Great Expectations
by Charles Dickens

Great Expectations follows Pip's life expectations as he attempts to fit in with upper class society, while pining for the affection of Estella.
Source: Dickens, Charles. (1861). Great Expectations. London; Chapman and Hall.
- Chapter 1
- Young "Pip" encounters a stranger in the village churchyard.
- Chapter 2
- Frightened, Pip agrees to help the stranger.
- Chapter 3
- Pip encounters another stranger as he heads back to the marsh.
- Chapter 4
- Pip experiences guilt for the incident in the marsh, but continues to help the stranger.
- Chapter 5
- The Police show up at Pips house seeking assistance from Joe. Pip begins to feel a sense of loyalty to the convict. The convicts are discovered together, and Pip is shielded from blame.
- Chapter 6
- Pip returns to dinner but continues to feel a sense of guilt.
- Chapter 7
- Pip becomes acquainted with Biddy. Pip is to be sent to the home of Miss Havisham to play.
- Chapter 8
- Pip is taken to Miss Havisham's manor. Pip is affected by Miss Havisham's daughter, Estella.
- Chapter 9
- Pip is less than honest with Joe about his experiences at the Havisham manor.
- Chapter 10
- Pip encounters a mysterious strange in possession of a familiar object.
- Chapter 11
- Pip returns to Satis House.
- Chapter 12
- Pip's continued visits to Satis House create a distance between himself and Joe. Pip is devastated by Miss Havisham's decision.
- Chapter 13
- Joe visits Satis House to finish Pip's papers. Pip is angry at the current turn of events.
- Chapter 14
- Pip works diligently for Joe at the forge, but continually longs to return to Satis House.
- Chapter 15
- Joe defends Mrs. Joe's honor by fighting Orlick. Miss Joe is attacked.
- Chapter 16
- Pip begins to suspect Orlick in the attack on his sister.
- Chapter 17
- Biddy and Pip become closer. Biddy gives Pip a warning.
- Chapter 18
- Pip is given good news by the lawyer Jaggers.
- Chapter 19
- Pip prepares to leave for London feeling guilty about his behavior.
- Chapter 20
- Pip and Jaggers travel to London.
- Chapter 21
- Pip is introduced to Herbert Pocket, but realizes they have met before.
- Chapter 22
- Herbert tells Pip the story of Miss Havisham.
- Chapter 23
- Pip has dinner at the house of Matthew Pocket and observes the strange social lives of the Pocket family.
- Chapter 24
- Pip befriends Wemmick and gets a chance to see Jaggers in action.
- Chapter 25
- Pip continues to become acquainted with the Wemmick's, Pockets', and Jaggers.
- Chapter 26
- Pip has dinner with Jaggers. Jaggers warns Pip about Drummle.
- Chapter 27
- Joe visits Pip in London. Pip is informed of Estella's return to Satis House.
- Chapter 28
- Pip returns home, encountering the mysterious stranger from the pub once again.
- Chapter 29
- Pip returns to Satis House, but continues to feel inadequate around Estella.
- Chapter 30
- Jaggers has Orlick dismissed. Herbert tells Pip of his fiancee.
- Chapter 31
- Pip and Herbert attend a play.
- Chapter 32
- Pip receives correspondence from Estella. Wemmick gives Pip a tour.
- Chapter 33
- Estella's visit fills Pip with optimism.
- Chapter 34
- Pip experiences guilt about the nature of his lifestyle. News arrives concerning Mrs. Joe.
- Chapter 35
- Pip returns home for his sister's funeral. Pip makes a pledge to a skeptical Biddy.
- Chapter 36
- Pip turns twenty-one, giving him access to his fortune. Jaggers refuses to reveal the identity of Pip's benefactor.
- Chapter 37
- Pip gives anonymous assistance to Herbert.
- Chapter 38
- Pip visits Estella in London. Pip confronts Estella about one of her suitors.
- Chapter 39
- Pip is visited by his benefactor, and although horrified by the implications, Pip feels a loyalty to his benefactor.
- Chapter 40
- Pip encounters a another stranger and continues to assist "Uncle Provis".
- Chapter 41
- Herbert returns home prompting Magwitch to leave. Herbert and Pip devise a plan to keep Pip out of harms way.
- Chapter 42
- Magwitch tells the story of his life to Herbert and Pip. Herbert reveals a secret to Pip concerning Miss Havisham.
- Chapter 43
- Pip prepares to say his farewells.
- Chapter 44
- Miss Havisham confesses to Pip. Pip professes his feelings to Estella. Pip receives a note from Wemmick.
- Chapter 45
- While in hiding, Pip is told of Compeyson's return.
- Chapter 46
- Herbert and Pip construct a plan for Magwitch's escape.
- Chapter 47
- Pip continues to worry for Magwitch's safety. Pip fears he is being followed.
- Chapter 48
- Pip dines with Jaggers and learns of Estella's marriage.
- Chapter 49
- Miss Havisham begs for Pips forgiveness. A hardship befalls Miss Havisham.
- Chapter 50
- Herbert tells Pip the rest of Magwitch's story.
- Chapter 51
- Pip confronts Jaggers concerning Estella's parents.
- Chapter 52
- Pip heads back to the marsh once again.
- Chapter 53
- Pip encounters an old nemesis at the marsh. Herbert arrives just in time.
- Chapter 54
- Pip and Herbert take Magwitch down river.
- Chapter 55
- Pip remains loyal to Magwitch, as Herbert and Wemmick both prepare to marry their fiancees.
- Chapter 56
- Pip eases Magwitch's mind before he departs, and prays for him afterwards.
- Chapter 57
- Pip, in extreme debt, falls ill. Joe comes to Pip's aid bring news of home. Pip decides to return home.
- Chapter 58
- Pip is shocked and disappointed with the situation at home. Pip reconsiders Herbert's offer.
- Chapter 59
- Pip returns home after an extended period abroad. Pip pays a visit to the remains of Satis House.