"The Orange-tips have, in the males, the extremity of the upper wings of a beautiful orange yellow.…
"One of the largest and most beautiful butterflies. The chrysalis, attached to a grass stalk, is sometimes…
"The Parnassius Apollo is a beautiful butterfly, which appears in June and July, and is found commonly…
"The Peacock Butterfly is very easily recognized by the peacock's eyes - to the number of four, one…
"Shows the chrysalis in two different positions, and held by the same band which first supported the…
A specimen of the caterpillar which makes their cocoons of silk with other materials.
"The head of the angular pupae terminates sometimes in two angular parts, which diverge from each other…
"On the upper part of the [insect's under sides], we perceive various raised portions, formed and arranged…
"A great many others have in the upper part, along the edges which separate the two sides, little humps,…
"In the month of July, the Apatura Ilia and the Purple Emperor may be observed in the woods.…
"The Purple Hair-streak is not so rare in the woods, but is very difficult to catch, as it flies nearly…
"This was the beginning of a cocoon. Each triangular blade was composed of a great number of small,…
"In the meadows are often found the Copper Butterflies. They are very common from the end of May until…
Resembles the Large Tortoise Shell Butterfly, but is smaller.
"They select some convenient spot, where they hang themselves up, head downward."
"To set itself entirely free, the chrysalis alternately lengthens and shortens itself. The old skin…
"One of the largest and most beautiful butterflies. It lives on the fennel, carrot and other such plants."
Its lower wings have tails longer and narrower than the standard Swallow Tailed Butterfly. This species…
A sequenced illustration of the cabbage butterfly undergoing metamorphosis. The butterfly starts out…
The trunk is "directed downward and plunged into the flower. The insect draws it partly out, and perhaps…
Certain caterpillars will roll an oak leaf in order to take refuge inside. "Packets of threads are attached…
Certain caterpillars will roll an oak leaf in order to take refuge inside. "Packets of threads are attached…
"Besides the rolling and folding caterpillars, there are still those which bind up a good many leaves…
"Besides the rolling and folding caterpillars, there are still those which bind up a good many leaves…
The covering of millipedes and centipedes, which looks like jointed armor, gives firmness to the body,…
"Chrysops Caecutiens torment horses and cattle very much by biting them around the eyes."
This species can be heard in summer and autumn at most any time making its peculiar trilling noise in…
Also known as the Seventeen-Year Locust, derives its specific name from the fact that it makes its appearance…
"Female Cicada Laying her Eggs in the Groove She has Bored in the Branch of a Tree. While the female…
"From the eggs deposited come small, white grubs, which leave their nest in the wood to bury themselves…
"It produces a deafening and monotonous song. The Greeks, however, seem to have had quite a peculiar…
"This is a membrane in the shape of a kettledrum, not smooth, but, on the contrary, crumpled and full…
"At the end of spring they have developed into pupae. The come out of the earth, and hook themselves…
"The larvae are changed into perfect insects, which take up their abode permanently on the branches…
"It is this little insect which furnishes, when its body has been dried and reduced to powder, a coloring…
"It is this little insect which furnishes, when its body has been dried and reduced to powder, a coloring…
"It hides in the cracks of walls or against the hinges of doors; it swarms in kitchens. They can bore…
"Portion of the comb, with the eggs occupying the cells. One of the royal cells has been opened by the…
Beetles are one of the most extensive orders of insects. The beetle is recognized by its front wings…
"It breathes, like some other insects, through its tail. It walks badly and slowly on land, but swims…
"The compound are composed of many lenses, forming hexagonal facettes. The exterior of the eye is called…
The machine is supported upon two wheels, one in the rear of the other. The body is hopper shaped, with…
"A little fly about half the size of a house-fly. This insect lives chiefly upon the fruit of the olive-tree."
"It requires twenty-seven to twenty-eight days for this insect to pass to its perfect state."
"They pass fifteen or sixteen days in boring a gallery in the pulp of the olive, at first vertically,…
"A little fly about half the size of a house-fly. This insect lives chiefly upon the fruit of the olive-tree."
"Sometimes these insects destroy grass; they often injure the harvest."
This insect can be beneficial to gardens. This insect eats other insects and snails.
"Digestive apparatus of the common beetle." A: Mouth B: Esophagus C: Crop D: Gizzard E: Chylific entricle…
"The Dragon Fly has a large, broad head, very freely attached to the thorax, and large, convex, prominent…
"They derive nourishment from flowers, deposit their eggs on caterpillars, and the young larvae on hatching…
The female gipsy moth is larger than the male. The wings are a dingy or yellowish white with darker…
"The common Flea has an oval body, somewhat flattened, and covered with a rather horay skin."
"In these the head is generally of considerable size, and is furnished with a pair of large, compressed…
"The Lantern-fly is found in large numbers in South America. This remarkable insect enjoys a great renown…