"The plumage is brownish, with white margins to the feathers and a purple tinge on the rufous-mottled head, neck, and breast; the back is greener, the tail more lilac, the abdomen white, the bare orbits blue and red. With its long stout legs this species covers the ground very quickly, running with outstretched neck, elevated crest, slightly expanded wings, and jerking tail, or springing into trees and taking brief flights." A. H. Evans, 1900

Two Radiated Ground Cuckoo, One with an Insect in its Mouth, the Other in a Tree Branch in a wooded Area

"The plumage is brownish, with white margins to the feathers and a purple tinge on the rufous-mottled…

An illustration of four birds flying around a branch of a tree.

Birds Flying Around Tree

An illustration of four birds flying around a branch of a tree.

An illustration of a bluebird. The bluebirds are medium-sized, mostly insectivorous or omnivorous birds in the genus Sialia of the thrush family Turdidae.


An illustration of a bluebird. The bluebirds are medium-sized, mostly insectivorous or omnivorous birds…

"The Gallirex chlorochlyamys, Green-mantled Turaco, has a general coloration of metallic blue and green or greyish-brown, usually varied with crimson, ...all have erectile crests of different sizes. The bill is red, yellowish, or black, the feet are black. The sexes are alike, the younger are duller. The red feathers yield a peculiar pigment, containing copper, called Turacin, which is reducible to a powder; this is so soluble that the colour is washed away during the rain or in a bath, though regained subsequently." A. H. Evans, 1900

Green-Mantled Turaco Sitting on a Tree Limb

"The Gallirex chlorochlyamys, Green-mantled Turaco, has a general coloration of metallic blue and green…

The Nymphicus uvaeesis, Uvaean Parakeet, has a dark coloured face, black beak, green plumage and crest, a yellowish underside, and blue patches on the wings and tail.

Uvaean Parakeet

The Nymphicus uvaeesis, Uvaean Parakeet, has a dark coloured face, black beak, green plumage and crest,…

"Stringops habroptilus, the Kakapo or Tarapo of New Zealand has sap-green upper parts, with yellow middles to the feathers and transverse brown markings; yellower lower surface; and browner cheeks, remiges, and rectrices. The soft plumage, the disc of feathers round the eye, and the nocturnal habits have given this bird the name Owl-Parrot." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Stringops habroptilus, the Kakapo or Tarapo of New Zealand has sap-green upper parts, with yellow middles…

"Psittacus erithacus, the Grey Parrot, which ranges across Equatorial Africa, is ashy-grey, with black primaries, red tail, and whitish naked face." A. H. Evans, 1900

Grey Parrot

"Psittacus erithacus, the Grey Parrot, which ranges across Equatorial Africa, is ashy-grey, with black…

"Cacatuo leadbeateri, Leadbeater's Cockatoo, has a red crest banded with yellow and tipped with white, and rosy tinge on the head and lower surface." A. H. Evans, 1900

Leadbeater's Cockatoo Sitting on a Tree Branch

"Cacatuo leadbeateri, Leadbeater's Cockatoo, has a red crest banded with yellow and tipped with white,…

"Nestor notabilis, the Kea of the south island of New Zealand, has olive-green plumage with blackish margins; the wings and tail are varied with blue and yellow, the latter having a brown subterminal band; the rump and under wing-coverts are scarlet. The female is duller."

A Kea Sitting a Tree Branch

"Nestor notabilis, the Kea of the south island of New Zealand, has olive-green plumage with blackish…

"Leptosoma discolor, the Kiromobo or Vorondreo of Madagascar, and the Comoro Islands, which has a big crested head; a long, slightly hooked bill, overhung at the base by recurved loral feathers; linear nostrils, places far forward and covered by a partly reversible outer toe. The wings are moderate, having ten primaries and twelve secondaries; the long, square tail has twelve feathers; the tongue is tapering, horney and channeled; a large aftershaft is present is present, and there is a considerable powder-down patch on each side of the rump. The head is grey, glossed with copper and green, the neck duller; the upper parts are shining green and coppery-red, the under parts grey with white abdomen. The slightly larger female is reddish-brown above, with buff markings and only dull gloss; the head is chiefly lack, the lower surface fawn-coloured spotted with black." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Leptosoma discolor, the Kiromobo or Vorondreo of Madagascar, and the Comoro Islands, which has a big…

