This garden chair is a type of furniture used outside of the home in the garden or patio.
"Ornamental plants, cultivated chiefly for their handsome flowers. The Abelias are small or medium-sized…
An illustration of a fairy and a young girl sitting in a tree and is uprooted and flying in the air.
This is an illustration by artist Charles Robinson. It is found in novelist Robert Louis Stevenson's…
This is an illustration by artist Charles Robinson. It is found in novelist Robert Louis Stevenson's…
The Formal Garden is a one of many drawings of gardens that was illustrated by landscape artist Inigo…
The Formal Garden is a one of many drawings of gardens that was illustrated by landscape artist Inigo…
This is an illustration by artist Charles Robinson. It is found in novelist Robert Louis Stevenson's…
This is an illustration by artist Charles Robinson. It is found in novelist Robert Louis Stevenson's…
An illustration of mumming, or masquerading, in Windsor Castle Garden during the fourteenth century.…
An illustration of Luxembourg Palace which is located in Paris, France. The Luxembourg Palace houses…
A large genus of about 600 species of plants, including buttercups and spearworts. They are mostly bright…
Potting a plant in as small a pot as possible without crushing the roots, and then buying the pot in…
A gardening tool used for digging, smoothing, and otherwise moving around small amounts of soil or dirt.
"When the root sinks perpendicularly into the earth, and tapers regularly from the base to the apex…
"A clothes sprinkler may be made from a milk bottle. In it place a large cork, insert a garden sprinkling…
"Drumhead Savoy, which is a cross of the popular Curled Savoy and Drumhead, is a large-headed Savoy…
"The Savoy cabbages have wrinkled leaves and have a peculiar flavor that is much liked by most people.…
"The Early French Forcing is the leading variety for hot-bed culture. The plants have but a very small…
"The Improved Long Orange is the standard stock carrot. The roots are large and long, and are of good…
"Ruby, a new medium early variety, is likely to become a very decided favorite. The stalk, and also…
"Among varieties the White Spine is the leading table sort grown for this market, both outdoors and…
"A hardy biennial plant, producing an oblong bulb, or stalk, which has the flavor of an onion, and is…
Large areas of garden walls work for the cultivation of the apricot tree. The distance apart for fan…
An asparagus knife has a serrated blade on the end of an iron shank, one foot or more long, which is…
The flowers of aubrietia deltoidea are purple. There are several garden varieties, most of which are…
Carpet bedding is a mode of gardening. The numbers indicate the way different colors should be arranged.