This human anatomy ClipArt gallery offers 265 illustrations of the central nervous system, including external and dissected views of the brain and spinal cord.

The base of the brain. The cerebral hemispheres are seen overlapping all the rest. Labels: I, olfactory lobes; II, optic tract passing to the optic chiasma from which the optic nerves proceed; III, the third nerve or motor oculi; IV, the fourth nerve or patheticus; V, the fifth nerve or trigminalis; VI, the sixth nerve or abducens; VII, the seventh or facial nerve; VIII, the auditory nerve; IX, the ninth or glossopharyngeal; X, the tenth or pneumogastric or vagus; XI, the spinal accessory; XII, the hypoglossal; ncI, the first cervical spinal nerve.

Base of the Brain

The base of the brain. The cerebral hemispheres are seen overlapping all the rest. Labels: I, olfactory…

Base of the Brain. Labels: 1,2, longitudinal fissure; 3, anterior lobes cerebrum; 4, middle lobe; 5, fissure Sylvius; 6, posterior lobe; 7, infundibulum; 8, its body; 9, corporo albicantia; 10, cineritious matter; 11, crura cerebri; 12, pons Varolii; 13, medulla oblongata; 14, posterior prolongation of pons; 15, middle of cerebellum; 16, anterior part of cerebellum; 17, its posterior part and fissure; 18, medulla spinalis; 19, middle fissure medulla; 20, pyramidal body; 21, retiform body; 22, olivary body; 23, olfactory nerve; 24, its bulb; 25, its external root; 26, middle root; 27, internal root; 28, 29, optic nerve; 30, third nerve; 31, fourth nerve; 32, fifth nerve; 33, sixth nerve; 34, facial nerve; 35, auditory nerve; 36, 37, 38, eighth nerve.

Base of the Brain

Base of the Brain. Labels: 1,2, longitudinal fissure; 3, anterior lobes cerebrum; 4, middle lobe; 5,…

The base of the brain. Labels: 1, eleventh or spinal accessory nerve; 2, right hemisphere of cerebellum; 3, twelfth or hypoglossal nerve; 4, ninth or glosso-pharyngeal nerve; 5, eighth or auditory nerve; 6, seventh or facial nerve; 7, medulla oblongata; 8, fifth or trigemenus; 9, central lobe; 10, fourth or trochlear nerve; 11, sixth or abduceus nerve; 12, pons varolii; 13, right frontal lobe of the cerebrum; 14, lobes of the medulla; 15, optic chiasm; 16, second or optic nerve; 17, left frontal lobe; 18, first or olfactory nerve; 19, sylvian fissure; 20, third or oculamotor nerve; 21, tenth or pneumogastric nerve; 22, left hemisphere of the Cerebellum.

Base of Brain

The base of the brain. Labels: 1, eleventh or spinal accessory nerve; 2, right hemisphere of cerebellum;…

<em>A</em>, anterior lobe of the cerebellum; <em>B</em>, olfactory nerve; <em>C</em>, portion of the posterior lobe; <em>D</em>, optic chiasm; <em>E</em>, optic tract; <em>H, M,</em> hemispheres of the cerebellum; <em>K</em>, portion of the occipital lobe; <em>N</em>, medulla oblongata; <em>R</em>, pons Varolii."

Base of the brain

A, anterior lobe of the cerebellum; B, olfactory nerve; C, portion of the…

The base of the brain. The under part of the left temporal and occipital lobes has been sliced off so as to open into the lateral ventricle. The left hemisphere of the cerebellum has also been removed.

Base of the Brain

The base of the brain. The under part of the left temporal and occipital lobes has been sliced off so…

Outline sketch of a section of the cerebellum, showing the corpus dentatum. The section has been carried through the left lateral part of the pons, so as to divide the superior peduncle and pass nearly through the middle of the left cerebellar hemisphere. The olivary body has also been divided longitudinally so as to expose in section its corpus dentatum. c r, crus cerebri; f, fillet; q, corpora quadrigemina; s p, superior peduncle of the cerebellum divided; m p, middle peduncle or lateral part of the pons Varolii, with fibers passing from it into the white stem; a v, continuation of the white stem radiating towards the arbor vitae of the folia; c d, corpus dentatum; o, olivary body with its corpus dentatum; p, anterior pyramid.

