"Shot-pouches. ... B, pouch (shot-belt) for two sizes of shot: a, a', pouches; b, strap for attachment to the person of the sportsman; c, c', nozzles, each with a single spring gate. The charge is measured in the detachable charger d." -Whitney, 1911

Hunting Shot Pouch

"Shot-pouches. ... B, pouch (shot-belt) for two sizes of shot: a, a', pouches; b, strap for attachment…

A gravity escapement uses a small weight or a weak spring to give an impulse directly to the pendulum. The earliest form consisted of two arms which were pivoted very close to the suspension spring of the pendulum with one arm on each side of the pendulum. Each arm carried a small dead beat pallet with an angled plane leading to it. When the pendulum lifted one arm far enough its pallet would release the escape wheel. Almost immediately another tooth on the escape wheel would start to slide up the angle face on the other arm thereby lifting the arm. It would reach the pallet and stop. The other arm meanwhile was still in contact with pendulum and coming down again to a point lower than it had started from. This lowering of the arm provides the impulse to the pendulum. The design was developed steadily from the middle of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century. It eventually became the escapement of choice for turret clocks.

Mudge's Gravity Escapement

A gravity escapement uses a small weight or a weak spring to give an impulse directly to the pendulum.…

A gravity escapement uses a small weight or a weak spring to give an impulse directly to the pendulum. The earliest form consisted of two arms which were pivoted very close to the suspension spring of the pendulum with one arm on each side of the pendulum. Each arm carried a small dead beat pallet with an angled plane leading to it. When the pendulum lifted one arm far enough its pallet would release the escape wheel. Almost immediately another tooth on the escape wheel would start to slide up the angle face on the other arm thereby lifting the arm. It would reach the pallet and stop. The other arm meanwhile was still in contact with pendulum and coming down again to a point lower than it had started from. This lowering of the arm provides the impulse to the pendulum. The design was developed steadily from the middle of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century. It eventually became the escapement of choice for turret clocks.

Bloxam's Gravity Escapement

A gravity escapement uses a small weight or a weak spring to give an impulse directly to the pendulum.…

An electrical remontoire can be either a gravity or spring type. In it, the weight or spring is rewound electrically, with a motor or solenoid. It is used in clocks with traditional mechanical movements which are run on electricity.

Electrical Remontoire

An electrical remontoire can be either a gravity or spring type. In it, the weight or spring is rewound…

An illustration of Hope Jone's dial-driving device. "Each time that a current is sent by the master clock, the electromagnet B attracts the pivoted armature C, and then the current ceases the lever D with the projecting arm E is driven back to its old position by the spring F, thus driving the wheel A forward one division. G is a back stop click, and H, I fixed stops." —Britannica, 1910

Dial Driving Device

An illustration of Hope Jone's dial-driving device. "Each time that a current is sent by the master…

"A and B...are two corks, into each of which r inserted four wing feathers from any bird, so as to be slightly inclined like the sails of a windmill, but in opposite directions in each set. A round shaft is fixed in the cork a, which ends in a sharp point. At the upper part of the cork b is fixed a whalebone bow, having a small pivot hole in its centre to receive the point of the shaft. The bow is then to be strung equally on each side to the upper portion of the shaft, and the little machine is completed. Wind up the string by turning the flyers different ways, so that the spring of the bow may unwind them with their anterior edges ascending." -Britannica, 1910

Cayley's Flying Model

"A and B...are two corks, into each of which r inserted four wing feathers from any bird, so as to be…

Narcissus is the botanic name for a genus of mainly hardy, mostly spring-flowering, bulbs in the Amaryllis family native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia. There are also several Narcissus species that bloom in the autumn. Though Hortus Third cites 26 wild species, Daffodils for North American Gardens cites between 50 and 100 excluding species variants and wild hybrids. Through taxonomic and genetic research, it is speculated that over time this number will likely continue to be refined. Daffodil is a common English name, sometimes used now for all varieties, and is the chief common name of horticultural prevalence used by the American Daffodil Society The range of forms in cultivation has been heavily modified and extended, with new variations available from specialists almost every year.


