A beautiful bird classed with the crow family, but differing from the common crow in having a smaller body, short wings, long tail, and various colors.


A beautiful bird classed with the crow family, but differing from the common crow in having a smaller…

A bird of the falcon family, differing from the genus falco in having longer and more slender tarsi and toes.


A bird of the falcon family, differing from the genus falco in having longer and more slender tarsi…

Any plant of the genus asclepias, of the milkweed family, so called from the milky juice that exudes from a wound.


Any plant of the genus asclepias, of the milkweed family, so called from the milky juice that exudes…

Founded of Mohammedanism, born in Mecca, Arabia, Aug. 20, 570 A.D.; died in Medina, June 8, 632. He descended from a good family of Arabians, but his father, Abdallah, died when he was yet an infant, and his mother, Amina, died when he was six years of age.


Founded of Mohammedanism, born in Mecca, Arabia, Aug. 20, 570 A.D.; died in Medina, June 8, 632. He…

A family of climbing plants, including many species. They are familiarly known as favorite flowering plants, and are cultivated extensively in gardens. The vines climb to heights of from ten to twenty feet, and produce funnelshaped flowers of white, purple, pink, blue and varigated colors.

Morning Glory

A family of climbing plants, including many species. They are familiarly known as favorite flowering…

A bird found extensively in North America, belonging to the family of goatsuckers. It is a value for its destruction of large insects and beetles, upon which it feeds.

Night Hawk

A bird found extensively in North America, belonging to the family of goatsuckers. It is a value for…

A bird of song, belonging to the thrush family. The plumage of both sexes is alike, being reddishbrown above the grayish-white beneath. In most species the tail is rufous and the breast dark-hued.


A bird of song, belonging to the thrush family. The plumage of both sexes is alike, being reddishbrown…

An edible bulb, produced by a biennial herb of the lily family. The plant has tubulated leaves, a pithy stalk bearing the seed, and the bulb has a strong odor and taste due to an acrid volatile oil that is destroyed by boiling.


An edible bulb, produced by a biennial herb of the lily family. The plant has tubulated leaves, a pithy…

A tree of the nettle family, so named from the Osage Mountains of Arkansas, where it is native, but it is also found in other regions of North America. The leaves are flossy and alternate, and it bears a fruit somewhat resembling an orange in size and color, but it is not edible.

Osage Orange

A tree of the nettle family, so named from the Osage Mountains of Arkansas, where it is native, but…

A class of carnivorous mammals of the weasel family, which includes about twenty species that vary greatly in size. The common otter measures a little over two feet from nose to tail. It has a tail about fifteen inches long, soft fr of a brownish color, webbed feet adapted for swimming, and weighs about twenty pounds. Otters are found along the shores and streams and lakes, where they construct holes and channels through the ground, and subsist by feeding on fish, small birds, frogs, and other aquatic animals.


A class of carnivorous mammals of the weasel family, which includes about twenty species that vary greatly…

A tree native to tropical America, allied to the passion flower family, and now extensively cultivated in tropical countries. It has a remarkably tapering sem crowned by a tuft of leaves on long footstalks, with the flowers below, and grows to a height of from fifteen to twenty feet.


A tree native to tropical America, allied to the passion flower family, and now extensively cultivated…

A genus of rushlike plants of the sedge family, growing in marshy places from root-stalks. The stem grows to a height of from six to fifteen feet. It is naked, except near the root, and at the top is a bunch of leaves formed much like an umbrella. The flowers occur on scaly spikelets and are surrounded by long bracts, and the seeds are three-cornered.


A genus of rushlike plants of the sedge family, growing in marshy places from root-stalks. The stem…

A genus of birds of the grouse family, including a number of widely different species of game birs, and distributed more or less in all the continents. In color the common partridge is ash-gray with markings of brown and black . They body is round and stout, and measures about twelve inches in length. Its wings and tail are short, the bill is heavy, and the tarsi and toes are naked.


