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  Maps > United States > Early America 1400-1800
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A collection of historic maps of early America from explorations and settlements of the English, French, and Spanish, to the end of the American Revolutionary War.

The Northwest Territory, 1787
A map of the Northwest Territory of the newly formed United States, established by the Congress of the Confederation of the United States in 1787. "The session of 1787 was distinguished by an act worthy of lasting remembrance. Virginia, Connecti...

Distribution of Votes in Ratification of the Constitution, 1787–1788
A map showing the distribution of votes in the ratification of the Constitution (1787–1788) for the Middle and Southern States south of New England, including the Kentucky and Tennessee districts. The map is keyed to show areas where the vote w...

Distribution of Votes in Ratification of the Constitution in New England, 1787–1790
A map showing the distribution of votes in the ratification of the Constitution (1787–1790) for the New England States. The map is keyed to show areas where the vote was a Federal majority, where there was an anti-Federal majority, and areas wh...

United States at the Close of the Revolution, 1789
A map from 1872 of the country east of the Mississippi showing the newly formed United States after the ratification of the Constitution in 1789. The map is keyed to show the states at the time and the Spanish territories of West and East Florida. Th...

Northwest Frontier, 1789–1800
The northwest frontier from 1789 to 1800. ...

Freedom and Slavery in the Early United States, 1790
A map of the United States and territories east of the Mississippi River in 1790, showing the areas of freedom and slavery at the time, including the territory of the Northwest, free by the Ordinance of 1787....

The Early United States, 1790
A map of the United States in 1790 showing the territorial claims of the states at the time, and the British and Spanish possessions and territory disputes. The map shows the frontier lines or extent of settlement from the coast of Maine to Savannah,...

The United States, 1790
A map of the early United States in 1790 showing the boundary established west to the Mississippi River, and is keyed to show undefined or disputed boundaries, boundaries of States and territories, and boundaries not settled. The map shows the Spanis...

The United States, 1790
A map of the early United States showing the expansion of settlements by 1790. The map is shading–coded to show the area of settlement before 1760, and between 1760 and 1790, including the areas west of the Alleghany Mountains in the Ohio Valle...

The Northwest Indian Wars, 1790–1811
A map of the area around the Wabash River showing the sites of the American Indian Wars between 1790 and 1811, including the Northwest Indian War (1785–1794) and Tecumseh's War (1810–1811). The map shows the forts and rivers of the area, ...

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  Maps > United States > Early America 1400-1800
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