Native to Australia, the falconelle is approximately the size of a sparrow, and resembles the great…
Taking its name from the Azara people of South America, the batara is the largest of the shrikes.
Found in Guiana and Brazil, this shrike draws its name from its resemblence to the magpie.
Approximately the size of pigeon, the cock of the rock has a distinctive crest of feathers arranged…
Found in Java and Sumatra, the green calyptomena's namesake plumage helps it blend in with foliage.
Feeding primarily on fruits, the umbrella-bird has two dstinctive crests of feathers, one rising from…
The bloody pavao (coracina scutata) is a mostly black bird, which gets its name from the blood…
The collared fly-catcher, a bird which feeds on insects and the occaisional small vertebrate.
An impressive South American species of fly-catcher, with a transverse crest of reddish-fawn feathers.
Found in the southern United States, the Savannah fly-catcher is notable for its long, forked tail.
The spoon-bill tyrant fly-catcher has a large, thick bill, which it uses for feeding on butterflies.
Native to South America, the tricolored alectrurus measures only six inches in length.
Black with a yellow bill, the blackbird feeds mostly on larvae, snails, worms, insects, and fruits.
The red-wing thrush migrates from the north to the south of Europe in the winter, feeding on worms and…
Also known as White's thrush, the golden thrush is native to Japan and Savabut migrates to Southern…
Inhabiting the higher reaches of Southern Europe, the rock thrush descends to lower altitudes during…
A flock of mocking-birds attacking a rattlesnake in a tree, which was threatening a nest.
The American Robin (known as the migratory thrush among naturalists) feeds on small insects and various…
The black dipper, also known as the European water-ousel, feeds on small shellfish and insects.
Also known as the titlark, the meadow pipit prefers to live on steep and arid slops, subsisting on a…
The most noted of the titmice, the long-tailed titmouse is about five and a half inches in length, half…
Commonly found throughout Europe, the blue titmouse is known for destroying the buds of flowers, and…
The crested tit prefers the colder climes of Northern Europe, being common in Denmark, Sweden, Russia,…
Native to the Himalaya Mountains, P. xanthogenys is somewhat smaller than the great tit.
Found in the temperate regions of Europe, the robin redbreast can often be found around homes.
The whinchat is a migratory European bird, which subsists on a diet of worms, insects, small shell-mollusks,…
A black redstart perched on a branch in front of a stone building. It greatly resembles the redstart.
The bluebird feeds on a diet of insects and spiders in the summer and berries in the winter. It usually…
The nightingale is renowned for its song. Its name is derrived from the Saxon meaning night-singer.
Nesting in the reeds near bodies of freshwater, the reed-warbler can be found in Middle and Southern…
Also known as the kinglet, the golden-crested regulus is found throughout Europe and is noted for its…
Found in South Africa, the pinc-pinc is about the size of a wren, and is named after its distinctive…
Found from Louisiana to New Jersey, the blue-winged yellow warbler migrates south to tropical parts…
The widowbird, also known as the whidahfinch. Although most specimens are about the size of a canary,…
Woven of grass, the nests of the genus Euplectes have an opening which faces down towards the water.…
Nests of the Bengal weaver-bird, which adds a new one to the bottom of the previous season's every year.
Also known as the green finch, the green grosbeak frequents gardens, orchards, small woods, and cultivated…
Feeding on pollen-stalks, laurel-berries, and the like, the haw-finch is also known as the common grosbeak…
Noted for its beautiful song, the cardinal grosbeak is sometimes known as the virgin nightingale.
Also known as the ground-robin or ground-finch, the chewink lives in thickets along the borders of woods.
The scarlet tanager (also known as the black-winged summer redbird, or fire bird) feeds on insects,…
Often found among human settlement, the common sparrow of Europe's diet consists of seeds, insects,…