In this species of pond snail, the aperture of the shell is closed by an operculum.

Pond Snail

In this species of pond snail, the aperture of the shell is closed by an operculum.

In this species of pond snail, the aperture of the shell is closed by an operculum.

Pond Snail

In this species of pond snail, the aperture of the shell is closed by an operculum.

External features of a perch.


External features of a perch.

digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems of a perch.


digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems of a perch.

Circulatory system of a perch.


Circulatory system of a perch.

Common skate (ray). The skates and rays have a broad body, partly due to the merging of the body into the large, horizontally flattened pectoral fins.


Common skate (ray). The skates and rays have a broad body, partly due to the merging of the body into…

The jaws and teeth of the common skate (ray).


The jaws and teeth of the common skate (ray).

Mouth and gill slits of the common skate (ray).


Mouth and gill slits of the common skate (ray).

The perch is typical of a large group of fishes, all of which have spiny rays. The perch is widely distributed in fresh-water lakes and streams.


The perch is typical of a large group of fishes, all of which have spiny rays. The perch is widely distributed…

A typical example of a spiny-rayed fish is the codfish.


A typical example of a spiny-rayed fish is the codfish.

The salmon is well known both from its commercial importance and from its remarkable migrations up rivers to spawn.


The salmon is well known both from its commercial importance and from its remarkable migrations up rivers…

Flounder keep near the bottom, swimming on one side, and the two eyes are both on the side that is uppermost.


Flounder keep near the bottom, swimming on one side, and the two eyes are both on the side that is uppermost.

The gar fish has a cylindrical body covered by rhomboidal bony scales that are coated with enamel, making a strong and complete armor.


The gar fish has a cylindrical body covered by rhomboidal bony scales that are coated with enamel, making…

the sturgeon has a cylindrical body covered by rhomboidal bony scales that are coated with enamel, making a strong and complete armor.


the sturgeon has a cylindrical body covered by rhomboidal bony scales that are coated with enamel, making…

The bowfin, a primitive freshwater fish, also known as the freshwater dogfish is a voracious fish.


The bowfin, a primitive freshwater fish, also known as the freshwater dogfish is a voracious fish.

In the lungfish, the development of the air bladder as a lung is much more complete than others in the same group.


In the lungfish, the development of the air bladder as a lung is much more complete than others in the…

A side view of a frog's internal structure.


A side view of a frog's internal structure.

A ventral view of a frog's internal structure.


A ventral view of a frog's internal structure.

A ventral view of a frog's internal nervous system.


A ventral view of a frog's internal nervous system.

The development of a toad, image 1.


The development of a toad, image 1.

The development of a toad, image 3.


The development of a toad, image 3.

The development of a toad, image 4.


The development of a toad, image 4.

The development of a toad, image 5.


The development of a toad, image 5.

Structure of internal anatomy of a snake.


Structure of internal anatomy of a snake.

Dissection of head of rattlesnake; showing fangs (f) and poison sac (p).


Dissection of head of rattlesnake; showing fangs (f) and poison sac (p).

External features of a bird.


External features of a bird.

Internal anatomy of a pigeon.


Internal anatomy of a pigeon.

the internal anatomy of a rabbit.


the internal anatomy of a rabbit.

Cross section of abdomen of a rabbit.


Cross section of abdomen of a rabbit.

A,b,c, deltoid muscle; d, coracobrachialis muscle; r,r, triceps;e,i, extensors of the hand; km, flexor of fingers and radial and ulnar sides of the wtist, and l, palm of the hand, or palmaris longus; p, palmaris brevis; q, palmar fascia; o, biceps.

Arm Muscle

A,b,c, deltoid muscle; d, coracobrachialis muscle; r,r, triceps;e,i, extensors of the hand; km, flexor…

This is the skeleton of an angler fish (Lophius piscatorius).

Angler Fish

This is the skeleton of an angler fish (Lophius piscatorius).

Arm of humans; h Humerus or bone of upper arm; r and u Radius and Ulna, or bones of the forearm; c Carpus, or bones of the wrist; m Metacarpus, or bones of the root of the hand; p Phalanges, or bones of the fingers.

Bones of Arm

Arm of humans; h Humerus or bone of upper arm; r and u Radius and Ulna, or bones of the forearm; c Carpus,…

Wing of Bird; h Humerus or bone of upper arm; r and u Radius and Ulna, or bones of the forearm; c Carpus, or bones of the wrist; m Metacarpus, or bones of the root of the hand; p Phalanges, or bones of the fingers.

bones of arm

Wing of Bird; h Humerus or bone of upper arm; r and u Radius and Ulna, or bones of the forearm; c Carpus,…

Anatomy of a bivalve clam. (ss) respiratory tubes; (aa) muscles by which the shell is closed (b) gills; (h) heart; (o) mouth; (f) foot; (m) cut edge of mantle.