"Momotus brasiliensis, the Motmot, from Guiana to Northern Brazil, is somewhat similar in colour (to the Eumomota superciliaris), but has little red on the back; the head is cobalt-blue with black on the crown and sides; the under parts are green with rufous tinge. the long throat-feathers are black with light blue edges." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Momotus brasiliensis, the Motmot, from Guiana to Northern Brazil, is somewhat similar in colour (to…

"Todus viridis, Tody, has coloration that is green, with a red throat, yellowish-white or pinkish under parts, and yellow, green, or pink feathers on the flanks. The bill is dull red. The T. viritis inhabits Jamaica. A. H. Evans


"Todus viridis, Tody, has coloration that is green, with a red throat, yellowish-white or pinkish under…

"Tanysiptera, the Racquet-tailed Kingfisher or "Paradise Kingfisher", the sexes may be similar or dissimilar, even in the same genus; the young are like their parents, or somewhat duller. The colours of the Family are most variable, a combination of blue, green, and chestnut being frequent, while almost uniform red, or black and white, are not uncommon; the beak may be black, red, yellow, or parti-coloured.' A. H. Evans, 1900

Racquet-Tailed Kingfisher

"Tanysiptera, the Racquet-tailed Kingfisher or "Paradise Kingfisher", the sexes may be similar or dissimilar,…

"Merops Apiaster, the Bee-eater, has ruddy-brown head, neck, upper back, and broad alar bar, buff lower back, green wings and tail with black tips to the long median rectrices, light blue upper tail-coverts, pale green and white forehead, black ear-coverts, and bright yellow throat, divided from the greenish-blue under parts by a black band." A. H. Evans, 1900

Bee Eater

"Merops Apiaster, the Bee-eater, has ruddy-brown head, neck, upper back, and broad alar bar, buff lower…

"Dichoceros bicornis of India and the Malay countries has a large yellowish-red casque, hallowed and ending in two points anteriorly, which shews black markings in the males; the naked orbits are pinkish." A. H. Evans, 1900 This sketch depicts a female Hornbill laying down next to her young, feeding it.

Female Hornbill Laying Down Feeding Her Young

"Dichoceros bicornis of India and the Malay countries has a large yellowish-red casque, hallowed and…

"Upupa epops, not unfrequently visits Britain, where it has nested on several occasions; it breeds from Southern Scandinavia to Northern Africa and the Atlantic Islands, migrating a little further south; while it extends through most of Asia and reaches Japan. The fine erectile crest, the head, neck, and lower parts are cinnamon-coloured; the remaining plumage is black, varied with buff and white; a band of the latter crosses the tail; and head plumes are tipped with black and white." A. H. Evans


"Upupa epops, not unfrequently visits Britain, where it has nested on several occasions; it breeds from…

Strix flammea, the nocturnal White Screech-, or Barn Owl, is orange-buff above, with brown, grey and white markings, but is white below and on the complete facial discs. The dark grey phase has white parts tinged with orange and a few distinct blackish spots beneath. The legs are entirely, and the toes partially, covered with bristly feathers." A. H. Evens, 1900

Screech Owl

Strix flammea, the nocturnal White Screech-, or Barn Owl, is orange-buff above, with brown, grey and…

An illustration of two chickens.

Two Chickens

An illustration of two chickens.