Narcissus is the botanic name for a genus of mainly hardy, mostly spring-flowering, bulbs in the Amaryllis…

Paeonia) is the only genus in the flowering plant family Paeoniaceae. They are native to Asia, southern Europe and western North America. Most are herbaceous perennial plants 0.5–1.5 metres tall, but some are woody shrubs up to 1.5–3 metres tall. They have compound, deeply lobed leaves, and large, often fragrant flowers, ranging from red to white or yellow, in late spring and early summer. In the past, the peonies were often classified in the family Ranunculaceae, alongside Hellebores and Anemones.

Peony Bud

Paeonia) is the only genus in the flowering plant family Paeoniaceae. They are native to Asia, southern…

Erica carnea (Winter heath, Winter Flowering Heather, or Spring heath; syn. E. herbacea, E. mediterranea) is a species of heath native to mountainous areas of central and southern Europe in the eastern Alps, where it grows in coniferous woodlands or stony slopes.

Winter Heath

Erica carnea (Winter heath, Winter Flowering Heather, or Spring heath; syn. E. herbacea, E. mediterranea)…

Snowdrop is the common name for members of the genus Galanthus, a small genus of about 20 species in the family Amaryllidaceae; snowdrops are among the first bulbs to bloom in spring, although certain species flower in late autumn and winter.


Snowdrop is the common name for members of the genus Galanthus, a small genus of about 20 species in…

Scilla (squill) is a genus of bulb-forming perennial herbs in the Hyacinthaceae. The 90-odd species are found in woodlands, subalpine meadows, and seashores across the Old World. Their flowers are usually blue, but white, pink, and purple types are known; most flower in early spring, but a few are autumn-flowering.


Scilla (squill) is a genus of bulb-forming perennial herbs in the Hyacinthaceae. The 90-odd species…

Diagrammatic section showing artesian conditions in Sulphur Spring Valley.

Artesian Conditions in Sulphur Spring Valley

Diagrammatic section showing artesian conditions in Sulphur Spring Valley.

"A device for preventing the escape of gas through the vent or around the breech-mechanism which closes the rear end of the bore or chamber of any breech-loading small-arm, machine-gun, or cannon. Freire Gas-check. AA, breech-block; BB, expanding bolt and bolt-head; CC, expanding steel ring or gas-check; S, spiral spring; D, check-nut and set-screw." -Whitney, 1911

Freire Gas Check

"A device for preventing the escape of gas through the vent or around the breech-mechanism which closes…

The architectural and ornamental style of the ancient German homes appealed to the storks, who arrived every spring and built their nests on the highest points and chimneys. The building of a nest upon a house by a pair of storks is considered as a presage of good fortune to the inhabitants, and they often suffered great inconvenience rather than drive away the birds. It is known that one man gave up the use of one of his rooms during the winter rather than destroy a nest two storks had built over the aperture of his chimney.

Stork's Nest in Strasburg

The architectural and ornamental style of the ancient German homes appealed to the storks, who arrived…

An illustration of a May day celebration. May Day occurs on May 1 and refers to any of several public holidays. In many countries, May Day is synonymous with International Workers' Day, or Labour Day, which celebrates the social and economic achievements of the labour movement. As a day of celebration the holiday has ancient origins, and it can relate to many customs that have survived into modern times. Many of these customs are due to May Day being a cross-quarter day, meaning that (in the Northern Hemisphere where it is almost exclusively celebrated) it falls approximately halfway between the spring equinox and summer solstice.

