Leaves - compound (odd-feathered; leaflets, nine to fifteen); alternate (often alternate in threes); edge of leaflets finely and sharply toothed. Outline - of leaflet, long and narrow egg-shape. Apex, taper-pointed. Base - rounded and slightly pointed. Leaflet/Stem - lacking, or very short. Leaf - eight to twelve inches long. Leaflet - two to three and one half inches long; surfaces smooth. Bark - of the trunk, reddish-brown and rather smooth. Flowers - small and white, in large, flat clusters, over the surface of the tree - fifty to one hundred or more flowers in a cluster. May, June. Fruit - very ornamental, about the size of peas, scarlet, in large, flat clusters, ripening in autumn and remaining into the winter. Found - from Labrador and Newfoundland through the Northern States and southward along the Alleghany Mountains. Its finest growth is on the northern shores of Lake Huron and Lake Superior. General Information - A slender, somewhat pyramid-shaped, tree, ten to thirty feet high, much and justly prized as one of the best of the native trees for ornamental planting. Its bark and the unripe fruit are very astringent, and are sometimes used medicinally. A slightly different species (P. sambucilolia) is sometimes found in cold swamps and on the borders of streams along the Northern frontier. The Mountain Ash or "Rowan Tree" has for a long time been renowned as a safeguard against witches and all evil spirits. A mere twig of it suffices. "Rowen-tree and red thread Put the witches to their speed." "The spells were vain, the hag returned To the queen in sorrowful mood, Crying that witches have no power Where there is row'n-tree wood."

Genus Pyrus, L. (Mountain Ash)

Leaves - compound (odd-feathered; leaflets, nine to fifteen); alternate (often alternate in threes);…

The leaf of the Mountain Holly, Ilex monticola, (Keeler, 1915).

Mountain Holly Leaf

The leaf of the Mountain Holly, Ilex monticola, (Keeler, 1915).

Ending in an abrupt, fine, slender tip.


Ending in an abrupt, fine, slender tip.

"Black mustard (Brassica nigra)." -Gager, 1916

Black Mustard

"Black mustard (Brassica nigra)." -Gager, 1916

Plants small, mostly under 1 dm tall; leaves filiform, or very narrowly linear.


Plants small, mostly under 1 dm tall; leaves filiform, or very narrowly linear.

Leaves with small, orange wax glands on te lower surface when examined with lens; leaves usually prominently toothed.


Leaves with small, orange wax glands on te lower surface when examined with lens; leaves usually prominently…

Submerged leaves whorled, stems usually very lax.


Submerged leaves whorled, stems usually very lax.

"Eugenia tuberculata. 1. a flower; 2. the same divided vertically; 3. a stamen; 4. a ripe fruit; 5. a leaf with the dots upon it." -Lindley, 1853


"Eugenia tuberculata. 1. a flower; 2. the same divided vertically; 3. a stamen; 4. a ripe fruit; 5.…

Also known as Quercus myrtifolia. The branch of a Myrtle Oak tree.

Branch of Myrtle Oak

Also known as Quercus myrtifolia. The branch of a Myrtle Oak tree.

A floral capital letter N with leaves.

Floral Capital N

A floral capital letter N with leaves.

Leaves with dilated bases.


Leaves with dilated bases.

The common name of narcissus jonquilla is jonquil. The flowers are bright yellow and very fragrant.

Habit, Detached Flower, and Portion of Leaf of Narcissus Jonquilla

The common name of narcissus jonquilla is jonquil. The flowers are bright yellow and very fragrant.

The common name of narcissus tazetta is polyanthus narcissus. The flowers are fragrant and about one inch across when expanded. The flowers bloom in March.

Inflorescence and Portion of Leaf of Narcissus Tazetta

The common name of narcissus tazetta is polyanthus narcissus. The flowers are fragrant and about one…

Flowers white.


Flowers white.

This shows a needle-shaped leaf.

Needle-Shaped Leaf

This shows a needle-shaped leaf.

Long needles an two to several fascicles.


Long needles an two to several fascicles.

A shrub with leaves that are short needles, arranged in two ranks along twig, or sometimes appressed to twig; not in fascicles.


