Diagram illustrating several stages in the development of the Wasatch Mountains from the original fault block through rugged mountain topography to subdued mature topography, and final obliteration and formation of a peneplane.

Wasatch Mountains

Diagram illustrating several stages in the development of the Wasatch Mountains from the original fault…

Diagram of a mountain region from which the former glaciers have melted away, leaving the cirques to testify to their former presence. Some of the cirques diverge, leaving a broad rounded ridge between them, others converge, being separated only by a serrated knife-edge or arete.

Glacier Mountain Range

Diagram of a mountain region from which the former glaciers have melted away, leaving the cirques to…

Barrow's Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica) is a sea duck in the Anatidae family of ducks, geese, and swans. It was also known as the synonym Rocky Mountain Garrot (Clangula islandica or barrovi).

Barrow's Goldeneye

Barrow's Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica) is a sea duck in the Anatidae family of ducks, geese, and swans.…

The Höllental (Valley of Hell) is one of the routes on the German side leading up the Zugspitze (the highest mountain in Germany) on the German-Austrian border in the northern Alps. It is located in the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen and is considered a difficult route.

The Valley of Hell

The Höllental (Valley of Hell) is one of the routes on the German side leading up the Zugspitze (the…

Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shape. This tangram depicts a mountain.


Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures…

Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shape. This tangram depicts a mountain.


Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures…

Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shape. This tangram depicts a mountain.


Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures…

Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shape. This tangram depicts a mountain.


Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures…

"Rhynchotus rufescens,... is grey-brown, with blacker crown, rufous cheeks, neck, and breast, and chestnut primaries; the back is being barred with whitish and black, and the flanks with brown and white. " A. H. Evans, 1900. This bird is referenced in this source as Rhynchotus rufescens the Great Tinamou, though it's description seems to more closely resemble Rhynchotus rufescens the Red-Winged Tinamou.

Red-winged Tinamou

"Rhynchotus rufescens,... is grey-brown, with blacker crown, rufous cheeks, neck, and breast, and chestnut…

An illustration of a mountainous landscape.

Mountainous Landscape

An illustration of a mountainous landscape.

"Nestor notabilis, the Kea of the south island of New Zealand, has olive-green plumage with blackish margins; the wings and tail are varied with blue and yellow, the latter having a brown subterminal band; the rump and under wing-coverts are scarlet. The female is duller."

A Kea Sitting a Tree Branch

"Nestor notabilis, the Kea of the south island of New Zealand, has olive-green plumage with blackish…

"Speotyto cunicularia, the Burrowing Owl, a comparatively long-legged and short -winged bird with incomplete facial discs and unfeathered toes, is umber-brown varied with yellowish and white, the lower parts becoming lighter." A. H. Evans

Two Burrowing Owls by the Mountains

"Speotyto cunicularia, the Burrowing Owl, a comparatively long-legged and short -winged bird with incomplete…

"Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." Matthew 4:8-10 KJV

The Temptation on the Mountain

"Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of…

"And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light." Matthew 17:1-2 KJV

The Transfiguration

"And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high…

"Presumption often ventures quite too near, where danger should awaken wholesome fear" —Northdrop, 1893. A pair of ice skaters approach while another pair of skaters look on at two skaters that have fallen through the ice, near a danger sign, frantically try to get out of the icy waters.

Skating on Thin Ice

"Presumption often ventures quite too near, where danger should awaken wholesome fear" —Northdrop,…

The Battle of South Mountain, also known as the Battle of Boonsboro Gap, fought on September 14, 1862 as part of the Maryland Campaign of the Civil War.

Battle of South Mountain

The Battle of South Mountain, also known as the Battle of Boonsboro Gap, fought on September 14, 1862…

James Dwight Dana (1813 –1895) was an American geologist, mineralogist and zoologist. He made important studies of mountain building, volcanic activity, and the origin and structure of continents and oceans.

James D. Dana

James Dwight Dana (1813 –1895) was an American geologist, mineralogist and zoologist. He made…

The Northern Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium gnoma) is an owl in the Strigidae family of true owls.