A genus of birds of the grouse family, including a number of widely different species of game birs,…

(1795-1869) An entrepreneur and philanthropist who founded the Peabody Institute in Boston. He was born in Danvers, Massachusetts to a middle class family.

George Peabody

(1795-1869) An entrepreneur and philanthropist who founded the Peabody Institute in Boston. He was born…

A class of beautiful birds of the pheasant family, native to southeastern Asia. In the wild state peacocks are met with mostly while perching in trees, but they make their nests on the ground, where the peahen lays from twenty to thirty eggs in the early spring and may later be seen in company with a large brood of young, usually from ten to twenty.


A class of beautiful birds of the pheasant family, native to southeastern Asia. In the wild state peacocks…

A trailing plant of the bean family, bearing a hairy stem, small yellow flowers, and two-paired primate leaflets. The flowers are sterile above ground. After they wither, the forming stalk of the ovary bends downward and forces the young pod underground, and the seeds mature some distance below the surface.


A trailing plant of the bean family, bearing a hairy stem, small yellow flowers, and two-paired primate…

A genus of plants of the nightshade family, which are native to the warmer parts of America. The leaves are entire, and somewhat resemble those of tobacco, especially in having a sticky surface and in emitting a disagreeable odor when crushed. The plants are perennial herbs, and the flowers are either single or double. They are cultivated extensively in gardens and in greenhouses, where they are grown chiefly as annual plants, since they bloom early.


A genus of plants of the nightshade family, which are native to the warmer parts of America. The leaves…

A carnivorous mammal of the weasel family. It resembles the skunk in having glands that secrete a liquid substance with a disagreeable odor, which it ejects when scared or irritated.


A carnivorous mammal of the weasel family. It resembles the skunk in having glands that secrete a liquid…

A class of trees of the myrtle family. They are native to Palestine and the Mediterranean region, but are cultivated extensively for their fruit in any countries.


A class of trees of the myrtle family. They are native to Palestine and the Mediterranean region, but…

A sea mammal of the dolphin family, found extensively off the coasts of North America and Europe and in the Arctic regions.


A sea mammal of the dolphin family, found extensively off the coasts of North America and Europe and…

A class of birds of the partridge family, differing from other partridges mainly in being smaller and having longer wings and a shorter tail.


A class of birds of the partridge family, differing from other partridges mainly in being smaller and…

A genus in the family Simaroubaceae. Its size is disputed; some botanists treat it as consisting of only one species, Quassia amara from tropical South America, while others treat it in a wide circumscription as a pantropical genus containing up to 40 species of trees and shrubs.


A genus in the family Simaroubaceae. Its size is disputed; some botanists treat it as consisting of…

A family with a baby.


A family with a baby.

A tree of the apple family. It is native to the western part of Asia, but has been naturalized in many regions and is cultivated extensively for its fruit.


A tree of the apple family. It is native to the western part of Asia, but has been naturalized in many…

Cinchona is a genus of about 40 species in the family Rubiaceae, native to tropical South America. They are large shrubs or small trees growing 5-15 metres tall with evergreen foliage.


Cinchona is a genus of about 40 species in the family Rubiaceae, native to tropical South America. They…

A genus of rodent mammals belonging to the same family as the hares, though they are smaller and have shorter ears and hind legs. It is thought that rabits were found originally in the western portion of the mediterranean basin, but they have been widely naturalized and are met with in all regions, except, those extremely cold.


A genus of rodent mammals belonging to the same family as the hares, though they are smaller and have…

An American quadruped mammal of the bear family, which is found from Canada to the tropics. The head is broad behind with the muzzle narrow, the ears short, and the tail ringed and moderately long.


An American quadruped mammal of the bear family, which is found from Canada to the tropics. The head…

A class of rodent mammals belonging to the mouse family, but including only the larger species. A number of species have been described. They infest houses, barns, and ships.


