"They are small hump-backed gnats, of a gray or blackish color, with broad pale wings." —Whitney,…
An illustration of the larva of a common flea. Flea larvae emerge from the eggs to feed on any available…
The larva of Efferia aestuans (or Erax bastardi), an insect in the Asilidae family of robber flies.
"After attaching themselves to the walls of the stomach, the botfly larva are nourished by the blood…
"a, eggs of the Breeze-fly; b, the same magnified; c, larva, or bot; d, chrysalis; e, perfect insect;…
"Crane-fly (Tipula oleracea): a, eggs; b, larva; c, pupa case as left by the insect, sticking out of…
"Sarracenia Flesh-fly (Sarcophaga sarraceniae). a, larva; b, pupa; c, fly; d, head and prothoracic joints…
Now known as Mayetiola destructor: "Hessian Fly (Cecidomyia destructor). a, larva; b, pupa; c, infested…
Frog hoppers belong to the order Heteroptera. This order is also known as plant bugs. These insects…
"Frog Hoppers are ranked under the homopterous sub-order of insects. The name of frog hopper refers…
Frog hopper belong to the same order as aphidoe, to the section which has the leathery upper wings.…
"Grape Gall-louse (Phylloxera vastatrix), the small figures showing natural sizes. Larva as it appears…
Gall-fly is a name applied to the members of the family Cynipidae, which are not flies, but are related…
"The Geometrina in the larval condition have only four prolegs, the usual number being ten, and in moving…
"The Geometrina in the larval condition have only four prolegs, the usual number being ten, and in moving…
The larva is curious little creatures, living under water in rather swiftly flowing streams, clinging…
Gooseberry Caterpillar is the name applied to the larvæ of two different insects, both injurious to…
An illustration of the larval form of the Holothuria tubulosa, sea cucumber.
Illustrated are the four stages in an insects' life: egg, larva, pupa, imago. The insect pictured is…
Ladybirds and their larva are beneficial to gardens because they eat other insects as food.
Also known as megilla maculata. A-Larva; B-Empty skin; C-Beetle with enlarged antenna above.
The larva of a weevil. A larva is a juvenile form of animal with indirect development, undergoing metamorphosis.
The larva of a weevil in a chestnut. A larva is a juvenile form of animal with indirect development,…
Goat moth caterpillars are destructive to timber and fruit trees. When fully grown the caterpillar is…
Mealworms are the larva form of the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor, a species of darkling beetle.…
The larva, or caterpillar, of the leopard moth is whitish with black glossy spots. The caterpillar has…
Larva are unlike the mature insect. Larva of the moth or butterfly resemble worms. It may have a distinct…
The larva of the tussock moth bear several pencils of long black hairs placed at each end. The larva…
"Mamestra legitima: a, adult; b, larva from above; c, same from side; d, head of same from front; e,…
An illustration of the larva of a ceropia moth. The cecropia moth is one of the largest moths found…