"Euonymus europaeus. 1. a section of a fruit; 2. a seed enveloped in its aril; 3. a perpendicular section…
"4. flower of Heterostemma acuminatum; 5. one of its anthers; 6. its pollen masses." -Lindley, 1853
"Eugenia tuberculata. 1. a flower; 2. the same divided vertically; 3. a stamen; 4. a ripe fruit; 5.…
Barringtonia speciosa or cornbeefwood is a species of flowering plants from the Lecythidaceae family.
"Sambucus nigra; 1. a flower; 2. a young pistil; 3. a cross section of its ovary; 4. a perpendicular…
"Upper part of stem with the inflorescence of Samphire (Crithmum maritimum). (a), a flower; (b), the…
The Black-billed Cuckoo, Coccyzus erythropthalmus, is a cuckoo. Adults have a long brown tail and a…
Berberis (Bér-be-ris, barberry, pepperidge bush) a genus of about 450-500 species of deciduous…
Smilax is a genus of about 300-350 species, found in the tropics and subtropics worldwide. In China…
Junipers are coniferous plants in the genus Juniperus of the cypress family Cupressaceae. Depending…
Juniperus virginiana (Eastern Redcedar, Red Cedar, Eastern Juniper, Red Juniper, Pencil Cedar) is a…
"Greasewood (Sarcobatus vermiculatus). 1, with female flowers; 2, branch with fruits; a, a female flower;…
The Summer Savory (Satureja hortensis) is a flowering plant of the Lamiaceae family. The image shows…
Coffea arabica is a species of coffee indigenous to Ethiopia and Yemen. It is also known as the "coffee…
An illustration of a ripe cotton capsule after dehiscence. Dehiscence is the spontaneous opening at…
An illustration of a cotton seed. Cotton is a soft, staple fiber that grows around the seeds of the…
An illustration of a cotton plant. Cotton is a soft, staple fiber that grows around the seeds of the…
The Red currant (Ribes rubrum) is a member of the genus Ribes in the gooseberry family Grossulariaceae,…
Eucalyptus is a diverse genus of trees (and a few shrubs), the members of which dominate the tree flora…
The Olive (Olea europaea) is a species of small tree in the family Oleaceae, native to the coastal areas…
Jasminum grandiflorum (chameli in Hindi) is a species of jasmine native to South Asia. In India, its…
An illustration of a juniper branch, vertical section of fruit (1), and male catkin (2). Junipers are…
A branch of the Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), a shrub or small tree, showing fruit.
A branch of the Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), a shrub or small tree, showing flowers.
Coffea Arabica is a species of coffee indigenous to Ethiopia and Yemen. It is also known as the "coffee…
"Pasture Sage-brush (Artemisia frigida). a, leaf; b, flower-head; c, fertile flower; d, marginal flower."…
The cassava, yuca, manioc, mogo or mandioca (Manihot esculenta) is a woody shrub of the Euphorbiaceae…
An illustration of a berberis branch. Berberis (Bér-be-ris, barberry, pepperidge bush) a genus…
An illustration of the berberis flower. Berberis (Bér-be-ris, barberry, pepperidge bush) a genus…
An illustration of the a stamen and pistil of the berberis plant. Berberis (Bér-be-ris, barberry,…
An illustration of the berberis fruit. Berberis (Bér-be-ris, barberry, pepperidge bush) a genus…
The Myrtle (Myrtus) is a genus of one or two species of flowering plants in the family Myrtaceae, native…
An illustration of the flower of the mistletoe plant. Mistletoe is the common name for a group of hemi-parasitic…
An illustration of one staminate flower in section, magnified twelve times. Mistletoe is the common…
An illustration of pistillate flowers of mistletoe. Mistletoe is the common name for a group of hemi-parasitic…
An illustration of one pistillate flower of mistletoe. Mistletoe is the common name for a group of hemi-parasitic…
An illustration of a mistletoe plant attached to the host plant. Mistletoe is the common name for a…
The Trailing Arbutus (Epigaea repens) is a spreading shrub in Ericaceae family of heaths.
The English Dogwood (Philadelphus coronarius) is a deciduous shrub, here showing its epigynous stamens…
The flowering branch of the coca plant (Erythroxylon coca) best known for its use in the drug cocaine.
"Escallonia macrantha. Escallonia is a South American genus of trees or shrubs, of the natural order…
The Ayapana (Ayapana triplinervis) is a flowering shrub in the Asteraceae family of daisies.
The Woodland Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) is a flowering plant in Rosaceae, the rose family.
Epigaea repens (Mayflower or Trailing Arbutus) is a low, spreading shrub in the Ericaceae family. It…
Epigaea repens (Mayflower or Trailing Arbutus) is a low, spreading shrub in the Ericaceae family. It…
"Flower of Gordonia pubescens. GORDONIA. A ternstroemiaceous genus, of two species, very ornamental…
The Spider-Net Grevillea is a small shrub in the Proteaceae. "Flowering Branch of Grevillea Thelemanniana."…
"Ornamental plants, cultivated chiefly for their handsome flowers. The Abelias are small or medium-sized…
"Aberia Caffra, Hook. f. & Harv. Fig. 59. Thorny, glabrous: lvs. obovate, obtuse, cuneate at base, entire:fls.…
An illustration of a branch from an osage-orange plant with male flowers. Osage-orange, Horse-apple…
An illustration of a branch from an osage-orange plant with female inflorescence. Osage-orange, Horse-apple…
An illustration of a male flower of the osage-orange plant. Osage-orange, Horse-apple or Bois D'Arc…
An illustration of a female flower of the osage-orange plant. Osage-orange, Horse-apple or Bois D'Arc…