The United States seal of North Carolina with two ships in the background.

North Carolina

The United States seal of North Carolina with two ships in the background.

The United States seal of Ohio.


The United States seal of Ohio.

The official seal of the U.S. state of Ohio in 1889. Motto: Imperium in Imperio.


The official seal of the U.S. state of Ohio in 1889. Motto: Imperium in Imperio.

An old colony seal of New Plymouth.

Old Colony Seal

An old colony seal of New Plymouth.

The rebus, or visual pun, of Bishop Oldham's badge.

Rebus of Bishop Oldham

The rebus, or visual pun, of Bishop Oldham's badge.

"The religious Order of the Heavenly Annunciation, or of the Nuns of the Annunciation of Mary, was instituted by Victoria Fornare at Genoa in 1682, after the rule of St. Augustine. All the convents of the order in France, Germany, and the Netherlands have disappeared since the French Revolution. Some still exist in Italy." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Order of the Annunciation

"The religious Order of the Heavenly Annunciation, or of the Nuns of the Annunciation of Mary, was instituted…

"Star of the order of the Thistle." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Order of the Thistle

"Star of the order of the Thistle." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

The official seal of the U.S. state of Oregon in 1889.


The official seal of the U.S. state of Oregon in 1889.

The United States seal of Oregon.


The United States seal of Oregon.

The Great Seal of the State of Oregon. The seal shows mountains, an elk, a wagon, and the Pacific Ocean.

Seal of Oregon

The Great Seal of the State of Oregon. The seal shows mountains, an elk, a wagon, and the Pacific Ocean.

The original seal of the United States of America.

Original US Seal

The original seal of the United States of America.

The official seal of the U.S. state of Pennsylvania in 1889.


The official seal of the U.S. state of Pennsylvania in 1889.

The United States seal of Pennsylvania with a ship in the background.


The United States seal of Pennsylvania with a ship in the background.

The United States seal of the Post Office.

Post Office

The United States seal of the Post Office.

The seal of the Post-Office Department of the United States.

Seal of the Post-Office Department

The seal of the Post-Office Department of the United States.

"A press or stamp bearing dies on its jaws, or a die and a bed, for imprinting or embossing any device upon paper or a plastic material, as lead. It is much used to form the seals of seal-locks, and may be a kind of heavy pincers. a and a1, dies; b (dotted outline), bar sliding in guide c; d (dotted outline), abutment for coiled spring e; f, lever with cam g at the bottom. The lever moved in the direction in dicated by the arrow forces a down upon a1; when it is released the spring reverses the motion." —Whitney, 1889

Seal Press

"A press or stamp bearing dies on its jaws, or a die and a bed, for imprinting or embossing any device…

A seal of the French Republic, 1792-1804.

Seal of the French Republic

A seal of the French Republic, 1792-1804.

The official seal of the U.S. state of Rhode Island in 1889.

Rhode Island

The official seal of the U.S. state of Rhode Island in 1889.

The Seal of the State of Rhode Island in 1790.

Rhode Island

The Seal of the State of Rhode Island in 1790.

The ancient King of Akkad, reigning from 2270 BC to 2215 BC.

Seal of Sargon I

The ancient King of Akkad, reigning from 2270 BC to 2215 BC.

"It is the size of a large bear; girth at the sholder, five feet, near the tail, twenty inches; fur brown. acquiring a grayish tint at the point of the hairs in old age; external ears one inch eight lines long, conical, erect, covered with short hair, and open by an oblong slit, which is shut in the water; nail very slender and minute." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Sea Bear

"It is the size of a large bear; girth at the sholder, five feet, near the tail, twenty inches; fur…

The seal is an aquatic mammal, whose limbs are formed into flippers. The tail tapers at the end of the body. The front flippers are used as paddles while the rear paws help to steer the animal.


The seal is an aquatic mammal, whose limbs are formed into flippers. The tail tapers at the end of the…

The seal is an aquatic mammal, whose limbs are formed into flippers. The tail tapers at the end of the body. The front flippers are used as paddles while the rear paws help to steer the animal.


