From the bottom of the bulb, roots descend into soil to absorb moisture and other matter from it, while, above, it sends up leaves to digest and convert these matters into nourishment.

Lily Bulb

From the bottom of the bulb, roots descend into soil to absorb moisture and other matter from it, while,…

A corm , or solid bulb, as of the Crocus is a sort of rounded tuber. It will become a bulb.


A corm , or solid bulb, as of the Crocus is a sort of rounded tuber. It will become a bulb.

Bulb of Dicentra, in the herb family,(Gray, 1858).


Bulb of Dicentra, in the herb family,(Gray, 1858).

Hand attaching wire to an Edison light bulb.

Hand and light bulb

Hand attaching wire to an Edison light bulb.

Electrical incandescent light bulb.


Electrical incandescent light bulb.

Garlic is a perennial plant allied to the onion. Garlic is composed of a stalk, flower, bulb, and clove.


Garlic is a perennial plant allied to the onion. Garlic is composed of a stalk, flower, bulb, and clove.

A hard, bulb-like base of a stem.


A hard, bulb-like base of a stem.

"<em>A</em>, membrane of hair follicle, showing cells with nuclei and pigmentary granules; <em>B</em>, external lining of root sheath; <em>C</em>, internal lining of root sheath; <em>D</em>, cortical or fibrous portion of hairshaft; <em>E</em>, medullary portion (pith) of shaft; <em>F</em>, hair bulb, showing its development from cells." — Blaisedell, 1904

Hair Follicle

"A, membrane of hair follicle, showing cells with nuclei and pigmentary granules; B,…

"The Fahrenheit hydrometer of constant volume is made of glass, the bulb at the bottom being loaded with mercury or shot." &mdash; Avery, 1895


"The Fahrenheit hydrometer of constant volume is made of glass, the bulb at the bottom being loaded…

"As generally made, a hydrometer of constant weight consists of a glass tube near the bottom of which are two bulbs. The lower and smaller bulb is loaded with mercury or shot. The tube and upper bulb contain air. The point to which it sinks when placed in water is marked zero. The tube is graduated, the scale being arbitrary, and varying with the purpose for which the instrument is intended." &mdash; Avery, 1895

Hydrometer of constant weight

"As generally made, a hydrometer of constant weight consists of a glass tube near the bottom of which…

"An air thermometer consists essentially of a large glass bulb at the upper end of a tube of small but uniform bore, the lower end of which dips into colored water." &mdash; Avery, 1895

Glass bulb

"An air thermometer consists essentially of a large glass bulb at the upper end of a tube of small but…

"Thermometer bulb and stem." &mdash; Waldo, 1896


"Thermometer bulb and stem." — Waldo, 1896

A bulb like solid, fleshy subterranean stem, producing leaves and buds on the upper surface.


A bulb like solid, fleshy subterranean stem, producing leaves and buds on the upper surface.

An ornamental plant of the genius lilium, characterized by an erect stem from a scaly bulb, numerous narror sessily leaves, and one or more large and erect or nodding flowers.

Tiger Lily

An ornamental plant of the genius lilium, characterized by an erect stem from a scaly bulb, numerous…

An edible bulb, produced by a biennial herb of the lily family. The plant has tubulated leaves, a pithy stalk bearing the seed, and the bulb has a strong odor and taste due to an acrid volatile oil that is destroyed by boiling.


An edible bulb, produced by a biennial herb of the lily family. The plant has tubulated leaves, a pithy…

This illustration shows the shortened types of stems: A, corm of jack-in-the-pulpit. At left surface view showing lateral buds, roots and sheathing leaf arising from top of shortened stem. At right sectional view with folded leaf, l, in bud at apex stem. B, bulb type of shortened stems. At left bulb of onion showing the ensheathing leaves which are swollen at their bases with food, thus forming the bulb. At right, section of a bulb of hyacinth showing the fleshy leaves attached to the very short stem and in the center of the bulb a flower cluster.


This illustration shows the shortened types of stems: A, corm of jack-in-the-pulpit. At left surface…

This illustration shows the scaly bulb of a Lily. Lilies are showy and large flowered plants that are very important as garden plants, and in literature.


This illustration shows the scaly bulb of a Lily. Lilies are showy and large flowered plants that are…

This illustration shows a radical leaf of the White Lily, with its base thickened into a bulb-scale, cut across below to show its thickness.

