The Tui Chub (Gila bicolor) is a fish in the Cyprinidae family of carps.

Tui Chub

The Tui Chub (Gila bicolor) is a fish in the Cyprinidae family of carps.

Gentianaceae, or the Gentian family, is a family of flowering plants of 87 genera and over 1500 species.


Gentianaceae, or the Gentian family, is a family of flowering plants of 87 genera and over 1500 species.

The Larch Sawfly (Pristiphora erichsonii) is an insect resembling a black wasp in the Tenthredinidae family of sawflies.

Larch Sawfly

The Larch Sawfly (Pristiphora erichsonii) is an insect resembling a black wasp in the Tenthredinidae…

Carex is a genus of plants in the family Cyperaceae, commonly known as sedges (although other, related species are also called sedges, those of genus Carex may be called "true" sedges). It is the most species-rich genus in the family. The study of Carex is known as caricology.


Carex is a genus of plants in the family Cyperaceae, commonly known as sedges (although other, related…

Eriophorum (Cottongrass, Cotton-grass or Cottonsedge) is a genus of about 25 species of flowering plants in the family Cyperaceae, the Sedge family. They are found throughout the temperate Northern Hemisphere in acid bog habitats, being particularly abundant in Arctic tundra regions.


Eriophorum (Cottongrass, Cotton-grass or Cottonsedge) is a genus of about 25 species of flowering plants…

Taraxacum is a large genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. They are native to Europe, North America and Asia and two species, T. officinale and T. erythrospermum, are found as weeds worldwide. The common name Dandelion is given to members of the genus and like other members of the Asteraceae family, they have very small flowers collected together into a composite flower head. Each single flower in a head is called a floret. Many Taraxacum species produce seeds asexually by apomixis, where the seeds are produced without pollination, resulting in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent plant.


Taraxacum is a large genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. They are native to Europe,…

Darlingtonia californica also called the California Pitcher plant, Cobra Lily, or Cobra Plant, is a carnivorous plant, the sole member of the genus Darlingtonia in the family Sarraceniaceae. It is native to Northern California and Oregon, growing in bogs and seeps with cold running water. This plant is designated as uncommon due to its rarity in the field.

Darlingtonia Californica

Darlingtonia californica also called the California Pitcher plant, Cobra Lily, or Cobra Plant, is a…

Oxalis is the largest genus in the wood sorrel family Oxalidaceae. Of the approximately 900 known species in the Oxalidaceae, 800 belong to Oxalis. Many of the species are known as Wood Sorrel or Woodsorrel. The genus occurs throughout most of the world, except for the polar areas; species diversity is particularly rich in tropical Brazil and Mexico and in South Africa.


Oxalis is the largest genus in the wood sorrel family Oxalidaceae. Of the approximately 900 known species…

Carp is a common name for various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae, a very large group of fish originally from Eurasia and southeast Asia. Some consider all cyprinid fishes carp and the family Cyprinidae itself is often known as the carp family.


Carp is a common name for various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae, a very large group of fish…

Stellaria is a genus of about 90-120 species flowering plants in the family Caryophyllaceae, with a cosmopolitan distribution. Common names include stitchwort and chickweed.


Stellaria is a genus of about 90-120 species flowering plants in the family Caryophyllaceae, with a…

Dianthus is a genus of about 300 species of flowering plants in the family Caryophyllaceae, native mainly to Europe and Asia, with a few species extending south to north Africa, and one species (D. repens) in arctic North America. The species are mostly perennial herbs, a few are annual or biennial, and some are low subshrubs with woody basal stems. The leaves are opposite, simple, mostly linear and often strongly glaucous grey-green to blue-green. The flowers have five petals, typically with a frilled or pinked margin, and are (in almost all species) pale to dark pink. One species, D. knappii, has yellow flowers with a purple center.


Dianthus is a genus of about 300 species of flowering plants in the family Caryophyllaceae, native mainly…

The Bittersweet (Solanum dulcamara) is a perennial vine in the Solanaceae family of nightshades.


The Bittersweet (Solanum dulcamara) is a perennial vine in the Solanaceae family of nightshades.

The Palmchat (Dulus dominicus) is a small passerine bird in the Dulidae family.


The Palmchat (Dulus dominicus) is a small passerine bird in the Dulidae family.