The seal is an aquatic mammal, whose limbs are formed into flippers. The tail tapers at the end of the…

The Greenland Seal has well-developed hind limbs.


The Greenland Seal has well-developed hind limbs.

The general name of certain genera of carnivorous mammals, havin feet adapted for swimming, and being able to live both in and out of water.


The general name of certain genera of carnivorous mammals, havin feet adapted for swimming, and being…

"The seal, adapted principally for water. The extremities are larger than in the porpoise and manatee."—Pettigrew, 1874

The Seal

"The seal, adapted principally for water. The extremities are larger than in the porpoise and manatee."—Pettigrew,…

The claws of a seal's left hind foot.


The claws of a seal's left hind foot.

The seal of the Department of Justice of the United States.

Seal of the Department of Justice

The seal of the Department of Justice of the United States.

Illustration of the entrance of an igloo, built out of ice, partially underwater. A seal is swimming under the water, headed for the entrance.

Seal Swimming up to an Igloo

Illustration of the entrance of an igloo, built out of ice, partially underwater. A seal is swimming…

The seal of the Bishop of Salisbury.

Bishop of Salisbury's Seal

The seal of the Bishop of Salisbury.

"The ground-color of the hair or skin, when this animal is alive and dry, is pale whitish-gray, with a very slight tinge of yellow; when just out of the water and wet, the ground-color is ash; after death, and as seen in museums, the ground color is pale yellowish-gray." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Common Seal

"The ground-color of the hair or skin, when this animal is alive and dry, is pale whitish-gray, with…

The elephant seal is the largest fin-footed mammal. It can reach 18 feet in length and weigh 5000 pounds. It gets its name from its long snout that resembles that of an elephant.

Elephant seal

The elephant seal is the largest fin-footed mammal. It can reach 18 feet in length and weigh 5000 pounds.…

"The seal <i>Macrorhinus elephantinus</i> or <i>proboscideus</i>, or <i>Morunga proboscidea</i>. It is the largest of the otaries; the snout is prolonged into a proboscis suggestive of an elephant's trunk. It is confined to the higher latitudes of the southern hemisphere...." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

Elephant Seal on a Rock

"The seal Macrorhinus elephantinus or proboscideus, or Morunga proboscidea. It is the largest of the…

"Foot of the seal, which opens and closes in the act of natation, the organ being folded upon itself during the non-effective or return stroke, and expanded during the effective or forward stroke. Due advantage is taken of this arrangement by the seal when swimming, the animal rotating on its long axis, so as to present the lower portion of the body and the feet obliquely to the water during the return stroke, and the flat, or the greatest available surface of both, during the effective or forward stroke."&mdash;Pettigrew, 1874

Foot of Seal

"Foot of the seal, which opens and closes in the act of natation, the organ being folded upon itself…

The species found in Alaska and the Commander Islands in the Bering Sea is the fur seal.

Fur Seal

The species found in Alaska and the Commander Islands in the Bering Sea is the fur seal.

"The Seal, of the family Phocid&aelig;, or seal tribe, are, of all four-limbed mammiferous animals, those which display the most complete adaptation to residence in the water. The seal has considerable resemblance to a quadruped in some respects, and to a fish in others. The head is round, and the nose, which is broad, resembles that of a dog, with the same look of intelligence and mild and expressive physiognomy. It has large whiskers, oblong nostrils, and great black sparkling eyes. It has no external ears, but a valve exists in the orifices, which can be closed at will, so as to keep out the water; the nostrils have a similar valve; and the clothing of the body consists of stiff glossy hairs, very closely set against the skin. The body is elongated and conical, gradually tapering from the shoulders to the tail. The spine is provided with strong muscles, which bend it with considerable force; and this movement is of great assistance to the propulsion of the body."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Hooded Seal

"The Seal, of the family Phocidæ, or seal tribe, are, of all four-limbed mammiferous animals,…

The genus Cystophora includes the large bladder-nose, hooded or crested seal of the Greenland seas, in which the nose of the males has a curious dispensable sac, and which attains an average length of from 10 to 12 feet.

