A bird not capable of flight that lives in freezing temperatures.


A bird not capable of flight that lives in freezing temperatures.

An endangered South American bird with vibrant red and green plumage. It is thought to be extinct.


An endangered South American bird with vibrant red and green plumage. It is thought to be extinct.

A humming-bird on a perch.


A humming-bird on a perch.

A flightless bird of New Zealand


A flightless bird of New Zealand

The images in this banner are birds, flowers and vines. In the center there are to prominent birds and a large plant.


The images in this banner are birds, flowers and vines. In the center there are to prominent birds and…

This banner contains images of birds, horns, flowers and leaves.


This banner contains images of birds, horns, flowers and leaves.

This banner contains images of leaves in two different vases. There are two birds in the center of the image.


This banner contains images of leaves in two different vases. There are two birds in the center of the…

Anatis lady-birds, larva devouring slug of potato-beetle.


Anatis lady-birds, larva devouring slug of potato-beetle.

Anatis lady-birds, pupa.


Anatis lady-birds, pupa.

Anatis lady-birds, variation of adult.


Anatis lady-birds, variation of adult.

Anatis lady-birds, variation of adult.


Anatis lady-birds, variation of adult.

Anatis lady-birds, variation of adult.


Anatis lady-birds, variation of adult.

Anatis lady-birds, variation of adult.


Anatis lady-birds, variation of adult.

A scene in the mountains with trees and water running by.


A scene in the mountains with trees and water running by.

A well known English bird, known as the coal-hood, the hoop, or the tony hoop, the alp, and the hope.

Bull Finch

A well known English bird, known as the coal-hood, the hoop, or the tony hoop, the alp, and the hope.

A large bird.


A large bird.

Red corpuscles (blood cells) of the frog. The red blood cells of birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes are oval and contain a nucleus in the center that is not found in human red corpuscles.

Blood Cells

Red corpuscles (blood cells) of the frog. The red blood cells of birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes…

The stomach of a grain-eating bird, which has a gizzard that functions to crush the seeds to pieces since birds have no teeth to crush their food. It has on its inside two hard surfaces which rub and press against each other by muscles to grind food. At <em>b</em> is the gizzard cut open, showing two hard grinding surfaces, and at <em> a </em> above is the part from which oozes the gastric juice.

Stomach of a Bird

The stomach of a grain-eating bird, which has a gizzard that functions to crush the seeds to pieces…

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge toothed (with the points of the teeth so incurved as to appear blunt), and often finely "crinkled." Outline - usually long oval or long egg-shape. Apex - pointed. Base - rounded or slightly pointed. Leaf/Stem - usually with two to five tooth-like glands near the base of the leaf. Leaf - two to five inches long; thickish; polished, and of a deep shining green above; beneath, lighter and smooth, with the middle rib sometimes downy toward the base. In the autumn the leaves turn to orange and later to pale yellow. Bark - of old trunks, blackish and rough; of young trunks and on the larger branches, reddish or purplish brown; marked with scattered lines; on young shoots, at first green or olive brown, gradually becoming darker, and sprinkled (sic) with small orange dots. Flowers - white, with short stems, closely set in a long, cylinder-shaped cluster. May, June. Fruit - about one and a quarter inches in diameter; with short stems (one and a quarter to one and a third inches ) hanging in long, close clusters from the ends of the twigs. It is nearly black when ripe, and of a pleasant flavor though somewhat bitter; it is eagerly eaten by birds. August. Found - very widely distributed north, south, and west. It reaches its finest growth on the western slopes of the Alleghany Mountains. General Information - A tree fifty to eighty feet high. The wood is light and hard, of a brown or reddish tinge, becoming darker with exposure, and of very great value in cabinet work and interior finish. It is now becoming scarce, so that stained birch is often used as a substitute. The bitter aromatic bark is used as a valuable tonic; "cherry brandy" is made from the fruit.

Genus Prunus L. (Cherry, Plum)

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge toothed (with the points of the teeth so incurved as to appear blunt),…

Girl outside with a dog and a rabbit, looking and pointing to the birds on a tree branch.

Girl with Animals

Girl outside with a dog and a rabbit, looking and pointing to the birds on a tree branch.

Five birds taking flight from a tree.


Five birds taking flight from a tree.

A large tree atop a hillside near a fence and birds flying by.


A large tree atop a hillside near a fence and birds flying by.

"A song bird native to India, Malaysia and the Philippines, so named from its curious habit of sewing leaves together to form a nest." -Foster, 1921


"A song bird native to India, Malaysia and the Philippines, so named from its curious habit of sewing…

A small European crow.


A small European crow.

"Group of birds related to the coots and gallinules." -Foster, 1921


"Group of birds related to the coots and gallinules." -Foster, 1921

The dodo and the solitaire: two extinct birds of the modern time.

Extinct Birds

The dodo and the solitaire: two extinct birds of the modern time.

Mother Nature walking through the woods, smiling at some birds. It is spring.

Mother Nature, Spring

Mother Nature walking through the woods, smiling at some birds. It is spring.

A fox being followed by a hen, duck, rooster, and turkey.

Fox and Fowl

A fox being followed by a hen, duck, rooster, and turkey.

A boy chasing a duck in chickens.

Boy Chasing Birds

A boy chasing a duck in chickens.

