A Victorious Union
by Oliver Optic

A Victorious Union, part of Oliver Optic's Blue and the Gray series, is an adventure story set in the time of the Civil War.
Source: Optic, O. (1893). A Victorious Union. Boston, MA: Lee and Shepherd Publishers.
- Preface
- The preface to the novel
- Chapter I: “The Mission to Mobile Point”
- Captain Breaker discusses a mission with Christy, which he is the most perfectly suited to complete.
- Chapter II: “The Departure of the Expedition”
- Christy assembles the crew for his mission. They disguise themselves and set out to discover what they can.
- Chapter III: “A Bivouac Near Fort Morgan”
- The men are paired together. They assume their chosen identities to blend in with confederate southerners.
- Chapter IV: “The Revelations of the Revellers”
- A meeting with drunken revellers provides pertinent information.
- Chapter V: “In the Vicinity of the Confederate Fort”
- The men begin to act on the information learned from the drunken sailors.
- Chapter VI: “Captain Sullendine of the West Wind”
- Christy offers up the services of his own men in place of the missing sailors.
- Chapter VII: “A Powerful Ally of the Belleviters”
- The men join Capatain Sullendine. Christy uses drinking to his advantage, but avoids it himself.
- Chapter VIII: “On Board of the Cotton Schooner”
- The men continue to learn information. The boat prepares to depart.
- Chapter IX: “The Departure of the Tallahatchie”
- Christy and his men contain the drunken sailors and take charge of the ship.
- Chapter X: “The Casting Off of the Towline”
- The ship is spotted while Christy tries to locate the Bellevite.
- Chapter XI: “A Happy Return to the Bellevite”
- Christy takes advantage of Bokes’s knowledge of the Tallahatchie. They find the Bellevite.
- Chapter XII: “A Lively Chase to the South-West”
- Christy reports to Captain Breaker. The Bellevite undertakes pursuit of the Tallahatchie.
- Chapter XIII: “The First Shot of Blumenhoff”
- The Bellevite takes fire from the Tallahatchie and responds.
- Chapter XIV: “The Progress of the Action”
- The battle continues, as the shipmen of the Bellevite prepare to board the Tallahatchie.
- Chapter XV: “A Flank Movement Undertaken”
- Christy asks for assistance from Graines once again.
- Chapter XVI: “The Lieutenant’s Daring Exploit”
- Each ship attempts their own plan to foil the other. The men behave as gentlemen once the victor is determined.
- Chapter XVII: “A Magnanimous Enemy”
- The men discuss the battle, showing respect for the efforts of each man.
- Chapter XVIII: “The Reign of Christianity”
- The men deal with the aftermath of the battle, including the burial of the dead.
- Chapter XIX: “Colonel Homer Passford of Glenfield”
- Christy’s uncle is found to be passenger on the Tallahatchie. The family members are reunited.
- Chapter XX: “A Very Melancholy Confederate”
- Colonel Passford laments his situation to Captain Rombold. Christy is disappointed to see his uncle’s condition.
- Chapter XXI: “Captain Sullendine Becomes Violent”
- Captain Sullendine boards ship, and is taught a lesson in proper behavior. Christy informs his Captain of his actions on the West Wind.
- Chapter XXII: “The Disposition of the Two Prizes”
- Christy is informed by the captain that he is to be sent home. He bids goodbye to his fellow sailors who leave with the Tallahatchie.
- Chapter XXIII: “The Welcome Home at Bonnydale”
- Christy is joyfully received at home. He pays tribute to the character of his adversaries.
- Chapter XXIV: “Lieutenant-Commander Christopher Passford”
- Graines tells the Passfords of Christy’s exploits. Captain Rombold pays a visit. Bertha Pembrooke arrives.
- Chapter XXV: “The Principal Officers of the St. Regis”
- Christy reacts to his commission and discovers the ship he is assigned to command.
- Chapter XXVI: “The St. Regis in Commission”
- Christy travels with his father to his new ship. He meets up with his shipmates and Bertha.
- Chapter XXVII: “Captain Passford Alone in His Glory”
- Christy bids goodbye to Bertha as his ship sets sail.
- Chapter XXVIII: “Off the Coast of North Carolina”
- The St.Regis takes on its first blockade runner.
- Chapter XXIX: “The First Prize of the St. Regis”
- The men catch and board the Raven. The captain is not up to Christy's standards of gentlemanly behavior.
- Chapter XXX: “Another Sailing Contest Inaugurated”
- Christy deals with the Raven and its captain before undertaking a new mission.
- Chapter XXXI: “A Victorious Union”
- The war ends with a victorious union.