Search for "vinoy park hotel" pictures
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Individual Pictures (4428)
Close-up View of Sea Oats and Shells, with…
Exterior of Fort Caroline's Sea Wall
Great Hall Clock in Faneuil Hall Boston
John Quincy Adams Bust
Reconstructed Timucuan Hut Along the Fort…
Bald Cypress Branches near Big Cypress Bend…
Wooden Boards Which Make up the Sea Wall…
Black Cannon on a Cannon Carriage on the…
View from St. Paul's Bastion of Castillo…
Wild Pines Growing on a West Indian Mahogany…
Trail at Chinsegut Wildlife and Environmental…
Samuel Adams Statue
Samuel Adams Statue
Samuel Adams Statue
Samuel Adams Statue
Feneuil Hall Stairs
Two Walls at Castillo de San Marcos
Scorched Pine Tree Trunk and Other Burnt…
Ferns Growing out of Rock along Gumbo Limbo…
Spanish Symbols Carved Near the Barrel of…
Spanish 6-Pounder, Modern, Iron Gun Cannon…
Peregrine Falcon Standing on a Bare Tree…
Grass Mound near the Sea Wall of Fort Caroline
Great Hall Column and Molding
Great Hall Ceiling Lighting
A Sign to Commemorate Theodore Roosevelt's…
Southwest Corner of Castillo de San Marcos…
Atlantic Ocean from Fort Matanzas Tower
Ribault Monument Close-Up Displaying Fleur-de-Lis…
Shaded Trail at Chinsegut Wildlife and Environmental…
Room of the Castillo de San Marcos Containing…
Close-up View of Stonewall at Fort Matanzas
Great Hall Lighting and Molding
A Closer View of Masonry Wall at Fort Matanzas
Vegetation and Algae-Filled Water Along…
Inscription on an Oxidized, Bronze, Mortar
A Small Pine Tree in the Hetch Hetchy Valley
Oxidized, Bronze 12-Pounder Cannon Used…
Red Leaves and Thorny, Yellow Flowers Extending…
Wooden Steps, Wooden Boards, and Wooden…
Area Heavily Covered with Trees and Shrubs
Atlantis Launch
Southwest Wall of Castillo de San Marcos…
A Bronze Sculptural Representation of Two…
Whorled Bark of Cypress Tree Sparsely Covered…
Corner Edge of Fort Matanzas, Close up
Carvings in an Oxidized, Bronze, 15-Inch…
View of Sea Oats against the Backdrop of…
View of Cannon Barrel Protruding Over the…
Interior of a Castillo de San Marcos Room…