May Day Celebration

An illustration of a May day celebration. May Day occurs on May 1 and refers to any of several public…

"Parotia sexpennis, the Six-wired Bird of Paradise, is bronzy- and purplish-black, having scale-like golden throat- and breast-feathers with green and blue reflections. A satiny white patch crosses the forehead; the occiput is green, blue, and purple, having two lateral tufts, from each of which spring three wires terminating in small black discs; while large, soft, erectile masses of black adorn each side of the body." A. H. Evans, 1900

Six-wired Bird of Paradise

"Parotia sexpennis, the Six-wired Bird of Paradise, is bronzy- and purplish-black, having scale-like…

The Meadow Foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis)has an erect, smooth stem, two or three feet high with swelling sheaths. The spikes are cylindrical and obtuse. The awn is twisted and twice the length of the blossom. It has only one palea. The spike or head of the Meadow Foxtail is soft. There are few light stems and leaves. It thrives best in rich, moist strong soil, and flowers from late spring to early summer.

Meadow Foxtail Grass

The Meadow Foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis)has an erect, smooth stem, two or three feet high with swelling…

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) has three-flowered spreading spikelets. The lateral flowers are neutral with one palea, hairy on the outside, and awned on the back. The glumes are thin, acute, keeled, the upper twice as long as the lower. The seed is ovate and adhearing to the palea which encloses it. The stem is from one and a half to two feet high. The root is perennial and flowers in May and June. This is one of the earliest spring grasses and one of the latest in autumn, and is almost the only grass that is fragrant.

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) has three-flowered spreading spikelets. The lateral…

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) has three-flowered spreading spikelets. The lateral flowers are neutral with one palea, hairy on the outside, and awned on the back. The glumes are thin, acute, keeled, the upper twice as long as the lower. The seed is ovate and adhearing to the palea which encloses it. The stem is from one and a half to two feet high. The root is perennial and flowers in May and June. This is one of the earliest spring grasses and one of the latest in autumn, and is almost the only grass that is fragrant. A flower is seen here.

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) has three-flowered spreading spikelets. The lateral…

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) has three-flowered spreading spikelets. The lateral flowers are neutral with one palea, hairy on the outside, and awned on the back. The glumes are thin, acute, keeled, the upper twice as long as the lower. The seed is ovate and adhearing to the palea which encloses it. The stem is from one and a half to two feet high. The root is perennial and flowers in May and June. This is one of the earliest spring grasses and one of the latest in autumn, and is almost the only grass that is fragrant.  A flower is seen here.

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass

Sweet-scented Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) has three-flowered spreading spikelets. The lateral…

Barley is a cereal grain derived from the annual grass Hordeum vulgare, a common barley. It serves as a major animal feed crop, with smaller amounts used for malting and in health food, as well as the making of the alcoholic beverages beer. This is a spring species. The seed is more slender than wheat with a firmer and rougher covering of husk or chaff.


Barley is a cereal grain derived from the annual grass Hordeum vulgare, a common barley. It serves as…

The Two-rowed Barley's spike, or ear, is long and somewhat compressed, and the grain is of a very good quality. It is sown in the spring. Barley succeeds best in soils of medium consistency, but accommodates itself to almost every variety of soil, except very moist ones. It endures a drought better than excessive moistures, but it requires as deep and good tillage as wheat.

Two-rowed Barley

The Two-rowed Barley's spike, or ear, is long and somewhat compressed, and the grain is of a very good…

Rye (Secale cereale) is a grass grown extensively as a grain and forage crop. Rye is characterized by long-bearded spikes, or ears, and a tall and slender stem. There are two prominent varieties known as winter and spring rye. The grain or kernel of rye is smaller in size than that of wheat.


Rye (Secale cereale) is a grass grown extensively as a grain and forage crop. Rye is characterized by…

The Spring-tooth Rake was often objected by farmers because the wire teeth scratched up too much earth getting it on the hay.

Spring-tooth Rake

The Spring-tooth Rake was often objected by farmers because the wire teeth scratched up too much earth…

Drift material, loose material left on the surface by a retiring glacier, plays a part in wells and springs. (a) Beds of clay variously disiposed in a mass of sandy materials. (b) Wells sunk in different situations, and finding a supply of water only when a bed of clay is reached. A well on top of a hill may be shallower than one at the foot. (c) The surface of the earth. (d) Outcrop bed of clay, causing a spring. If the porous materials contain fragments of limestones, these spring waters are hard, and d. A well carried below its supplying-bed may lose its water again.

