The metathorax of the May beetle from the front.

May Beetle

The metathorax of the May beetle from the front.

The May beetle larva in a burrow.

May Beetle

The May beetle larva in a burrow.

A pupa of the May beetle.

May Beetle

A pupa of the May beetle.

A pupa of the May beetle in cocoon.

May Beetle

A pupa of the May beetle in cocoon.

"The <em>Ateuchi</em> are large, flat insects, with a broudtoothed clypeus. To this genus belongs the Sacred Scarabaeus of the Egyptians."

Megaceras Chorinaeus

"The Ateuchi are large, flat insects, with a broudtoothed clypeus. To this genus belongs the…

"The innumerable tribe of Harpalidae (or Harpalinae) contains carnivorous beetles of very small size. Hidden under stones, in dry leaves, at the foot of trees, they attack a number of small insects, caterpillars, etc., exterminating a quantity of vermin."

Larva of Mormolyce Phyllodes

"The innumerable tribe of Harpalidae (or Harpalinae) contains carnivorous beetles of very small size.…

"They are small almost globular, of a pale yellow with green lines, an live in sand bordering rivers. This species can be found all along the coast of the Mediterranean."

Nebria Arenaria

"They are small almost globular, of a pale yellow with green lines, an live in sand bordering rivers.…

"They introduce themselves under the skin of the carcasses of animals, and devour their flesh to the bone." This one is native to Australia.

Necrodes Lacrymosa

"They introduce themselves under the skin of the carcasses of animals, and devour their flesh to the…

"They introduce themselves under the skin of the carcasses of animals, and devour their flesh to the bone."

Necrodes Littoralis (Female)

"They introduce themselves under the skin of the carcasses of animals, and devour their flesh to the…

"The <em>Necrophori</em>, or Grave Diggers, are honest undertakers, who carefully bury carcasses left on the soil."

Necrophorus Germanicus

"The Necrophori, or Grave Diggers, are honest undertakers, who carefully bury carcasses left…

"The <em>Necrophori</em>, or Grave Diggers, are honest undertakers, who carefully bury carcasses left on the soil."

Necrophorus Vespillo

"The Necrophori, or Grave Diggers, are honest undertakers, who carefully bury carcasses left…

"They are small almost globular, of a pale yellow with green lines, an live in sand bordering rivers."

Omophron Libatum

"They are small almost globular, of a pale yellow with green lines, an live in sand bordering rivers."

"A common specimen about an inch long, of a chestnut brown and perfectly smooth. The male, but not the female, has on its head a horn. Its larva lives in rotten wood."

Oryctes Nasicornis (Male)

"A common specimen about an inch long, of a chestnut brown and perfectly smooth. The male, but not the…

"Lives on the debris of reeds, and on the borders of marshes."

Pselaphus Heisii

"Lives on the debris of reeds, and on the borders of marshes."

"Is of an ashy-blue color and is a very elegant species." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

Rosalie Beetle

"Is of an ashy-blue color and is a very elegant species." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

"The rose-beetle frequents roses especially, of which it eats the petals and stamens. They fly by day and night, without opening their anterior wings."

Rose Beetle (Cetonia Aurata)

"The rose-beetle frequents roses especially, of which it eats the petals and stamens. They fly by day…

"It is found in rotten wood, and often in ants' nests. When it has acquired its full development, it makes a cocoon of oval form, in which it transforms itself into a pupa."

Larva of Rose Beetle (Cetonia Aurata)

"It is found in rotten wood, and often in ants' nests. When it has acquired its full development, it…

"Many of the dung beetles, among which the Sacred Beetle of the Egyptians, <em>Scarabus Aegyptiorum</em>, holds a prominent place, are remarkable for inclosing their eggs in a small pellet of dung, which they then roll along with their hind-legs, until they drop it into a hole which they have dug for its reception." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Sacred Beetle

"Many of the dung beetles, among which the Sacred Beetle of the Egyptians, Scarabus Aegyptiorum,…

"Is nearly twice as long as the hercules beetle, its color being of a brilliant brown." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Scarab Beetle

"Is nearly twice as long as the hercules beetle, its color being of a brilliant brown." — Goodrich,…

"The <em>S. nasicornis</em> is a European species, common in gardens, and is noted for a pair of curious conical horns upon its head." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Scarab Beetle

"The S. nasicornis is a European species, common in gardens, and is noted for a pair of curious…

"Some species collect portions of excrement, which they make up into balls and roll them until they are as perfectly rounded as pills, in which they lay their eggs."

