Leaves - compound (odd-feathered; leaflets, five); alternate; edge of leaflets sharp-toothed. Outline…
Also known as Quercus breviloba. The branch of a Shallow-lobed Oak tree, native to the southern United…
"The national emblem of Ireland, is a plant with a leaf formed from three leaflets. It is thought to…
Also known as Quercus imbricaria. The branch of a Shingle Oak tree, native primarily to the midwestern…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge entire. Outline - long and narrow. Apex - pointed and bristle-tipped.…
Leaves - Simple; alternate; edge very finely and sharply toothed. Outline - long egg-shape. Apex - taper-pointed.…
Leaves - simple; opposite; edge deeply lobed, with the lobes unequally notched and toothed. Outline…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge usually lobed (the lobes toothed). Outline - broad egg-shape. Apex…
This illustration shows two types of simple leaves derived from the elliptical type: 9. pinnately lobed;…
"This mode of propagation is performed by cutting the branches into short lengths, each containing one…
"The so-called green jackdaw of Asia, Cissa sinensis. The sirgang inhabits the southeastern Himalayan…
Also known as Salix sitchensis. The branch of a Sitka Willow tree, native to northwestern North America.
Also known as Ulmus fulva. The branch of a Slippery Elm tree, native to eastern North America.
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge sharply and doubly toothed. Outline - oval or long egg-shape. Apex…
"Careya arborea. 1. one of the bundles of stamens; 2. a perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. section…
Leaves - compound (odd-feathered; leaflets, five to seven, oftenest five); alternate; edge of leaflets…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge toothed. Outline - oval. Apex - pointed. Base - rounded or slightly…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge entire. Outline - oval or reverse egg-shape. Apex - pointed. Base -…
Also known as Quercus virginiana. The branch of a Southern Live Oak tree, native to the southeastern…
Also known as Quercus falcata. The branch of a Spanish Oak tree, naive to the eastern coast of the United…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge lobed (the edges of the lobes mostly entire, but often with one to…
Leaf-like structure more or less enclosing a fleshy inflorescence, particularly in the Araceae.
The Leaf of Akanthos Spinosus has pointed lobes terminating in spines and narrow leaves.
This ice spoon is used to assist the ice tongs in removing carrying ice. The handle terminates with…
"The maple spot gall, so common on the leaves of the red maple, is made by the fungus-gnat of the order…
"Canadian St.-John's-wort (Hypericum Canadense). a, leaf; b, seed-capsule." -Whitney, 1911
Leaves - compound (odd-feathered; leaflets eleven to thirty-one); alternate; edge of leaflets evenly…
A wide-creeping fern with reddish-brown scales. The fronds of this fern are approximately 2 feet in…
Leaves - simple, opposite; edge lobed, with the lobes very finely sharply toothed. Outline - rounded…
Leaves - simple; opposite; edge lobed, with the lobes very sparingly and coarsely sharp-toothed or the…
The Spray of Sugar Maple designs were often used on friezes, cornices, and columns.
"Leaf of Sundew, enlarged, with the tentacles on one side infected over a bit of meat placed on the…
Also known as Quercus michauxii. The branch of a Swamp Chestnut Oak tree, native to the wetlands of…
This shows the leaf of the Swamp Cottonwood, Populus heterophylla, (Keeler, 1915).
Also known as Quercus palustris. A species of red oak tree native to eastern United States.
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge quite deeply wavy-toothed. Outline - reverse egg-shape or oval. Apex…