The Cerebellum of the Brain

Outline sketch of a section of the cerebellum, showing the corpus dentatum. The section has been carried…

Vertical section through the cerebrum and basic ganglia to show the relation of the latter. Labels: co, cerebral convolutions; c, corpus callosum; v.l., lateral ventricle; f, fornix; vIII., third ventricle; n.c., caudate nucleus; th, optic thalamus; n.l., lenticular nucleus; c.i., internal capsule; c.l., claustrum; c.e., external capsule; m, corpus mammillare; t.o., optic tract; s.t.t., stria terminalis; n.a., nucleus amygdala; cm, soft commissure.

The Cerebrum and Basic Ganglia of the Brain

Vertical section through the cerebrum and basic ganglia to show the relation of the latter. Labels:…

The cerebellum in section and fourth ventricle, with the neighboring parts. Labels: 1, median groove of fourth ventricle, ending below in the calamus scriptorius, with the longitudinal eminence formed by the fasciculi teretes, one on each side; 2, the same groove, at the place where the white streaks of th auditory nerve emerge from it to cross the floor of the ventricle; 3, in inferior crus or peduncle of the cerebellum, formed by the restiform body; 4, posterior pyramid; above this is the calamus scriptorius; 5, superior crus of cerebellum, or processus e cerebello ad cerebrum( or ad testes); 6, fillet to the side of the crura cerebri; 7, lateral grooves of the crura cerebri; 8, corpora quadrigemina.

The Cerebrum and Fourth Ventricle of the Brain

The cerebellum in section and fourth ventricle, with the neighboring parts. Labels: 1, median groove…

Cross-section of the brain. Here the upper half of the brain is cut off, and you see the upper cut surface of the lower half. The outer shaded part is the gray matter, and the inner lighter area is the white matter. In the center is the corpus callosum, a type of white matter that connects the two hemispheres together.

Cross-Section of the Brain

Cross-section of the brain. Here the upper half of the brain is cut off, and you see the upper cut surface…

Dissection of the brain showing basal ganglia, third ventricle and adjacent structures viewed from above.

Dissection of the Brain

Dissection of the brain showing basal ganglia, third ventricle and adjacent structures viewed from above.

Gyri and sulci, on the outer surface of the cerebral hemisphere. Labels: f1, sulcus frontalis superior; f2, sulcus frontalis inferior; f.m., sulcus frontalis medius; p.m., sulcus paramedialis; A, pars basilaris; B, pars triangularis; C, pars orbitalis; S, Sylvian fissure; s1, anterior horizontal limb (Sylvian fissure); s2, posterior horizontal limb (Sylvian fissure); p.c.i., inferior praecentral sulcus; p.c.s., superior praecentral sulcus; r, fissure of Rolando; g.s., superior genu; g.i., inferior genu; d, sulcus diagonalis; t1, superior temporal sulcus (parallel); t2, inferior temporal sulcus; p1, inferior postcentral sulcus; p2. superior postcentral sulcus; p3, ramus horizontalis; p4, ramus occipitalis; s.o.t., sulcus occipitalis transversus; c.m., callosomarginal sulcus; c.t.r., inferior transverse furrow.

Gyri and Sulci on the Brain

Gyri and sulci, on the outer surface of the cerebral hemisphere. Labels: f1, sulcus frontalis superior;…

The gyri and sulci on the mesial aspect of the cerebral hemisphere. Labels: r, fissure of Rolando; r.o, rostral sulcus; i.t, incisura temporalis.

Gyri and Sulci on the Brain

The gyri and sulci on the mesial aspect of the cerebral hemisphere. Labels: r, fissure of Rolando; r.o,…

The gyri and sulci on the tentorial and orbital aspects of the cerebral hemispheres.

Gyri and Sulci on the Brain

The gyri and sulci on the tentorial and orbital aspects of the cerebral hemispheres.

Top view of the human brain.

Human Brain

Top view of the human brain.

A top view of a dissection of the human brain showing the lateral fourth and fifth ventricles.

Human Brain

A top view of a dissection of the human brain showing the lateral fourth and fifth ventricles.

A view of the Corpus Callosum from above.

Human Brain

A view of the Corpus Callosum from above.

Side diagram of the human brain showing which parts of the brain control hearing, speech, vision, legs, head, arm, and face.

Human Brain

Side diagram of the human brain showing which parts of the brain control hearing, speech, vision, legs,…

Side diagram of the human brain showing which areas perform the sense of taste, smell, and vision.

