"In the following we have back and front views of the heads of statues from Herculaneum, on which we…
Lachrymal Bone. The lachrymal are the smallest and most fragile bones fo the face. They are situated…
Malar (cheek) bone. The malar bones form the prominence of the cheek, and part of the outer wall and…
An illustration of a man walking through a park with his jack pulled up around his face.
"Front view of head of American Manatee, showing the eyes, nostrils, and mouth with the lobes of the…
"Front view of head of American Manatee, showing the eyes, nostrils, and mouth with the lip contracted."…
"By use of an instrument called a map measurer, set the hand on the face to read zero, roll the small…
Superior maxillary bone. With it's fellow on the opposite side, it forms the whole of the upper jaw.…
Inferior Maxillary Bone (lower jaw). It is the largest and strongest bone in the face and serves for…
Scheme of the course and distribution of the inferior maxillary nerve. Labels: V.I.M, inferior maxillary…
Scheme of the course and distribution of the superior maxillary nerve. Labels: Rec, recurrent branch…
"When the concave mirror is large, say six inches in diameter, and eight or ten inches focal distance,…
An illustration of a mother washing a child's face while the child plays in the bowl of water.
Vertical coronal section through the anterior part of the orbital and nasal cavities and the upper lip.
Transverse vertical section of the nasal cavities and accessory sinuses.
External wall of right nasal fossa, parts of the turbinates having been cut away to show the orifices…
"The following cut from an antique in the British Museum, represents the head of Neptune. The hair rises…
Nerve areas of the face and scalp. Labels: A, Distribution of the first division of the fifth cranial…
"Showing some of the superficial nerves on the left side of the neck and the head. A few superficial…
"Dental Branch of One of the Divisions of the Fifth Pair of Cranial Nerves, supplying the Lower Teeth.…
Diagram to show the proximity of the sensory nuclei of the fifth and tenth cranial and first and second…
Vertical coronal section through the nose and frontal sinuses.
View of the outer wall of the nose. The turbinated bones having been removed. Labels: 1, vestibule,…
Inferior turbinated bone, convex surface. The inferior turbinated bones are situated on the outer wall…
A side view of the passage of the nostrils. 4, The distribution of the first olfactory pair of nerves.…
The olfactory system. Labels: a, b, c, d, interior of the nose, which is lined by a mucous membrane;…
Scheme of the distribution of the ophthalmic nerve. Labels: Vs, trigeminal nerve, afferent root; Mo,…
An orthographic projection of a pyramid from three dimensional space into two dimensional space
Palate bone. Palate bones form the back part of the roof of the mouth; part of the floor and outer wall…
An illustration of Plato, a Classical Greek philosopher, who, together with his mentor, Socrates, and…
"Crystal faces are described according to their relations to the crystallographic axes. A series of…
"Crystal faces are described according to their relations to the crystallographic axes. A series of…