Search for "metal tray" pictures
We found $localcount "metal tray" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (561)
The Top of a Cannon Barrel
Lustrous Metal in Lined Pattern
Protected by the Metal Gates
Sky Hooks
Public Art at the Northeast Water Reclamation…
A Metal Fence Draped with Spanish Moss
Rusted Metal Wall in Kusadasi, Turkey
A Damaged, Rusted Cast Iron Chair Fastened…
The Gate at the Sekeles Home
A Relief Valve on Copper Pipe for the Fire…
A Fiber Rope Wrapped around a Wooden Well…
Peeling Black Paint
A Metal Grille, with Plant Motif, Covering…
Close-Up of Rusted Metal at Windley Key…
Rough, Rusted Metal at Windley Key Fossil…
Patterned, Rusted Metal at Windley Key Fossil…
Blotchy, Rusted Metal at Windley Key Fossil…
Hemming Park in Jacksonville, Florida
An Abstract Sculpture
A Section of Metal Fence outside the Corinth…
Metal Suitcase
Rusted Metal of Varying Shades at Windley…
A Wooden Rack on the Wall
A Semi-Automatic Washing Machine with a…
The Pit Sheave
A Wooden Bucket in the Wine Cellar
Two Bore Holes with Traces of Rusted Metal
Switzerland Hand Puppet of Boy with Bell…
A Large, Sandstone Monument, with Metal…
The Wine Barrels Tracks from Above
A Boardwalk, with Iron Railings, and Wood…
Texas Male Sculpture of Cowboy Made from…
A Means of Transporting Barrels from the…
A Wood Bucket with a Wood Lid
A Metal Printing Press
The Tracks Used to Raise the Barrels
The Rumsey Fire Pumper
The Sign for Church Street
The Horizontal Sheave
The Old Fire Pumper
A Close-Up of a Metal Printing Press
Metal Trash and Recycling Receptacle Along…
Metal Teapots, Plates, Bowls, and Candlesticks
Redware, Tinware, and Baking Pans
The Attachment of the Old Fire Pumper's…
A Storage Rack for Kitchen Items
A Large, Sandstone Monument, with Metal…
A Metal Plaque on a Brick Wall
There are Pediments with Medallions above…
A Metal Plaque Monument for the Old Portage…