Scarabaeus (Golofa) Porteri

"Some species collect portions of excrement, which they make up into balls and roll them until they…

"Sometimes this larva destroys great forests of oak trees. In 1783, in the Forest of Hartz, 1,500,000 trees were destroyed by these insects."

Larva of Scolytus

"Sometimes this larva destroys great forests of oak trees. In 1783, in the Forest of Hartz, 1,500,000…

"They introduce themselves under the skin of the carcasses of animals, and devour their flesh to the bone. [This] species climbs trees and attacks caterpillars."

Silpha Thoracica

"They introduce themselves under the skin of the carcasses of animals, and devour their flesh to the…

"The female <em>Sitaris Humeralis</em> lays at the entrance of the nest of a solitary bee from 2,000 to 3,000 small, whitich eggs, stuck together in shapeless masses."

Sitaris Humeralis

"The female Sitaris Humeralis lays at the entrance of the nest of a solitary bee from 2,000…

"A month afterward there come out of these eggs very small larvae, of a shining dark green, hard-skinned, armed with strong jaws, and long legs and antennae. As the bees come out of their nests, these larvae hook themselves onto their hairs."

First Larva of Sitaris Humeralis

"A month afterward there come out of these eggs very small larvae, of a shining dark green, hard-skinned,…

"When the male bees have built the cells and furnished them with honey, the female, as we know, deposits in each an egg. Immediately the larvae of the <em>Sitaris</em> let themselves fall onto these eggs, open them and suck their contents. Then they change their skin, and the second larva appears."

Pseudo Nymph of Sitaris Humeralis

"When the male bees have built the cells and furnished them with honey, the female, as we know, deposits…

The second larva stage lasts for 6 weeks. It contracts and passes through the winter. "In the spring it comes forth as the third larva. This one does not eat, and soon changes into the ordinary pupa."

Pupa of Sitaris Humeralis

The second larva stage lasts for 6 weeks. It contracts and passes through the winter. "In the spring…

The second larva stage lasts for 6 weeks. It contracts and passes through the winter. "In the spring it comes forth as the third larva. This one does not eat, and soon changes into the ordinary pupa."

Third Larva of Sitaris Humeralis

The second larva stage lasts for 6 weeks. It contracts and passes through the winter. "In the spring…

"In the European Stag Beetle, <em>Lucanus cervus</em>, as well as the <em>L. dama</em> of our country, called the <em>Horn Beetle</em>, the leaves are short and distinct, rendering the club pectinated." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Stag Beetle

"In the European Stag Beetle, Lucanus cervus, as well as the L. dama of our country,…

"They live in half rotten trees. Their strength enables them to lift considerable wieghts. They do not attack other insects, and live only on vegetable juices."

Stag Beetle (Lucanus Cervus)

"They live in half rotten trees. Their strength enables them to lift considerable wieghts. They do not…

"This specimen lives in the carcasses of animals, on manure, and attacks living insects. It is a carnivorous, and very active, often attacking insects of its own kind."

Imago of Staphylinus (Ocypus) Olens

"This specimen lives in the carcasses of animals, on manure, and attacks living insects. It is a carnivorous,…

"This specimen lives in the carcasses of animals, on manure, and attacks living insects. It is a carnivorous, and very active, often attacking insects of its own kind."

Larva of Staphylinus (Ocypus) Olens

"This specimen lives in the carcasses of animals, on manure, and attacks living insects. It is a carnivorous,…

"The <em>Stylops</em> are parasitic on various species of <em>Andrenae</em>."


"The Stylops are parasitic on various species of Andrenae."

A pair of sugar beetles resting on leaves.

Sugar Beetle

A pair of sugar beetles resting on leaves.

"A blackish-brown insect. The larvae are the well-known meal-worms, which live in flour."

Tenebrio Molitor (Larva and Imago)

"A blackish-brown insect. The larvae are the well-known meal-worms, which live in flour."

"Their ferocity is remarkable. They quickly tear off the wings and legs of their victim, and suck out the contents of is abdomen."

Tiger Beetle (Cicindela Heros)

"Their ferocity is remarkable. They quickly tear off the wings and legs of their victim, and suck out…

"Their ferocity is remarkable. They quickly tear off the wings and legs of their victim, and suck out the contents of is abdomen."

Under Side of Pupa of Tiger Beetle (Cicindela Heros)

"Their ferocity is remarkable. They quickly tear off the wings and legs of their victim, and suck out…

"Their ferocity is remarkable. They quickly tear off the wings and legs of their victim, and suck out the contents of is abdomen."