Phenomena of Wells and Springs in Drift Material

Drift material, loose material left on the surface by a retiring glacier, plays a part in wells and…

"Gun-lock. a, hammer or cock; b, tumbler; c, bridle; d, bridle-screw; e, sear; f, sear-screw; g, sear-spring; h, sear spring screw; i, main-spring; k, swivel; l, l, side-screws." -Whitney, 1911

Gun Lock

"Gun-lock. a, hammer or cock; b, tumbler; c, bridle; d, bridle-screw; e, sear; f, sear-screw; g, sear-spring;…

This flower vase is an antique design with a bas-relief (raised artwork). The theme of the design is named by the designer as a "festival in honor of spring".

Flower Vase

This flower vase is an antique design with a bas-relief (raised artwork). The theme of the design is…

This wood carving represents spring which is symbolized by forty-seven varieties of plants.

Wood Carving

This wood carving represents spring which is symbolized by forty-seven varieties of plants.

Hulda, the Norse goddess of spring sits on the throne in her cave. A shepherd finds this cave and as a reward, Hulda gives him anything in the cave. He chooses the blue flowers she holds in her hand.

Hulda and the Shepherd

Hulda, the Norse goddess of spring sits on the throne in her cave. A shepherd finds this cave and as…

"Relative positions of the earth and the sun during the spring equinox, the summer solstice, the autumn equinox, and the winter solstice." -Wiswell, 1913

Seasons from Earth's Orbit

"Relative positions of the earth and the sun during the spring equinox, the summer solstice, the autumn…

"Relative positions of the earth and the sun on March 21 (spring equinox) and September 21 (autumn equinox) as seen from the position occupied by the earth on June 21 (summer solstice). Rays of light and heat meet the earth vertically on the Equator, and the days and nights are everywhere of equal length." -Wiswell, 1913

Spring Equinox and Autumn Equinox

"Relative positions of the earth and the sun on March 21 (spring equinox) and September 21 (autumn equinox)…

The pole lathe of 1800 is a wood turning tool that uses a pole as a return spring for the treadle (foot pedal).

Pole Lathe

The pole lathe of 1800 is a wood turning tool that uses a pole as a return spring for the treadle (foot…

Pan in Greek religion and mythology, is the companion of the nymphs, god of shepherds and flocks, of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music. His name originates within the Greek language, from the word paein, meaning "to pasture". He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as a faun or satyr. With his homeland in rustic Arcadia, he is recognized as the god of fields, groves, and wooded glens; because of this, Pan is connected to fertility and the season of spring.


Pan in Greek religion and mythology, is the companion of the nymphs, god of shepherds and flocks, of…

"Black -and-Yellow Warbler. Magnolia Warbler. Back black, usually quite pure and uninterrupted in the spring, more or less mixed with olive in the winter; rump yellow; upper tail-coverts black , often skirted with olive and ashy. Whole crown of head clear ash; sides of head black, including a very narrow frontlet; the eyelids and a stripe behind the eye, between the ash and black, white. Entire under parts rich yellow, excepting the white crissum, heavily streaked with black across the breast and along the sides, the streaks on the breast so thick as to form a nearly continuous black border to the immaculate yellow throat. Wings fuscous, with lining, white edging of the inner webs of all the quills, of the outer webs of the inner secondaries, and with a large white patch formed by the tips of the median coverts and tips of the median coverts and tips and outer edges of the coverts. Tail blackish, with square white spots on the middle of the inner webs of al the feathers excepting the middle pair. Bill blackish; feet dark."

