83 illustrations of palm trees including: cabbage palmetto, coconut palm, date palm, desert fan palm, east indian wine palm, betel nut palm, Ceylon palm, coquille palm, doom palm, dwarf palm, fan palm, sabal palm, traveller's palm, and royal palm, as well as detail illustrations of palm fronds and fruit
Acrocomia is a genus of American palms. The sclerocarpa species grows between thirty and forty five…
"A genus of Palms, of which about sixeen species are known, natives of tropical America, remarkable…
The common name of Balaka seemannii is balaka. The tree grows eight to twelve feet high. The leaves…
A palm tree that is commonly found in Australia and New Zealand. They tend to reach about 32 feet, and…
Illustrated is the entrance to a botanic garden in Roseau, Dominica, B.W. Indies.
Carludovica palmata has no trunk. The blades are four lobed. The blades are dark green and gracefully…
Chamaerops is a low, fan leaved palm. The humilis variety grows one to one and a half feet tall. The…
The chrysalidocarpus lutescens palm grows thirty feet tall. It is native to Madagascar.
Cocos weddeliana is a variety of palmae or palmaceae. The blade is divided partially with many segments.
The cocos weddelliana tree grows four to seven feet tall. It is native to the tropical areas of Brazil.
Common date palm is the common name of phoenix dactylifera. The fruit of the tree is generally reddish…
The common names of cordyline are dracena and dracena palm. The australis variety grows fifteen to forty…
Cycas pectinata is an evergreen, palm like tree. The tree grows ten feet tall. It is native to India.
The common name of cycas revoluta is sago palm. It is native to southern Japan. It is a graceful, palm…
"A genus of palms, the most important species of which is the common Date Palm, the Palm Tree of Scripture,…
An illustration of a portion of a date palm leaf. The Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) is a palm in the…
Illustrated is a deglet noor date palm that is about eight years old with offshoots and ripe fruit.
Also known as Washingtonia filifera. A palm tree native to the desert oases of the southwest United…
East Indian Wine Palm, also known as Wild Date, is the common name of phoenix sylvestris. The fruit…
Hedyscepe canterburyana is a tall stove palm. The tree grows to be thirty two fee tall. This tree is…
Hyophorbe verschaffeltii an ornamental stove palm. The leaves are four to six feet long. The sheath…
The leaves of the livistona australis palm tree are dark green and nearly circular. The tree grows eight…
Livistona australis is a variety of palm tree. The leaves spread out like the ribs of a fan through…
The livistona chinensis tree has large leaves that are over five feet broad. The leaves are fan shaped.…
The leaves of the livistona hoogendorpii tree are a rich dark green and form a complete circle.
The leaves of the livistona rotundifolia tree are dark green. The leaves have an orb shaped blade three…
Oreodoxa sancona is an easily cultivated and handsome species. The leafstalks a reddish brown when young.
"Sagus Rumphii. 1. a flower; 2. the same opened; 3. a section of an ovary; 4. a section of a seed of…
Section of the stem from a palm tree, showing how endogens grow threw elongation internally. "1. Section…
Palms are one of the most well-known and extensively cultivated plant families. They have had an important…
A species of palm which grows in much of the tropical Pacific, Asia, and parts of east Africa.
"Palm is a natural order of endogenous plants, the products of which are of extreme importance and utility…
A South American palm whose fibrous make up is used in industry and it also produces te coquilla nut.
"Date Palm is a genus of palms, the most important species of which is the common date palm, the palm…
A type of palm having repeatedly branched stem, each branch terminating in a tuft of large fan shaped…
Dracena palm is the common name of Cordyline australis. This palm tree is common in California.
"Inflorescence of Chamaerops humilis, in its spathe; 2. a portion of the same, with the fruit ripening;…
Roystonea (Royal Palm) is a genus of 10 species of monoecious palms, native to tropical regions of Florida,…