Stems with a sheath just above attachment point of leaf; flowers individually small, white to pink.
Sheaths around stem above each point of leaf-attachment; flowers white to red, not fragrant.
"Polypodium widely distributed throughout the world, but specially developed in the tropics. The species…
A Common Polypody, or Polypodium vulgare, leaf and root. The fern is commonly found on walls, river…
Leaves with blunt lobes; flower conspicuous, purple, not on a fleshy axis enclosed in a leaf-like sheath.
A dense shrub with evergreen leaves and purple flowers, and is used as an ornamental plant. Honey produced…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge lobed (edge of the lobes entire, or sometimes hollowed more or less…
Leaves with midribs evident when examined against light; flowers inconspicuous, not yellow.
A woody fern with numerous branches and dark brown, squarrose scales. They are commonly found in New…
Also known as Populus tremuloides. A species of tree native to the cooler areas of North America.
The branch of a Quercus undulata tree, a species of oak. Native to the southwestern United States.
A flower cluster with the flowers stalked and comming off a commonand more or less elongated axis.
Also known as Campanula rapunculus. "A hardy biennial, cultivated for the use of its fleshy roots in…
"Grinnellia Americana. a, structure of the leaf; b, vertical section of a conceptacle, showing the chains…
Leaves - compound (odd-feathered; leaflets, seven to nine); edge of leaflets nearly entire or slightly…
Also known as Betula occidentalis. The branch of a Red Birch tree, native to western North America.
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge unequally double-toothed, entire at base. Outline - egg-shape, often…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge entire. Outline - round heart-shape. Apex - tapering and rather blunt,…
Leaves - simple; indeterminate in position because of their smallness and closeness. They are arranged…
Leaves - simple; opposite; edge lobed, with the lobes irregularly sharp-toothed and notched. Outline…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge coarsely and somewhat irregularly toothed; or, at times, unequally…
Also known as Morus rubra. The branch of a Red Mulberry tree, native to eastern North America, from…
Leaves simple; alternate; edge lobed (edges of the lobes mostly entire, but slightly toothed toward…
Leaves - simple; indeterminate in position because of their closeness, but arranged along the branches…
Also known as Salix laevigata. The branch of a Red Willow tree, native to Pacific Coastal California.