"Speotyto cunicularia, the Burrowing Owl, a comparatively long-legged and short -winged bird with incomplete facial discs and unfeathered toes, is umber-brown varied with yellowish and white, the lower parts becoming lighter." A. H. Evans

Two Burrowing Owls by the Mountains

"Speotyto cunicularia, the Burrowing Owl, a comparatively long-legged and short -winged bird with incomplete…

"The coloration of the twenty or more species of Cypselus is sooty-black or mouse-brown, frequently exhibiting a metallic gloss, while the collar, rump, abdomen, or edges of the feathers may be white. A forked tail is not uncommon. The common Swift, or Deviling of Britain, is found through Europe, North Africa, and Asia, southwards t the Himalayas, migrating to South Africa, Madagascar, and Southern Asia." A. H. Evans, 1900

Common Swift Flying Through the Air by a Structure and a Tree with its Mouth Open

"The coloration of the twenty or more species of Cypselus is sooty-black or mouse-brown, frequently…

"The Eulampis jugularis, or Hummingbird, has brilliant coloration almost defies description, the most exquisite metallic or jewel-like hues glorifying a background of green, blue, or brown; while crests, ear-tufts, neck-frills, and pendent beards ending in points or forks, add to the effect." A. H. Evans, 1900


"The Eulampis jugularis, or Hummingbird, has brilliant coloration almost defies description, the most…

"Aithurus polytmus, the Long-tailed Hummingbird, peculiar to Jamaica, the two tail-feathers next to the outer pair are immensely elongated, and, after crossing one another, bend outwards in a curve; the lateral rectrices are bluish-black, as is the head with its divided crest; all the outer parts being luminous green, and the bill red with black tip. The female is chiefly green above and white below, with brownish brown." A. H. Evans, 1900

Long Tailed Hummingbird

"Aithurus polytmus, the Long-tailed Hummingbird, peculiar to Jamaica, the two tail-feathers next to…

"Colius capensis, or Cape Coly, has two stripes of black on the back enclosing one of white, the bare skin surrounding the eye is scarlet and bluish-grey everywhere else. The legs are red in life fading to buff after death." A. H. Evans, 1900

Cape Coly

"Colius capensis, or Cape Coly, has two stripes of black on the back enclosing one of white, the bare…

"Pharomacrus mocinno, the Quezal of the higher districts of Guatemala to Veragua, is brilliant iridescent green above, tinged with blue on the far extended tail-coverts; the throat is green, the under parts are gorgeous crimson, the remiges and the six median rectrices are black, the remainder chiefly white." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Pharomacrus mocinno, the Quezal of the higher districts of Guatemala to Veragua, is brilliant iridescent…

"Bucco hyperrhynchus, or Puff-bird, is blue-black, with a white under surface crossed by a broad black band, and a white forehead and nape, with a large bill." A. H. Evans


"Bucco hyperrhynchus, or Puff-bird, is blue-black, with a white under surface crossed by a broad black…

The Rytidoceros undulatus, Plait-billed Hornbill, or Wreathed Hornbill, has black wings, belly, and back. The male has a buff colored head with red plumes from the nape, a naked yellow gular pouch that has a black stripe. The female has a black head and neck with a blue gular pouch. The feet are black, the bill yellow, the the iris red.

Plait-billed Hornbill

The Rytidoceros undulatus, Plait-billed Hornbill, or Wreathed Hornbill, has black wings, belly, and…

The Rhamphastus ariel, or Ariel Toucan, is black with a yellow or orange rump and throat. The brilliant bill and orbits vary in colour; the tail is square.

Ariel Toucan

The Rhamphastus ariel, or Ariel Toucan, is black with a yellow or orange rump and throat. The brilliant…

"Dendrocopus minor, or Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, are the British representatives, The colours in this genus are black and white in varied proportions, with crimsons on the head and often on the lower parts; a small amount of buff and brown being not uncommonly added." A. H. Evans, 1900

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker

"Dendrocopus minor, or Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, are the British representatives, The colours in this…

"Picus martius, the Black Woodpecker, an inhabitant of the pine-forests of Europe and Asia to Japan, quite erroneously asserted to have occurred in England. The colour is black with exception of a red head, while the feathering extends down two-thirds of the metatarsus in front." A. H. Evans, 1900 Distinction between the male and the female can be seen on the crown. The male's is entirely red, while the female's shows just a touch of red on the tip.