White Lily

This illustration shows a radical leaf of the White Lily, with its base thickened into a bulb-scale,…

This illustration shows a section of a tunicated bulb of the onion.


This illustration shows a section of a tunicated bulb of the onion.

This illustration shows a verticle section of the bulb of te tulip, showing its stem (a) and buds (b, c).


This illustration shows a verticle section of the bulb of te tulip, showing its stem (a) and buds (b,…

This illustration shows a bulb of garlic, with a crop of young bulbs.


This illustration shows a bulb of garlic, with a crop of young bulbs.

"Leslie's hygrometer, which is an adaptation of his differential thermometer, is formed by uniting two tubes having a ball blown on the end of each, into which some colored sulphuric ether has been previously introduced. When both bulbs are at the same temperature, the fluid stands at the zero of the scale, but when one of them is covered with wetted paper the instrument shows the depression of temperature of the wetted bulb." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Leslies Hygrometer

"Leslie's hygrometer, which is an adaptation of his differential thermometer, is formed by uniting two…

"It consists of a glass tube or capsule A, having on the bottom and a little way up a highly polished silver surface, and closed by a cork with two holes. through one of these holes the stem of a thermometer B passes, having its bulb at the bottom of the silvered capsule, and the other end may, if desired, be connected with an aspirator or air-pump. In making an observation as much either is introduced into the capsule A as will cover the bulb of the thermometer, and then by transmitting air through the tube C the ether vapor is withdrawn from the capsule A through another tube D." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Regnaults Hygrometer

"It consists of a glass tube or capsule A, having on the bottom and a little way up a highly polished…

"This hygrometer consists of two thermometers a and b similar to each other in all respects except that one of them has a piece of muslin tied closely over the surface of its bulb c, and kept constantly wet by a few threads of cotton which connect it with the water in the vessel d. the water then which rises from the vessel by capillary attraction spreads over the muslin, and evaporates from its surface with more or less rapidity according to the dryness or moistness of the air; and the greater the dryness of the air the greater is the difference between the observed readings of the dry and the wet thermometers." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Bulb Hygrometer

"This hygrometer consists of two thermometers a and b similar to each other in all respects except that…

A hair. 1: External part; 2: Sac in skin; 3: Surface of Cuticle; 4: Sebaceous membrane; 5: Bulb at base; 6: Nourishing vessel.


A hair. 1: External part; 2: Sac in skin; 3: Surface of Cuticle; 4: Sebaceous membrane; 5: Bulb at base;…

A feeler is clubbed, or <em>clavate</em>, when the joints toward or at the tip suddenly or gradually enlarge to form a more or less evident club or bulb, and this type is widely distributed in all the orders, a variety of terms being in use to indicate the particular form of the club.

Clavate Antenna

A feeler is clubbed, or clavate, when the joints toward or at the tip suddenly or gradually…

A feeler is clubbed, or <em>capitate</em>, when the joints toward or at the tip suddenly or gradually enlarge to form a more or less evident club or bulb, and this type is widely distributed in all the orders, a variety of terms being in use to indicate the particular form of the club.

Capitate Antenna

A feeler is clubbed, or capitate, when the joints toward or at the tip suddenly or gradually…

Bulb of a Wild Lily.

Wild Lily

Bulb of a Wild Lily.

A ground leaf of White Lily, its base (cut across) thickened into a bulb-scale. This plainly shows that bulb-scales are leaves.

White Lily

A ground leaf of White Lily, its base (cut across) thickened into a bulb-scale. This plainly shows that…

(1847-1931) Famous American inventor.

Thomas Alva Edison

(1847-1931) Famous American inventor.

"A genus of Old World bulbous plants belonging to the order Lilac&aelig;." &mdash;Finley, 1917


"A genus of Old World bulbous plants belonging to the order Lilacæ." —Finley, 1917

The base of the brain. Labels: 1, longitudinal fissure; 2, 2, anterior lobes of cerebrum; 3, olfactory bulb; 7, optic commissure; 9, 3rd nerve, ; 11, 4th nerve; 13, 5th nerve; 14, crura cerebri, 15, 6th nerve; 16, pons Varolii; 17, 7th nerve; 19, 8th nerve; 20, medulla oblongata; 21, 9th nerve, 23, 10th nerve; 25, 11th nerve; 27, 12th nerve; 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, cerebellum.

