This gallery includes 949 illustrations of other orders of insects.
The praying mantis is so called from the attitude which it assumes when it is watching for its prey.…
"Probably no other insect has been the subject of so many and widespread legends and superstitions as…
Mantodea or mantises is an order of insects which contains approximately 2,200 species in 9 families…
"The Mantis is one of the most voracious of its class, and only assumes this solemn and devout appearance…
"Young may-fly or ephemerid. Showing tracheal gills, and wings appearing in front of them." -Thomson,…
Pictured are mite galls on maple. The galls are malformations or swellings caused by the insect.
A Phylloxera-mite (Hoplophora arctata), closely related to the aphid, that feeds off the sap of grapevines.
The mole cricket has a smoky brown color above and a yellowish red below. The cricket has a velvety…
They use their foremost legs as shovels to hollow out underground areas to hide and lay eggs. They are…
When the common mosquito is first hatched in the water it is called a wriggler. After developing to…
"A small two-winged fly, Culex pipiens, of the family Culicidae, suborder Nemocera, and order Diptera,…
Mosquitos are parasitic insects that suck blood from humans and other mammals. They are known to spread…
"Two stages in the metamorphosis of the Mosquito. A, larva; B, pupa; C, ventral view of the oar-like…
"Mouth-parts of mosquito. a., Antennae; lxe., labrum and epipharynx; mn., mandibles; hp., hypopharynx;…
"The Mosquitos, Colex musquito, which are very nearly allied to the gnats, are still greater…
Also known as Sesia apiformis. A large moth with a striking imitation of a hornet. They are, however,…
"An insect among the Neuroptera, which undergo incomplete metamorphoses. These flutter about the banks…
"One of the two principal types [of water bugs] is called the Oval-bodied Water-scorpion, or Water-spider."
"It is a blood-thirsty insect, and one of the most carnivorous. Those which it attacks die very soon…
This picture shows the hinder rings of the abdomen and the ovipositor. The ovipositor serves to pierce…
The larva of the onion fly are maggots or footless grubs. Many live in the interior of roots, stems,…
Onion flies are similar to common houseflies in appearance. The larva burrow into onions and eat near…
Pictured is a section of an onion attacked by the larvae of the onion fly. The burrow of the larva is…
These are large or very large creatures, black or honey-yellow in color, and the bodies are transversely…
The orange dog, caterpillar of Papilio cresphontes, with osmateria, or scent-organs; showing anterior…
Parktown prawn is the familiar term South Africans use for Libanasidus vittatus, a monotypic king cricket…