Spikelets very strongly flattened.


Spikelets very strongly flattened.

Plant body inconspicuously nerved, roolets one per disk.


Plant body inconspicuously nerved, roolets one per disk.

A slender-fronded fern with straw-colored leaves. The fronds can reach between 9 inches and 12 inches in length. It is commonly found in Brazil.

Pteris Leptophylla

A slender-fronded fern with straw-colored leaves. The fronds can reach between 9 inches and 12 inches…

An 18th century English variety of Romaine lettuce.

Bath Cos Lettuce

An 18th century English variety of Romaine lettuce.




The flowers are lietzia brasiliensis are green, richly mottled with brown. The leaves are hairy and taper at both ends.

Habit, Detached Leaf, Flower, and Capsule of Lietzia Brasiliensis

The flowers are lietzia brasiliensis are green, richly mottled with brown. The leaves are hairy and…

Ligustrum lucidum flowers are white and grow in much spreading panicles. The plant grows between eight and twelve feet tall.

Leaf and Portion of Panicle of Ligustrum Lucidum

Ligustrum lucidum flowers are white and grow in much spreading panicles. The plant grows between eight…

"Nymphaea coerulea. 1. a perpendicular section of a seed of N. alba; 2. half an embryo, showing the great plumule lying in the cavity of one cotyledon." -Lindley, 1853

Egyptian Blue Lily

"Nymphaea coerulea. 1. a perpendicular section of a seed of N. alba; 2. half an embryo, showing the…

Leaves mostly differentiated into blades and petioles.


Leaves mostly differentiated into blades and petioles.

Long and narrow and with parallel sides.


Long and narrow and with parallel sides.

This shows a linear leaf.

Linear Leaf Shape

This shows a linear leaf.

Plants decumbent at base and usually rooting at the lower nodes.


Plants decumbent at base and usually rooting at the lower nodes.

"Litsaea Baueri. 1. a male flower; 2. a female; 3. a stamen, with a gland at the base; 4. an anther, with the recurved valves; 5. a cluster of fruit; 6. a cotyledon seen from within, with the plumule adhering to the inner face." -Lindley, 1853


"Litsaea Baueri. 1. a male flower; 2. a female; 3. a stamen, with a gland at the base; 4. an anther,…

Leaf of Liverwort.

Leaf of Liverwort

Leaf of Liverwort.

With projection or divisions.


With projection or divisions.

Leaves - compound (odd-feathered; leaflets, eleven to twenty-five); alternate; edge entire. Outline - oval or egg-shape. Apex, rounded. Base - rounded. Stem - of leaf, smooth, and covering the leaf-bud of the next year. Leaflets - very smooth, thin, often slightly tipped with the end of the mid-rib. Bark - of trunk, dark, rough, and very deeply ridged. The smaller branches and young trunks are armed with strong, triangular prickles, but these disappear when the parts are three to four inches thick. Flowers - showy and abundant; in long, loose clusters drooping from the sides of the branchlets; white; and very fragrant. May, June. Fruit - a smooth and rather blunt pod, two to three inches long, one and a half inches wide, four- to six-seeded. Seeds, dark brown. September. Found - Native in the Alleghany Mountains from Pennsylvania (Monroe County - Porter) to Georgia; but now very generally naturalized throughout the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. General Information - A tree usually forty to fifty feet high, sometimes ninety feet, and of rapid growth. Its wood is exceedingly hard and strong, and remarkable durable when in contact with the ground. It is used largely for posts, in ship-building, and in turnery, and it is preferred to all other native wood for tree nails. It is one of the most valuable trees of this or of any country. But is cultivation as a timber tree, which at one time was very general, has nearly ceased in the United State on account of the constant damage done by the grub of the Painted Clytus (Clytus pictus). This troublesome borer not only injures the new growth, but also pierces and detaches large branches, leaving the tree ragged and stunted.

Genus Robinia, L. (Locust)

Leaves - compound (odd-feathered; leaflets, eleven to twenty-five); alternate; edge entire. Outline…

Leaves, flowers, and seeds from the Logwood tree (Haematoxylum campechianum).


Leaves, flowers, and seeds from the Logwood tree (Haematoxylum campechianum).

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge toothed. Outline - very broad oval (approaching diamond shape). Apex - pointed. Base - pointed. Leaf/Stem - flattened sidewise. Leaf - usually about two inches long, width and length about the same. General Information - introduced about one hundred years ago from Italy, and now often found in old settlements. A tall and very slender tree, with crowded, perpendicular branches.

