A frontal view of the human muscles. The right half shows superficial muscles and the left half shows…
A bone in the human skull that consists of two portions, a vertical portion and a horizontal portion.…
A bone in the human skull that consists of two portions, a vertical portion and a horizontal portion.…
"Blood corpuscles (human). c, colored; l, leucocytes. The red cells tend to collect in rows with the…
Winged human figure with the crowned head of a condor, from the central row on the monolithic doorway.…
A winged human figure with human head crowned, from the upper row on the monolithic doorway. Details…
The outer outline is that of the skull found in the cave of Cromagnon, in France, belogning, as Dawson…
Human legs are not unfrequently born as charges in Heraldry, sometimes naked, sometimes booted, and…
"A genus of insects, the type of a very numerous family, which forms the order Parasita or Auoplura.…
"Anatomy of the Snail: a, the mouth; bb, foot; c, anus; dd, lung; e, stomach, covered above by the salivary…
"Anatomy of an Acephalous Mollusc (Mactra): s, stomach; ii, intestine; ag, anterior ganglions; pg, posterior…
"The name of a Babylonian god, who, in the first year of the foundation of Babylon, is said to have…
The organ of attachment of a vertebrate embryo or fetus to the wall of the uterus or womb of the female.
"The Abdominal Viscera in situ, as seen when the abdomin is laid open and the great omentum…
cc. Colic caeca, d. Duodenum. g. Glandular patch, l.l. Meckel's tract, l.i. Hind-gut, p.v. Cut root…
S, cut end of duodenum; R, cut end of rectum; C, caecum; C2, accessory caecum; C.L., colic loop of hind-gut.
"An expanded Alcyonarian Zooid, showing the mouth surrounded by eight pinnate tentacles. st, Stomodaeum…
"This is the name applied in anatomy to designate the transverse muscle which, in man and the mammalia…
"This is the name applied in anatomy to designate the transverse muscle which, in man and the mammalia…
"The sacred name of the founder of Buddhism, an Indian sage who appears to have lived in the 5th century…
"Anatomy of the Oyster. A. Hinge or anterior umbonal end of the left valve of an adult oyster, upon…
"The earring is an exquisite illustration of Greek skill in the introduction of the human figure; the…
A large triangular bone as the base of the spine. Resides in between the two hip bones.
The upper extremity of the human body. 1: Clavicle; 2: Scapula; 3: Humerus; 4: Ulna; 5: Radius; 6: Carpus;…
The lower extremity of the human body. 1: Head of femur; 2: Femur; 3: Patella; 4: Tibia; 5: Fibula;…
Vertical section of the skin, a microsopic view. 1: Cutis; 2: Cuticle in layers; 3: Papilla; 4: Nerves…
Diagram of the chief organs of a mammal. The bones are black. a, opening from the nasal cavity…
The crab louse can live in almost any form of human hair, leading to its other common name of pubic…
Transverse section through the human mesencephalon at the level of the superior quadrigeminal body
1. Frontal bone 2. Parietal bone 3. Coronal Suture 4. Squamous portion of Temporal bone 5. Mastoid process…
1. Temporal Artery 2. Artery behind the ear 3. Occipital Artery 4. Greater occipital nerve 5. Smaller…