Northern Pygmy Owl

The Northern Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium gnoma) is an owl in the Strigidae family of true owls.

This sign is used to indicate that rock climbing is located nearby.

Rock Climbing, Black and White

This sign is used to indicate that rock climbing is located nearby.

This sign is used to indicate that rock climbing is located nearby.

Rock Climbing, Color

This sign is used to indicate that rock climbing is located nearby.

This sign is used to indicate that rock climbing is located nearby.

Rock Climbing, Outline

This sign is used to indicate that rock climbing is located nearby.

This sign is used to indicate that rock climbing is located nearby.

Rock Climbing, Silhouette

This sign is used to indicate that rock climbing is located nearby.

This sign indicates that rock climbing is located nearby.

Climbing, Black and White

This sign indicates that rock climbing is located nearby.

This sign indicates that rock climbing is located nearby.

Climbing, Color

This sign indicates that rock climbing is located nearby.

This sign indicates that rock climbing is located nearby.

Climbing, Outline

This sign indicates that rock climbing is located nearby.

This sign indicates that rock climbing is located nearby.

Climbing, Silhouette

This sign indicates that rock climbing is located nearby.

"Upper part ashy-gray, with scarcely a shade, and only on the rump, under parts similarly grayish-white, without a rusty tinge, the middle of the belly, the rest more heavily shaded. Wings and tail with comparatively little whitish edging - tail at least with no more than that of P. carolonensis. Sides of the head and neck white; top of the head, and the throat, black. A conspicuous white superciliary stripe in the black cap, usually meeting its fellow across the forehead." Elliot Coues, 1884

Mountain Chickadee

"Upper part ashy-gray, with scarcely a shade, and only on the rump, under parts similarly grayish-white,…

Pan in Greek religion and mythology, is the companion of the nymphs, god of shepherds and flocks, of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music. His name originates within the Greek language, from the word paein, meaning "to pasture". He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as a faun or satyr. With his homeland in rustic Arcadia, he is recognized as the god of fields, groves, and wooded glens; because of this, Pan is connected to fertility and the season of spring.


Pan in Greek religion and mythology, is the companion of the nymphs, god of shepherds and flocks, of…

"Exotic Sparrow's - lowest pair - Passer domesticus (The Sparrow. Philip Sparrow. House Sparrow.) above pair - Passer montanus (Mountain Sparrow). House Sparrow - upper parts ashy-gray; middle of back and scapulars boldly streaked with black and bay. A dark chestnut; median tipped with white, forming a conspicuous wing-bar, bordering which is a black line. Greater coverts and inner quills with central black field bordered with bay. Tail dusky-gray, unmarked. Lower parts ashy, gray or whitish; chin and throat jet black, spreading on the breast and lores, bordered on side of neck with white. Bill blue-black; feet brown. Mountain Sparrow - Somewhat like the last, but smaller and otherwise different. Crown and nape a peculiar purplish-brown. Lores, chin, and throat-patch narrow and short, not spreading on breast, contrasted with ashy-white on side of head and neck; ear-coverts blackish. Back and scapulars streaked with black and bay, the streaking reaching to the purplish nape; rump and tail plain grayish-brown. Wings marked much as in P. domesticus, with a black and white bar across tips of median coverts, but also a narrow white bar across tips of greater coverts. Primaries more varied with ochrey-brown on outer webs, forming a basal spot and other edging. Below, ashy-gray, shaded on sides, flanks, and crissum with grayish-brown. Bill blue-black; feet brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Exotic Sparrow's

"Exotic Sparrow's - lowest pair - Passer domesticus (The Sparrow. Philip Sparrow. House Sparrow.) above…

"Lagopus leucurus. White-tailed Ptarmigan. Rocky Mountain Snow Grouse. Male and Female in winter: Entirely snow-white; bill black, rather slender, and general size and proportions nearly as in L. rupestris. Male and female, in summer: Tail, most of the wing, and lower parts from the breast, remaining white; rest of the plumage minutely marked with black, white, and tawny or grayish-brown, varying in precise character almost with every specimen; but there is no difficulty in recognizing this whit-tailed species, of alpine distribution in Western N. A. from the Arctic regions to New Mexico (lat. 37 degrees)." Elliot Coues, 1884