Genus Populus, L. (Aspen, Poplar)

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge toothed. Outline - very broad oval (approaching diamond shape). Apex…

Leaves - simple; alernate (sic); edge usually obscurely toothed, but varying from quite sharp-toothed to almost entire and slightly wavy. Outline - oval or reverse egg-shape. Apex - sharp (or sometimes rather blunted). Base - narrowing to a point (or sometimes slightly rounded). Leaf - two to four inches long; soft, downy, and almost velvety beneath; smoothish above; ribs distinct. Bark - of trunk, dark colored; of the branches, usually yellow; twigs, reddish-brown, straight and tough, downy when young, becoming smooth. Found - along borders of woods, and on low grounds, from New England to Pennsylvania, far westward and northward. General Information - A tall tree (or sometimes a shrug), four to fifteen feet high. Salix from two Celtic words meaning "near" and "water."

Genus Salix, L. (Willow)

Leaves - simple; alernate (sic); edge usually obscurely toothed, but varying from quite sharp-toothed…

This shows the leaf of the Longleaf Willow, Salix fluviatilis, (Keeler, 1915).

Longleaf Willow Leaf

This shows the leaf of the Longleaf Willow, Salix fluviatilis, (Keeler, 1915).

Upper flowers with stamens only.


Upper flowers with stamens only.

"This is also a very well known flowering plant, of which there are many varieties - white, light and dark blue, single and double. The one most in cultivation with the finest large sweet-scented flowers is V. Marie Louise, which surpasses all other double blue Violets in the profusion of its flowers, richness of color, and delicious fragrance."—Heinrich, 1887

Violet, Marie Louise

"This is also a very well known flowering plant, of which there are many varieties - white, light and…

flowers solitary in the axils of the leaves; leaves less than 3.5cm long.


flowers solitary in the axils of the leaves; leaves less than 3.5cm long.

Capsule or calyx tube short and stout, not reflexed.


Capsule or calyx tube short and stout, not reflexed.

Stems 4-angled; flowers small, in dense clusters in the axils of the leaves.


Stems 4-angled; flowers small, in dense clusters in the axils of the leaves.

Flowers small, white, gathered in dense, sessile clusters in the axils of the leaves.


Flowers small, white, gathered in dense, sessile clusters in the axils of the leaves.

The branch of a Lyonothamnus tree, which is native to the Channel Islands of California.

Branch of Lyonothamnus

The branch of a Lyonothamnus tree, which is native to the Channel Islands of California.

Flowers purple; plant usually corky at base.


Flowers purple; plant usually corky at base.

Leaves silvery beneath.


Leaves silvery beneath.

The image shows a fascicle (bundle or cluster) of flowers of a mallow plant (Malvaceae).

Fascicle of Mallow Flowers

The image shows a fascicle (bundle or cluster) of flowers of a mallow plant (Malvaceae).

The branch of a Malus rivularis tree, native throughout the northwestern coast of the United States.

Branch of Malus Rivularis

The branch of a Malus rivularis tree, native throughout the northwestern coast of the United States.

Inflourescence made up of bony, bead-like joints.


Inflourescence made up of bony, bead-like joints.

The Leaf of Maple designs were often used on friezes, cornices, and columns.

Leaf of Maple

The Leaf of Maple designs were often used on friezes, cornices, and columns.

The flowers of maurandya scandens are purplish violet. The leaves are heart shaped and deeply serrated.

Flowering Branch, Detached Flower, and Leaf of Maurandya Scandens

The flowers of maurandya scandens are purplish violet. The leaves are heart shaped and deeply serrated.

The pseudo-bulbs of maxillaria venusta are two leaved. The flowers are a waxy white. The lip of the flower is faintly stained with yellow and blotched with crimson. The leaves are linear, oblong, and a light shining green color.

Pseudo-Bulb, Leaf, and Flower of Maxillaria Venusta

The pseudo-bulbs of maxillaria venusta are two leaved. The flowers are a waxy white. The lip of the…

Leaves crowded on stem; flowers three petaled, pink and fairly conspicuous.


Leaves crowded on stem; flowers three petaled, pink and fairly conspicuous.

"1. Medinilla macrocarpa; 2. stamens of M. radicans; 3. perpendicular section of its ovary; 4. a section of its seed; 5. embryo." -Lindley. 1853


"1. Medinilla macrocarpa; 2. stamens of M. radicans; 3. perpendicular section of its ovary; 4. a section…

Medinilla Sieboldiana is a flowering plant of the Melastomataceae family.

Siebold's Medinilla

Medinilla Sieboldiana is a flowering plant of the Melastomataceae family.

The flowers of mesembryanthemum acinaciforme are large and reddish. The flowers grow alone at the ends of the stems. The flowers bloom in August.

Branch and Detached Leaf of Mesembryanthemum Acinaciforme

The flowers of mesembryanthemum acinaciforme are large and reddish. The flowers grow alone at the ends…

Also known as Morus celtidifolia. The branch of a Mexican Mulberry tree.

Branch of Mexican Mulberry

Also known as Morus celtidifolia. The branch of a Mexican Mulberry tree.

Stem not finely pubescent; flowers not more than 1.5mm long.


Stem not finely pubescent; flowers not more than 1.5mm long.

Main rib of normal lleaf running from base to apex.