The Dunlin (Calidris alpina) is a small wading bird in the Scolopacidae family of waders.


The Dunlin (Calidris alpina) is a small wading bird in the Scolopacidae family of waders.

The dorian (Durio zibethinus) is the fruit of the dorian tree in the Bombacaceae family. The fruit is cultivated in many places including the West Indies, Florida, and Cambodia.


The dorian (Durio zibethinus) is the fruit of the dorian tree in the Bombacaceae family. The fruit is…

An illustration of the pistil, female reproductive part of the flower, from the mouse-ear chickweed. Cerastium is a genus of annual, winter annual, or perennial plants belonging to the family Caryophyllaceae. The around 100 species are commonly called Mouse-ear chickweed; different species are found nearly worldwide but the greatest concentration is mainly from the northern temperate areas of the world. A number are common weeds in fields and on disturbed ground.

Mouse-ear Chickweed

An illustration of the pistil, female reproductive part of the flower, from the mouse-ear chickweed.…

The cassava, yuca, manioc, mogo or mandioca (Manihot esculenta) is a woody shrub of the Euphorbiaceae (spurge family) native to South America that is extensively cultivated as an annual crop in tropical and subtropical regions for its edible starchy tuberous root, a major source of carbohydrates. Cassava is the third largest source of carbohydrates for human food in the world, with Africa its largest center of production. The flour made of the roots is called tapioca.


The cassava, yuca, manioc, mogo or mandioca (Manihot esculenta) is a woody shrub of the Euphorbiaceae…

"The usual form of independent monumental tombs was a ponderous tower-shaped block, sometimes square, and sometimes round, with a quadrangular substructure; as, for instance, the tomb of Cæcilia Metella at Rome, which belongs to the time of Julius Cæsar, and which was used in the Middle Ages as a fortress, with battlements added to it.

Tomb of Cæcilia Metella

"The usual form of independent monumental tombs was a ponderous tower-shaped block, sometimes square,…

A diagram of of the nephridium of Nereis. Nereis is a genus of polychaete worms in the family Nereidae. It comprises many species, most of which are marine, including the sandworm (Nereis virens) and the common clam worm (Nereis succinea). Nereis possess setae and parapodia for locomotion. They may have two types of setae, which are found on the parapodia. Acicular setae provide support. Locomotor chaetae are for crawling, and are the bristles that are visible on the exterior of the polchaeta.


A diagram of of the nephridium of Nereis. Nereis is a genus of polychaete worms in the family Nereidae.…

An illustration of a Acanthobdella, a member of the annelid family.


An illustration of a Acanthobdella, a member of the annelid family.

An illustration of a sectional view of a Acanthobdella, a member of the annelid family. "c, Coelom;, Coelomic epithelium (yellow cells); cg, glandular cells; cl, Muscle cells of lateral line; cp, Pigment cells; ep, Ectoderm; g, Nerve cord; m, Intestine; mc, Circular muscle; ml, Longitudinal muscle; vd, Dorsal vessel; ww, Ventral vessel." (Britannic, 1910)

Sectional View of Acanthobdella

An illustration of a sectional view of a Acanthobdella, a member of the annelid family. "c, Coelom;…

An illustration of a sectional view of a Acanthobdella, a member of the annelid family. "c, Coelom;, Coelomic epithelium (yellow cells); cg, glandular cells; cl, Muscle cells of lateral line; cp, Pigment cells; ep, Ectoderm; g, Nerve cord; m, Intestine; mc, Circular muscle; ml, Longitudinal muscle; vd, Dorsal vessel; ww, Ventral vessel; cn, nerve cord; nf, parts of nephridium; on, external opening of nephridium; ov, ova; t, testis." (Britannica, 1910)

Sectional View of Acanthobdella

An illustration of a sectional view of a Acanthobdella, a member of the annelid family. "c, Coelom;…

The Imperial Moth (Eacles imperialis) is an insect in the Saturniidae family of large and colorful moths.

Imperial Moth

The Imperial Moth (Eacles imperialis) is an insect in the Saturniidae family of large and colorful moths.

The Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is a large bird of prey in the Accipitridae family of hawks, eagles, and kites.

Golden Eagle

The Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is a large bird of prey in the Accipitridae family of hawks, eagles,…

The Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) is a passerine bird in the Hirundinidae family of swallows and martins.