Upper Side of Pupa of Tiger Beetle (Cicindela Heros)

"Their ferocity is remarkable. They quickly tear off the wings and legs of their victim, and suck out…

"The common European species, <em>Cincindela campestris</em>, may be found flying and running around with great agility in the hottest sunshine. The larvae are of a singular form; they live in holes in the ground, maintaining themselves by a pair of hooks places on the enlarged eighth segment of their body, at such a height that their heads exactly occupy the mouth of the hole." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Tiger Beetle and Larvae

"The common European species, Cincindela campestris, may be found flying and running around…

"The common European species, <em>Cincindela campestris</em>, may be found flying and running around with great agility in the hottest sunshine. The larvae are of a singular form; they live in holes in the ground, maintaining themselves by a pair of hooks places on the enlarged eighth segment of their body, at such a height that their heads exactly occupy the mouth of the hole." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Tiger Beetle Larve

"The common European species, Cincindela campestris, may be found flying and running around…

"The typographic beetle recieves it's name... from the circumstance that the burrows formed by it in feeding upon the soft wood, immediately within the bark, oten present a rude resemblence to printed characters." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

Typograhic Beetle

"The typographic beetle recieves it's name... from the circumstance that the burrows formed by it in…

"A common specimen about an inch long, of a chestnut brown and perfectly smooth. The male, but not the female, has on its head a horn. Its larva lives in rotten wood."

Xylotrupes Dichotomus

"A common specimen about an inch long, of a chestnut brown and perfectly smooth. The male, but not the…

"The Giant Buprestis, <em>B. gigantea</em> of guiana, is two inches long, and its body is of a green coppery color. It is so brilliant that inhabitants make bracelets and other ornaments of it." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Giant Buprestis

"The Giant Buprestis, B. gigantea of guiana, is two inches long, and its body is of a green…

"In the common European Cock-Chafer, <em>Melolontha vulgaris</em>, they are of considerable length, especially the male, and fold up like the leaves of a fan. These insects fly well, but heavily, with a loud whirring noise; but they generally grawl slowly." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"In the common European Cock-Chafer, Melolontha vulgaris, they are of considerable length,…

"These insects are common in the South of Europe, and are especially abundant in Spain, where they are taken in large numbers, and from which source the best are generally obtained." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

Spanish Fly

"These insects are common in the South of Europe, and are especially abundant in Spain, where they are…

The European Turnip-Fly, <em>Haltica nemorum</em>, one of the most destructive species, belongs to a group in which the posterior thighs are much thickened for jumping." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

Turnip Fly

The European Turnip-Fly, Haltica nemorum, one of the most destructive species, belongs to a…

"The female is chiefly luminous. It is a flat, grayish-brown creature, rather more than half an inch long, and quite destitute of wings. The male, on the contrary, is active, and flies well; and the luminosity of the emale appears to be intended to attract her volatile companion." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"The female is chiefly luminous. It is a flat, grayish-brown creature, rather more than half an inch…

"The numerous species of <em>Coccinellae</em> feed upon <em>aphides</em>, or <em>Plant lice</em>, both in the larva and perfect states, and are often seen on fruit-trees, as the pear, peach, and plum, and on rose-bushes and other shrubs." &mdash Goodrich, 1859


"The numerous species of Coccinellae feed upon aphides, or Plant lice, both…

Epilachna borealis is a species of squash beetle in the Coccinellidae family of ladybugs.


Epilachna borealis is a species of squash beetle in the Coccinellidae family of ladybugs.

"The <em>Galeruca rustica</em> is a common European species, called <em>Garden louse</em>.

Garden Louse

"The Galeruca rustica is a common European species, called Garden louse.

"Tenebrio Molitor. Commonly known as the mealworm or the mealworm beetle. Common in Europe and in this country, of which the larva, found in flour, meal, etc., is well known as the meal-worm. It is common in mills, meal-tubs, granaries, and is distructive to sea-biscuit on shipboard." &mdash Goodrich, 1859


"Tenebrio Molitor. Commonly known as the mealworm or the mealworm beetle. Common in Europe and in this…

"The Mimas, <em>S. mimas</em>, is a beautiful South American species, of a rich golden-green color." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"The Mimas, S. mimas, is a beautiful South American species, of a rich golden-green color."…

A species of dung beetle found in America.


A species of dung beetle found in America.

"Found in South Ameica, is a very large species, nearly two inches long; it is black, and lives on the sago-palm." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

Palm Weevil

"Found in South Ameica, is a very large species, nearly two inches long; it is black, and lives on the…