Base of Brain

The base of the brain. Labels: 1, longitudinal fissure; 2, 2, anterior lobes of cerebrum; 3, olfactory…

"Pass the tube of an air thermometer or of an inverted mercury thermometer through a cork in the neck of a funnel. Cover the thermometer bulb to the depth of about half an inch with water. Upon the water, pour a little sulphuric ether and ignite it. The thermometer below will scarcely be affected, although the water above may be boiling. Stir the water and note the prompt movement of the thermometer index..." -Avery 1895

Funnel with Inverted Mercury Thermometer

"Pass the tube of an air thermometer or of an inverted mercury thermometer through a cork in the neck…

"About two feet away from an air thermometer, place an inverted flower pot. Midway between the two, place a board or glass screen that reaches from the table to a height of several inches above teh bulb of the air theremometer. Upon the flower pot, place a very hot brick. Notice that the heat of the brick has little effect upon the thermometer. Then hold a sheet of tin plate over the screen so that energy radianted obliquely upward from the brick may be reflected obliquely downward toward the thermometer. By properly adjusting the position of the reflector, the thermometer may be quickly affected." -Avery 1895

Heat Reflection

"About two feet away from an air thermometer, place an inverted flower pot. Midway between the two,…

"Incandescence lamps operate essentially on the principle...[that] the current being sent through some substance that, because of its high resistance, becomes intensely heated and brilliantly incandescent. The only suitable substance known for such a resistance filament is carbon, which, carefully prepared and bent into a loop, is enclosed in a glass bulb from which the air is exhausted to prevent oxidation, i.e., combustion." -Avery 1895

Incandescence Lamp

"Incandescence lamps operate essentially on the principle...[that] the current being sent through some…

"Configuration used to wash out a radiometer using oxygen. A, bulb containing perchlorate of potash; B, charcol; C, radiometer; D, outlet; E, used for examing the gas given off." &mdash;The Encyclopedia Britannica 1910

Washing Out a Radiometer

"Configuration used to wash out a radiometer using oxygen. A, bulb containing perchlorate of potash;…

"A bulb of liquid is placed in the base of the glass graduated tube. As temperature increases, the volume of the liquid increases and it expands up the tube where its level is read on the graduated scale." &mdash;Quackenbos 1859


"A bulb of liquid is placed in the base of the glass graduated tube. As temperature increases, the volume…

"Used to compare the temperature between two environments. As the temperature in one bulb increases, the liquid reading changes according to the air expanding within the bulb. If both bulbs are the same temperature, the scale measures zero." &mdash;Quackenbos 1859

Differential Thermometer

"Used to compare the temperature between two environments. As the temperature in one bulb increases,…

The base of brain. Labels: 1. Olfactory Bulb; 2. Second, or Optic Nerves; 3. Anterior Perforated Space; 4. Optic Tract; 5. Crus Cerebri; 6. 3rd Nerve; 7. 4th Nerve.; 8. 5th Nerve; 9. 6th Nerve; 10. Pyramid; 11. Olivary Body; 12. Vertebral Artery; 13. Anterior Spinal Artery; 14. Anterior Cerebral Artery; 15. Lamina Cinerea; 16. Middle Cerebral Artery; 17. Tuber Cinereum; 18. Corpora Albicantia; 19. Posterior Perforated Space; 20. Posterior Cerebral Artery; 21. Superior Cerebral Artery; 22. Pons Varolii; 23. Inferior Cerebellar Artery; 24. 7th and 8th Nerves; 25. 9th, 10th, and 11th Nerves; 26. 12th Nerve; 27. Cerebellum.

Base of the Brain

The base of brain. Labels: 1. Olfactory Bulb; 2. Second, or Optic Nerves; 3. Anterior Perforated Space;…

The medulla oblongata (brain stem).

The Medulla Oblongata

The medulla oblongata (brain stem).

Base of the Brain. Labels: 1,2, longitudinal fissure; 3, anterior lobes cerebrum; 4, middle lobe; 5, fissure Sylvius; 6, posterior lobe; 7, infundibulum; 8, its body; 9, corporo albicantia; 10, cineritious matter; 11, crura cerebri; 12, pons Varolii; 13, medulla oblongata; 14, posterior prolongation of pons; 15, middle of cerebellum; 16, anterior part of cerebellum; 17, its posterior part and fissure; 18, medulla spinalis; 19, middle fissure medulla; 20, pyramidal body; 21, retiform body; 22, olivary body; 23, olfactory nerve; 24, its bulb; 25, its external root; 26, middle root; 27, internal root; 28, 29, optic nerve; 30, third nerve; 31, fourth nerve; 32, fifth nerve; 33, sixth nerve; 34, facial nerve; 35, auditory nerve; 36, 37, 38, eighth nerve.

