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Regional European maps of the Southeastern Europe region from the Maps ETC collection. This includes physical and political maps, early history and empires, WWI maps, climate maps, relief maps, vegetation maps, population density and distribution maps, cultural maps, and economic/resource maps.

The Balkan Wars, 1912–1913
A map of the Balkan States after the wars of 1912–1913 showing the European Turkish territories, the territories acquired by Serbia, Greece, Montenegro, and Bulgaria, the new autonomous principality of Albania, and the Bulgarian territory acqui...

Regional Changes from the Balkan Wars, 1912–1913
A map of the territorial changes as a result of the two Balkan wars in 1912–1913 between the Empire of the Ottoman Turks and the Balkan League (Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, and Montenegro). This map shows the territories of Serbia, Bulgaria, Greec...

Ottoman Empire and the Balkan States, 1914
A map from 1914 of the Ottoman Empire in Europe and the Balkan States at the time it joined the Central Powers to form the Triple Alliance. The map is color–coded to show the acquisitions of new territories by the Turks, and shows the islands o...

Balkan States, 1914
A map of the Balkan States in 1914, including Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Servia, Montenegro, Albania, and Greece, with inset maps of Crete and Constantinople....

Allied Drive Against Bulgaria, 1914–1918
A map showing the region of the Allied drive that defeated Bulgaria in World War I. ...

Distribution of Nationalities in South–Eastern Europe, 1914–1918
This map shows nationalities in South–Eastern Europe during the WWI period of 1914–1918. Nationality is a matter of personal identity. Nationality could stem from the place of birth, the place where someone grew up, or where family is loc...

Jugo-slavia, Roumania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, and Turkey, 1914–1919
A map from 1919 of the European/Middle Eastern countries (Jugo-slavia, Roumania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, and Turkey) showing borders and boundary changes after World War I. The map shows principal cities and ports, railroads, mountain systems, riv...

Balkan Front, 1914–1919
A map from 1919 of the Balkan front in 1917–1918. The map shows countries and capitals, principal cities and ports, railroads, rivers, and coastal features....

Balkan Peninsula, 1915
A physical map of the Balkan Peninsula (Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Greece) circa 1915 showing major cities (including cities with a population over one million), major landforms and waterways. Map has an inset showi...

The Balkans, 1919
A map of the Balkans in 1919 showing the boundaries of Servia, Montenegro, Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey, and portions of Greece, Austria, and Roumania. Major cities of the Balkans are shown....

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  Maps > Europe > Regional Maps >Southeastern Europe
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