Clipvideo ETC

An online service of Florida's Educational Technology Clearinghouse

Close-Up of Fish Swimming in a Tank

Close-Up of Fish Swimming in a Tank

This is a close-up video of small, shiny fish swimming in a tank at the New England Aquarium.

Close-Up of Pulsating Sea Creatures

Close-Up of Pulsating Sea Creatures

This close-up video of pulsating sea creatures was recorded at the New England Aquarium.

Common Cuttlefish Feeding in its Tank at the New England Aquarium

Common Cuttlefish Feeding in its Tank at the New England Aquarium

In this video, a common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) is feeding in its tank at the New England Aquarium.

Coonstripe Shrimp Moving its Antennae

Coonstripe Shrimp Moving its Antennae

A coonstripe shrimp moves its antennae while remaining stationary in its tank at the New England Aquarium.

Flowing Water Gently Pushing a Marine Invertebrate

Flowing Water Gently Pushing a Marine Invertebrate

Flowing water is gently pushing this stationary marine invertebrate. This video was shot at the New England Aquarium.

Grouper in Hiding

Grouper in Hiding

In this video, a grouper swims out from underneath rocks and then returns to its hiding place.

Hundreds of Small Fish Swimming in Circles in a Tank

Hundreds of Small Fish Swimming in Circles in a Tank

Hundreds of small fish are swimming in circles in a tank at the New England Aquarium.

Hundreds of Small Fish Swimming in Unison in a Tank

Hundreds of Small Fish Swimming in Unison in a Tank

Hundreds of small fish are swimming in unison in a tank at the New England Aquarium.

Marine Invertebrate with Multiple Air Sacs

Marine Invertebrate with Multiple Air Sacs

This video of a marine invertebrate with multiple air sacs was shot at the New England Aquarium.

Movement of a Marine Invertebrate

Movement of a Marine Invertebrate

The movement of a marine invertebrate has been captured in this video recorded at the New England Aquarium.

Penguin Drying Itself and Walking

Penguin Drying Itself and Walking

A penguin dries itself off and walks in its enclosure at the New England Aquarium.

Penguin Walking in its Enclosure at the New England Aquarium

Penguin Walking in its Enclosure at the New England Aquarium

In this video, a penguin is walking in its enclosure at the New England Aquarium.

Pulsating Jellyfish at the New England Aquarium

Pulsating Jellyfish at the New England Aquarium

This video of a pulsating jellyfish was recorded at the New England Aquarium.

Pulsating Sea Creatures

Pulsating Sea Creatures

This video of pulsating sea creatures was recorded at the New England Aquarium.

Small Jelly Swimming at the New England Aquarium

Small Jelly Swimming at the New England Aquarium

This video of a small jelly swimming was recorded at the New England Aquarium.

Small, Purple Fish Swimming Near a Sea Anemone

Small, Purple Fish Swimming Near a Sea Anemone

A small, purple fish is swimming near a sea anemone in this video recorded at the New England Aquarium.

Stationary Marine Invertebrate Pushed by a Jet Steam in its Tank at the New England Aquarium

Stationary Marine Invertebrate Pushed by a Jet Steam in its Tank at the New England Aquarium

In this video, a stationary marine invertebrate is being pushed by a jet stream in its tank at the New…

Still Sea Anemone with White Tentacles

Still Sea Anemone with White Tentacles

Although this sea anemone is very still and plant-like, it is actually a predatory animal that uses its tentacles to…

Unsuccessful Attempt to Feed a Cuttlefish

Unsuccessful Attempt to Feed a Cuttlefish

In this video, an unsuccessful attempt is made to feed a common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). The video was recorded at…

Various Colorful Fish Feeding at the New England Aquarium

Various Colorful Fish Feeding at the New England Aquarium

Various colorful fish are feeding in this video recorded at the New England Aquarium.

Wavering, Bulbed Tentacles of a Sea Anemone

Wavering, Bulbed Tentacles of a Sea Anemone

This video showing a sea anemones wavering, bulbed tentacles was shot at the New England Aquarium.