A shrub with leaves that are short needles, arranged in two ranks along twig, or sometimes appressed…

Leaves large, 2 dm or more in diameter, impossible to wet; flowers solitary, showy, yellow.


Leaves large, 2 dm or more in diameter, impossible to wet; flowers solitary, showy, yellow.

Flowers violet, over 3cm scross; leaves equitant at base; that is coming in two ranks, making the base of the plant appear flattened.


Flowers violet, over 3cm scross; leaves equitant at base; that is coming in two ranks, making the base…

Individual leaflets of compud leaves also lobed or divided.


Individual leaflets of compud leaves also lobed or divided.

Flowers conspicuous, white, 4-petaled.


Flowers conspicuous, white, 4-petaled.

Pitcher plant is the common name of nepenthes. The madagascariensis variety has a crimson pitcher. The pitcher is a little over two inches long.

Leaf and Pitcher of Nepenthes Madagascariensis

Pitcher plant is the common name of nepenthes. The madagascariensis variety has a crimson pitcher. The…

The common name of nepenthes is pitcher plant. The northiana variety has purple spotted pitchers. The pitchers are nearly one foot long.

Leaf and Pitcher of Nepenthes Northiana

The common name of nepenthes is pitcher plant. The northiana variety has purple spotted pitchers. The…

Nigella has many common names including devil-in-the-bush, fennel flower, and love-in-a-mist. The sativa variety has bluish flowers that bloom in July. The plant grows one and a half feet tall.

Flower Stem with Leaf of Nigella Sativa

Nigella has many common names including devil-in-the-bush, fennel flower, and love-in-a-mist. The sativa…

The places on the stems that normally bear leaves.


The places on the stems that normally bear leaves.

Also known as Quercus ellipsoidalis. The branch of a Northern Pin Oak tree, native to the northern midwest United States.

Branch of Northern Pin Oak

Also known as Quercus ellipsoidalis. The branch of a Northern Pin Oak tree, native to the northern midwest…

Also known as Quercus rubra. The branch of a Northern Red Oak tree, native to northeastern United States.

Branch of Northern Red Oak

Also known as Quercus rubra. The branch of a Northern Red Oak tree, native to northeastern United States.

Leaves - simple; indeterminate in position because of their closeness; arranged singly all around the branchlets. Leaf - needle-shaped, five twelfths to three fourths of an inch long, four-sided, curved, sharp, rather slender, bluish-green, much lighter than the leaf of the Black Spruce. Bark - lighter than that of the Black Spruce. Cones - five inches and more in length; about one and a half inches in thickness. Branches and branchlets - heavily drooping, especially in the older trees. Scales - broad reverse egg-shape, with an entire edge, and rounded or somewhat two-lobed at the apex. General Information - This spruce is not a native, but is now very widely cultivated, and is sometimes found escaped from cultivation. It is a finer and large tree than the native spruces.

Genus Picea, Link. (Spruce)

Leaves - simple; indeterminate in position because of their closeness; arranged singly all around the…

Leaves large (2 dm long or more), coming out of stout underground stems.


Leaves large (2 dm long or more), coming out of stout underground stems.

Flowers white; leaf-blade round.


Flowers white; leaf-blade round.

Leaves small, mostly less than 15cm. long, heart-shaped; flowers white and less than 2.5cm across.


Leaves small, mostly less than 15cm. long, heart-shaped; flowers white and less than 2.5cm across.

Trees with swollen bases; fruit that drupe, longer than wide.


Trees with swollen bases; fruit that drupe, longer than wide.

The Leaf of Winter Oak designs were often on friezes, cornices, and columns.

Leaf of Winter Oak

The Leaf of Winter Oak designs were often on friezes, cornices, and columns.

The Spray of Bitter Oak designs were often used on friezes, cornices, and columns.

Spray of Bitter Oak

The Spray of Bitter Oak designs were often used on friezes, cornices, and columns.

An obcordate leaf is inversely cordate.

Obcordate and Retuse Leaf

An obcordate leaf is inversely cordate.

Lanceolate in outline but with the broadest part toward the apex.


Lanceolate in outline but with the broadest part toward the apex.

This shows an oblanceolate leaf.

Oblanceolate Leaf Shape

This shows an oblanceolate leaf.

Longer than broad and with nearly parallel sides.