White-tailed Ptarmigan

"Lagopus leucurus. White-tailed Ptarmigan. Rocky Mountain Snow Grouse. Male and Female in winter: Entirely…

"Orortyx picta. Plumed Partridge. Mountain Quail. Back, wings and tail olive-brown, the inner secondaries and tertiaries bordered with whitish or tawny, forming a lengthwise border in single line when the wings are folded; the primaries fuscous, the tail-feathers fuscous, minutely marbled with the color of the back. Fore-parts, above and below, slaty-blue (above more or less glossed with olive shade of the back, below minutely marbled with black); the throat chestnut, immediately bordered laterally with black, then framed in the firm white line, broken through the eye, reappearing around base of under mandible. Extreme forehead whitish, The arrow-plumes black. Belly chestnut, the sides banded with broad bars of black and white, or rufous-white; middle of the lower belly, tibia, and flanks, whitish or rufous; crissum velvety-black, streaked with chestnut. Bill dusky, paler below; feet brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Mountain Quail

"Orortyx picta. Plumed Partridge. Mountain Quail. Back, wings and tail olive-brown, the inner secondaries…

This tree is known as mountain hemlock, native to western US soil.

Tsuga Mrtensiana

This tree is known as mountain hemlock, native to western US soil.

Small shrub native to northern Europe, bears small red berries.

Mountain Cranberry

Small shrub native to northern Europe, bears small red berries.

Also known as Kalmia latifolia. It is a flowering plant in the blueberry family. This image shows four different parts of the plant.


Also known as Kalmia latifolia. It is a flowering plant in the blueberry family. This image shows four…

Arent DePeyster, a British military officer of the American Revolution, surrenders at the Battle of King's Mountain.

DePeyster Raises a White Flag

Arent DePeyster, a British military officer of the American Revolution, surrenders at the Battle of…

"We see here a towering cliff belonging to a mountainous range which rises like a wall, or barrier, between the neighboring portions of the same country. The inhabitants desire very much to have a free communication with each other, but there is a mountain barrier which it is extremely difficult to get over, or around; they, therefore, determine to go through it. The human will brings to its aid the powerful elements of fire and water. Gunpowder and the steam-engine work wonders - they force a way through the solid rock. The iron railway is made, and the traveler, instead of toiling through long tedious hours over a mountain pathway, in a few moments, while in an easy chair, finds himself on the other side."—Barber, 1857

Where there is a Will, there is a Way

"We see here a towering cliff belonging to a mountainous range which rises like a wall, or barrier,…

A dormant volcanic cone in Turkey. It is approximately 25 miles in diameter.

Mount Ararat

A dormant volcanic cone in Turkey. It is approximately 25 miles in diameter.

"The highest of the White Mountains is Mount Washington. We can go in an ordinary train to the foot of this mountain, and from there can ride to its summit over one of the oddest little railroads in the world. The mountain is more than a mile high, and this little railroad goes right up to its top. In some places the track is so steep that it looks more like a ladder than a railroad, and the cars which go up it are at times at such an angle that you would think they would slide to the bottom."—Carpenter, 1898

Railroad Up Mount Washington

"The highest of the White Mountains is Mount Washington. We can go in an ordinary train to the foot…

The state banner of Idaho, the gem of the mountain state.


The state banner of Idaho, the gem of the mountain state.

The state banner of Vermont, the green mountain state.


The state banner of Vermont, the green mountain state.

A species of sheep with large horns.

Rocky Mountain Big-Horn

A species of sheep with large horns.

Also known as Pinus contorta, var. murrayana. The pine cone of a Tamarack Pine tree, native to the Cascade Range, Sierra Nevada, and surrounding mountain ranges.

Pine Cone of Tamarack Pine

Also known as Pinus contorta, var. murrayana. The pine cone of a Tamarack Pine tree, native to the Cascade…

Also known as Pinus pungens. The Table Mountain Pine is native to the Appalachian Mountains.

