A border of birds.


A border of birds.

A border of a bird.


A border of a bird.

A genera of mid-sized birds in the Pheasant family.


A genera of mid-sized birds in the Pheasant family.

A kiwi is any of the species of small flightless birds native to New Zealand.


A kiwi is any of the species of small flightless birds native to New Zealand.

Ibises are a group of long-legged ading birds. They all have long downcurved bills, and usually feed as a group, probing mud for food items.


Ibises are a group of long-legged ading birds. They all have long downcurved bills, and usually feed…

Swans are large water birds of the family Anatidae, which also includes geese and ducks.


Swans are large water birds of the family Anatidae, which also includes geese and ducks.

Gulls are in general medium to large birds, typically grey or white, often with black markings on the head or wings. They have stout, longish bills and webbed feet.


Gulls are in general medium to large birds, typically grey or white, often with black markings on the…

Albatrosses are amongst the largest of flying birds, they are highly eficient in the air, using dynamic soaring and slope soaring to cover great distances with little exertion.


Albatrosses are amongst the largest of flying birds, they are highly eficient in the air, using dynamic…

A family of incessorial birds noted for their bright plumage, stout bill, strong feet, and short tail.


A family of incessorial birds noted for their bright plumage, stout bill, strong feet, and short tail.

"These were disgusting birds, with the heads of maidens, with long claws and faces pale with hunger. They were sent by the gods to torment a certain Phineus." —Bulfinch, 1897


"These were disgusting birds, with the heads of maidens, with long claws and faces pale with hunger.…

A genus of birds of the plover family, native to Eurasia, Africa, and Iceland. They are about the size of a pigeon, frequent marshes and woodlands, and from their peculiar cry are frequently called peewit.


A genus of birds of the plover family, native to Eurasia, Africa, and Iceland. They are about the size…

A genus of common birds of song, resembling the finches in many respects. There are many species, various kinds being native to all the grand divisions and many islands.


A genus of common birds of song, resembling the finches in many respects. There are many species, various…

Ground-dwelling Australian birds, most notable for their extraordinary ability to mimic natural and artificial sounds from their environment.

Lyre Bird

Ground-dwelling Australian birds, most notable for their extraordinary ability to mimic natural and…

Ground-dwelling Australian birds, most notable for their extraordinary ability to mimic natural and artificial sounds from their environment.

Lyre Bird

Ground-dwelling Australian birds, most notable for their extraordinary ability to mimic natural and…

A genus of birds native to tropical South America, remarkable for their size and beauty of their plumage. They range as far north as Mexico.


A genus of birds native to tropical South America, remarkable for their size and beauty of their plumage.…

A group of New World passerine birds best known for the habit of some species of mimicking the songs of other birds, often loudly and in rapid succession.


A group of New World passerine birds best known for the habit of some species of mimicking the songs…

The head of a Robin.


The head of a Robin.

The head of a Thrush.


The head of a Thrush.

The head of a Wood Thrush.

Wood Thrush

The head of a Wood Thrush.

The head of a Cat-Bird.


The head of a Cat-Bird.

The head of a Thrasher.


The head of a Thrasher.

The head of a Bluebird.


The head of a Bluebird.

The head of a Tufted Titmouse.

Tufted Titmouse

The head of a Tufted Titmouse.

The head of a White-Bellied Nuthatch.

White-Bellied Nuthatch

The head of a White-Bellied Nuthatch.

The head of a Red-Bellied Nuthatch.

Red-Bellied Nuthatch

The head of a Red-Bellied Nuthatch.

The head of a Long-Billed Marsh Wren.


The head of a Long-Billed Marsh Wren.

The head of a Short-Billed Marsh Wren.


The head of a Short-Billed Marsh Wren.

The head of a Shore Lark.


The head of a Shore Lark.

The head of a Worm-Eating Warbler.


The head of a Worm-Eating Warbler.

The head of a Blue Golden-Winged Warbler.


The head of a Blue Golden-Winged Warbler.

The head of a Yellow-Rumped Warbler.


The head of a Yellow-Rumped Warbler.

The head of a Black-Poll Warbler.


The head of a Black-Poll Warbler.

The head of a Chestnut-Sided Warbler.


The head of a Chestnut-Sided Warbler.

The head of a Black and Yellow Warbler.

Black-and-Yellow Warbler

The head of a Black and Yellow Warbler.

The head of a Golden-Crowned Accentor


The head of a Golden-Crowned Accentor

The head of a Kentucky Warbler.

Kentucky Warbler

The head of a Kentucky Warbler.

The head of a Maryland Yellow-Throat.


The head of a Maryland Yellow-Throat.

The head of a Yellow-Breasted Chat.


The head of a Yellow-Breasted Chat.

The head of a Hooded Warbler.

Hooded Warbler

The head of a Hooded Warbler.

The head of a Green Black-Capped Warbler.


The head of a Green Black-Capped Warbler.

The head of a Canadian Flycatching Warbler.


The head of a Canadian Flycatching Warbler.

The head of a White-Bellied Swallow.


