A one-horse vehicle for spotsmen; so called from being used to carry dogs for hunting, in an open space behind.


A one-horse vehicle for spotsmen; so called from being used to carry dogs for hunting, in an open space…

An iron shoe for horses, in shape somewhat like the letter "U."


An iron shoe for horses, in shape somewhat like the letter "U."

A horse bred or kept for running in contest.


A horse bred or kept for running in contest.

A seat to be placed on a horse's back for the rider to sit on.


A seat to be placed on a horse's back for the rider to sit on.

A kind of ring, for receiving the foot of a rider, and attached to a strap which is fastened to the saddle.


A kind of ring, for receiving the foot of a rider, and attached to a strap which is fastened to the…

A movable frame or support for anything, consisting of three or four legs secured to a top-piece, and forming a sort of stool or horse.


A movable frame or support for anything, consisting of three or four legs secured to a top-piece, and…

"That prince escaped from the battle of Worcester as soon as he saw that the day was lost. With a small company of attendants, he eluded the pursuit of the enemy's cavalry by the fleetness of his horse, and struck off from the high road without well knowning which way to go." — Goodrich, 1844

Escape of Charles II

"That prince escaped from the battle of Worcester as soon as he saw that the day was lost. With a small…

A bird resting on the ground, near some bones.


A bird resting on the ground, near some bones.

A small wooden horse with rockers, or stick on which boys ride.


A small wooden horse with rockers, or stick on which boys ride.

"The American buffalo, or more properly <em>bison</em>, is an object of great importance to the hunters and travellers in the western regions of this continent." — Goodrich, 1844

Native Americans Hunting

"The American buffalo, or more properly bison, is an object of great importance to the hunters…

A horse drawn vehicle


A horse drawn vehicle

A saddle for a woman to sit upon when on horseback.


A saddle for a woman to sit upon when on horseback.

"The <em>Palaeotherium magnum</em> was of the size of a horse, but thicker and more clumsy; its head was massive, and its legs and tail were short. It resembled a large tapir, but differed somewhat as to the teeth, and had one toe less on the fore-feet. Its height was probably from four to five feet; about equal, it is said, to that of the rhinoceros of Java. It was, no doubt, furnished with a short proboscis or trunk." &mdash; Goodrich, 1844

Palaeotherium magnum

"The Palaeotherium magnum was of the size of a horse, but thicker and more clumsy; its head…

The fossilized skeleton of an elephant.

Fossil elephant

The fossilized skeleton of an elephant.

The fossilized skeleton of a Megatherium.

Fossil Megatherium

The fossilized skeleton of a Megatherium.

The fossilized skeleton of an elk.

Fossilized elk

The fossilized skeleton of an elk.

"So peculiar and strange is the structure of these animals, that the first specimen discovered was classed by one naturalist as a bird, by another as a species of bat, and by yet a third as a flying reptile." &mdash; Goodrich, 1844

Pterodactyle skeleton

"So peculiar and strange is the structure of these animals, that the first specimen discovered was classed…

"The human body, like a great building, has a framework which gives the body its shape and provides support for it. This framework is composed of 206 bones. All the bones taken together are called the <em>skeleton</em>." &mdash; Ritchie, 1918

Human skeleton

"The human body, like a great building, has a framework which gives the body its shape and provides…

A figure on horseback.

Horseback rider

A figure on horseback.

"After attaching themselves to the walls of the stomach, the botfly larva are nourished by the blood and lymph of the host until the following spring, when they pass on through the canal, burrow through the ground, and transform into the adult about two weeks later." &mdash; Davison, 1906

Botfly Larva

"After attaching themselves to the walls of the stomach, the botfly larva are nourished by the blood…

"After attaching themselves to the walls of the stomach, the botfly larva are nourished by the blood and lymph of the host until the following spring, when they pass on through the canal, burrow through the ground, and transform into the adult about two weeks later." &mdash; Davison, 1906

Mature Botfly

"After attaching themselves to the walls of the stomach, the botfly larva are nourished by the blood…

"Skeleton of the horse." &mdash; Davison, 1906

Skeleton of a Horse

"Skeleton of the horse." — Davison, 1906

"Skeleton of Mesohippus bairdi, the three-toed ancestor of our horse. This animal was about the size of a sheep." &mdash; Davison, 1906