The Great Black Woodpecker

"Picus martius, the Black Woodpecker, an inhabitant of the pine-forests of Europe and Asia to Japan,…

"Iynx torquilla, the Cuckoo's-mate or Snake-bird, is fairly common in England, and extends thence to Japan, Kordofan, and Senegal. The Wryneck may be distinguished from the typical Woodpeckers by their soft tails without spiny shafts, and naked nostrils with a partial covering. The plumage shews a particular mixture of black , brown, grey, and white, somewhat similar to the Nightjar." A. H. Evans, 1900

A Wryneck Sitting on a Tree

"Iynx torquilla, the Cuckoo's-mate or Snake-bird, is fairly common in England, and extends thence to…

"The plumage in the Calyptomena viridis of the Indo-Malay countries is bright green, with large black post-auricular and a yellow pre-ocular spot, three black bars on the wing-coverts, and blackish wing- and tail-quills. The duller female has no black spots or bars. The dense feathers project forward over the beak. A. H. Evans, 1900

A Broadbill Sitting on a Tree Branch

"The plumage in the Calyptomena viridis of the Indo-Malay countries is bright green, with large black…

"Pitta brachyura, the Indian Pitta, has plumage that exhibits vivid scarlet, blue, and green tints, in addition to yellow, purple, black, brown, and white. They are stout, strong-billed form, with short rounded wings and tail, the long metatarsus being more or less scutellated all round; the primaries number ten- the secondaries eight, the rectrices twelve." A. H. Evans, 1900

Indian Pitta

"Pitta brachyura, the Indian Pitta, has plumage that exhibits vivid scarlet, blue, and green tints,…

"Philepitta, peculiar to Madagascar, which have bare orbits surmounted by a green caruncle in the male, and metatarsi with a regular series of scale behind (taxaspidean). P. Jala, is black, with yellow at the bend of the wing; the female is olive green with yellow markings below." A. H. Evans, 1900

Wattled Pittas

"Philepitta, peculiar to Madagascar, which have bare orbits surmounted by a green caruncle in the male,…

"Milvulus tyrannus, Scissor-tail, normally exhibits olive, grey, yellow, or white in varying proportions." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Milvulus tyrannus, Scissor-tail, normally exhibits olive, grey, yellow, or white in varying proportions."…

Pipra mentalis, the Red-capped Manakin, has black plumage with a red head, neck, and thighs.

Red-capped Manakin

Pipra mentalis, the Red-capped Manakin, has black plumage with a red head, neck, and thighs.

"Cephalopterus ornatus, the Umbrella bird, is entirely black, with a huge expanded umbrella-like crest of bare-shafted incurved feathers, and a long flattened and feathered gular wattle." A. H. Evans, 1900

Amazonian Umbrella Bird

"Cephalopterus ornatus, the Umbrella bird, is entirely black, with a huge expanded umbrella-like crest…

"Chasmorhynchus niveus, the Bell-bird, ...have lores and orbits bare. The plumage is ordinarily plain rufous, green, or grey; the females being nearly always dull, though many of the males are very brilliant." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Chasmorhynchus niveus, the Bell-bird, ...have lores and orbits bare. The plumage is ordinarily plain…

"The curious nest is placed in exposed situations on branches, in forks of trees or shrubs, on posts, rocks, or house-roofs; it has thick walls, almost unbreakable when dry, of clayey mud and dung mixed with a little hair or dry grass, a lining of same materials underlying the three to five white eggs." A. H. Evans, 1900

The Nest of an Oven-bird

"The curious nest is placed in exposed situations on branches, in forks of trees or shrubs, on posts,…

"Menura superba, the Lyre-bird, of New South Wales and South Queensland, some thirty-three inches long, is dull brown, with slaty tinge above, and more rufous throat, wing, and tail-coverts; while the outer rectrices exhibit regular notch-like transparent or blackish markings on the chestnut inner webs, caused by the absence of barbules. The naked orbits are bluish or lead-coloured. The female has a long, broad, normal tail, the median feathers exceeding the rest." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Menura superba, the Lyre-bird, of New South Wales and South Queensland, some thirty-three inches long,…

"Alauda arvensis, the Sky-Lark, breed in Britain. The normal coloration is light-brown with darker longitudinal streaks, the under parts being whitish and frequently spotted anteriorly." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Alauda arvensis, the Sky-Lark, breed in Britain. The normal coloration is light-brown with darker longitudinal…