Human Brain

Side diagram of the human brain showing which areas perform the sense of taste, smell, and vision.

A diagrammatic view displaying the functions of the brain.

Lateral Surface of the Brain

A diagrammatic view displaying the functions of the brain.

Lateral view of the brain. F, Frontal lobe; P, Parietal lobe; O, Occipital lobe; T, Temporal lobe; S, fissure of Sylvius; S', horizontal; S", ascending ramus of the same; c, sulcus centralis (fissure of Rolando); A, ascending frontal convolutions; fr, superior, f2, inferior frontal sulcus; f3, precentral sulcus; P1, superior parietal lobule; P2, inferior parietal lobule consisting of P2, supramarginal gyrus, and P2', angular gyrus; ip, interparietal sulcus; cm, termination of callosomarginal fissure; O1, first O2, second, 03, third occipitals inferior; T1, first T2, second, T3, third temporal convolutions; tr, first , t2, second temporal fissures.

Lateral View of the Brain

Lateral view of the brain. F, Frontal lobe; P, Parietal lobe; O, Occipital lobe; T, Temporal lobe; S,…

"<em>A</em>,frontal love of the cerebrum; <em>B</em>, parietal lobe; <em>C</em>, parieto-occipital lobe; <em>D</em>, occcipital lobe; <em>E</em>, cerebellum; <em>F</em>; arbor vitae; <em>H</em>, pons Varolii; <em>K</em>, medulla oblongata." — Blaisedell, 1904

Left Half of the Brain

"A,frontal love of the cerebrum; B, parietal lobe; C, parieto-occipital lobe;…

The lobes of the convex surface of the hemisphere.

Lobes of the Brain

The lobes of the convex surface of the hemisphere.

Diagram to indicate position of centers on the external surface of the brain.

Motor Centers of the Brain

Diagram to indicate position of centers on the external surface of the brain.

Diagram to show the relative position of several motor tracts in their course from the cortex to the crus. The section through the convolutions is vertical; that through the internal capsule, I, C, horizontal; that through the crus again vertical. C, N, caudate nucleus; O, H, optic thalamus; L2 and L3, middle and outer part of lenticular nucleus; f, a, l, face, arm, and leg fibers. The words in italic indicate corresponding cortical centers.

Motor Tracts of the Brain

Diagram to show the relative position of several motor tracts in their course from the cortex to the…

"Wherever nerve cells are abundant, the nerve tissue has a gray color; in other places, it looks white. Most of the gray matter of the brain is on the surface." — Blaisedell, 1904

Nerve Cells of the Brain

"Wherever nerve cells are abundant, the nerve tissue has a gray color; in other places, it looks white.…

The convolutionary projections of the precentral gyrus, and their relationship to motor areas.

Precentral Gyrus in the Brain

The convolutionary projections of the precentral gyrus, and their relationship to motor areas.

Showing the lines which indicate the position of the principal fissures of the brain.

Principle Fissures of the Brain

Showing the lines which indicate the position of the principal fissures of the brain.

View of the right hemisphere in the median aspect. CC, corpus callosum longitudinally divided; Gf, gyrus fornicatus; H, gyrus hippocampi; h, sulcus hippocampi; U, uncinate gyrus; cm, calloso marginal fissure; F1, median aspect of first frontal convolution; c, terminal portion of sulcus centralis (fissure of Rolando); A, ascending frontal; B, ascending parietal convolution; P1', praecuneus; Oz, cuneus; po, parieto-occipital fissure; o, sulcus occipitalis transversus; oc, calcarine fissure; oc', superior; oc", inferior ramus of the same; D, gyrus descendens; T4, gyrus occipito-temporalis lateralis (lobulus fusiformis) ; T5, gyrus occipito-temporalis medialis (lobulus lingualis).

Right Hemisphere of the Brain

View of the right hemisphere in the median aspect. CC, corpus callosum longitudinally divided; Gf, gyrus…

"The brain seen from the side, showing the three principal divisions." &mdash; Ritchie, 1918

Side view of the brain

"The brain seen from the side, showing the three principal divisions." — Ritchie, 1918

The general arrangement of the brain and attached nerves and blood vessels. At <em>a b</em> and <em>c</em> is the cerebrum; at <em>f</em> is represented the corpus callosum that joins the two hemispheres together; at d is the cerebellum; at <em>g</em> is the beginning of the optic nerves and at <em>l</em> is the olfactory nerve.