"Four common weeds, the seeds of which are eaten by birds: a, amaranth; b, crab grass; c, ragweed; d, pigeon grass." -Department of Agriculture, 1899


"Four common weeds, the seeds of which are eaten by birds: a, amaranth; b, crab grass; c, ragweed; d,…

"Weed seeds commonly eaten by birds: a, bindweed; b, lamb's-quarters; c, purslane; d, amaranth; e, spotted spurge; f, ragweed; g, pigeon grass; h, dandelion." Department of Agriculture, 1899

Weed Seeds

"Weed seeds commonly eaten by birds: a, bindweed; b, lamb's-quarters; c, purslane; d, amaranth; e, spotted…

The head, foot, and tail of a Stone Chat Wheat-Ear

Stone Chat Wheatear

The head, foot, and tail of a Stone Chat Wheat-Ear

The head, foot, and tail-feather of the Brown Creeper.

Brown Creeper

The head, foot, and tail-feather of the Brown Creeper.

The black-and-white creeping warbler

Black-and-White Creeping Warbler

The black-and-white creeping warbler

The head of the cedar bird.

Cedar Bird

The head of the cedar bird.

Wild turkey trap.

Wild Turkey Trap

Wild turkey trap.

The hooded merganser.

Hooded Merganser

The hooded merganser.

The wood duck.

Wood Duck

The wood duck.

The sheldrake, or common merganser.

Sheldrake Duck

The sheldrake, or common merganser.

Illustration of a tree branch with 7 birds and one flying away. It can be used to write mathematics story problems involving addition and subtraction. For example: 8 birds were on the tree. One flew away. How many feet were left?

8 Birds On A Tree Branch

Illustration of a tree branch with 7 birds and one flying away. It can be used to write mathematics…

Five Geese roaming the streets.


Five Geese roaming the streets.

Four geese waddling next to a fence in the country. While waddling they were "honking and hissing like a bewildered orchesta.

Geese Waddling

Four geese waddling next to a fence in the country. While waddling they were "honking and hissing like…

The extinct moa and the modern kiwi.


The extinct moa and the modern kiwi.

"Diagram of the female genital organs of a Bird. c, cloaca; i, intestine; k, kidney; o, ovary with ova of different size; od., oviduct; o.f., funnel of the oviduct; o.o., opening of the oviduct into the cloaca; u, ureter; u.o., opening of ureter into the cloaca. Only one ovary and oviduct are fully developed in the Birds." -Galloway, 1915

Female Bird Genital Organs

"Diagram of the female genital organs of a Bird. c, cloaca; i, intestine; k, kidney; o, ovary with ova…

A blue jay mocks and laughs at the owl.

Owl and Blue Jay

A blue jay mocks and laughs at the owl.

An elaborate decorative doodad of flowers and birds.

Floral Doodad

An elaborate decorative doodad of flowers and birds.

A decorative divider of a horizon scene: a sunset, birds, and trees.


A decorative divider of a horizon scene: a sunset, birds, and trees.

A decorative divider with birds, plants, and spiders.

Nature Divider

A decorative divider with birds, plants, and spiders.

A decorative divider with a man in the center, surrounded by plants and animals.

Man and Animals Divider

A decorative divider with a man in the center, surrounded by plants and animals.

A decorative divider with leaves, flowers, and birds.

Leaves Divider

A decorative divider with leaves, flowers, and birds.

A decorative divider with leaves and birds.

Leaf Divider

A decorative divider with leaves and birds.

A decorative divider with leaves and birds.

Bird Divider

A decorative divider with leaves and birds.

The Bird of Paradise is the common name of a family of birds, Paradiseide of ornithologists, found chiefly n New Guinea and neighboring islands, and remarkable for splendor of plumage.

The Bird of Paradise

The Bird of Paradise is the common name of a family of birds, Paradiseide of ornithologists, found chiefly…

"The American Blue Jay is a beautiful bird that is common near all sections of the United States, from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada."

American Blue Jay

"The American Blue Jay is a beautiful bird that is common near all sections of the United States, from…

"The Skylark is one of the best known British birds, and not withstanding the tameness of its brown plumage, is universal favorite, on account of the sweetness of its cheerful song, which it pours forth while soaring and floating in the air.

The Skylark

"The Skylark is one of the best known British birds, and not withstanding the tameness of its brown…

" A genus of insessorial birds many of which are remarkable for the beauty of their plumage. They have a longish bill, an extensible tongue, and feed upon insects, soft fruits, and the saccharine juices of plants." -Marshall

Promerops Superba Bird

" A genus of insessorial birds many of which are remarkable for the beauty of their plumage. They have…

"A bird of the grouse family (Tetraonidae) distinguished from the true grouse by having the toes as well as the tarsi feathered. The willow-ptarmigan or willow-grouse occurs in great abundance in the arctic regions of America and in Norway, whence regions numbers are brought to the London market." -Marshall

Ptarmigan Bird

"A bird of the grouse family (Tetraonidae) distinguished from the true grouse by having the toes as…

"The name for the marine diving birds of the genus Fratercula. The common puffin is a native of the arctic and northern temperate regions. It can fly with great rapidity when once upon the wing." -Marshall

Common Puffin

"The name for the marine diving birds of the genus Fratercula. The common puffin is a native of the…

A genus of rasorial birds, included in the family of partridges, to which they are nearly allied, but from which they differ in being smaller, in having a relatively shorter tail, no red space above the eye, longer wings, and no spur on the legs. The common quail is a migratory bird, and is found in every country of Europe, and in many spaces of Asia and Africa.

Common Quail

A genus of rasorial birds, included in the family of partridges, to which they are nearly allied, but…

A most beautiful Central American bird of the Trogon family. It is about the size of a magpie and the male is adorned with tail-fathers from three to three and a half feet in length, and of a gorgeous emerald colour.

Quezal Bird

A most beautiful Central American bird of the Trogon family. It is about the size of a magpie and the…