This human anatomy ClipArt gallery offers 265 illustrations of the central nervous system, including external and dissected views of the brain and spinal cord.
The base of the brain. The cerebral hemispheres are seen overlapping all the rest. Labels: I, olfactory…
Base of the Brain. Labels: 1,2, longitudinal fissure; 3, anterior lobes cerebrum; 4, middle lobe; 5,…
The base of the brain. Labels: 1, eleventh or spinal accessory nerve; 2, right hemisphere of cerebellum;…
The base of the brain. The under part of the left temporal and occipital lobes has been sliced off so…
Outline sketch of a section of the cerebellum, showing the corpus dentatum. The section has been carried…
Vertical section through the cerebrum and basic ganglia to show the relation of the latter. Labels:…
The cerebellum in section and fourth ventricle, with the neighboring parts. Labels: 1, median groove…
Cross-section of the brain. Here the upper half of the brain is cut off, and you see the upper cut surface…
Dissection of the brain showing basal ganglia, third ventricle and adjacent structures viewed from above.
Gyri and sulci, on the outer surface of the cerebral hemisphere. Labels: f1, sulcus frontalis superior;…
The gyri and sulci on the mesial aspect of the cerebral hemisphere. Labels: r, fissure of Rolando; r.o,…
The gyri and sulci on the tentorial and orbital aspects of the cerebral hemispheres.
A top view of a dissection of the human brain showing the lateral fourth and fifth ventricles.
Side diagram of the human brain showing which parts of the brain control hearing, speech, vision, legs,…
Side diagram of the human brain showing which areas perform the sense of taste, smell, and vision.
Lateral view of the brain. F, Frontal lobe; P, Parietal lobe; O, Occipital lobe; T, Temporal lobe; S,…
"A,frontal love of the cerebrum; B, parietal lobe; C, parieto-occipital lobe;…
Diagram to indicate position of centers on the external surface of the brain.
Diagram to show the relative position of several motor tracts in their course from the cortex to the…
"Wherever nerve cells are abundant, the nerve tissue has a gray color; in other places, it looks white.…
The convolutionary projections of the precentral gyrus, and their relationship to motor areas.
Showing the lines which indicate the position of the principal fissures of the brain.
View of the right hemisphere in the median aspect. CC, corpus callosum longitudinally divided; Gf, gyrus…
"The brain seen from the side, showing the three principal divisions." — Ritchie, 1918
View of the under surface of the brain, with the lower portion of the temporal and occipital lobes,…
A vertical section of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata, showing the relation of the…
A simple nerve cell, or neuron. N is the nucleus of the cell, NC is the cytoplasm, D are dendrites which…
View of the cerebrospinal axis of the nervous system. The right half of the cranium and trunk of the…
"Brain and spinal cord, with the thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves." — Tracy, 1888
Section through the molecular and granular layers in the long axis of a cerebellar folium. Labels: P,…
The lower surface of the cerebellum. The tonsil on the right side has been removed so at to display…
The peduncles of the cerebellum. On the left the three peduncles have been cut at their entrance into…
Sagittal section through the left lateral hemisphere of the cerebellum. Showing the "arbor vitae" and…
The most important association tracts of the brain. The fibers are projected upon the external surface…
The most important association tracts of the brain. The fibers are projected upon the mesial (medial)…
Diagram to illustrate minute structure of the cerebral cortex. Labels: A and B, neuroglia cells; C,…
Diagram of the motor tract as shown in a diagrammatic horizontal section through the cerebral hemispheres…
Diagram of the outer surface of left cerebral hemisphere to illustrate the localization of functions.…
Coronal section through the right cerebral hemispheres as to cut through the anterior part (putamen)…
Horizontal section through the right cerebral hemisphere at the level of the widest part of the lenticular…
Diagram of the leading association bundles of the cerebral hemisphere. A, Outer aspect of hemisphere.…
Diagram showing the relation of the cerebrospinal to the sympathetic neurons. Labels: A, a medullated…
"The Upper Surface of the Cerebrum. Showing its division into two hemispheres, and also of the convolutions."…
Coronal section through the cerebrum, so as to cut through the three divisions of the lenticular nucleus;…