Search for "timucuan ecological and historic preserve" pictures
We found $localcount "timucuan ecological and historic preserve" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (2283)
Ten-Thousand Pound Weight at Charlestown…
A Statue of Alfonso VIII
Close-Up of a 16-Pounder Cannon at Castillo…
Shelves Filled with Stoneware, Glassware,…
The Half-Timbering on the Ground Floor of…
The Picnic Area by the Carriage House
A Copper Tea Kettle on the Stove
The Vents on the Roof of the Community Kitchen
The Sign for Church Street
A Common Bond Brick Wall with a Cracked…
The Vine Growing on Frederick Rapp's House
A Ledger by a Candlestick
The Stone Steps by the Side of the Cobblestone…
The Pump Handle and the Trough
Another Common Bond Brick Wall
The Brick Forge, and the Anvil
The Wooden Trellis on the Feast Hall
Bible Box with Grape Clusters and Leaves…
The Ticket Booth at the Olympia Theater
Passenger Ferry and Boat dock at Fort Matanzas
A Washington Printing Press
The Barrel with the Rotten Bilge
A Birds' Eye View of Fort Marion
A Detailed Display of Artillery Tools
Oxidized, Bronze Cannon with Two Handles…
A Bronze Statue of Henry M. Flagler at the…
The Old Fire Pumper
A View of the Community Kitchen, from the…
A Close-Up of a Metal Printing Press
Chimney on Observation Deck at Fort Matanzas
Oyster Shells on the Shoreline at Fort Matanzas
The Window with White Drapes
Moat, Covered Way, and Glacis of Castillo…
The Secret Vault
A Fireplace Screen by the Bed
View of an Exterior Sentry Box at Fort Matanzas
Loom Work in Progress
Crystal Lamps, Bowls, Stemware, and a Decanter
The Tin Lantern, the Bowl of Eggs, and the…
Dressed Stone Steps with a Boot Scraper…
The Long Tables and Benches of the Feast…
Wool Carding Machine
Wool Carding Machine
Looking Southwest Over Court of Castillo…
The Lids on the Kettles of the Community…
The Large Wheel on the Twisting/Spinning…
Rusted, Metal Bar in Front of a Ship Resting…
A Brick Wall with Four Stretcher Courses…
The French Altar
The French Altar