Search for "wooden column" pictures
We found $localcount "wooden column" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (1070)
A Wooden Mallet on a Table
Two Story Columns above Awnings
Engravings to the Emperor Constantine
Shaded Sitting Area
A Cannon on Wheels
A Capital, in front of the Temple of Antoninus…
Mongolia Handcrafted Mongolian Male Doll…
San Paio de Diomondi, west portal, inner…
A Lichen Encrusted Stone Surface with Some…
Two Mandrills at the Artis Royal Zoo
Wooden Walls Surrounding the Reconstructed…
Wooden Board Supporting Wall of the Schumacher…
A View from the Officer's Quarters, on the…
The Main Floor of the Rotunda
Italy Pinocchio Wooden Toy Marionette Walking…
Wooden Fence
Side View of a Wooden Boardwalk
Hemming Park, the St. James Building, and…
A Wooden Rack on the Wall
Portion of Fort Caroline's Interior
A Rack of Tools for Firing a Cannon
Two Chairs and One Bench
Another type of Wooden Mortar and Pestle
Support for the Carpenter's Workshop
A Butter Churn
Palladium Lobby
A Wooden Bucket with A Large Notch in the…
A Boardwalk, with Iron Railings, and Wood…
Extended Grape Vine Stem
Oxidized, Bronze Cannon on a Wooden Firing…
Hernando County Courthouse
A Wooden Mousetrap
Grass Mound near the Sea Wall of Fort Caroline
Oxera pulchella Covering Wooden…
Hemming Park in Jacksonville, Florida
Netherlands Dutch Boy Wearing Wooden Shoes…
A Wood Bucket with a Wood Lid
A Wooden Music Stand
Belgium Handcrafted Female Lace Maker Doll…
A Small Bed and a Chamber Pot
The Decorative Metal Base of a Column
Wooden Sign near the Oasis Visitor Center…
Holland Dutch Boy Wearing Wide Woolen Pants,…
Netherlands Female Doll is Traditional Dutch…
Chains on the Chimney
A Bust of Jose Trinidad Reyes
Old White Paint
Dacian Prisoner
The Wooden Trellis on the Feast Hall
Trajan Returns for the Second Dacian War,…