Base of the Brain

Base of the Brain. Labels: 1,2, longitudinal fissure; 3, anterior lobes cerebrum; 4, middle lobe; 5,…

The psychrometer (showing wet and dry bulb thermometers) is an instrument used for determining the humidity by the temperature of evaporation.


The psychrometer (showing wet and dry bulb thermometers) is an instrument used for determining the humidity…

"Diagram of the structure of a male Nematode. M., mouth; OE., oesophogus; GA., nerve ring; B., bulb at lower end of fore-gut; G., mesenteron; SP., spine with sheath; A., anus; D., ejaculatory duct; VS., seminal vesicle; T., testis; ET., longitudinal excretory tube, cut short; EP., excretory pore." -Thomson, 1916


"Diagram of the structure of a male Nematode. M., mouth; OE., oesophogus; GA., nerve ring; B., bulb…

"Dissection of nerves of skate. CH., Cerebral hemispheres; O.TH., optic thalami; OL., optic lobes; M., medulla; 4v., posterior part of cerebellum, covering fourth ventricle; OB., olfactory bulb; OC., olfactory capsule; SO., superior oblique muscle; E., eye; SR., superior rectus; ER., external rectus; SO.VII., superficial ophthalmic branch of VII.; SO.V., superficial ophthalmic branch of V.; OP., ophthalmicus profundus; A.C., auditory capsule; B.Pl., brachial plexus; R.F., recurrent facial; C.T., chorda tympani; F.P., facial proper; Hy., hyoidean; Hyomn., hyomandibular; E.M., external mandibular; M.M., mandibular muscle; Sp., spiracle; P.sp., prespiracular; Pl., palatine; O.B., outer buccal; Mn., mandibular; Mx., maxillary; I.B., inner buccal; L., lateral branch of X.; Py., pyloric branch; C., cardiac branch." -Thomson, 1916

Skate Nerves

"Dissection of nerves of skate. CH., Cerebral hemispheres; O.TH., optic thalami; OL., optic lobes; M.,…

A bulbous root.

Bulbous Root

A bulbous root.

"Brain of alligator, from above. B. ol., olfactory bulb; G. p, epiphysis; HH, cerebellum; Med, spinal cord; MX, optic lobes; NH, medulla oblongata; VH, cerebral hemispheres; I-XI, cranial nerves; 1, 2, first and second spinal nerves." -Parker, 1900

Alligator Brain

"Brain of alligator, from above. B. ol., olfactory bulb; G. p, epiphysis; HH, cerebellum; Med, spinal…

"Bulb of hyacinth. Exterior view and split lengthwise." -Bergen, 1896

Hyacinth Bulb

"Bulb of hyacinth. Exterior view and split lengthwise." -Bergen, 1896

"Longitudinal section of an onion leaf. sca, thickened base of leaf, forming a bulb-scale; s, thin sheath of leaf; bl, blade of leaf; int, hollow interior of blade." -Bergen, 1896

Onion Leaf

"Longitudinal section of an onion leaf. sca, thickened base of leaf, forming a bulb-scale; s, thin sheath…

"Tulip bulb; longitudinal section. F, solid stem; B, flower bud; S, leaf-bases serving as bud-scales, and also for the storage of plant food." -Gager, 1916

Tulip Bulb

"Tulip bulb; longitudinal section. F, solid stem; B, flower bud; S, leaf-bases serving as bud-scales,…

The olfactory system. Labels: a, b, c, d, interior of the nose, which is lined by a mucous membrane; n, the nose; e, the wing of the nose; q, the nose bones; o, the upper lip; g, section of the upper jawbone; h, the upper part of the mouth, or hard palate; m, frontal bone of the skull; k, the ganglion or bulb of the olfactory nerve in the skull, from which are seen the branches of the nerve passing in all direction.