A class of rodent mammals belonging to the mouse family, but including only the larger species. A number…

A species of mammals of the deer family, native to the northern regions of Eurasia. It has long been domesticated in Scandinavia, especially among the Laplanders, and in the northern parts of Asia, but is still found in the wild state in Spitzbergen and other sections of northern Eurasia.


A species of mammals of the deer family, native to the northern regions of Eurasia. It has long been…

An extensive genus of shrubs of the heath family. The leaves are usually alternate and evergreen in some species, and the flowers are in clusters and often variously colored.


An extensive genus of shrubs of the heath family. The leaves are usually alternate and evergreen in…

The name applied to several species of birds of the warbler family, which are native to Europe. they are so named from the red breast of the male, the female having a breast of a yellowish-brown color. the robin in America is a species of thrush, and is much larger than the redbreast.

Robin Redbreast

The name applied to several species of birds of the warbler family, which are native to Europe. they…

A species of crow. It differs from other birds of the crow family in having a naked spot at the base of the bill, and in feeding on grain and insects instead of carrion.


A species of crow. It differs from other birds of the crow family in having a naked spot at the base…

An evergreen shrub of the mint family, which is native to southern Europe and western Asia. It is from three to eight feet high, has narrow, opposite leaves, and pale-blue flowers.


An evergreen shrub of the mint family, which is native to southern Europe and western Asia. It is from…

An extensive genus of plants of the mint family, which are widely distributed in warm regions, embracing 450 species. Most varieties are perennials of a shrubby nature.


An extensive genus of plants of the mint family, which are widely distributed in warm regions, embracing…

A class of wading birds of the snipe family, which are widely diffused in the northern hemisphere. Birds of this species breed in the Arctic regions, both in America and Eurasia, and on the approach of winter move southward as far as Brazil and Africa.


A class of wading birds of the snipe family, which are widely diffused in the northern hemisphere. Birds…

An extensive group of wading birds of the snipe family. They are found in large numbers in swampy regions, on the shores of the sea, and on the banks of rivers, lakes, and ponds.


An extensive group of wading birds of the snipe family. They are found in large numbers in swampy regions,…

The name of an extensive genus of insects, native to the warm climates of both hemispheres, and belonging to the same family as the spiders.


The name of an extensive genus of insects, native to the warm climates of both hemispheres, and belonging…

The dried leaflets of several species of cassia, plants belonging to the bean family. These plants are native to northern Africa, western Asia, and southern Europe, particularly to Arabia.


The dried leaflets of several species of cassia, plants belonging to the bean family. These plants are…

The name of a genus of gigantic trees of the pine family, nearly allied to the bald cypress of the southeastern United States, and so named from the Indian chief Sequoiah, who invented the Cherokee alphabet. There are only two chief species, the redwood and the mammoth, both of which are native to California.


The name of a genus of gigantic trees of the pine family, nearly allied to the bald cypress of the southeastern…

A genus of fish of the herring family, but differing from the herrings proper in having a longer and deeper body, and notches in the upper jaw. Writers have described a number of species that are more or less widely distributed, and all are esteemed for food.


A genus of fish of the herring family, but differing from the herrings proper in having a longer and…

An extensive genus of fishes of the ray family, found widely distributed in the ocean, but most abundantly within the tropics. The body is elongated in most species, the tail thick and fleshy, and the teeth are generally large, sharp, and formed for cutting.


An extensive genus of fishes of the ray family, found widely distributed in the ocean, but most abundantly…

A genus of birds of the insessorial family, and widely distributed in America, Eurasia, and other continents. The food consists of insects, frogs, mice, and small birds, receiving from their habit of killing other birds the name of butcherbird.


A genus of birds of the insessorial family, and widely distributed in America, Eurasia, and other continents.…

A genus of quadrupeds of the weasel family, which are native to North America. They are about the size of a large cat.