Hooded Seal

The genus Cystophora includes the large bladder-nose, hooded or crested seal of the Greenland seas,…

"Also called the Crested Seal, remarkable for possessing, about two inches from te extremity of the upper jaw, on the superior of the surface, a cartilaginous crest, which rises, increasing rapidly in height as it passes backwards, about seven inches high at its posterior or vertical edge, which is separated into two planes by an intervening depression an inch deep." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Hooded Seal

"Also called the Crested Seal, remarkable for possessing, about two inches from te extremity of the…

This illustration shows the leg of a seal.
P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus, MT. Metatarsus, PH. Phalanges, OC. Os Calcis

Leg of Seal

This illustration shows the leg of a seal. P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus,…

<i>Leptonychotes weddelli</i>. "A spotted seal of the southern and antarctic seas, belonging to the family <i>Phocidae</i> and either of two different genera." &mdash;Whitney, 1889
<p>This illustration shows the seal lying on some rocks.

Leopard Seal

Leptonychotes weddelli. "A spotted seal of the southern and antarctic seas, belonging to the family…

Closely allied to the common seal is the marbled seal me with some of the European coasts.

Marbled Seal

Closely allied to the common seal is the marbled seal me with some of the European coasts.

Seal, with a shovel and hoe on it.

True-temper seal

Seal, with a shovel and hoe on it.

The United States seal of the Senate.


The United States seal of the Senate.

A ship and an old English seal.

Ship and Seals

A ship and an old English seal.

"A circular box used for covering and protecting a seal. Old documents were commonly sealed by means of a ribbon which passed through the parchment, and to which was affixed a large circular wax seal, not attached to the parchment itself, but hanging below its edge. The skippet used to protect such a seal was commonly turned of wood, like a shallow box, with a cover formed of a simple disk of wood held to the box by strings passed through eyelet-holes." -Whitney, 1889

Skippet - Open Box with a Seal Inside

"A circular box used for covering and protecting a seal. Old documents were commonly sealed by means…

The official seal of the U.S. state of South Carolina in 1889.

South Carolina

The official seal of the U.S. state of South Carolina in 1889.

The United States seal of South Carolina with the ruins of Fort Sumter in the background.

South Carolina

The United States seal of South Carolina with the ruins of Fort Sumter in the background.

A seal representing the stamp act.

Stamp Act

A seal representing the stamp act.

A seal representing the stamp act.

Stamp Act

A seal representing the stamp act.

The seal of the State Department of the United States.

Seal of the State Department

The seal of the State Department of the United States.

The official seal of the U.S. state of Tennessee in 1889.


The official seal of the U.S. state of Tennessee in 1889.

The official seal of the U.S. state of Texas in 1889.


The official seal of the U.S. state of Texas in 1889.

The United States seal of Texas with the Alamo in the background.


The United States seal of Texas with the Alamo in the background.

The heraldic seal of the archbishop of York, who worked under kings William II of England and Henry I of England.

Seal of Thurstan

The heraldic seal of the archbishop of York, who worked under kings William II of England and Henry…

A tool which is used to apply composite strips such as caulk, Caulking is a process used to seal and make weather tight joints.

Composite Strip Tool

A tool which is used to apply composite strips such as caulk, Caulking is a process used to seal and…

The seal of the Treasury Department of the United States.

Seal of the Treasury Department

The seal of the Treasury Department of the United States.

The seal and signature of William Tryon. Tryon was the royal governor North Carolina and New York. The history of Tryon's administration is a record of folly, extortion, and crime, and he gained the name of "The Wolf of North Carolina." He was governor of New York when the Revolutionary War broke out, and he was the last governor of that province appointed by the crown.

Seal and Signature of Tryon

The seal and signature of William Tryon. Tryon was the royal governor North Carolina and New York. The…

The heraldic badge of Arthur Tudor, the son of King Henry VII of England.

Badge of Arthur Tudor

The heraldic badge of Arthur Tudor, the son of King Henry VII of England.

The United States seal of Utah.


The United States seal of Utah.

The heraldic seal of Mauger le Vavassour.

Seal of Vavassour

The heraldic seal of Mauger le Vavassour.