Cliff Swallow

The Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) is a passerine bird in the Hirundinidae family of swallows…

The Ivory-Marked Beetle (Eburia quadrigeminata) is an insect in the Cerambycidae family of longhorn beetles.

Ivory-Marked Beetle

The Ivory-Marked Beetle (Eburia quadrigeminata) is an insect in the Cerambycidae family of longhorn…

The Ivory Shell (Eburna spirata) is a gastropod mollusk in the Buccinidae family of true whelks.

Ivory Shell

The Ivory Shell (Eburna spirata) is a gastropod mollusk in the Buccinidae family of true whelks.

The Western Long-Beaked Echidna (Zaglossus bruijni) is a monotreme in the Tachyglossidae family of spiny anteaters.

Western Long-Beaked Echidna

The Western Long-Beaked Echidna (Zaglossus bruijni) is a monotreme in the Tachyglossidae family of spiny…

The Spiny Rat (Echimys cayennensis) is a rodent in the Echimyidae family of spiny rats.

Guyenne Spiny Rat

The Spiny Rat (Echimys cayennensis) is a rodent in the Echimyidae family of spiny rats.

The Heart Urchin (Echinocardium cordatum) is sea urchin in the Loveniidae family.

Heart Urchin

The Heart Urchin (Echinocardium cordatum) is sea urchin in the Loveniidae family.

Echinopora rosetta is a species of stone coral belonging to the Echinoporidae family.

Stone Coral

Echinopora rosetta is a species of stone coral belonging to the Echinoporidae family.

The Southern Globe Thistle (Echinops ruthenicus) is a species of thistles in the Asteraceae or daisy family.

Southern Globe Thistle

The Southern Globe Thistle (Echinops ruthenicus) is a species of thistles in the Asteraceae or daisy…

The soldier of Eciton drepanophorum, a species of army ant in the Formicidae family of ants.

Army Ant

The soldier of Eciton drepanophorum, a species of army ant in the Formicidae family of ants.

Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum) is a European mountain flower of the Asteraceae or daisy family.


Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum) is a European mountain flower of the Asteraceae or daisy family.

Edema albifrons is a species of moth of the Bombycidae family.


Edema albifrons is a species of moth of the Bombycidae family.

Edessa bifida is a species of stink bug in the Pentatomidae family of stink and shield bugs.

Stink Bug

Edessa bifida is a species of stink bug in the Pentatomidae family of stink and shield bugs.

The Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus) is a fish in the Gymnotidae family of naked-back knifefishes.

Electric Eel

The Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus) is a fish in the Gymnotidae family of naked-back knifefishes.

Ega sallei is a species of insect in the Carabidae family of ground beetles.

Ground Beetle

Ega sallei is a species of insect in the Carabidae family of ground beetles.

An illustration of a mother standing on a porch talking sternly to her son.

Mother and Child

An illustration of a mother standing on a porch talking sternly to her son.

The Eggplant (Solanum melongena) is a flowering plant in the Solanaceae family of nightshades. Its fruit is a common vegetable in cooking.


The Eggplant (Solanum melongena) is a flowering plant in the Solanaceae family of nightshades. Its fruit…

Fumaria is a genus of about fifty annual herbaceous flowering plants in the family Fumariaceae, native to temperate Europe and Asia, though some species are weedy or adventive in North and South America, Australia, etc. It is closely allied to Corydalis (from which it differs chiefly in having single-seeded fruits), and some botanists combine the two genera. The common name is fumitory.


Fumaria is a genus of about fifty annual herbaceous flowering plants in the family Fumariaceae, native…

An illustration of the side-view of the fumitory flower Fumaria is a genus of about fifty annual herbaceous flowering plants in the family Fumariaceae, native to temperate Europe and Asia, though some species are weedy or adventive in North and South America, Australia, etc. It is closely allied to Corydalis (from which it differs chiefly in having single-seeded fruits), and some botanists combine the two genera. The common name is fumitory.

Fumitory (Side-view)

An illustration of the side-view of the fumitory flower Fumaria is a genus of about fifty annual herbaceous…

An illustration of a longitudinal section of the fumitory flower. Fumaria is a genus of about fifty annual herbaceous flowering plants in the family Fumariaceae, native to temperate Europe and Asia, though some species are weedy or adventive in North and South America, Australia, etc. It is closely allied to Corydalis (from which it differs chiefly in having single-seeded fruits), and some botanists combine the two genera. The common name is fumitory.