"Motacilla raii, the Yellow Wagtails, are generally black and white, grey and white, grey with a yellow breast (or even head), greenish with yellow lower parts and greyish or black heads, or almost entirely yelowish." A. H. Evans, 1900

Yellow Wagtail

"Motacilla raii, the Yellow Wagtails, are generally black and white, grey and white, grey with a yellow…

"Timelia maculata, the Babbling Thrush, sexes are commonly alike, the plain rufous coloration being often relieved by black, white, and grey." A. H. Evans, 1900

Babbling Thrush

"Timelia maculata, the Babbling Thrush, sexes are commonly alike, the plain rufous coloration being…

"Terpsiphone paradisi, Paradise Flycatchers, have fine crests, shorter in the female; while fleshy wattles, round or above the eye, of scarlet, blue, or yellow, are found. The bill is sometimes reddish or blue, and the inside of the mouth green or yellowish, as in certain Birds of Paradise. The female is rich bay above, with similar head, but grey cheeks and throat. In other species the males are said to be maroon, cinnamon, chestnut, blue-grey, or glossy-black above." A. H. Evans, 1900

Paradise Flycatcher

"Terpsiphone paradisi, Paradise Flycatchers, have fine crests, shorter in the female; while fleshy wattles,…

"Turdus viscivorus, Mistletoe Thrush, the coloration is ordinarily plain black or brown, more or less varied with grey, white, rufous, or chestnut, occasionally in the form of a collar; many Thrushes, moreover, exhibit the characteristic white breast spotted with brown. The bill if frequently orange or yellow." A. H. Evans

Mistletoe Thrush

"Turdus viscivorus, Mistletoe Thrush, the coloration is ordinarily plain black or brown, more or less…

"Our Ruticilla phoenicurus,the Redstart, is grey, with brown wings, chestnut breast, rump, and lateral rectrices, black face and throat; the hen being brownish above and buff below, with less brilliant chestnut tints." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Our Ruticilla phoenicurus,the Redstart, is grey, with brown wings, chestnut breast, rump, and lateral…

"Cinclus aquaticus, Dippers, the colour above is normally greyish-black or brown; the lower parts are similar or white, commonly with a black belly, while a chestnut band crosses the breast in the British. The sexes are alike, but the young are spotted. Both plumage and down are close and nearly impervious to water." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Cinclus aquaticus, Dippers, the colour above is normally greyish-black or brown; the lower parts are…

"Troglodytes parvulus, Wren, the coloration is ordinarily brown, with a great tendency to barring; spots, stripes, and streaks are not uncommon; chestnut, bay, orange, and grey often relieve the dulness.: A. H. Evans, 1900


"Troglodytes parvulus, Wren, the coloration is ordinarily brown, with a great tendency to barring; spots,…

"Hirundo rustica, the Swallow, is metallic black, with a variable amount of chestnut or rufous on the head, rump, or lower surface; the last of these regions exhibiting much white or having a black pectoral band, while streaky markings are not uncommon." A. H. Evans


"Hirundo rustica, the Swallow, is metallic black, with a variable amount of chestnut or rufous on the…

"Hypocolius ampelinus, Grey "Coly-Shrike", the plumage is soft, with characteristically stiff shafts on the lower back; the nostrils are nearly concealed by the feathers; the rictal bristles are feeble. The unusual coloration is either bluish-grey with a certain amount of black and white, or chiefly black and white. The black has generally a purplish or a greenish gloss; while barring occurs occasionally in the cocks, and much more commonly in the hens, where the tints are duller, the grey lighter, and the hue in some cases brown or even rufous. A. H. Evans, 1900

Two Grey "Coly-Shrike" Birds Sitting on Tree Branches

"Hypocolius ampelinus, Grey "Coly-Shrike", the plumage is soft, with characteristically stiff shafts…

"Birds of a feather flock together." -Trowbridge, 1866

Friend Rebus

"Birds of a feather flock together." -Trowbridge, 1866

An illustration of a flock of birds flying.


An illustration of a flock of birds flying.

