The base of brain. Labels: 1. Olfactory Bulb; 2. Second, or Optic Nerves; 3. Anterior Perforated Space;…
The optic chiasma or commissure, which is seen at the base of the brain in front of the tuber cinereum…
Forms of nerve cells. They each have a nucleus and nucleolus and are connected to each other by means…
Anterior view of the brain and spinal marrow. Labels: 1, 1, hemispheres of the cerebrum; 2, great middle…
Cross-section of the brain. Here the upper half of the brain is cut off, and you see the upper cut surface…
Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the Body. Labels: a, the neural tube, with its upper enlargement…
The base of the brain. The cerebral hemispheres are seen overlapping all the rest. Labels: I, olfactory…
Base of the Brain. Labels: 1,2, longitudinal fissure; 3, anterior lobes cerebrum; 4, middle lobe; 5,…
The brain and spinal cord. Labels: 1, 1, hemispheres of cerebrum; 2, great middle fissure; 3, cerebellum;…
View of the course of the front columns of the spinal marrow terminating in the hemispheric ganglions…
Middle vertical section of the callous body (corpus callosum). The inner left side of the brain is also…
Section of the head showing the greater scythe, the horizontal apophysis of the dura mater between the…
View of the appearance of the tortuous elevations (convolutions) of the brain, seen from above.
Vertical middle section of head and neck showing the opening through the Eustachian tube, and its relations…
View of the nervous system in man, showing the nervous centers (the brain and the spinal near row) where…
Sutures of the skull. Labels: a,a, the coronal suture, from the Latin corona, crown, so called from…
1. Hemispheres of the brain proper, or cerebrum. 2. Hemispheres of the smaller brain, or cerebellum.…
"Diagrammatic longitudinal section of a Nemertean (Amphiporum lactifloreus), dorsal view. p.p., Proboscis…
"Partial section of a Vertebrate brain (diagrammatic). OLF., Olfactory lobe; CH., cerebral hemispheres;…
"Median longitudinal section of anterior region of Myxine. B., Barbule; N., nasal aperture; NT., nasal…
"Longitudinal vertical section of frog embryo, shortly before closure of blastopore. FB., fore-brain;…
"Brain of pigeon (I. dorsal, II. ventral, III. lateral aspects). OLF.L., Olfactory lobes; C.H., cerebral…
"Dorsal view of rabbit's brain. olf.l., Olfactory lobes; c.h., cerebral hemispheres; o.l., optic lobes…
"Under surface of rabbit's brain. olf.l., Olfactory lobes; o.t., olfactory tract; f.l., frontal lobe…
"The nervous system of the Clam,—from the dorsal aspect. a, anterior; o, mouth; c.g., cerebral…
"The central nervous system in a leech. g, dorsal ganglia (brain); g', ventral chain of ganglia; o,…
"Diagrammatic sagittal section of Microstomum, showing a chain of four zooids produced by fission. b,…
"Diagrams of stages in the metamorphosis of Polygordius, a primitive annelid. Ectoderm throughout is…
"Diagram of head and brain of human foetus six weeks old (heavy boundaries). The dotted line indicates…
"The outline of the brain of an orang outang. Front portion F to O, cerebrum; C, cerebellum; M, medulla…
"Brachionus rubens. A, from the dorsal aspect; B, from the right side. a, anus; br, brain; d. f. dorsal…
"Nervous system of Astacus fluviatilis. bg, sub-oesphageal ganglion; cs, commissural ganglion; g, brain;…
"Periplaneta. General view of the nervous system. abd. 6, sixth abdominal ganglion; ant, antennary nerve;…
The dissection of a female sea lamprey or Petromyzon marinus. ad, anterior dorsal cartilage; an, annular…
"Rana esculenta. The brain. A, from above; B, from below. ch. opt, optic chiasma; HH, cerebellum; Hyp,…
"Brain of alligator, from above. B. ol., olfactory bulb; G. p, epiphysis; HH, cerebellum; Med, spinal…
"Columba livia. The brain; A, from above; B, from below; C, from the left side. cb, cerebellum; c. h,…
"Lepus cuniculus. Brain. A, dorsal view; B, ventral; b. o, olfactory lobe; cb', median lobe of cerebellum…
"Lepus cuniculus. Longitudinal vertical sectioin of the brain. cb, cerebellum, showing arbor vitae;…
Labels: 1, longitudinal fissure separating the hemispheres; 2, frontal lobes of the cerebrum; 3, posterior…
Labels: 1, longitudinal fissure separating the hemispheres; 2 and 3, front and posterior lobes of the…
The brain and the cranial nerves seen partly in section and partly in side view. Labels: C, convolutions…
A section of the brain and spinal column. Labels: 1, The cerebrum (large brain). 2, The cerebellum (small…
Diagram of human brain in vertical section, showing the situation of the different ganglia and the course…
A vertical section of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata, showing the relation of the…
A back view of the brain and spinal cord. Labels: 1, The cerebrum. 2, The cerebellum. 3, The spinal…
The base of brain of a horse. Labels: l, Cerebrum. 2, Ganglion of sight. 3, Cerebellum. 4, Medulla Oblongata…
In Amphibians the nervous system is but slightly developed. The cerebrum is small; the cerebellum is…
In birds the hemispheres are not united as in humans; the cerebellum is proportionately larger than…
The brain of fish are small, it does not fill the whole cranial cavity, there being found within it…
In the nervous system of the centipede the ganglions are arranged in pairs of nearly equal size, except…
A view of the auditory nerve. Labels: 1, The spinal cord. 2, The medulla oblongata. 3, The lower part…
A representation of the brain, spinal cord and spinal nerve. Labels: 1, The cerebrum. 2. The cerebellum.…