A genus of quadrupeds of the weasel family, which are native to North America. They are about the size…

A shrub of the plum family, usually frowing to a height of from six to twelve feet. Its wood is hard and tough, and the young growth is used for walking-sticks.


A shrub of the plum family, usually frowing to a height of from six to twelve feet. Its wood is hard…

A genus of mammals belonging to the bear family. They are native to Central and South America. These animals are peculiar for their long claws, which turn toward the body, thus making it difficult to move on the ground, but they pass to and fro with remarkable favility on the limbs of trees.


A genus of mammals belonging to the bear family. They are native to Central and South America. These…

A bird of the bunting family, widely distributed in America and Eurasia. It differs from the true buntings in having a long and nearly straight claw on the hind tow, and it is similar to the lark in its habits of running along the ground.

Snow Bunting

A bird of the bunting family, widely distributed in America and Eurasia. It differs from the true buntings…

The great legislator and one of the seven wise men of Greece, born in Athens in 638; died in 558 B.C. He descended from a distinguished family of Attica, and not only acquired a libvberal education, but enriched his mind by traveling.


The great legislator and one of the seven wise men of Greece, born in Athens in 638; died in 558 B.C.…

A genus of birds of the finch family, which are widely distributed in the United States and Europe. The American varieties include several species o f small birds, among them the song sparrow, chipping sparrow, field sparrow, and fox sparrow. The color is mostly brown, with white and black markings, and they are noted for being tame and greedy.


A genus of birds of the finch family, which are widely distributed in the United States and Europe.…

A genus of wading birds of the heron family, and having a resemblance to the stork and the ibis.


A genus of wading birds of the heron family, and having a resemblance to the stork and the ibis.

A genus of birds allied to the crow family. They occur in Eurasia and North Africa.


A genus of birds allied to the crow family. They occur in Eurasia and North Africa.

A genus of soft-rayed fishes of the carp family, having the mouth usually protractile, with thick and fleshy lips adapted for sucking in food.


A genus of soft-rayed fishes of the carp family, having the mouth usually protractile, with thick and…

A genus of marine fishes of the diodon family. They are so called from the compressed form of the body, and because of their habit of coming to the surface when the sun shines.


A genus of marine fishes of the diodon family. They are so called from the compressed form of the body,…

A genus of plants of the aster family, which have large, cordate leaves and terminal, flat, circular, heads of flowers. They are herbaceous plants.


A genus of plants of the aster family, which have large, cordate leaves and terminal, flat, circular,…

A genus of web-footed birds of the duck family. They are among the largest and most beautiful of aquatic birds.


A genus of web-footed birds of the duck family. They are among the largest and most beautiful of aquatic…

A family of spinyrayed fished allied to the mackerels. They attain a length of fifteen feet, and have the bones of the upper jaw consolidated to a widely distributed in the open seas of tropical and sub-tropical climes, and being quite strong and swift.


A family of spinyrayed fished allied to the mackerels. They attain a length of fifteen feet, and have…

A genus of birds of the warbler family, and so named from their habit of sewing leaves of cotton or other substances to form a receptacle for the nest.


A genus of birds of the warbler family, and so named from their habit of sewing leaves of cotton or…

A tropical tree of the bean family, which was originally native to the East Indies, but is now extensively naturalized and cultivated in other warm regions.


A tropical tree of the bean family, which was originally native to the East Indies, but is now extensively…

A genus of birds belonging to the finch family. They are native to the warmer regions of America.


A genus of birds belonging to the finch family. They are native to the warmer regions of America.

A powerful carnivorous mammal of the cat family. The adult is about eight feet long and three to four feet high. Its front feet have five toes and the hinder feet four, and all the characterized by strong retractile claws.


A powerful carnivorous mammal of the cat family. The adult is about eight feet long and three to four…

A plant of the nightshade family, which is extensively cultivated for its edible fruit. The tomato is native to South America, whence it was introduced to the United States about 1830.


A plant of the nightshade family, which is extensively cultivated for its edible fruit. The tomato is…