"Dissemurus paradiseus, the Drongo, both sexes are typically black, with metallic gloss of blue, purple, or green, though a few are greyer or browner, or have a little white below. The variable bill is usually large and more or less curved, with a hooked tip, a notched maxilla, and fairly strong rictal bristles. The bill and feet are black; eyes red, white, or brown." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Dissemurus paradiseus, the Drongo, both sexes are typically black, with metallic gloss of blue, purple,…

"Both sexes of our irregular winter-visitor the Waxwing (Ampelis garrulus) are silky greyish-brown, with blackish wigs, and tail relieved by yellow and white; a black forehead, eye-stripe, and throat; chestnut under tail-coverts and basil margin of the erectile crest; and, in the adults, flattened wax-like tips to the shafts of the secondaries or even rectrices. The young are streaked below." A. H. Evans, 1900

One Waxwing Sitting on a Branch in the Forefront with Three Waxwings Sitting on Branches and Four Flying Around in the Background

"Both sexes of our irregular winter-visitor the Waxwing (Ampelis garrulus) are silky greyish-brown,…

"The Lanius excubitor, Great Grey Shrike, lax plumage is either black, grey, and white, or is varied with rich red-brown. The young are browner, and are often transversely barred below..." A. H. Evans, 1900

Great Grey Shrike

"The Lanius excubitor, Great Grey Shrike, lax plumage is either black, grey, and white, or is varied…

"The colours in Sitta caesia, (Nuthatch) which ranges over nearly all the Palaearctic and Indian Regions, and throughout North America to Mexico, are slaty-blue and rusty-red of various shades, relieved by black and white; the slaty tints shewing chiefly above, often in combination with black or brown cap." A. H. Evans, 1900


"The colours in Sitta caesia, (Nuthatch) which ranges over nearly all the Palaearctic and Indian Regions,…

"Drepanornis albertisi, D'Albertis' Bird of Paradise, is rufous-brown, with green throat and ante-ocular region, white belly and dusky breast; the sides of the last exhibit dark-edged bronzy plumes, which can be expanded like a fan, succeeded by long grey decomposed feathers with lilac margins; and small bluish tufts surmount the bare orbits and post-ocular region." A. H. Evans, 1900

D'Albertis' Bird of Paradise

"Drepanornis albertisi, D'Albertis' Bird of Paradise, is rufous-brown, with green throat and ante-ocular…

"Parus major, the Great Titmouse, are olive, brown, or grey, varied with black, white, chestnut, or buff, as in our Crested Tit. The sexes are very similar, the young often yellower." A. H. Evans, 1900

Great Titmouse

"Parus major, the Great Titmouse, are olive, brown, or grey, varied with black, white, chestnut, or…

"Panurus biarmicus, the "Bearded Tit" or "Reed-Pheasant" plumage is orange-brown above, with grey crown and a black streak from the lores down the cheeks, where the feathers are elongated and point backwards; the wings are varied with black and white; the throat is greyish, the breast pinkish; the abdomen coloured like the back; the under tail-coverts are black, the bill is yellow. The hen has a buff head, while she lacks the black "moustache" and under tail-coverts." A. H. Evans, 1900

Reed Pheasant

"Panurus biarmicus, the "Bearded Tit" or "Reed-Pheasant" plumage is orange-brown above, with grey crown…

"The Golden Oriole, Oriolus galbula, which breeds exceptionally in England, is orange-yellow, with black lores and mainly black wings and tail. The bill is crimson, pinkish, or bluish." A. H. Evans, 1900

Golden Oriole

"The Golden Oriole, Oriolus galbula, which breeds exceptionally in England, is orange-yellow, with black…

"Falcinellus speciosus, Long-tailed Bird of Paradise, is black with rainbow-like reflections; the broad plumes of the sides of the upper breast being banded with metallic blue and green, and having wide tips which open upwards into a fan; while the long pointed flank-feathers compose similarly coloured tufts." A. H. Evans

Long-tailed Bird of Paradise

"Falcinellus speciosus, Long-tailed Bird of Paradise, is black with rainbow-like reflections; the broad…