Anatomy of a bivalve clam. (ss) respiratory tubes; (aa) muscles by which the shell is closed (b) gills;…

The vertebra of the whale. (c) body; (n n ) arches enclosing the spinal cord.

Whale vertebra

The vertebra of the whale. (c) body; (n n ) arches enclosing the spinal cord.

The skeleton of a beaver.(c) cervical region of vertebral column; (d) dorsal region; (b) lumbar region; (s) sacrum; (t) caudal region.

Beaver Skeleton

The skeleton of a beaver.(c) cervical region of vertebral column; (d) dorsal region; (b) lumbar region;…

The forelimb of chimpanzee. (c) collar bone; (s) shoulder blade; (h) humerus; (r) radius; (u) ulna; (d) bones of wrist; (m) bones of hand; (p) bones of fingers.

Chimp Limb

The forelimb of chimpanzee. (c) collar bone; (s) shoulder blade; (h) humerus; (r) radius; (u) ulna;…

The hindlimb of chimpanzee. (i) innominate bone; (f) thigh bone; (t) tibia; (s) fibula; (r) bones of ankle; (m) metatarsus; (p) phalanges.

Chimp Limb

The hindlimb of chimpanzee. (i) innominate bone; (f) thigh bone; (t) tibia; (s) fibula; (r) bones of…

Digestive system of a mammal. (g) gullet; (s) stomach; (sm) small intestine; (lm) large intestine; (r) termination of the large intestine.

Digestive system

Digestive system of a mammal. (g) gullet; (s) stomach; (sm) small intestine; (lm) large intestine; (r)…

Scales of fishes; cycloid scale (Pike).

Fish Scales

Scales of fishes; cycloid scale (Pike).

Scales of fishes; Ctenoid scale (Perch)

Fish Scales

Scales of fishes; Ctenoid scale (Perch)

Scales of fishes; Placoid scale (Thornback)

Fish Scales

Scales of fishes; Placoid scale (Thornback)

Scales of fishes; Ganoid Scale (Palaeoniscus)

Fish Scales

Scales of fishes; Ganoid Scale (Palaeoniscus)

Skeleton of the common Perch. (p) one of the pectoral fins; (v) one of the ventral fins; (a) anal fin, (c) caudal fin; (d) first dorsal fin; (d) second dorsal fin; (i i ) interspinous bones.

Fish Skeleton

Skeleton of the common Perch. (p) one of the pectoral fins; (v) one of the ventral fins; (a) anal fin,…

Outline of a fish, showing the "paired" and "median" fins. (p) one of the pectoral fins; (v) one of the ventral fins; (d) first dorsal fin; (d') second dorsal fin; (a) anal fin; (c) caudal fin.


Outline of a fish, showing the "paired" and "median" fins. (p) one of the pectoral fins; (v) one of…

Tail of fish. (a) homocercal tail (Sword fish)

fish tail

Tail of fish. (a) homocercal tail (Sword fish)

Tail of fish. (b) heterocercal tail (Sturgeon)

fish tail

Tail of fish. (b) heterocercal tail (Sturgeon)

Beak of Hawfinch.

Hawfinch Beak

Beak of Hawfinch.

Beak of Shrike.

Shrike Beak

Beak of Shrike.

Beak of Hummingbird.

Hummingbird Beak

Beak of Hummingbird.

Beak of Swift.

Swift Beak

Beak of Swift.

Foot of Peregrine Falcon.

Falcon Foot

Foot of Peregrine Falcon.

Beak of Buzzard.

Buzzard Beak

Beak of Buzzard.

Foot of Tawny Owl.

Owl Foot

Foot of Tawny Owl.

Beak of Tawny Owl.

Owl Beak

Beak of Tawny Owl.

Teeth of the right side of the lower jaw of the Chimpanzee. (i) incisors; (c) canine tooth; (pm) premolars; (m) molars.

Chimpanzee Teeth

Teeth of the right side of the lower jaw of the Chimpanzee. (i) incisors; (c) canine tooth; (pm) premolars;…

The facial angle is an angle formed by two imaginary lines; one drawn fom the most prominent part of the forehead to a point opposite the incisor teeth; the other from the external ear to the same point, the object being to measure the elevation of the forehead.

Facial Angles

The facial angle is an angle formed by two imaginary lines; one drawn fom the most prominent part of…

Cross section of the anatomy of a pea blossom.

Pea blossom

Cross section of the anatomy of a pea blossom.

Cross-section of an egg, showing the different parts.

Cross-section of an egg

Cross-section of an egg, showing the different parts.

The lower nippers of a colt two years old.

Lower nippers at two years

The lower nippers of a colt two years old.