Magnolia Warbler

"Black -and-Yellow Warbler. Magnolia Warbler. Back black, usually quite pure and uninterrupted in the…

The Common Mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) is a species of aquatic salamander found throughout the northeastern United States, and parts of Canada. Mudpuppies prefer shallow water with many places to hide, but have been found at depths of up to 90 feet. The mating season is late autumn, however eggs are not laid until late spring when 50 to 100 eggs are deposited in a nest cavity under a rock or other object. It takes 1 to 2 months for the eggs to hatch and 4 to 6 years for the young to reach maturity. Mudpuppies may live for up to 20 years.

Common Mudpuppy

The Common Mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) is a species of aquatic salamander found throughout the northeastern…

"Dolichonyx oryzivorus. Bobolink. Meadow-wink. Skunk Blackbird (Northern States), Reed-bird (Middle States), Rice-bird (Southern States). Male, in breeding plumage: Black; cervix buff; scapulars, rump and upper tail-coverts ashy-white; interscapulars streaked with black, buff, and ashy; outer quills edged with yellowish; bill blackish-horn; feet brown. The faultless full dress of black, white, and buff is worn only for a brief period; and even in spring and summer, most males are found to have yellowish touches in the black, especially of the under parts. The "delirious song" is only heard while the males re trooping their way to their breeding-grounds, and before the midsummer change of feather." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Dolichonyx oryzivorus. Bobolink. Meadow-wink. Skunk Blackbird (Northern States), Reed-bird (Middle…

"Sayiornis fusca. Pewit Flycatcher. Water Pewee. Pewit. Phaebe. Dull olivaceous-brown, the head much darker fuscous-brown, almost blackish, usually in marked contrast with the back; below, solid whitish, or palest possible yellow, particularly on the belly; the sides, and the breast nearly or quite across, shaded with grayish -brown; wings and tail dusky, the outer tail-feather, inner secondaries, and usually the wing-coverts, edged with whitish; a whitish ring round the eye; bill and feet black. Varies greatly in shade; the foregoing is the average spring condition. As summer passes, the plumage becomes much-duller and and darker brown, from wearing of the feather; then, after the moult, fall specimens are much brighter than in spring, the under parts being decidedly yellow, at least on the belly." Elliot Coues, 1884

Pewit Flycatcher

"Sayiornis fusca. Pewit Flycatcher. Water Pewee. Pewit. Phaebe. Dull olivaceous-brown, the head much…

"Ceratorhina monocerata. Unicorn Auk. Horn-bill Auk. Young: Bill like that of adults in winter, lacking horn, but every way weaker, hardly more than half as large. Mostly dark-colored. No white feathers on side of head. White under parts overlaid and marbled with dark-gray ends of the feathers; black of upper parts brownish. The first spring the horn grows, the accessory piece develops, and the plumage clears up. Nestlings are covered with smoky-brown down." Elliot Coues, 1884

Young Horn-billed Auk

"Ceratorhina monocerata. Unicorn Auk. Horn-bill Auk. Young: Bill like that of adults in winter, lacking…

A hairspring dividers is a divider with a adjustable screw on the leg.

Hairspring Dividers

A hairspring dividers is a divider with a adjustable screw on the leg.

The ruling pen with spring blade for easy cleaning. Ruling pens are useful in drawing with ink.

Ruling Pen

The ruling pen with spring blade for easy cleaning. Ruling pens are useful in drawing with ink.

A standard sized spring bow with bow points or spacers to draw circles.

Spring Bow with Bow Points

A standard sized spring bow with bow points or spacers to draw circles.

A standard sized pencil point spring bow to draw circles.

Pencil Point Spring Bow

A standard sized pencil point spring bow to draw circles.

A standard sized pen point spring bow to draw circles.

Pen Point Spring Bow

A standard sized pen point spring bow to draw circles.

A hook-spring pen point to draw circles.

Pen Point Hook-Spring Bow

A hook-spring pen point to draw circles.

A hook-spring with pencil point to draw circles.

Pencil Point Hook-Spring Bow

A hook-spring with pencil point to draw circles.

A hook-spring with bow point to draw circles.

Hook-Spring Bow with Bow Points

A hook-spring with bow point to draw circles.

