Search for "long green leaves" pictures
We found $localcount "long green leaves" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (3175)
American Sweetgum Leaves and Flowers at…
Puya Laxa
Variegated Schefflera
Palmately-Compound, Green Swamp Hibiscus…
Shooting Star Clerodendrum Leaves with Green…
Yellow-Orange and Green Leaves Next to a…
White Flowers and Green Leaves of a Fragrant…
Glossy Green Florida Privet Leaves
Bright-Green, Glossy Wild Coffee Leaves
Long Branch of a Mistletoe Honeysuckle Displaying…
Plant with White Flowers Growing on a Raceme…
Branches with Glossy Green Leaves and Tiny…
Green "Milky Way" Cast Iron Plant Leaves…
Green Leaves With Yellow Trim of Delonix…
Trees with Brown Bark and Green Leaves
(Duckier) Hybrid "Cherry Choke"
Thorny, Green, Marked Aloe Leaves
Tree with Curving, Grey Trunk and Rounded,…
Succulent, Pale Leaves and Purple Stems…
Bush at the Munich-Nymphenburg Botanical…
Fountain Bamboo Leaves
Plant with Succulent Leaves and Drooping…
Light-Green Plant With Spines
Burmese Mahonia Yellow Flowers and Green,…
Low-Lying Shrub with Numerous Green Leaves
Succulent Shrub with Numerous, Colorful,…
Shrub with Thin, Whitish-Green Leaves
California Bay Laurel Tree Leaves
Caecili English Ivy
Amorette Dahlia
Sap on Aloe Leaves
Prince Edward Island Anne of Green Gables…
Prince Edward Island Canadian Stuffed Female…
Prince Edward Island Anne of Green Gables…
Shrub with Brown Branches, Green Leaves,…
Ginkgo Green Leaves
Prince Edward Island Storybook Heroine Anne…
Shrub with Green and Yellow Stalks
Azalea Flowers with Long Filaments and Styles
Azalea with Orange Flowers and Green Leaves
Numerous Shiny Green Leaves and Tiny White…
Green Leaves and White Flowers with Yellow…
Shiny, Green Maple Leaves
Shrub with White Flowers and Green, Narrow…
Green Leaves Growing from Either Side of…
Green, Pointed Rollinia sp.
Cattail Leaves and Stalks
Neomarica caerulea
Back of a Sunflower
The View from beneath a Tree that is Turning…