The Brain

The general arrangement of the brain and attached nerves and blood vessels. At a b and c

View of the under surface of the brain, with the lower portion of the temporal and occipital lobes, and the cerebellum on the left side removed, to show the origins of the cranial nerves.

Under Surface of the Brain

View of the under surface of the brain, with the lower portion of the temporal and occipital lobes,…

A vertical section of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata, showing the relation of the cranial nerves at their origin. Labels: 1, The cerebrum. 2, The cerebellum with its arbor vitae represented. 3, The medulla oblongata. 4, The spinal cord. 5, The corpus callosum. 6, The first pair of nerves. 7, The second pair. 8, The eye. 9, The third pair of nerves. 10, The fourth pair. 11, The fifth pair. 12, The sixth pair. 13, The seventh pair. 14, The eighth pair. 15, The ninth pair. 16, The tenth pair. 17, The eleventh pair. 18, The twelfth pair. 19, Spinal nerves. 21, The tentorium.

Vertical Section of the Brain

A vertical section of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata, showing the relation of the…

Typical arrangement of the cell layers of the cerebral cortex.

Cell Layers of the Cerebral Cortex

Typical arrangement of the cell layers of the cerebral cortex.

A simple nerve cell, or neuron. N is the nucleus of the cell, NC is the cytoplasm, D are dendrites which are fine protoplasmic branches that create synapses that connect to another nerve cell. The neuron is connected to muscle (MU) by a nerve fiber (NF). The fiber is covered by a sheath (SH) of fat to protect it. NE is the ending of the fiber that the muscle is connected to. LB is a lateral branch of the nerve fiber.

Nerve Cell

A simple nerve cell, or neuron. N is the nucleus of the cell, NC is the cytoplasm, D are dendrites which…

View of the cerebrospinal axis of the nervous system. The right half of the cranium and trunk of the body have been removed by a vertical section; the membranes of the brain and spinal cord have also been removed, and the roots and first part of the fifth and ninth cranial, and of all the spinal nerves of the right side, have been dissected out and laid separately on the wall of the skull and on the several vertebrae opposite to the place of their natural exit from the craniospinal cavity.

Central Nervous System

View of the cerebrospinal axis of the nervous system. The right half of the cranium and trunk of the…

"Brain and spinal cord, with the thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves." — Tracy, 1888

Central Nervous System

"Brain and spinal cord, with the thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves." — Tracy, 1888

Section of cerebellar folium.

Cerebellar Folium

Section of cerebellar folium.

Section through the molecular and granular layers in the long axis of a cerebellar folium. Labels: P, cell of Purkinje; GL, neuroglial cell; N, axon of a granule cell; N1, axons of granule cells in molecular layers.

Sagittal Section Through Cerebellar Folium

Section through the molecular and granular layers in the long axis of a cerebellar folium. Labels: P,…

Diagram of the cerebello olivary fibers.

Cerebello Olivary Fibers

Diagram of the cerebello olivary fibers.

Part of a human brain.


Part of a human brain.

"Diagram showing the position of the nervous centers in the head." &mdash; Tracy, 1888


"Diagram showing the position of the nervous centers in the head." — Tracy, 1888

The lower surface of the cerebellum. The tonsil on the right side has been removed so at to display more fully the inferior medullary velum and the furrowed band.

Lower Surface of Cerebellum

The lower surface of the cerebellum. The tonsil on the right side has been removed so at to display…

The peduncles of the cerebellum. On the left the three peduncles have been cut at their entrance into the cerebellum; on the right they are shown penetrating he cerebellar hemisphere.

Peduncles of the Cerebellum

The peduncles of the cerebellum. On the left the three peduncles have been cut at their entrance into…

Semidiagram of the three cerebellar peduncles.

Peduncles of the Cerebellum

Semidiagram of the three cerebellar peduncles.

Sagittal section through the left lateral hemisphere of the cerebellum. Showing the "arbor vitae" and the corpus dentatum.

Sagittal Section Through Cerebellum

Sagittal section through the left lateral hemisphere of the cerebellum. Showing the "arbor vitae" and…

The upper surface of the cerebellum.

Upper Surface of Cerebellum

The upper surface of the cerebellum.

