Search for "trajan's forum" pictures
We found $localcount "trajan's forum" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (80)
Trajan's Column at Trajan's Forum
The Domed Cupola of the Church of the Most…
Tuscan Order Columns on the Exterior of…
Tuscan Order Capitals on a Cupola
Decorative Elements on the Pedestal of Trajan's…
The Northeast Side of the Pedestal of Trajan's…
Trajan Gives A Pep Talk
A Bronze Statue of Victory Riding in a Quadriga
St. Pete Times Forum
Trajan Watches the Cavalry
Trajan Questions a Prisoner
A Dacian Embassy Treats with Trajan
Trajan Returns for the Second Dacian War,…
Winning Requires Sacrifices
A Roman Praetorium
Trajan Rides into a Town, Trajan Rides with…
St. Pete Times Forum
Trajan Gives Audience to the Local Dacian…
Sacrificing a Bull
A Bronze Statue of Saint Peter Tops Trajan's…
Arriving at Viminacium, and Crossing the…
Trajan Questions the Prisoners, Observes…
Roman Citizens Return to Dacia upon the…
Trajan's Army Crosses a Bridge, Trajan Plans…
Trajan Sacrifices, Travels, Fortifies, and…
Trajan Makes More Sacrifices, and Gives…
The Spirit of the Danube
Trajan Addresses His Troops, Commands Corduroy…
The Dacian People Are on the Move, Trajan…
The Dacians and the Romans Build Fortifications,…
Trajan Takes Fortified Positions, Makes…
Trajan Watches a Battle, Jupiter Fights…
Portrait Head of the Emperor Trajan
Trajan Speaks to His Troops, the Roman Army…
The Romans Provision a Fortification
Rowing Galleys to the Battle
Chopping Down Trees
Trajan Speaks to the Conquered, and to His…
Second Fregio of the Emperor Trajan and…
Trajan Addresses the Troops, Builds Forts,…
Dacians in a Fortress
Ruins of the Basilica Julia
Guard Houses on the Frontier, and Loading…
The Roman Army Builds a Fortification
Ruins of the Basilica Julia (close-up)
Roman Soldiers Building Walls
The Romans Sack a Town, Get a Pep Talk from…
The Dacians Take a Hike
Trajan Arrives on the Left Bank of the Danube
The Roman Army is Well Supplied, Receives…