Fumitory Flower (Longitudinal Section)

An illustration of a longitudinal section of the fumitory flower. Fumaria is a genus of about fifty…

An illustration of a fumitory flower anther. Fumaria is a genus of about fifty annual herbaceous flowering plants in the family Fumariaceae, native to temperate Europe and Asia, though some species are weedy or adventive in North and South America, Australia, etc. It is closely allied to Corydalis (from which it differs chiefly in having single-seeded fruits), and some botanists combine the two genera. The common name is fumitory.

Fumitory Flower Anther

An illustration of a fumitory flower anther. Fumaria is a genus of about fifty annual herbaceous flowering…

An illustration of: A, Inflorescence and cauline leaves; B, Radical leaves and root. Cardamine (Car-dá-mi-ne, Bittercress or Bitter-cress), is a large genus in the family Brassicaceae. It contains more than 150 species of annuals and perennials. The genus grows worldwide in diverse habitats, except in the Antarctic. Genus Dentaria is a synonym for Cardamine.


An illustration of: A, Inflorescence and cauline leaves; B, Radical leaves and root. Cardamine (Car-dá-mi-ne,…

The Great Egret (Ardea alba) is a large wading bird of the Ardeidae family of herons.

Great Egret

The Great Egret (Ardea alba) is a large wading bird of the Ardeidae family of herons.

The common elder (Somateria mollissima) is a large sea duck of the Anatidae family.

Elder Duck

The common elder (Somateria mollissima) is a large sea duck of the Anatidae family.

The Common Eland (Taurotragus oryx) is a plains antelope in the Bovidae family of cloven-hoofed mammals.

Common Eland

The Common Eland (Taurotragus oryx) is a plains antelope in the Bovidae family of cloven-hoofed mammals.

The Swallow-Tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus) is a large bird of the Accipitridae family of birds of prey.

Swallow-Tailed Kite

The Swallow-Tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus) is a large bird of the Accipitridae family of birds of…

The Tufted Deer (Elaphodus cephalophus) is a mammal closely related to the muntjac in the Cervidae family of deer.

Tufted Deer

The Tufted Deer (Elaphodus cephalophus) is a mammal closely related to the muntjac in the Cervidae family…

Elaphrus riparius is a species of Ground Beetle in the Carabidae family.

Ground Beetle

Elaphrus riparius is a species of Ground Beetle in the Carabidae family.

The Elecampane (Inula helenium) is a flowering plant in the Asteraceae family of daisies.


The Elecampane (Inula helenium) is a flowering plant in the Asteraceae family of daisies.

Graneledone verrucosa is a species of cephalopods in the Octopodidae family of octopuses.


Graneledone verrucosa is a species of cephalopods in the Octopodidae family of octopuses.

The Elephant Shrew (Macroscelides typicus) is a small mammal in the Macroscelididae family of elephant or jumping shrews.

Elephant Shrew

The Elephant Shrew (Macroscelides typicus) is a small mammal in the Macroscelididae family of elephant…

The Egyptian Free-Tailed Bat (Tadarida aegyptiaca) is a species of bat in the Molossidae family of free-tailed bats.

Egyptian Free-Tailed Bat

The Egyptian Free-Tailed Bat (Tadarida aegyptiaca) is a species of bat in the Molossidae family of free-tailed…

Elis quadrinotata is a species of wasp in the Scoliidae family.

Scoliid Wasp

Elis quadrinotata is a species of wasp in the Scoliidae family.

The Moose (Alces alces) is the largest member of the Cervidae family of deer.


The Moose (Alces alces) is the largest member of the Cervidae family of deer.

Elmis glaber is a species of beetle in the Elmidae family.

Elmis Beetle

Elmis glaber is a species of beetle in the Elmidae family.

The Ladyfish (Elops saurus) is a species of ray-finned fish in the Elopidae family.


The Ladyfish (Elops saurus) is a species of ray-finned fish in the Elopidae family.

The Green Sea Slug (Elysia viridis) is a species of a gastropod mollusc in the Placobranchidae family of sea slugs.

Green Sea Slug

The Green Sea Slug (Elysia viridis) is a species of a gastropod mollusc in the Placobranchidae family…