canal. Labels: C, the cardiac, and P, the pyloric end…
Arteries of the abdominal organs. Labels: 1, the liver; 2, the stomach; 3, upper gut; 4, pancreas; 6,…
A portion of the stomach, showing its internal surface or mucous coat. Mucous membranes line various…
A boy complaining of a stomach ache. The mother looks down at him as if she knows he is pretending.
"The 'replete' workers, with their social stomachs distended with the sweet exudations of oak galls,…
"The family stomach or repletes of the honey ant of the garden of the gods (Myrmecocystus hortideorum)."…
"The family stomach or repletes of the honey ant of the garden of the gods (Myrmecocystus hortideorum)."…
"Structure of a Medusoid. ST., Stomach; M., manubrium; V., velum; T., tentacle; C.C., circumference…
"Vertical section of Aurelia. m., Mouth; st., stomach; r.c., radial canal; R., reproductive organs;…
"Hydroctena. A medusoid with suggestion of Ctenophore structure, but a true medusoid nonetheless. ab.o.…
"Dissection of lob-worm from dorsal surface. m., Opening of retracted buccal cavity; i., gullet; gl.,…
"Diagram of an Ectoproctous Polyzoon (Plumatella). L., Lophophore; PH., pharynx; A., anus; S., stomach;…
"Diagram of the structure of Sepia. a., Eight short arms around mouth; l.a., one of the two long arms;…
"'Nurse' of Doliolum mulleri. I., Inhalant, E., exhalant aperture; C., ciliated band round pharynx (P.);…
"Sexual individual of Doliolum mulleri. G., gonads; B., gill-slits; I., Inhalant, E., exhalant aperture;…
"Origin of lungs, liver, and pancreas in the chick. The mesoderm is shaded; the endoderm dark. lg.,…
"Section through a young newt. c.t., Connective tissue; E., epidermis; D., dermis; S.C., spinal cord;…
Skeleton of skate. nc, nasal capsules; pq, palato-pterygo-quadrate cartilage; M, Meckel's cartilage;…
"Duodenum of rabbit. P., Pyloric end of stomach; g.b., gall-bladder with bile duct and hepatic ducts;…
"Stomach of sheep. a, OEsophagus; c, rumen or paunch; d, reticulum or honeycomb-bag; e, psalterium or…
The human stomach. Labels: a, the esophagus or gullet; b, the cardiac portion; c, the left extremity;…
The digestive system. This figure represents the whole tract of the intestinal canal, not exactly in…
"Stomach of Dog (A)...c, cardiac portion; p, pyloric portion; o, esophagus; i, intestine." -Galloway,…
"Stomach of Rat (B)...c, cardiac portion; p, pyloric portion; o, esophagus; i, intestine." -Galloway,…
"Diagram of the stomach of a ruminant. o, esophagus; r, rumen or paunch; re., reticulum, or honeycomb;…
"Diagram of the stomach and esophagus of the fowl. o, esophagus; c, crop; p, proventriculus or glandular…
"General view of the viscera of a male frog, from the right side. a, stomach; b, urinary bladder; c,…
"Asterias rubens. Digestive system. an, anus; card. st, cardiac division of the stomach; int. caec,…
"Brachionus rubens. A, from the dorsal aspect; B, from the right side. a, anus; br, brain; d. f. dorsal…
"Sepia officinalis, enteric canal. a, anus; b. d, one of the bile ducts; b. m, buccal mass; c, caecum;…
"Lacerta agilis. General view of the viscera in their naturaal relations. Bl, urinary bladder; Ci, post-caval…
The torture of a free mason. Caption below illustration: "They next set my back against a thick board,…
"Thorax and abdomen. 1, 1, 1, 1. Muscles of the chest. 2, 2, 2, 2. Ribs. 3, 3, 3. Upper, middle and…
Labels: O, esophagus; S, stomach; SI, small intestine; LI, large intestine, Sp spleen; L, liver (raised…
The opening part of the stomach where the esophagus joins it is called the cardiac opening; the one…