Sea-stars are Echinoderms. The order Ophiuroides is closely related to starfishes. The arms of sea stars…
Digestive system of a mammal. (g) gullet; (s) stomach; (sm) small intestine; (lm) large intestine; (r)…
Castor oil is made from the seeds of this plant. This oil is used in medicine for a purgative and is…
The stomach and mouth of a Sea Anemone. c - tentacles; d - mouth; e - stomach; g,g' - openings in the…
An imbricated turtle, flipped onto its back, revealing its underbelly.
"Is found in Europe; it occasionally happens that this, as well as other species, when they have puffed…
"A roving fish; found on all the European coasts, and on the northern shore of the Mediterranean; it…
"It varies in length from three to ten feet, and in weight from five to one hundred and thirty pounds.…
"The belly; that part of the body of a mammal which lies between the thorax and the pelvis; In entomology,…
"The digestive sac, tract, or tube of any animal; the visceral or intestinal cavity."-Whitney, 1902
"a, head, antennae, &c; b, pharynx; c, crop; d, gizzard; e, chyle-forming stomach; f, biliary vessels;…
"Trichina Spiralis is the name given to a peculiar nematoid worm which inhabits the muscles, usually…
"Trichina Spiralis is the name given to a peculiar nematoid worm which inhabits the muscles, usually…
"The inner coat of the stomach has its surface honeycombed with millions of little pits. We have all…
"The Inner Surface of the Stomach, from which the the Epithelium has been removed, showing the Openings…
"Showing the Relations of the Stomach, Liver, Intestines, Spleen, and other Organs of the Abdomen. Aduodenum;…
"Sage is a plant much used for flavoring meats, etc. It has blue flowers, and has run into many varieties.…
"The force of the thrust is delivered principally with the right arm, the left being used to direct…
"After attaching themselves to the walls of the stomach, the botfly larva are nourished by the blood…
"After attaching themselves to the walls of the stomach, the botfly larva are nourished by the blood…
"Diagram to show the working parts of a gland. v and a are blood tubes with thin-walled branches around…
"The stomach is a half-gallon sac, with an outer wall of muscle lined within by mucous membrane, made…
"A tiny block out of the stomach wall. a, the mucous membrane; c and d, the muscles; h, gastric glands;…
Harmless bacteria so numerous in drinking water that a person often takes a half-million into his stomach…
A side view of the two great cavities of the body and their organs. 1: The mouth. 2: The thorax. 3:…
The position of the organs of the mouth, thorax, and abdomen. 1, 2, and 3: Salivary glands. 4: The larynx…
The stomach and intestines. 1: Stomach. 2: Duodenum. 3: Small intestine. 4: Termination of the ileum.…
The portal system of veins. a: Portal vein. b: Splenic vein. c: Right gastro-epiploic vein. d: Inferior…
"In the stomach, intestines and elsewhere the epithelial cell is obling in profile and is called columnar…
"Anatomy of the Snail: a, the mouth; bb, foot; c, anus; dd, lung; e, stomach, covered above by the salivary…
"Anatomy of an Acephalous Mollusc (Mactra): s, stomach; ii, intestine; ag, anterior ganglions; pg, posterior…
"Carmarina (Geryonia) hastata, one of the Trachomedusae. a, nerve-ring; a', radial nerve; b, tentaculocyst;…
"Diagram of a vertical section of Carmarina hastata, passing on the right through the whole length of…
"Cunina rhododactyla, one of the Narcomedusae. c, circular canal; h, "otoporpae" (ear-rivets) or centripetal…
"Diagram of a vertical section through a young Cunina rhododactyla, passing on the right side through…
"Floating colonies of Siphonophora. A, Diphyes campanulata. B, A group of appendages from the stem of…
"Siphonal stomach and spiral valve of Basking-shark (Selache). a, esophagus; b, cardiac portion of stomach;…
"Compound stomach of ox. a, esophagus; b, rumen, or paunch; c, reticulum, or second stomach; d, omasum,…
"Tetraodon have a remarkable power of inflating their bodies by filling their stomachs with air, the…
"It consists of a common metallic syringe, A, screwed to a cylindrical valve box, B, which contains…
"Diagrammatic vertical section of the head and proboscis of a mosquito. l, labium bent as when the other…
"ailmentary canal of a honey bee. at, honey stomach; s, true stomach; nt, intestine; o, esophagus; sg,…
"Sea anemone dissected; c, tentacles; d, mouth; e, stomach; white lines above k, the mesenteries." —Davison,…
"Dissected fish. a, air bladder; b, urinary bladder; b, urinary bladder; br, brain; c, spinal cord;…
"Frog with the left side cut away and some of the organs pulled downward. a, aorta leading from the…
The Stomach and Liver. 1: Esophagus; 2: Cardiac entrance; 3: Large end of stomach; 4: Central portion;…
Section of the Stomach. 1: Cardiac orifice; 2: Folds of mucous membrane; 3: Muscular wall; 4: Pylorus;…
1. Collar bone 2. Left Lung 3. Breast Bone 4. Right Lung 5. Ribs 6. Right lobe of the liver 7. Left…
Regions of the abdomen and their contents (edge of costal cartilages in dotted outline). "For convenience…
Vertical and longitudinal section of stomach, gall-bladder, and duodenum. Labels: 1, esophagus; 2, cardiac…
Posterior view of pancreas. Labels: 1, pancreas; 2, pancreatic duct; 6, opening of common duct, formed…