This wrist machine features a handle spring fitted to test the wrist tension of any personnel. Machine indicates spring resistance, after a coin is inserted. This spring device has a body constructed to represent the figure of a man.

Coin Operated Spring Testing Wrist Machine

This wrist machine features a handle spring fitted to test the wrist tension of any personnel. Machine…

A folding bed is a piece of furniture used as a place to sleep. Beds usually consists of a mattress paced on top of a box spring inner sprung base. Folding beds were more common in medieval Europe.

Folding Bed

A folding bed is a piece of furniture used as a place to sleep. Beds usually consists of a mattress…

A weighing scale is a measuring instrument for determining the weight or mass of an object. A spring scale measures weight by the distance a spring deflects under its load. A balance compares the unknown weight to a standard weight using a horizontal lever.

Weighing Scale

A weighing scale is a measuring instrument for determining the weight or mass of an object. A spring…

A temporary high chair conversion for an adult chair includes a child's eating tray horizontally disposed above an adult chair seat by a pair of U-shaped frame members removably supporting the tray and overlying the chair seat.The rearward end portions of the U-shaped frame members are connected with a pair of opposed chair back supporting standards by a telescoping tube and spring arrangement urging the semicircular chair back standard engaging members into frictional contact with the respective chair back standard.

Chair Attachment Accessory

A temporary high chair conversion for an adult chair includes a child's eating tray horizontally disposed…

A moving jaw is spring urged, against a fixed jaw, o capture picks.

Lasting Pinchers

A moving jaw is spring urged, against a fixed jaw, o capture picks.

Binder posts are folders in which punched pieces of paper may be held by means of clamps running through the holes in the paper. These retainers are usually spring-loaded, frequently circular, and may have additional latching systems.

Flexible Binder Post

Binder posts are folders in which punched pieces of paper may be held by means of clamps running through…

This clothes pin serves several purposes, initially used to grab onto clothing garments which hung from drying lines.

Clothes Pin

This clothes pin serves several purposes, initially used to grab onto clothing garments which hung from…

A tractor compound steam engine with outside suspension spring. The spring suspension helps stabilize the tractor. The tractor is fitted with plates to minimize dust entering the engine.

Steam Operated Tractor with Outside Spring Suspension

A tractor compound steam engine with outside suspension spring. The spring suspension helps stabilize…

A lantern is a portable lighting device used to illuminate large areas. Common uses of lanterns are to signal and illuminate paths.

Spring Held Lantern

A lantern is a portable lighting device used to illuminate large areas. Common uses of lanterns are…

"This type of governor is used frequently on throttling engines; it consists of a pendulum governor with springs added to counteract the centrifugal force of the balls. Thus the height and sensitiveness are increased." —Derr, 1911

Spring Governor for Steam Engines

"This type of governor is used frequently on throttling engines; it consists of a pendulum governor…

An exterior view of a waters spring governor. The governor is used to regulate fuel by closing and opening the valves. The valve is opened or closed by rotating the two heavy balls.

Exterior View of Waters Spring Governor

An exterior view of a waters spring governor. The governor is used to regulate fuel by closing and opening…

"In this goveror the weights are always in the same plane, the variation in height being due to the action o the bell crank levels connecting the balls and spindle. When the balls move outward the spindle moves downward and tends to close the valve." —Derr, 1911

Waters Spring Governor with Safety Stop

"In this goveror the weights are always in the same plane, the variation in height being due to the…

A straight line engine governor illustrating the direction of the ball (B) is going. The single ball is rotated around by spring S, spinning the wheel. The valve closes as the wheel spins.

Straight Line Engine Governor

A straight line engine governor illustrating the direction of the ball (B) is going. The single ball…

An indicator spring calibration apparatus using mercury. The spring indicators are the gauges connected to the pipes for pressure measurement. The accuracy of the gauges are measured by a mercury manometer in the pipe, measuring the flow rate in side the big pipe.

Mercury Column for Calibrating Indicator Springs

An indicator spring calibration apparatus using mercury. The spring indicators are the gauges connected…