The head of a White-Bellied Swallow.

The head of a Cliff or Eave Swallow.

Eave Swallow

The head of a Cliff or Eave Swallow.

The head of a Great Northern Shrike.


The head of a Great Northern Shrike.

A genus of birds found widely distributed in Eurasia, which somewhat resemble the starlings and woodpeckers. They have a cone-shaped bill and square-cut tail, and the plumage is of different shades of brown, studded with long white spots.


A genus of birds found widely distributed in Eurasia, which somewhat resemble the starlings and woodpeckers.…

A class of birds native to Eurasia, Africa, and the Indian Archipelago, though there are allied species in America, known as the Baltimore bird and the orchard oriole.


A class of birds native to Eurasia, Africa, and the Indian Archipelago, though there are allied species…

A genus of cursorial birds, of which it is the type. They are native to the deserts of Africa and Arabia, and somewhat resemble the emu and cassowary. The ostrich is the largest of living birds, standing from six to eight feet high, and has been known from remote antiquity.


A genus of cursorial birds, of which it is the type. They are native to the deserts of Africa and Arabia,…

A class of carnivorous mammals of the weasel family, which includes about twenty species that vary greatly in size. The common otter measures a little over two feet from nose to tail. It has a tail about fifteen inches long, soft fr of a brownish color, webbed feet adapted for swimming, and weighs about twenty pounds. Otters are found along the shores and streams and lakes, where they construct holes and channels through the ground, and subsist by feeding on fish, small birds, frogs, and other aquatic animals.


A class of carnivorous mammals of the weasel family, which includes about twenty species that vary greatly…

A large group of birds of prey, including fully 150 species, about forty of which inhabit America. They are distinguished chiefly on account of their nocturnl habits. The different species have a short head, a circular or triangular facial disc, large eyes and ears, the outer toe reversible, aand, owing to the soft plumage, a noiseless flight.


A large group of birds of prey, including fully 150 species, about forty of which inhabit America. They…

A large group of birds of prey, including fully 150 species, about forty of which inhabit America. They are distinguished chiefly on account of their nocturnl habits. The different species have a short head, a circular or triangular facial disc, large eyes and ears, the outer toe reversible, aand, owing to the soft plumage, a noiseless flight.


A large group of birds of prey, including fully 150 species, about forty of which inhabit America. They…

A genus of tropical birds classes with the climbers. The genus includes many beautiful species, most of them being distinguished by their brilliant and gaudy plumage. They have a hooked bill and live largely in trees, in which the bill aids them in climbing.


A genus of tropical birds classes with the climbers. The genus includes many beautiful species, most…

A genus of birds of the grouse family, including a number of widely different species of game birs, and distributed more or less in all the continents. In color the common partridge is ash-gray with markings of brown and black . They body is round and stout, and measures about twelve inches in length. Its wings and tail are short, the bill is heavy, and the tarsi and toes are naked.


A genus of birds of the grouse family, including a number of widely different species of game birs,…

A class of beautiful birds of the pheasant family, native to southeastern Asia. In the wild state peacocks are met with mostly while perching in trees, but they make their nests on the ground, where the peahen lays from twenty to thirty eggs in the early spring and may later be seen in company with a large brood of young, usually from ten to twenty.


A class of beautiful birds of the pheasant family, native to southeastern Asia. In the wild state peacocks…

A genus of webfooted water birds remarkable for their broad bill with a pouch under it. The bill is flattened, nearly straight, and very long. At the end of the upper mandible is a hook curving over the tip of the lower one.


A genus of webfooted water birds remarkable for their broad bill with a pouch under it. The bill is…

A genus of webfooted birds native to the southern hemisphere. They have short wings useless in flight, feet adapted for an erect position of the body, legs far behind, and the body is covered with shot, rigid feathers.


A genus of webfooted birds native to the southern hemisphere. They have short wings useless in flight,…

A genus of sea-birds. They include many species, all of which have webbed feet and long and strong wings. The nasal tubes are united, the beak is as long as the head, and the upper mandible is hooked. They live almost constantly on the ocean.


A genus of sea-birds. They include many species, all of which have webbed feet and long and strong wings.…

A genus of birds found originally in Asia, but brought to Europe at an early date in history. They were introduced into the United States from Europe. The pheasants include a number of species, and with them are usually associated numerous allied birds, all of which are highly prized as game birds.


A genus of birds found originally in Asia, but brought to Europe at an early date in history. They were…

A group of rasorial birds found widely distributed, but most abundant in the tropical countries. They include many varieties, varying greatly in color and habit.


A group of rasorial birds found widely distributed, but most abundant in the tropical countries. They…

A class of birds frequenting the shore and inland waters of amrica and Eurasia. There are many well known species, differing in size and color. The common plover has long wings, the points usually projecting beyond the tail.


A class of birds frequenting the shore and inland waters of amrica and Eurasia. There are many well…

A class of birds of the partridge family, differing from other partridges mainly in being smaller and having longer wings and a shorter tail.


A class of birds of the partridge family, differing from other partridges mainly in being smaller and…