Skeleton of a mesohippus bairdi

"Skeleton of Mesohippus bairdi, the three-toed ancestor of our horse. This animal was about the size…

"A quadruped of the gen. Equus." &mdash; Williams, 1889


"A quadruped of the gen. Equus." — Williams, 1889

"Soft unsegmented bodies, bilaterally symmetrical, enveloped by a leathery mantle, which usually develops a hard shell-covering, or external skeleton; a symmetrical nervous system, consisting of several connected nerve bunches, or ganglia. Such is the snail." &mdash; Hinman, 1888


"Soft unsegmented bodies, bilaterally symmetrical, enveloped by a leathery mantle, which usually develops…

"Each is a two-wheeled affair, with seats high up over the wheels and steps below on which our feet rest." &mdash;Carpenter, 1902

Jaunting car

"Each is a two-wheeled affair, with seats high up over the wheels and steps below on which our feet…

"Denmark is one of the best dairy countries of the world, and I doubt whether there is any other land which produces so much butter in proportion to its size." —Carpenter, 1902

Danish Milkman

"Denmark is one of the best dairy countries of the world, and I doubt whether there is any other land…

"The carrioles are little carts not unlike our American sulkies, save that each carriole has a seat behind for the boy or girl whom the owner sends along to bring it back home." &mdash;Carpenter, 1902

Carriole and Pony

"The carrioles are little carts not unlike our American sulkies, save that each carriole has a seat…

A Swedish grain cart.

Swedish Grain Cart

A Swedish grain cart.

A statue of Frederick the Great.

Statue of Frederick the Great

A statue of Frederick the Great.

"Behind comes a boy with a cart load of grass." &mdash;Carpenter, 1902

Boy with cart

"Behind comes a boy with a cart load of grass." —Carpenter, 1902

"Then Phaethon beheld the world on fire, and felt the heat intolerable. The air he breathed was like the air of a furnace, and full of burning ashes, and the smoke was of a pitchy darkness." &mdash;Bulfinch, 1897


"Then Phaethon beheld the world on fire, and felt the heat intolerable. The air he breathed was like…

A human skeleton.


A human skeleton.

Human skeleton of a finger.


Human skeleton of a finger.

A picture of the backbone.


A picture of the backbone.

A picture of the backbone.


A picture of the backbone.

Picture of the skull, showing the hole which the backbone connects to the base of the skull.


Picture of the skull, showing the hole which the backbone connects to the base of the skull.

There was an old man of Nepaul, from his horse had a terrible fall; But, though split quite in two, by some very strong glue, they mended that man of Nepaul.

Edward Lear's Rhymes

There was an old man of Nepaul, from his horse had a terrible fall; But, though split quite in two,…

From a nursery rhyme, <em>Simple Simon Met a Pieman</em>. The Simple Simon went a-hunting for to catch a hare; He rode a goat about the street, but could not find one there. Simple Simon went to town to buy a piece of meat; He tied it to his horse's tail to keep it clean and sweet.

Simple Simon

From a nursery rhyme, Simple Simon Met a Pieman. The Simple Simon went a-hunting for to catch…

A scene from the nursery rhyme, <em>Ride a Horse to Banbury Cross</em>.

Banbury Cross

A scene from the nursery rhyme, Ride a Horse to Banbury Cross.

A scene from the story, <em>The Magic Horse</em> from <em>Arabian Nights</em>.

The Magic Horse

A scene from the story, The Magic Horse from Arabian Nights.

A scene from the story, <em>The Magic Horse</em> from <em>Arabian Nights</em>.

The Magic Horse

A scene from the story, The Magic Horse from Arabian Nights.

A scene from the story, <em>The Magic Horse</em> from <em>Arabian Nights</em>.

The Magic Horse

A scene from the story, The Magic Horse from Arabian Nights.

A scene from the story, <em>The Magic Horse</em> from <em>Arabian Nights</em>.

The Magic Horse

A scene from the story, The Magic Horse from Arabian Nights.

A scene from the story, <em>The Magic Horse</em> from <em>Arabian Nights</em>.

The Magic Horse

A scene from the story, The Magic Horse from Arabian Nights.