Main rib of normal lleaf running from base to apex.

Leaves opposite, with wavy margins or angularly toothed.


Leaves opposite, with wavy margins or angularly toothed.

Leaf of Mimosa in open position.


Leaf of Mimosa in open position.

Leaf of Mimosa in closed position.


Leaf of Mimosa in closed position.

The common name of mimosa pudica is humble plant. The flowers are red and bloom in summer. The stem is very prickly. The plant grows one foot tall.

Flowering Branch, Single Flower Head, and Leaf of Mimosa Pudica

The common name of mimosa pudica is humble plant. The flowers are red and bloom in summer. The stem…

Calyx bearing no crest.


Calyx bearing no crest.

Leaves - compound (odd-feathered, leaflets, seven to nine); alternate; edge slightly and rather roundly toothed. Outline - of leaflets, mostly long oval, the lower pairs becoming smaller and more egg-shaped. Apex - long-pointed. Base - of the end leaflet, wedge-shape; of the others, more or less blunted. Leaf/Stem - rough throughout. Buds - large and round and covered with downy, yellowish-brown scales, or, in winter, with hard and grayish-white scales. Leaflet/Stem - lacking (or scarcely noticeable), except the short, roughish stem of the end leaflet. Leaflets - two to seven inches long, rough beneath, especially on the ribs; fragrant when crushed. Bark - rough, becoming cracked across, but not scaly. Fruit - rounded, slightly egg-shaped or oval, one and one half to two inches or more in length. The husk is about one fourth of an inch thick and splits nearly to the base when ripe. Nut - slightly six-angled, light brown, with a very thick and hard shell. Kernel - is sweet, but small. October. Found - common in dry woods, especially southward and westward. It grows in Southern Canada and I all the Atlantic States. General Information - All the Hickories are picturesque trees. Their tendency, even when standing alone, is to grow high, and with heads that, instead of being round, are cylinder-shaped to the very top, with only enough breaks and irregularities to add to the effect. This tendency is more marked in the Hickories than in any other of the leaf-shedding trees of North America. They are worthy of the name sometimes given them of 'the artist's tree." Hicoria, from a Greek word meaning round, in allusion to the shape of the nut.

Genus Hicoria, Raf., Carya, Nutt. (Hickory)

Leaves - compound (odd-feathered, leaflets, seven to nine); alternate; edge slightly and rather roundly…

The Leaf of Akanthos Mollis has broad tips to the leaves.

Leaf of Akanthos Mollis

The Leaf of Akanthos Mollis has broad tips to the leaves.

The Leaf of Akanthos Mollis has broad tips to the leaves.

Leaf of Akanthos Mollis

The Leaf of Akanthos Mollis has broad tips to the leaves.

"Morphology of typical monocotyledonous plant. A, leaf, parallel-veined; B, portion of stem, showing irregular distribution of vascular bundles; C, ground plan of flower (the parts in 3's); D, top view of flower; E, seed, showing monocotyledonous embryo." -Gager, 1916

Monocotyledonous Morphology

"Morphology of typical monocotyledonous plant. A, leaf, parallel-veined; B, portion of stem, showing…

The campana egg-and-tongue moulding is an egg pattern that is a Graeco-Italic design.

Campana Egg-and-Tongue Moulding

The campana egg-and-tongue moulding is an egg pattern that is a Graeco-Italic design.

The colossal egg-and-leaf moulding is found in the temple of Jupiter Tonans, Rome.

Colossal Egg-and-Leaf Moulding

The colossal egg-and-leaf moulding is found in the temple of Jupiter Tonans, Rome.

The corrupt leaf moulding is a leaf-shape that is geometrical.

Corrupt Leaf Moulding

The corrupt leaf moulding is a leaf-shape that is geometrical.

The Greek egg-and-tongue moulding is an egg pattern.

Greek Egg-and-Tongue Moulding

The Greek egg-and-tongue moulding is an egg pattern.

The leaf enrichment moulding is a bent row of leaves, growing upwards and then bent outwards.

Leaf Enrichment Moulding

The leaf enrichment moulding is a bent row of leaves, growing upwards and then bent outwards.

The leaf enrichment moulding is a bent row of leaves, growing upwards and then bent outwards.

Leaf Enrichment Moulding

The leaf enrichment moulding is a bent row of leaves, growing upwards and then bent outwards.

The leaf enrichment moulding is a design found in Erechtheum, Athens an ancient Greek Temple.

Leaf Enrichment Moulding

The leaf enrichment moulding is a design found in Erechtheum, Athens an ancient Greek Temple.

The Renaissance egg-and-dart moulding is an egg pattern with darts in between.

Renaissance Egg-and-Dart Moulding

The Renaissance egg-and-dart moulding is an egg pattern with darts in between.

The Roman egg-and-dart moulding is an egg pattern with darts in between.

Roman Egg-and-Dart Moulding

The Roman egg-and-dart moulding is an egg pattern with darts in between.