Table Mountain Pine Cone

Also known as Pinus pungens. The Table Mountain Pine is native to the Appalachian Mountains.

Also known as Tsuga mertensiana. A species of hemlock native to the west coast of North America, between Alaska and Caiifornia.

Pine Cone of Mountain Hemlock

Also known as Tsuga mertensiana. A species of hemlock native to the west coast of North America, between…

Also known as Abies fraseri. A species of fir native to the eastern United States mountains.

Pine Cone of Fraser Fir

Also known as Abies fraseri. A species of fir native to the eastern United States mountains.

Also known as Abies lasiocarpa. A western North American fir.

Pine Cone of Rocky Mountain Fir

Also known as Abies lasiocarpa. A western North American fir.

Also known as Juniperus scopulorum. Native to western North America.

Branch of Rocky Mountain Juniper

Also known as Juniperus scopulorum. Native to western North America.

Also known as Quercus georgiana. A branch of a Georgia Oak tree, native to southeastern United States.

Branch of Georgia Oak

Also known as Quercus georgiana. A branch of a Georgia Oak tree, native to southeastern United States.

Acantholimon venustum is an evergreen plant that grows in mountain regions. The pink colored flowers are arranged on spikes with twelve to twenty flowers on each spike. The leaves have sharp points.

Acantholimon Venustum Flowers

Acantholimon venustum is an evergreen plant that grows in mountain regions. The pink colored flowers…

Also known as Sorbus americana. The branch of an American Mountain-Ash tree, native to northeastern North America.

Branch of American Mountain-Ash

Also known as Sorbus americana. The branch of an American Mountain-Ash tree, native to northeastern…

The flowers of androsace laggeri are pink and are supported at the base of the stem. These flowers grow in the Pyrennes mountain range.

Androsace Laggeri

The flowers of androsace laggeri are pink and are supported at the base of the stem. These flowers grow…

The flowers of androsace sarmentosa are a bright rose color with a white eye. The flowers grow in groups of ten to twenty on an erect stalk. These flowers grow in the Himalayan mountain range.

Androsace Sarmentosa Habit and Leaves

The flowers of androsace sarmentosa are a bright rose color with a white eye. The flowers grow in groups…

The common name of arnica montana is Mountain Tobacco. The flower heads are yellow with three or four growing together.

Habit and Flower-Head of Arnica Montana

The common name of arnica montana is Mountain Tobacco. The flower heads are yellow with three or four…

Mountain peony is the common name of paeonia moutan. The flowers are large and vary in color. The plant grows three feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Mountain Peony

Mountain peony is the common name of paeonia moutan. The flowers are large and vary in color. The plant…

Mountain peony is the common name of paeonia moutan. The flowers are large and vary in color. The plant grows three feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Mountain Peony

Mountain peony is the common name of paeonia moutan. The flowers are large and vary in color. The plant…

Table mountain pine is the common name of pinus pungens. The cones are rather large, top shaped, and light yellowish brown.

Table Mountain Pine

Table mountain pine is the common name of pinus pungens. The cones are rather large, top shaped, and…

The common names of <i>Adlumia fungus</i> are climbing fumitory, mountain fringe, and allegheny vine. The vine climbs by the slender young leaf stalks.

Adlumia Fungosa

The common names of Adlumia fungus are climbing fumitory, mountain fringe, and allegheny vine. The vine…

Pictured is a mountain orchard in Virginia.

Virginia Mountain Orchard

Pictured is a mountain orchard in Virginia.

The common names of <I>Arnica montana</I> are mountain tobacco and mountain snuff. The plant is a foot high with a sparsely hairy stem. The leaves are oblong and taper to a point.

Arnica Montana

The common names of Arnica montana are mountain tobacco and mountain snuff. The plant is a foot high…

<I>Bauhinia kappleria</I> is a strong tree that grows to fifty feet tall. The flowers are whitish rose with darker and purple markings.

Bauhinia Kappleria

Bauhinia kappleria is a strong tree that grows to fifty feet tall. The flowers are whitish rose with…