"These monsters were represented as men from the head to the loins, while the remainder of the body was that of a horse." &mdash;Bulfinch, 1897


"These monsters were represented as men from the head to the loins, while the remainder of the body…

"Hippolyta, the queen, received him kindly, and consented to yield her girdle, but Juno, taking the form of an Amazon, went and persuaded the rest that the strangers were carrying off their queen." &mdash;Bulfinch, 1897

Hippolyta and the girdle

"Hippolyta, the queen, received him kindly, and consented to yield her girdle, but Juno, taking the…

"Castor and Pollux were the offspring of Leda and the Swan, under which disguise Jupiter had concealed himself. Leda gave birth to an egg, from which sprang the twins." &mdash;Bulfinch, 1897

The Dioscuri

"Castor and Pollux were the offspring of Leda and the Swan, under which disguise Jupiter had concealed…

"In the Brave Days of Old." &mdash;Bulfinch, 1897

Roman battle

"In the Brave Days of Old." —Bulfinch, 1897

Skeleton of the cow. 1: Frontal bone of the head. 2: Upper jaw, superior maxillary. 3: Lower jaw, inferior maxillary. 4: Cervical vertebrae. 5: Dorsal vertebrae. 6: Lumbar vertebrae. 7: Sacral vertebrae. 8: Caudal vertebrae. 9: Scapula. 10: Humerus 11: Radius and ulna. 12: Carpus. 13: Metacarpus. 14: Phalanges (toes). 15: Femur. 16: Tibia. 17: Tarsus. 18: Metatarsus. 19: Phalanges.

Cow Skeleton

Skeleton of the cow. 1: Frontal bone of the head. 2: Upper jaw, superior maxillary. 3: Lower jaw, inferior…

Skeleton of a bird. 1: The head. 2: Cervical Vertebrae. 3: Dorsal and lumbar vertebrae. 4: Scapula. 5: Clavicle. 6: Coracoid bone. 7: Sternum. 8: Humerus. 9: Radius. 10: Ulna. 11: Carpus. 12: Metacarpus. 13: Phalanges (fingers). 14: Femur. 15: Tibia. 16: Fibula. 17: Tarsus. 18: Metatarsus. 19: Phalanges (toes).

Bird Skeleton

Skeleton of a bird. 1: The head. 2: Cervical Vertebrae. 3: Dorsal and lumbar vertebrae. 4: Scapula.…

The skeleton of a haddock.


The skeleton of a haddock.

"Column with spiral ornament from Persepolis." &mdash;D'Anvers, 1895


"Column with spiral ornament from Persepolis." —D'Anvers, 1895

"The Pedlar. By Holbein. From the Dance of Death." &mdash;D'Anvers, 1895

The Pedlar

"The Pedlar. By Holbein. From the Dance of Death." —D'Anvers, 1895

"The Knight, Death, and the Devil." &mdash;D'Anvers, 1895


"The Knight, Death, and the Devil." —D'Anvers, 1895

The teeth of a carnivorous animal that lives on flesh alone. The front teeth are tearing ones, while the back teeth have sharp edges for cutting. The flesh is first torn by the front teeth, and then it is cut up by the back ones.

Carnivorous Skeleton

The teeth of a carnivorous animal that lives on flesh alone. The front teeth are tearing ones, while…

The framework of animals, which in vertebrates is composed of bone and cartilage. It serves to support the fleshy parts and the nervous system, and forms levers for the muscles.


The framework of animals, which in vertebrates is composed of bone and cartilage. It serves to support…

An animal resembling the horse, and showing external characteristics found in the ass. It resembles the latter in having no warts on the legs, in the tail being covered with long hairs only toward the extremity, and in the full and arched neck having an erect and stiff mane.


An animal resembling the horse, and showing external characteristics found in the ass. It resembles…

A member of the horse family native to central and souther Africa.


A member of the horse family native to central and souther Africa.

In the Roman Republic, and later the Empire, the curule seat was the chair upon which senior magistrates were entitled to sit, including dictators, masters of the horse, consuls, praetors, censors, and the curule aediles. he curule chair was traditionally made of or veneered with ivory, with curved legs forming a wide X; it had no back, and low arms. The chair could be folded, and thus an easily transportable seat, originally for magisterial and promagisterial commanders in the field, developed a hieratic significance, expressed in fictive curule seats on funerary monuments, a symbol of power which was never entirely lost in post-Roman European tradition. Sixth-century consular ivory diptychs of Orestes and of Constantinus each depict the consul seated on an elaborate curule seat with crossed animal legs.

Curule Chair

In the Roman Republic, and later the Empire, the curule seat was the chair upon which senior magistrates…