Olfactory System

The olfactory system. Labels: a, b, c, d, interior of the nose, which is lined by a mucous membrane;…

The Pacinian bodies or corpuscles are elongated oval bodies situated on some of the cerebrospinal and sympathetic nerves, especially the cutaneous nerves of the hands and feet; and on branches of the large sympathetic plexus about the abdominal aorta. Shown is a Pacinian corpuscle of the cat's mesentery. The stalk consist of a nerve fiber (N) wit its think outer sheath. The peripheral capsules of the Pacinian corpuscle are narrower near the entrance of the axis cylinder into the clear central mass. A hook-shaped termination with the end bulb; it possesses a sheath which is the continuation of the peripheral capsules of the Pacinian corpuscle.

Pacinian Corpuscle of a Cat

The Pacinian bodies or corpuscles are elongated oval bodies situated on some of the cerebrospinal and…

End-bulbs are oval or spheroidal, and are composed of medullated nerve fibers, which terminate in corpuscles of various shaped, with a capsule containing a transparent or striated mass, in the center of which terminates the axis cylinder of the nerve fiber, the ending of which is somewhat clubbed. End-bulb of Krause. Labels: a, medullated nerve fibers. b, capsule of corpuscle.

End-bulb of Krause

End-bulbs are oval or spheroidal, and are composed of medullated nerve fibers, which terminate in corpuscles…

Nerves of the septum nasi, seen from the right side. I, the olfactory bulb; 1, the olfactory nerves passion through the foramina of the cribriform plate, and descending to be distributed on the septum; 2, the internal or septal twig of the nasal branch of the ophthalmic nerve; 3, naso-palatine nerves.

Nerves of the Septum Nasi

Nerves of the septum nasi, seen from the right side. I, the olfactory bulb; 1, the olfactory nerves…

"Dog's-tooth violet (Erythronium americanum). Stages of development from the seed. 1-5 show the stage of development in each of five successive years. Full explanation in the text. 6, Bulb showing a surface bud (the sprout has been destroyed)." -Gager, 1916

Dog's-Tooth Violet Stages

"Dog's-tooth violet (Erythronium americanum). Stages of development from the seed. 1-5 show the stage…

Diagram of the aortic arches in a mammal, showing transformations which give rise to the permanent arterial vessels. A, primitive arterial stem or aortic bulb, now divided into A, the ascending part of the aortic arch, and p, the pulmonary; a, a', right and left aortic roots; A', descending aorta; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the five primitive aortic or branchial arches; I, II, III, IV, the four branchial clefts which, for the sake of clearness, have been omitted on the right side. The permanent systemic vessels are deeply, the pulmonary arteries lightly, shaded; the parts of the primitive arches which are transitory are simply outlined; c, placed between the permanent common carotid arteries; c e, external carotid arteries; c i, internal carotid arteries; s, right subclavian, rising from the right aortic root beyond the fifth arch; v, right vertebral from the same, opposite the fourth arch; v' s', left vertebral and subclavian arteries rising together from the left, or permanent aortic root, opposite the forth arch; p, pulmonary arteries rising together from the left fifth arch, forming ductus arteriosus; p n, p n', right and left pneumogastric nerves descending in from of aortic arch, with their recurrent branches represented diagrammatically as passing behind, to illustrate the relations of these nerves respectively to the right subclavian artery (4) and the arch of the aorta and ductus arteriosus (d).

Aortic Arches in a Mammal

Diagram of the aortic arches in a mammal, showing transformations which give rise to the permanent arterial…

Transverse section of olfactory bulb; drawing includes part of bulb lying ventral to atrophic ventricular area.

Transverse Section of Olfactory Bulb

Transverse section of olfactory bulb; drawing includes part of bulb lying ventral to atrophic ventricular…

A hair of the head still in the course of growth, with hair bulb in longitudinal section.

Hair of the Head

A hair of the head still in the course of growth, with hair bulb in longitudinal section.

The base of the brain. The under part of the left temporal and occipital lobes has been sliced off so as to open into the lateral ventricle. The left hemisphere of the cerebellum has also been removed.

Base of the Brain

The base of the brain. The under part of the left temporal and occipital lobes has been sliced off so…

Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 &ndash; October 18, 1931) was an American inventor and businessman who developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph and the long-lasting, practical electric light bulb.

Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) was an American inventor and businessman…

The incandescent light bulb, incandescent lamp or incandescent light globe is a source of electric light that works by incandescence, (a general term for heat-driven light emissions which includes the simple case of black body radiation).

Incandescent Lamp

The incandescent light bulb, incandescent lamp or incandescent light globe is a source of electric light…