Longer than broad and with nearly parallel sides.

Ovate in outline butwith hte broadest portion toward the apex.


Ovate in outline butwith hte broadest portion toward the apex.

An obovate leaf is inversely egg shaped with the broadest end uppermost.

Obovate Leaf

An obovate leaf is inversely egg shaped with the broadest end uppermost.

Shaped like a pyramid with the broad end uppermost.


Shaped like a pyramid with the broad end uppermost.

Blunt or rounded at the tip.


Blunt or rounded at the tip.

A branch of an Ocotea catesbyana tree. They are commonly found throughout tropical climates, including Central and South America, and Madagascar.

Branch of Ocotea Catesbyana

A branch of an Ocotea catesbyana tree. They are commonly found throughout tropical climates, including…

A tubular sheath present on the stem just above the base of the leaves of docks and smartweeds. It is formed of the fused stipules.


A tubular sheath present on the stem just above the base of the leaves of docks and smartweeds. It is…

Leaves - compound (hand-shaped; leaflets, five); opposite; edge toothed. Outline - of leaflet, oval or long oval. Apex - taper-pointed. Base - pointed. Leaflets - three to seven inches long; one and a half to three inches wide. Bark - with a disagreeable odor. Flowers - small, yellowish-white. June. Fruit - about three fourths of an inch in diameter. Husk - prickly when young. Nut - smooth. Found - along the western slopes of the Alleghany Mountains - Pennsylvania to Northern Alabama and westward. General Information - A small, ill-scented tree (eighteen to thirty-five feet high). Its wood is light and hard to split. With the other species of the same genus it is preferred, above any other American wood, for the making of artificial limbs.

Genus Aesculus, L. (Buckeye, Horse Chestnut)

Leaves - compound (hand-shaped; leaflets, five); opposite; edge toothed. Outline - of leaflet, oval…

Coming off opposite each other at the same level on the axis.


Coming off opposite each other at the same level on the axis.

Circular or round.


Circular or round.

This shows an orbicular leaf.

Orbicular Leaf Shape

This shows an orbicular leaf.

Herminium monorchis or the Musk Orchid is a flowering plant of the Orchid family.

Musk Orchid

Herminium monorchis or the Musk Orchid is a flowering plant of the Orchid family.

Pictured is a tip of a flowering branch and the leaf of oreopanax epremesnilianum. There are seven to nine leaflets.

Oreopanax Epremesnillianum

Pictured is a tip of a flowering branch and the leaf of oreopanax epremesnilianum. There are seven to…

Leaf of Oriental Amber Tree.

Leaf of Oriental Amber Tree

Leaf of Oriental Amber Tree.

The Early Gothic Ornament design is found in Notre Dame, Paris.

Early Gothic Ornament

The Early Gothic Ornament design is found in Notre Dame, Paris.

The Laural is an Evergreen that blossoms a yellowish white and its fruit ball is egg shaped in a blue black color.

Laurel Ornament

The Laural is an Evergreen that blossoms a yellowish white and its fruit ball is egg shaped in a blue…

Louis XVI Ornament style.

Louis XVI Ornament

Louis XVI Ornament style.

Modern French Ornament.

Modern French Ornament

Modern French Ornament.

The Olive Ornament is an Evergreen that blossoms a small white oval fruit, greenish black.

Olive Ornament

The Olive Ornament is an Evergreen that blossoms a small white oval fruit, greenish black.

The Renaissance Ornament is a relief on the tomb of Hieronimo Basso, St. Maria del Popolo, Rome, by Sansovino.

Renaissance Ornament

The Renaissance Ornament is a relief on the tomb of Hieronimo Basso, St. Maria del Popolo, Rome, by…

The Roman Ornament design is also called the "Medicean Pilaster".

Roman Ornament

The Roman Ornament design is also called the "Medicean Pilaster".

The Roman Ornament is a marble biga design that is from an imitation of an original in bronze.

Roman Ornament

The Roman Ornament is a marble biga design that is from an imitation of an original in bronze.

This Roman Ornament design comes from a "Florentine Pilaster". It is a richly decorated marble relief that comes from Uffizi, Florence.

Roman Ornament

This Roman Ornament design comes from a "Florentine Pilaster". It is a richly decorated marble relief…