Cerebral convolutions of the brain.

Cerebral Convolutions

Cerebral convolutions of the brain.

The most important association tracts of the brain. The fibers are projected upon the external surface of the hemisphere.

Cerebral Cortex

The most important association tracts of the brain. The fibers are projected upon the external surface…

The most important association tracts of the brain. The fibers are projected upon the mesial (medial) surface of the hemisphere.

Cerebral Cortex

The most important association tracts of the brain. The fibers are projected upon the mesial (medial)…

Diagram to illustrate minute structure of the cerebral cortex. Labels: A and B, neuroglia cells; C, cells with short axon (N) which breaks up in free arborisation; D, spindle-shaped cell in stratum zonate; E, small pyramidal cell; F, large pyramidal cell; G, cell of Martinotti; H, polymorphic cell; K, corticipetal fibers.

Minute Structure of Cerebral Cortex

Diagram to illustrate minute structure of the cerebral cortex. Labels: A and B, neuroglia cells; C,…

Section of cerebral cortex.

Section of Cerebral Cortex

Section of cerebral cortex.

Diagram of the motor tract as shown in a diagrammatic horizontal section through the cerebral hemispheres Crura, Pons, and Medulla. Fr., frontal lobe; Oc., occipital lobe; AF., ascending frontal, AP., ascending parietal convolutions; PCF., pre-central fissure in front of the ascending frontal, AP., ascending parietal convolution; FR., fissure of Rolando; IPF., interparietal fissure, a section of crus is lettered on the left side. SN., substantia nigra; Py., pyramidal motor fiber, which on the right is shown as continuous lines converging to pass through the posterior limb of IC. internal capsule ( the knee or elbow of which is shown thus) upwards into the hemisphere and downwards through the pons to cross the medulla in the anterior pyramids.

Cerebral Hemisphere

Diagram of the motor tract as shown in a diagrammatic horizontal section through the cerebral hemispheres…

Diagram of the outer surface of left cerebral hemisphere to illustrate the localization of functions. The motor area is shaded in vertical and transverse lines: Sy, fissure of Sylvius; an, angular gyrus or convolution; Ro, fissure of Rolando; Fv, frontal lobe; Pa, parietal lobe; Te, temporal lobe. Only a very few of the more important fissures are indicated.

Cerebral Hemisphere Showing Localization of Function

Diagram of the outer surface of left cerebral hemisphere to illustrate the localization of functions.…

Coronal section through the right cerebral hemispheres as to cut through the anterior part (putamen) of the lenticular nucleus in front of the globus pallidus.

Coronal Section Through Cerebral Hemisphere

Coronal section through the right cerebral hemispheres as to cut through the anterior part (putamen)…

Horizontal section through the right cerebral hemisphere at the level of the widest part of the lenticular nucleus.

Section Through Cerebral Hemisphere

Horizontal section through the right cerebral hemisphere at the level of the widest part of the lenticular…

Diagram of the leading association bundles of the cerebral hemisphere. A, Outer aspect of hemisphere. B, Inner aspect of hemisphere.

Association Bundles of the Cerebral Hemispheres

Diagram of the leading association bundles of the cerebral hemisphere. A, Outer aspect of hemisphere.…

Semidiagrammatic view of the cerebrospinal axis.

Cerebrospinal Axis

Semidiagrammatic view of the cerebrospinal axis.

Diagram showing the relation of the cerebrospinal to the sympathetic neurons. Labels: A, a medullated fiber, axon, or dendrite, coming from cerebrospinal system and dividing into numerous branches on reaching a sympathetic ganglion. These branches connect with those of the cells, b, B, in the ganglion, and these cells send their non-medullated fibers, axons, or dendrites, to supply the viscera, C, C, C, C.

Diagram of the Relation between Cerebrospinal and Sympathetic Neurons

Diagram showing the relation of the cerebrospinal to the sympathetic neurons. Labels: A, a medullated…

"The Upper Surface of the Cerebrum. Showing its division into two hemispheres, and also of the convolutions." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904


"The Upper Surface of the Cerebrum. Showing its division into two hemispheres, and also of the convolutions."…

Coronal section through the cerebrum, so as to cut through the three divisions of the lenticular nucleus; posterior surface of the section depicted.

Coronal Section Through the Cerebrum

Coronal section through the cerebrum, so as to cut through the three divisions of the lenticular nucleus;…