Search for "wood flooring" pictures
We found $localcount "wood flooring" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (755)
The South Elevation of the Feast Hall
The Picnic Area by the Carriage House
Small Camphor Tree at Martha McLean –…
A Ledger by a Candlestick
Antigua Fisherman Handcrafted from Wire…
The Old Fire Pumper
The Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse in the United…
An Outdoor Amphitheater
The Barrel with the Rotten Bilge (another…
Yellow-Orange, Star-Like Leaves Extending…
14th Century Wooden Star Carvings
A Wooden Chair at a Desk
A Redware Pitcher with a Green Glaze
A Standing Desk for the Teacher, and Benches…
Costa Rica - Young Female Sitting on Stool…
British Columbia, Canada Kwakuitl First…
British Columbia, Canada, Handcrafted Eagle…
Redware, Tinware, and Baking Pans
A White Picket Fence by a Brick Building
The Attachment of the Old Fire Pumper's…
British Columbia, Canada, Carved and Painted…
A Close-Up of the Trellis on the South Wall…
Antigua Hand Made Wire Fisherman Holding…
The Gonzalez-Alvarez House
The Two Plank Shutter
A View of the Mechanics Building from the…
The Rowsey Home in Corinth, Mississippi
Double Doors from the Great Mosque of Cizre
A Metal Strongbox
A Kitchen Work Table
Costa Rica - Girl Selling Coffee Beans (Full…
A Side View of the Rear Ell
The Back Patio
The Duncan House in Corinth, Mississippi
Wooden Bird Feeder
The Vine Covered Trellis on the Baker House
Haiti Paper Mache Male with Wooden Hoe on…
Big Cypress Bend Boardwalk at the Fakahatchee…
The Corner of the Strongbox
Costa Rica - Young Girl with Straw Basket…
Honduras Man Made from Fabric with Hand…
Haiti Handcrafted Man Handcrafted from Paper…
Wooden Boardwalk
Mississippi Handcrafted Old Man Made from…
Haitian Laborer Holding a Wooden Hoe Handmade…
Mexico Female Marionette on Strings with…
Goods For Sale in the Store
Honduras Man Wearing Bright Woven Clothes…
Iowa Handcrafted Corn Husks Dolls in Various…
China Wooden Doll with White Fur Hat and…