Search for "vertical monument" pictures
We found $localcount "vertical monument" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (1094)
A Stone Texture with Pitting
Mission of San Gregoiro de Abó Isometric…
Moss Growing on a Coquina Wall
Window at Soliders and Sailors' Memorial…
Oxidized, Bronze Mortar Along with Cannonballs
Engraving on an Bronze, Oxidized Cannon
A View of St. Augustine, from the Watch…
Front View of the Soldiers and Sailors'…
A Barbette Arc with a Pintle Block
The North Side of the Ravelin
Front View of the Alamo Cenotaph
Castillo de San Marcos Chapel
Square Kiva Located Inside of The Spanish…
The Top of a Cannon Barrel
Grant Memorial
Sidewalk Leading to Soliders and Sailors'…
A Stack of Cannon Balls
Oxidized, Bronze Cannon with "Diciembre"…
Bolted, Wooden Door at Castillo de San Marcos
Engraving on an Oxidized, Bronze Cannon
Castillo de San Marcos' Ravelin Wall Close-Up
Confederate Major Leaving for War
Stage by National Mall
Portion of the Moat at Castillo de San Marcos
Water Ponding in the Moat
Miner and Sailor
Cubo Line at Castillo de San Marcos
Cannons on the Curtain Wall of Castillo…
An Ornate Fleur-de-Lis Pattern Decorating…
The Grassy Moat
Front View of the Spanish Church at the…
High Walls of the Spanish Church Ruins at…
Paul Revere on Horseback, from front, close…
A View of the Sentry Tower, from below
Mission of San Gregoiro de Abó Floor Plan…
Shot Furnace at Castillo de San Marcos
A Cannon on a Stone Block
A Wall Constructed of Coquina Ashlars with…
Confederate Relief
Weeds Growing through Cracks in Stone Stairs
Front of Castillo de San Marcos' Elevated…
Room with a Fireplace Adjacent to the Entrance…
Section Drawing of Convento at Mission of…
Hemming Park, the St. James Building, and…
Cannon Outside of Soliders and Sailors'…
Castillo de San Marcos' Main Drawbridge…
Black Cannonballs Stacked on a Wooden Covering…
The Spanish Church at Quarai as Seen From…
A Row of Wood-Framed Bunks
Garita Extending from a Bastion of Castillo…