A protractor is a semicircular tool for measuring angles in degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 10 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 10 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 100 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 100 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 105 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 105 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 110 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 110 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 115 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 115 degrees from the right side.
A protractor with 120 and 60 degree suplementary angles indicated.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 120 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 120 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 125 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 125 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 130 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 130 degrees from the right side.
A protractor with 135 and 45 degree suplementary angles indicated.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 135 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 135 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 140 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 140 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 145 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 145 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 15 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 15 degrees from the right side.
A protractor with 150 and 30 degree suplementary angles indicated.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 150 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 150 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 155 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 155 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 160 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 160 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 165 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 165 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 170 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 170 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 175 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 20 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 20 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 25 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 25 degrees from the right side.
A protractor with 30 and 150 degree suplementary angles indicated.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 30 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 30 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 35 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 35 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 40 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 40 degrees from the right side.
A protractor with 45 and 135 degree suplementary angles indicated.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 45 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 45 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 50 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 50 degrees from the right side.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 55 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 55 degrees from the right side.
A protractor with 60 and 120 degree suplementary angles indicated.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 60 degrees.
A protractor indicating a measurement of 60 degrees from the right side.